Republicans have lost the black vote forever?

BTW, the only people calling anyone a House N@@$r or an Uncle Tom is Democrats.

Black Democrats.

Democrats nonetheless.

Democrats seem to live for chaos. They ignore our laws so it causes the disintegration of society. Their policies are the cause of much of the gun violence in Chicago. Illegal guns are everywhere, and liberal judges relaxing enforcement out of compassion for the criminal. Supposedly he can't help himself.
The best solution for Republicans is the path they're now on: don't let minorities vote using simple laws and tactics. It was quite successful before FDR and Truman. They need only some new state laws regarding ID's, difficulty voting, long lines in some communities and so forth, and if worse comes to worse call in the Supreme Court again.

We are seeing just that here in NC

william barber at Story of America

BTW, the only people calling anyone a House N@@$r or an Uncle Tom is Democrats.

Black Democrats.

Democrats nonetheless.

Democrats seem to live for chaos. They ignore our laws so it causes the disintegration of society. Their policies are the cause of much of the gun violence in Chicago. Illegal guns are everywhere, and liberal judges relaxing enforcement out of compassion for the criminal. Supposedly he can't help himself.

What is an Uncle Tom?

A black who says and does things that the whites in power want to hear for personal gain. In this case, the Republican power structure and conservative media will heap fame and fortune on any black that will profess their views

Blacks are welcome to their opinion as to who is and who is not an Uncle Tom
And they are desperately trying to lose the Latino votes as well. They have a open tent policy....if you are white....and male....and rich....and....
"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ detailing Democrat plan to destroy the black family, replacing the male head of household with a government check thereby locking them into dependency on the Democrat Party
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The Republicans idea that blacks are simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led is one sure fire way to attract them to join your party.

Of the 254 counties where food stamp use doubled, 213 voted for Mitt Romney. Clearly, the strategy worked on whites. Kind of. Or did it.

Did those whites just vote for a guy who wanted to take away their food stamps, and who is a pioneer of outsourcing, which is why many of them don't even have jobs.

Hmm, I think I know who are the simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led.
"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ detailing Democrat plan to destroy the black family, replacing the male head of household with a government check thereby locking them into dependency on the Democrat Party

You just love saying that word don't you? What does that make? About 5,000 times? From an unsubstantiated quote from a right wing news reporter who said he heard it while secretly hidden in the shadows?
"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ detailing Democrat plan to destroy the black family, replacing the male head of household with a government check thereby locking them into dependency on the Democrat Party

You just love saying that word don't you? What does that make? About 5,000 times? From an unsubstantiated quote from a right wing news reporter who said he heard it while secretly hidden in the shadows?

Yeah because in your simple mind, completely brainwashed by the elite left, all on the right MUST be racist.

You are a dupe of enormous proportions.
"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ detailing Democrat plan to destroy the black family, replacing the male head of household with a government check thereby locking them into dependency on the Democrat Party

You just love saying that word don't you? What does that make? About 5,000 times? From an unsubstantiated quote from a right wing news reporter who said he heard it while secretly hidden in the shadows?
People need to know the true agenda of LBJ and Dem with respect to Civil Rights. When he was Senate Majority leader, LBJ refused to let the "****** bill" pass. When he was President he used the Great Society to eliminate the black male as head of household which was his plan to gain the black vote and he said of his own SCOTUS pick Thurgood Marshall "...when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a ******"

That's the real evil Democrat story of civil rights. There's nothing about it that's noble or honorable
New Right wingers like to say blacks should vote Republican "because Civil Rights Act". Or "because Lincoln". They don't see the profound sadness of having to reach that far back to justify why blacks should vote GOP.

And then they start topics bashing gays, or calling Obama "the food stamp president", or topics saying we should ban all Muslims from America, or topics bashing Mexicans. They say self-defeating idiotic shit like blacks vote for Democrats because blacks want gifts from the government, which clearly communicates they believe blacks are lazy leeches who don't want to work. Or they say profoundly stupid things like Hitler was a left winger, as if he was all about diversity and multiculturalism and affirmative action and trade unions and loved gays and blacks and Mexicans.

The New Right is unbelievably self-unaware of what the GOP of TODAY, not the GOP of YESTERDAY, sounds like to everyone outside of their echo chamber.

If the GOP today was the party of four score and seven years ago, it would be winning majorities of minority voters. But it isn't that party any more. The New GOP is drowning in racists and bigots and retards brought over by the Southern Strategy.

The only people stupid enough to buy the bullshit the New Right is selling is the New Right. One only has to see what is right in front of one's face to know the truth about the GOP today. Just open up any topic about gays or blacks or Muslims or immigrants and you will see in flaming letters ten feet high that the GOP of today is NOTHING like the civil rights era GOP.

Conservatives are conservatives, whether they had a D after their name 60 years ago or an R after their name today. The conservatives of today are unchanged from the conservatives of 60 years ago. They believe in small government and states rights. They believe in low taxation. They are virulently anti-marxist and are strongly pro-defense. And these are all things to be extremely proud of. But they are also dragged down by evil racists and bigots in their midst, and they are doing nothing to take out that trash.

It is time to decide what is more important. Keeping around the haters, or living up to true Republican principles. The consciences of conservatives (Goldwater reference) are clearly being pricked since they constantly try to console each other with "because Civil Rights Act" and "because Lincoln".

