Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

First the impossible list on how things have improved for Blacks under Obama..

(lame excuses and misdirected blame to follow)


For Democrats .. It's run away from responsibility or feeble insult/excuse, then run away from responsibility... always to easy to predict.

and Hello CrusaderFrank...;)
i belong to no party,and you follow the Democrats without question.....and im not too bright?.... hold on a second......:lol:....

You belong to no party? Liar. You are most definitely a teanut. At the very least, a "nut".

That is good...rdean calling someone a about the pot calling the kettle black....

In the mind of a leftist, anyone who disagrees with their positions is a crazy nut...

And to think the GOP and the TP are one and same, is truly NUTS!

You need to stop getting all your information from the DNC.

Dean is no different than any other Far Lefty .....if you disagree with one of them you must be a right wing wacko or a "Teaparty" person....what else can you be?....if you disagree with a moderate or a conservative just disagree and that is that...the Far Right people do the same must be a "Libturd"....the Far Right and left cant understand how ANYONE can see things differently then they do....they just cant see it...
You belong to no party? Liar. You are most definitely a teanut. At the very least, a "nut".

That is good...rdean calling someone a about the pot calling the kettle black....

In the mind of a leftist, anyone who disagrees with their positions is a crazy nut...

And to think the GOP and the TP are one and same, is truly NUTS!

You need to stop getting all your information from the DNC.

I don't get any information from the DNC. I watch the news, read the paper and even watch Fox for as long as I can stand it.

When I call right wing positions nuts, I point out those positions backed up with video and links and explain why they are nuts.

Right wingers only call me names. They rarely give examples. And when they do, they are very strange and untrue.

sure Dean.....if you say so....try questioning what they tell you....
The question has been answered. Yes they have, but it doesn't matter. The African American Vote will become less & less significant in the coming years. They'll no longer be a big player in Elections. Too many are dying and going to Prison. Not much reason to court their vote anymore.

That being said, i truly believe as the majority do become better educated and informed, they will begin to vote Republican a bit more. Most African Americans lean Conservative. Their beliefs fall in line with the Republican Party. And once informed, they'll understand the Republican Party was fighting for civil rights long before the Democrat Party. But it really doesn't matter much in the end. The War is now on for the Hispanic & Asian Vote. African Americans will once again be left behind.
Not so. The black population over the next 40 years is projected to rise from 41.2 million to 61.8 million and the voter registration rate of black voters exceeds that of white voters. Over the next 40 years, black and Latino voters will have a much stronger voice at the polls.
"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

72% of black kids now born out of wedlock. That's thanks to Dem plan to use a government check to replace the black male head of household.
Correlation is not cause and effect.

Blacks have actually had a smaller rate of increase in out of wedlock births than whites. In 1963, 3.1% of the births of white children and 24.2% of the births of black children were out of wedlock. By 2008, white births out of wedlock had grown to 24.2%, an increase of 7.8 times. However for black births out of wedlock, the rate had grown to 72.%, an increase of only 2.5 times. If welfare payments were responsible, then we would expect the rate of growth of out of wedlock births of blacks to be much higher than whites because welfare utilization by blacks has grown must faster than whites.

By far, the more likely reason for the disintegration of black families is the huge lost of low and unskilled jobs that paid a living wage. Without access to jobs and the means to contribute meaningful support to a family, black men became systematically alienated from their roles as husbands and fathers. This caused rates of divorce, abandonment and out-of-wedlock births to skyrocket in the black community.
The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

72% of black kids now born out of wedlock. That's thanks to Dem plan to use a government check to replace the black male head of household.
Correlation is not cause and effect.

Blacks have actually had a smaller rate of increase in out of wedlock births than whites. In 1963, 3.1% of the births of white children and 24.2% of the births of black children were out of wedlock. By 2008, white births out of wedlock had grown to 24.2%, an increase of 7.8 times. However for black births out of wedlock, the rate had grown to 72.%, an increase of only 2.5 times. If welfare payments were responsible, then we would expect the rate of growth of out of wedlock births of blacks to be much higher than whites because welfare utilization by blacks has grown must faster than whites.

