Republicans, here's your chance.

China is still a centrally controlled economy

They just prefer to be more subtile about it
They are far more a market economy than during the Soviet era. Far more.

As I said yesterday, they progress two steps forward, one step backward.
I’m not sure congress is the whole problem

Too many people want more government spending

So my argument is with thrm
We get the politicians we deserve.

Our politicians don't lead. They have no idea how. And that's the way we like 'em!
I voted for a representatives to solve these problems. Not sure why it is suddenly up to individuals with no power to fix this mess. Liberals are simply getting silly trying to defend their failing agenda.
They are far more a market economy than during the Soviet era. Far more
and retreating back to maoism as fast as Xi can take them

At bet they could almost represent the fascist economic model of limited private ownership but absolute control by the ruling dictatorship
and retreating back to maoism as fast as Xi can take them

At bet they could almost represent the fascist economic model of limited private ownership but absolute control by the ruling dictatorship
Dude... you don't know what Maoism means.
I'm not sure if that's totally true. What the Biden election was about was that people wanted some civility and competence.
Trump never ran on cuts, so you are not contradicting what I said.
and retreating back to maoism as fast as Xi can take them

At bet they could almost represent the fascist economic model of limited private ownership but absolute control by the ruling dictatorship
That's exactly what's happening. They opened up private enterprise just enough to get things rolling. Now their reigning it in. And it's going to get ugly.

Many people believe that China is "opening up". Nothing could be further from the truth.
Trump never ran on cuts, so you are not contradicting what I said.

Trump also offered a “Penny Plan” for cutting federal spending. He said he would shrink government programs outside of defense by 1 percent each year.

Maosim is a strategy of revolution, not so much an economic strategy. China's economy is not Marxist, either. They are pseudo-Socialist, fascist oligarchy, at this point.
Whatever that means

Mao thinks the peasants exist to serve the state and are expendable

He wanted china to be a great nation at the expense of the ordinary chinese

And so does Xi
Mao thinks the peasants exist to serve the state and are expendable
But that isn't Maoism. Anyhoo, I think I see what you meant to say. And you and I are in agreement.

Remember? Like North Korea. It's like the Matrix.
So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.
Entitlement programs like Social Security should end. Democrats and RINOs won't do it.
Most of the benefits of the Democrat plan go to welfare and bennies for people who make $400K+ a year, like massive tax subisidies for Elon Musk and wealthy Californians who buy his electric cars.. Glad it's being blocked. the whole 'tax the rich' propaganda put out by Biden and Pelosi is a load of bullshit.
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Troll thread. The OP is confused.
Social Security and Medicare are earned, we pay into them our entire working lives.
The Budgets call them "Mandatory Spending" i.e. they CAN'T be cut, they MUST be funded.
What can be cut is Defense, Education, Subsidies, foreign aid, (non-mandatory spending) and the "penny solution" which is cutting all federal spending one-penny (1%) a year for 10-years.

Actually they need to increase SS to reflect real inflation; all it needs is for Congress to pay back the Fund all the money it used for other purposes, like building the freeway systems and other uses they lifted the revenue to spend on. Raising wages would increase the revenue as well, and allow the payroll tax to be reduced back to 1970's levels, around 3%. It isn't 'broke', despite the lies being peddled by sociopaths. With interest rates essentially negative it will never be cheaper to do so than now.

Medicare has become a welfare program for the pharmaceutical industry and hospitals and HMOs; it needs a lot more fraud investigators. Americans pay for that up front for decades, as much as $78 K before they ever get to use it, and still have to pay a big chunk of their SS in premiums for it, so it isn't 'free' to anybody either, except to drug companies and HMO scammers.
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