Republicans, here's your chance.

There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.


GOP knows that they will get destroyed at the ballot box if they run on meaningful spending cuts.
LOL. When you ramble on and get called on it, it seems your reply is to double down.
and do you have a NDA not to answer my questions? Why do you continue to vote for the same people you claim do the opposite of what you say you want? nope, ignored the question. Not sincere about a discussion on the topic at all. Instead you Caw at me with insults. too fking funny. Immature punk is all you are.
GOP knows that they will get destroyed at the ballot box if they run on meaningful spending cuts.
Well actually, they know the media will destroy them. The issue is irresponsible media outlets across the country. Media who's salaries are paid for by the evil demofks to stop that mantra. An actual journalist would ask a political candidate to explain why they don't stop spending. but nope.
and do you have a NDA not to answer my questions? Why do you continue to vote for the same people you claim do the opposite you want? nope, ignored the question. Not sincere about a discussion on the topic at all. Instead you Caw at me with insults. too fking funny. Immature punk is all you are.

You've already been shown your ignorance. I do not have any obligation to address positions you just make up for me.
You've already been shown your ignorance. I do not have any obligation to address positions you just make up for me.
and more immaturity from you. still ignoring the question. proving you aren't sincere in the discussion topic. don't go away mad muskrat, just go away.
GOP knows that they will get destroyed at the ballot box if they run on meaningful spending cuts.
I'm not sure if that's totally true. What the Biden election was about was that people wanted some civility and competence. They've gotten the former if not the latter. But Joe was never a first choice. McConnell did negotiate taxes with him when he was VP. But the dems are determined to govern as progressives. They'll be voted out in 22 and 24
I guess the proof will now have to wait till 24. The gop knows that to really do entitlement reform ... you'll piss off everyone. So the dems would have to be part of the deal. But now, having squandered their 20 victory on progressive things like expanding the EITC and free communty college (which btw is already "free" in most places if kids live at home) and mandating employers offer 401Ks or pay a fine, that most people weren't really voting about .... if the dems bought into entitlement reform they'd be acting against their progressive reforms and giving support to a gop president.

So we're fucked.
As expected, you cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

I did tell the truth, and you are proving why I left the dates off the bottom of the graph. without them there is no wya to tell when Trump took over, meaning there was no change from one to the next
Such as life saving drugs?

The ones that china threatened to withhold from the US if we piss them off

Every time you buy from china you are financing the enemy of America
It's not China's fault we don't produce the critical goods we need.

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