By far, the more likely reason for the disintegration of black families is the huge lost of low and unskilled jobs that paid a living wage. Without access to jobs and the means to contribute meaningful support to a family, black men became systematically alienated from their roles as husbands and fathers. This caused rates of divorce, abandonment and out-of-wedlock births to skyrocket in the black community.
The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Come now! Even if blacks had 100% rate of out of wedlock births, that would have been a 4 time they could never exceed the rate for whites. SILLY!!!

Your theory is full of holes.

Jobs play only a small part. Unemployment in the black community has been high since the Great Society BS got going.

What you leftists have done to destroy government run education in the inner city plays a part...along with D pols controlling most black populated cities with lots of corruption, police failing to police, drugs run rampant, gangs too...and failing city infrastructure that no person of means or entrepreneur wants any part of....successful blacks flee D controlled ghettos too...leaving behind a liberal paradise of shit.

Then factor in what you libs have done with the minimum wage, that forces young unskilled uneducated blacks out of the work force and on the streets doing nothing good...never learning the meaning of work.

Then you factor in what you libs have done with white guilt...meaning you appease bad behavior by blacks, rather than condemn it. Blacks murder whites at a high rate and your media fails to report. If a white murders a black, even in self defense, you libs throw a hissy fit.

Than add in how you libs have told blacks they are need to work...whitey will only screw you.

Adds up to a disaster....and libs are responsible.
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72% of black kids now born out of wedlock. That's thanks to Dem plan to use a government check to replace the black male head of household.
Correlation is not cause and effect.

Blacks have actually had a smaller rate of increase in out of wedlock births than whites. In 1963, 3.1% of the births of white children and 24.2% of the births of black children were out of wedlock. By 2008, white births out of wedlock had grown to 24.2%, an increase of 7.8 times. However for black births out of wedlock, the rate had grown to 72.%, an increase of only 2.5 times. If welfare payments were responsible, then we would expect the rate of growth of out of wedlock births of blacks to be much higher than whites because welfare utilization by blacks has grown must faster than whites.

By far, the more likely reason for the disintegration of black families is the huge lost of low and unskilled jobs that paid a living wage. Without access to jobs and the means to contribute meaningful support to a family, black men became systematically alienated from their roles as husbands and fathers. This caused rates of divorce, abandonment and out-of-wedlock births to skyrocket in the black community.
The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Come now! Even if blacks had 100% rate of out of wedlock births, that would have been a 4 time they could never exceed the rate for whites. SILLY!!!

Your theory is full of holes.

Jobs play only a small part. Unemployment in the black community has been high since the Great Society BS got going.

What you leftists have done to destroy government run education in the inner city plays a part...along with D pols controlling most black populated cities with lots of corruption, police failing to police, drugs run rampant, gangs too...and failing city infrastructure that no person of means or entrepreneur wants any part of....successful blacks flee D controlled ghettos too...leaving behind a liberal paradise of shit.

Then factor in what you libs have done with the minimum wage, that forces young unskilled uneducated blacks out of the work force and on the streets doing nothing good...never learning the meaning of work.

Then you factor in what you libs have done with white guilt...meaning you appease bad behavior by blacks, rather than condemn it. Blacks murder whites at a high rate and your media fails to report. If a white murders a black, even in self defense, you libs throw a hissy fit.

Than add in how you libs have told blacks they are need to work...whitey will only screw you.

Adds up to a disaster....and libs are responsible.
No, the numbers speak for themselves.

The percent of white out of wedlock births in 1963 was 3.1%. In 2008, that percentage had increased to 24.2%. That means the white percentage has increased by 7.8 times, 24.2/3.1).

The percent of black out of wedlock births in 1963 was 24.2%. In 2008 that percentage had increased to 72%. That means the black percentage has increased by 2.9 times, (72/24.2).

My point is not minimize the problem of out of wedlock black births but illustrate the lack of correlation with welfare usage.

I have to disagree with your statement,
Jobs play only a small part. Unemployment in the black community has been high since the Great Society BS got going.
Black unemployment began rising in 1963, 3 to 5 years before the War on Poverty legislation took effect. In fact, the rising wage differential and the lack of employment for young blacks was a factor in getting the legislation passed. In effect, it was the deteriorating economic situation of both poor blacks and whites that provided the administration with the ammunition it needed.

To minimize the role of employment in the deterioration of poor black families seems a bit silly.

