Republicans, here's your chance.

There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.


Love the Strawman. Well done. :lol:
It's not China's fault we don't produce the critical goods we need.
We could have preserved our markets, as other countries have. But America is a Corporatist oligarchy. If there is such thing as the OPPOSITE of Socialism, the USA is it. Corporations control the government. And when the peasants can buy cheap goods from China, the oligarchs do not have to maintain wages. They were more than happy to switch to a service economy where the peasants'wages stagnate, and they fight for the right to service the money of richer people, who become richer by leaps and bounds, while wages stagnate.

Combine this idea with the historical shitstain that is trickle down economics for 40 years, and the result is an alarming and globally embarrassing wealth inequity, paired with a globally embarrassing low tax revenue vs. GDP, and unimaginable national debt. If we wanted to create unimaginable national debt while also aggressively accelerating the need for more spending on welfare programs, we really could not have found a more efficient way to do so.

Who could have seen it coming? Well, besides every non-Randian and non-Misesian economist on the planet for the last 40 years.

That's not a joke. My former economics professor (Dr. David Dilts) spelled this out 25 years ago. He drew up charts showing what would happen: wage stagnation, tax revenue vs. GDP being embarrassingly low, and insane debt. He wasn't magical. Just honest and not sickeningly beholden to pie-in-the sky, self-gratiating Feudalism economics.

Instead we still revere demagogues like Sowell and Rand and Mises, who really just rebranded hamhanded, inhumane Darwinism as economic theory. But it appeals to the base emotions and worst impulses of millions of Americans who will gleefully vote against their own self interest, having been mentally castrated by emotional hotbutton issues.

"Hi, i am Regular Joe Dumbass, and i would rather die in poverty and debt after a lifetime of labor, than imagine some brown welfare babymaker being able to eat steak or get gay married or get an abortion. "
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It's not China's fault we don't produce the critical goods we need
Not entirely

They are a mercantilist nation that targets foreign economies for domination

But they could no do so without a succession of stupid and shortsighted leaders in this country
Now your feelings are hurt

If you had been paying attention you would know that I’m not proposing an overnight solution

LOL. I'm making fun of you. LOL, you are right, it's all my fault. LOL
We could have preserved our markets, as other countries have. But America is a Corporatist oligarchy. If there is such thing as the OPPOSITE of Socialism, the USA is it. Corporations control the government. And when the peasants can buy cheap goods from China, the oligarchs do not have to maintain wages. They were more than happy to switch to a service economy where the peasants'wages stagnate, and they fight for the right to service the money of richer people, who become richer by leaps and bounds, while wages stagnate.

Combine this idea with the historical shitstain that is trickle down economics for 40 years, and the result is an alarming and globally embarrassing wealth inequity, paired with a globally embarrassing low tax revenue vs. GDP, and unimaginable national debt. If we wanted to create unimaginable national debt while also aggressively accelerating the need for more spending on welfare programs, we really could not have found a more efficient way to do so.

Who could have seen it coming? Well, besides every non-Randian and non-Misesian economist on the planet for the last 40 years.

That's not a joke. My former economics professor (Dr. David Dilts) spelled this out 25 years ago. He drew up charts showing what would happen: wage stagnation, tax revenue vs. GDP being embarrassingly low, and insane debt. He wasn't magical. Just honest and not sickeningly beholden to pie-in-the sky, self-gratiating Feudalism economics.

Instead we still revere demagogues like Sowell and Rand and Mises, who really just rebranded hamhanded, inhumane Darwinism as economic theory. But it appeals to the base emotions and worst impulses of millions of Americans who will gleefully vote against their own self interest, having been mentally castrated by emotional hotbutton issues.

"Hi, i am Regular Joe Dumbass, and i would rather die in poverty and debt after a lifetime of labor, than imagine some brown welfare babymaker being able to eat steak or get gay married or get an abortion. "
The biggest reason wages are suppressed is because when the Soviet Union collapsed, China and India began to see the inherent flaws in a centrally controlled economy. And so in the late 80s, about TWO BILLION workers entered the world labor market.

They created an astronomical drag on global wages.

That's a giant egg to move through the snake, as it were.