Somewhere back in the mists of time, Republicans feel the tug of their proud history. It is far past time to reawaken and come to their senses.

If some New Right wing asshole starts bashing minorities (either directly or sideways), kick him in the teeth. So what if he starts calling you a liberal? Who gives a flying fuck what a retard thinks?

^^ This shit right here
And they are desperately trying to lose the Latino votes as well. They have a open tent policy....if you are white....and male....and rich....and....

and Christian

Republican statements celebrate their white maleness. They intentionally throw minorities, the poor, gays, non-christians under the bus to solidify their position with their base

Blacks and gays are gone forever. They will never vote Republican

Hispanics used to be strong conservative voters. Religious, family oriented, anti-abortion. But Republicans have burnt any bridge they once had to the Hispanic community and it will cost them their party
Yeah, because they don't pander to latinos like LaRaze they are going to lose that latino votes

some of you democrat followers are nothing but sheep who only cares about, THE PARTY over country
The Republicans idea that blacks are simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led is one sure fire way to attract them to join your party.

Of the 254 counties where food stamp use doubled, 213 voted for Mitt Romney. Clearly, the strategy worked on whites. Kind of. Or did it.

Did those whites just vote for a guy who wanted to take away their food stamps, and who is a pioneer of outsourcing, which is why many of them don't even have jobs.

Hmm, I think I know who are the simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led.

well since you never question your party i think you fall into that category yourself ....
"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ detailing Democrat plan to destroy the black family, replacing the male head of household with a government check thereby locking them into dependency on the Democrat Party

You just love saying that word don't you? What does that make? About 5,000 times? From an unsubstantiated quote from a right wing news reporter who said he heard it while secretly hidden in the shadows?

kinda like you and your 90% White shit.....
you forget RW i dont care for Republicans any more than i care for your little party......Republicans treat people like see that here every day.....Democrats throw bones out and hope everyone thinks they are doing something.....but the fact remains.....there are and have always been millions of blacks in poverty.....most of those blacks who got out did so on their own with hard work and doing good in school or they had a door opened for them because they were good in sports or had some musical talent....but the regular people who did not have those doors opened?.....just languished in poverty their whole come rich neighborhoods have schools with everything a school should have while the poor parts of town have to sometimes have classes in the fucking bathroom because their normal room was considered unsafe structurally... quite a few "leaders" in my State have said the State Prisons are better maintained than many Schools around here.....oh in case you havent noticed California is a Democratic State that has always thrown lots of money to Education .....i guess most of that went to the good neighborhoods....

Why some of those blacks even found employment in the Post Office

Beats the "plantation"

yea they were the ones who worked hard and got a decent job and got out OR they were what about all those millions of others?....what is your party doing to alleviate their misery?....why is their Unemployment so high compared to everyone else? come you did not mention what i said about the schools? is your party helping those poor schools?....

no comment RW?.....
Frank thinks that because he says someone said ****** 60 years ago that makes the GOP more attractive. LOL.

He must try that at the bars.
Rdean has lost his mind forever and blacks will live in poverty forever thanks to democratic programs designed to keep them low information voters.
Why some of those blacks even found employment in the Post Office

Beats the "plantation"

yea they were the ones who worked hard and got a decent job and got out OR they were what about all those millions of others?....what is your party doing to alleviate their misery?....why is their Unemployment so high compared to everyone else? come you did not mention what i said about the schools? is your party helping those poor schools?....

no comment RW?.....

Schools are locally funded. The issues are too varied to resolve as Democratic or Republican. Depends on which state you are in

I do know Republicans favor abolishing the Dept of Education which could help to resolve some of the disparities in our schools
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The Republicans idea that blacks are simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led is one sure fire way to attract them to join your party.

Of the 254 counties where food stamp use doubled, 213 voted for Mitt Romney. Clearly, the strategy worked on whites. Kind of. Or did it.

Did those whites just vote for a guy who wanted to take away their food stamps, and who is a pioneer of outsourcing, which is why many of them don't even have jobs.

Hmm, I think I know who are the simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led.

Actually, Democrats treat blacks like they're simple-minded.

They appeal to the one issue that never fails; Race.

The GOP offers them lower taxes, more jobs, smaller government.

The Democrats offer them kill whitey and get the rich and take their money.
Democrats try to fight over who among them is more broke. They claim that the GOP wants to bring back slavery, and idiots like Whoopie Goldberg actually believe them. Now Democrats are bringing in non-English speakers by the thousands across our borders. Uneducated brown people they can easily manipulate.

Yeah,'s the Repubs that treat these folks like they're stupid. Yup, yeah sure, uh-huh!!
The Republicans idea that blacks are simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led is one sure fire way to attract them to join your party.

Of the 254 counties where food stamp use doubled, 213 voted for Mitt Romney. Clearly, the strategy worked on whites. Kind of. Or did it.

Did those whites just vote for a guy who wanted to take away their food stamps, and who is a pioneer of outsourcing, which is why many of them don't even have jobs.

Hmm, I think I know who are the simpleminded, childlike creatures who want "stuff" and are easily led.

More Americans (including Blacks) have lost jobs to DOMESTIC OUTSOURCING (AKA IMMIGRATION) due to Obama's support of that, than lost them to international outsourcing.

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