I'll leave your right wing rhetoric for someone else to comment on. I've been there and done that.
"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

First the impossible list on how things have improved for Blacks under Obama..

(lame excuses and misdirected blame to follow)

That's not the issue, is it??
Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?

More Blacks are unemployed or out of the workforce under Obama and the Democrats since 2001vs. Bush, 2001-2009. Democrats are accountable for this, not Bush.

Democrats view Blacks, Women, Gays, Union Workers, and now, the elusive prize, Latinos, as blocks to be owned. Republicans and Conservatives view each American vote is something to earned, not owned or otherwise, entitled.
Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?

Democrats view Blacks, Women, Gays, Union Workers, and now, the elusive prize, Latinos, as blocks to be owned. Republicans and Conservatives view each American vote is something to earned, not owned or otherwise, entitled.

I mostly agree with you

Republicans and Conservatives do look at every voter as the same. Each one is held to the same standard. One size fits all.
That standard is based on the values and needs of white male christians. As long as you can conform to that standard, you are a "Real American" and Republicans want your vote.
Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?

Democrats view Blacks, Women, Gays, Union Workers, and now, the elusive prize, Latinos, as blocks to be owned. Republicans and Conservatives view each American vote is something to earned, not owned or otherwise, entitled.

I mostly agree with you

Republicans and Conservatives do look at every voter as the same. Each one is held to the same standard. One size fits all.
That standard is based on the values and needs of white male christians. As long as you can conform to that standard, you are a "Real American" and Republicans want your vote.

You, like many on this forum, can readily see fraud and corruption on the part of the R party, but refuse to see the same in the D party.

How does one become so ignorant and slanted?
Democrats view Blacks, Women, Gays, Union Workers, and now, the elusive prize, Latinos, as blocks to be owned. Republicans and Conservatives view each American vote is something to earned, not owned or otherwise, entitled.

I mostly agree with you

Republicans and Conservatives do look at every voter as the same. Each one is held to the same standard. One size fits all.
That standard is based on the values and needs of white male christians. As long as you can conform to that standard, you are a "Real American" and Republicans want your vote.

You, like many on this forum, can readily see fraud and corruption on the part of the R party, but refuse to see the same in the D party.

How does one become so ignorant and slanted?

It has nothing to do with either fraud or corruption

It has to do with political philosophy. Republicans have an established philosopy of what is good for the wealthy is good for America
Everyone is viewed on how capable they are of helping the wealthy accumulate more wealth

The Poor: The enemy. They do not contribute so must be marginalized
Working Americans: Critical to corporate profits. Must be kept hungry and in fear of their jobs to maintain a low salary structure
ok we get it...

the Democrat party and you loyal subjects Owns the black people in the country

amazing they are so open about it, isn't it?
I mostly agree with you

Republicans and Conservatives do look at every voter as the same. Each one is held to the same standard. One size fits all.
That standard is based on the values and needs of white male christians. As long as you can conform to that standard, you are a "Real American" and Republicans want your vote.

You, like many on this forum, can readily see fraud and corruption on the part of the R party, but refuse to see the same in the D party.

How does one become so ignorant and slanted?

It has nothing to do with either fraud or corruption

It has to do with political philosophy. Republicans have an established philosopy of what is good for the wealthy is good for America
Everyone is viewed on how capable they are of helping the wealthy accumulate more wealth

The Poor: The enemy. They do not contribute so must be marginalized
Working Americans: Critical to corporate profits. Must be kept hungry and in fear of their jobs to maintain a low salary structure

IMO that is entirely ridiculous.

The fundamental philosophy of both parties is the same...both want more power and wealth for themselves, above all other things. They may go about gaining power and wealth differently, but their goals are the same.

Failing to see the obvious is a problem for partisans.
ok we get it...

the Democrat party and you loyal subjects Owns the black people in the country

amazing they are so open about it, isn't it?

93% of blacks want nothing to do with the Republican Party

It is about time that Republicans start looking at what they are doing to drive blacks away
I mostly agree with you

Republicans and Conservatives do look at every voter as the same. Each one is held to the same standard. One size fits all.

That standard is based on the values and needs of white male christians. As long as you can conform to that standard, you are a "Real American" and Republicans want your vote.

You, like many on this forum, can readily see fraud and corruption on the part of the R party, but refuse to see the same in the D party.

How does one become so ignorant and slanted?