As China and India become more and more consumer societies, there will be tremendous upward pressure on wages. And that will have global effects.
Not entirely

They are a mercantilist nation that targets foreign economies for domination

But they could no do so without a succession of stupid and shortsighted leaders in this country
As I keep saying, we don't need to make cheap products with low-skilled labor jobs here. No American worker is going to accept a minimum wage job making refrigerators. That's just a simple fact.

And as I keep saying, the way America has always stayed ahead is by being innovative and training our students for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their forefathers.

Everything hinges on updating and improving our education system to maintain our edge.

That's hard work, and Trump and his predecessors were too lazy to do it. So they pound the populist drum and take the easy way out and go full leftist with protectionism.
And you gleefully vote for the people and the policies that speed that right along.
These is some blame in both parties as I have often pointed out

But that is not going to silence me so that you can continue to serve china’s interests
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The biggest reason wages are suppressed is because when the Soviet Union collapsed, China and India began to see the inherent flaws in a centrally controlled economy. And so in the late 80s, about TWO BILLION workers entered the world labor market
While that affected every nation on Earth, that does not fully explain the degree to which our wages have stagnated for much of the country and the degree to which our wealth inequity has exploded. It does not explain our lack of access to health insurance, our outrageous consumer debt and bankruptcy rate, and our embarrassingly low tax revenue. To fully explain those things, you have to look at domestic policy.

As China and India become more and more consumer societies, there will be tremendous upward pressure on wages. And that will have global effects.
Well that could be comforting to our great grandkids. We hope. And since we obviously have to point at and fix our domestic policy, it wont be much comfort, if all of that work is left to them.
As I keep saying, we don't need to make cheap products with low-skilled labor jobs here. No American worker is going to accept a minimum wage job making refrigerators. That's just a simple fact.

And as I keep saying, the way America has always stayed ahead is by being innovative and training our students for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their forefathers.

Everything hinges on updating and improving our education system to maintain our edge.

That's hard work, and Trump and his predecessors were too lazy to do it. So they pound the populist drum and take the easy way out and go full leftist with protectionism.
8th grade dropouts are too good to work on an assembly line for $20 an hour?

I guess not if bleeding heart libs want to pay them to sit around and do nothing

But if the left does not want to make things in America at least dont give the money to our number one enemy communist china
The biggest reason wages are suppressed is because when the Soviet Union collapsed, China and India began to see the inherent flaws in a centrally controlled economy. And so in the late 80s, about TWO BILLION workers entered the world labor market.

They created an astronomical drag on global wages.

That's a giant egg to move through the snake, as it were.

As China and India become more and more consumer societies, there will be tremendous upward pressure on wages. And that will have global effects.
China is still a centrally controlled economy

They just prefer to be more subtile about it
While that affected every nation on Earth, that does not fully explain the degree to which our wages have stagnated for much of the country and the degree to which our wealth inequity has exploded. It does not explain our lack of access to health insurance, our outrageous consumer debt and bankruptcy rate, and our embarrassingly low tax revenue. To fully explain those things, you have to look at domestic policy.
China is not to blame for our economic problems and wealth inequality. At all.

Most of it is caused right in the seat of our own government.
I’m not sure congress is the whole problem

Too many people want more government spending

So my argument is with thrm
Yeah, I get that, but people arguing for less spending still vote for the same spend happy politicians
8th grade dropouts are too good to work on an assembly line for $20 an hour?
Assembly line jobs are not all the same. My company pays highly trained technicians just $25 an hour. You'd be lucky to find an assembly line job that pays $20 an hour. Probably a union job.

The future is not in manufacturing. It is in services and hospitality.

It used to be that 90 percent of our labor force was in agriculture when the Constitution was ratified. So that's where the jobs were.

Today, only about 2 percent of our workforce is in agriculture. There's still a shit ton of money to be made there, but only for the 2 percent.

We are making more food for the whole world than ever before. It just doesn't take as many people to do it any more.

Manufacturing then became the major employment sector. But due to technology which has led to increased productivity, percentage of jobs in that sector is steadily declining.

We are manufacturing more stuff than ever, it just doesn't take as many people to do it any more.

The ascending economic sector is services and entertainment.

That's where the jobs are going to be.

And someone who is an 8th grade dropout is not going to be able to hack it.

This is why I keep saying we need to train our students on the jobs of tomorrow not the jobs of our forefathers. Buggy whip making is not the way to go.

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