It has nothing to do with either fraud or corruption

It has to do with political philosophy. Republicans have an established philosopy of what is good for the wealthy is good for America

Everyone is viewed on how capable they are of helping the wealthy accumulate more wealth

The Poor: The enemy. They do not contribute so must be marginalized

Working Americans: Critical to corporate profits. Must be kept hungry and in fear of their jobs to maintain a low salary structure

Leftist bullshit
I am not of the opinion that blacks are some monolithic group of people who can't think for themselves and differ in their opinions. Why do you presume they are?

Moreover, why do you think they can never change their mind?

So you don't share the opinion of the average Republican on the USMB?
"Republicans have lost the black vote forever" .. :eusa_think: .. this could only mean Democrats are going to screw them for over forever.

Seriously, what has improved for Blacks in America under Obama? jerp .. jerp .. jerp

How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

First the impossible list on how things have improved for Blacks under Obama..

(lame excuses and misdirected blame to follow)

I would like to say they got health care, but Republicans in southern states are doing a "heckofa" job blocking that.
How are Democrats screwing over black people?

Now we can name how Republicans are screwing over everyone. Should I start another list?

72% of black kids now born out of wedlock. That's thanks to Dem plan to use a government check to replace the black male head of household.
Correlation is not cause and effect.

Blacks have actually had a smaller rate of increase in out of wedlock births than whites. In 1963, 3.1% of the births of white children and 24.2% of the births of black children were out of wedlock. By 2008, white births out of wedlock had grown to 24.2%, an increase of 7.8 times. However for black births out of wedlock, the rate had grown to 72.%, an increase of only 2.5 times. If welfare payments were responsible, then we would expect the rate of growth of out of wedlock births of blacks to be much higher than whites because welfare utilization by blacks has grown must faster than whites.

By far, the more likely reason for the disintegration of black families is the huge lost of low and unskilled jobs that paid a living wage. Without access to jobs and the means to contribute meaningful support to a family, black men became systematically alienated from their roles as husbands and fathers. This caused rates of divorce, abandonment and out-of-wedlock births to skyrocket in the black community.
The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The same problem is afflicting the GOP base. Of the 254 counties where food stamps doubled from 2007 to 2011, 213 of them voted for Mitt Romney, a "Pioneer of Outsourcing" famous for sending the aforementioned non skilled jobs to China. It's like a bear voting for a bear trap. Makes no sense at all.
Have Republicans lost the black vote forever or for decades?

Look at what they've done. Right here on the USMB there are endless threads from popular right wingers who go on and on about blacks being inferior or being "plantation blacks" without integrity because all they want is "free stuff" completely ignoring the fact that blacks make up an important part of the Democratic Party coalition. They just can't give blacks credit for anything.

From 2007 until the last presidential elections, the largest growth in food stamps were in 254 counties. 213 of those counties voted for Mitt Romney. Obviously they were white counties. Doesn't anyone wonder how many of those who lost their jobs lost them because of "Pioneer of outsourcing" Romney and his "Move the jobs to China" Bain Capital?

Worse, is the way Republicans have treated this president. House Republicans approval rating is 7. One sixth of Obama's. The Conservative court is at 30%. The lowest ever.

The country is still suffering from the effects of Republican economic and foreign policy and right wingers are desperately trying to pin those failures on President Obama?

Then there are the endless insults publicly towards this president. Uppity? Tar baby? Hitler (I mean, come on. Hitler?)?

Then there is right wing hero Bundy. Blacks were better off as slaves.

And that other right wing hero, child killer Zimmerman.

Clearly Republicans don't want blacks. Not after all that.

Course, they don't want gays. That goes without saying.

Just the fact that Republicans pick out so many to hate, how are they going to "grow"? What makes them an attractive party to belong to besides who they malign?

Democrats view Blacks, Women, Gays, Union Workers, and now, the elusive prize, Latinos, as blocks to be owned. Republicans and Conservatives view each American vote is something to earned, not owned or otherwise, entitled.

I mostly agree with you

Republicans and Conservatives do look at every voter as the same. Each one is held to the same standard. One size fits all.
That standard is based on the values and needs of white male christians. As long as you can conform to that standard, you are a "Real American" and Republicans want your vote.

you say they are the same....but yet Republicans are different?....

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