Republicans, how will you attract moderates?

I am the guy that for the last 1.5 years on this forum has been saying we need to pull troops out of Europe and station them on our border to defend this nation for a yeah I do, well with the exception of a stupid and unneeded wall. We do not need to be wasting more money we do not have.
I will gladly trade a wall for troops out of Europe. That would he a huge win.

Time to stop being the WORLD POLICE--America, FUCK YEAH!!! (so, lick my butt and suck on my ba...America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

Does sound better than a wall.
You claim to be an analyst?

I do not claim to be, I am. you make up shit that people say and then use it to connect dots to other made up things.

Nobody that I have seen on this board has said that anyone who approaches our borders should get asylum.

Nobody that I have seen on this board has said only the Undocumented Immigrants will pick the fruits and vegetables.

Now, if I have missed those post feel free to link to them and then we can talk.
So you support closing down the border by any means necessary? Yes or no?

I am the guy that for the last 1.5 years on this forum has been saying we need to pull troops out of Europe and station them on our border to defend this nation for a yeah I do, well with the exception of a stupid and unneeded wall. We do not need to be wasting more money we do not have.
The wall will cost less than we are forced to spend supporting illegals, educating, illegal. Hospitalizing illegals, providing illegals with libtard lawyers! Build the wall, militarize it! Put Barbed wire that is electrified on top of it and cut off all taxpayer funded welfare for illegals! Let’s stop dicking around as we have for decades and secure the damn nation.

The wall is unnecessary, our military can defend this nation without a medieval era wall.

The problem with the wall costing less than all that is once the wall is built we still have 20 million that we are paying for, so one is not replacing the other.
Apprehend the illegals at the border. Pay them to build the fucking wall. No welfare! No work? No eat!
Moderates are people with no conviction or firmly held beliefs. They're like water in your gas tank.
Moderates are the sane ones. Remember when conservatives didn’t like deficits? Now they applaud them. Partisans put party above all else.
You don't know what you're talking about. Come to think of it, you never know what you're talking about.
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You claim to be an analyst?

I do not claim to be, I am. you make up shit that people say and then use it to connect dots to other made up things.

Nobody that I have seen on this board has said that anyone who approaches our borders should get asylum.

Nobody that I have seen on this board has said only the Undocumented Immigrants will pick the fruits and vegetables.

Now, if I have missed those post feel free to link to them and then we can talk.
So you support closing down the border by any means necessary? Yes or no?

I am the guy that for the last 1.5 years on this forum has been saying we need to pull troops out of Europe and station them on our border to defend this nation for a yeah I do, well with the exception of a stupid and unneeded wall. We do not need to be wasting more money we do not have.
The wall will cost less than we are forced to spend supporting illegals, educating, illegal. Hospitalizing illegals, providing illegals with libtard lawyers! Build the wall, militarize it! Put Barbed wire that is electrified on top of it and cut off all taxpayer funded welfare for illegals! Let’s stop dicking around as we have for decades and secure the damn nation.

The wall is unnecessary, our military can defend this nation without a medieval era wall.

The problem with the wall costing less than all that is once the wall is built we still have 20 million that we are paying for, so one is not replacing the other.
By what means would ewe allow the military to defend the border?
I do not claim to be, I am. you make up shit that people say and then use it to connect dots to other made up things.

Nobody that I have seen on this board has said that anyone who approaches our borders should get asylum.

Nobody that I have seen on this board has said only the Undocumented Immigrants will pick the fruits and vegetables.

Now, if I have missed those post feel free to link to them and then we can talk.
So you support closing down the border by any means necessary? Yes or no?

I am the guy that for the last 1.5 years on this forum has been saying we need to pull troops out of Europe and station them on our border to defend this nation for a yeah I do, well with the exception of a stupid and unneeded wall. We do not need to be wasting more money we do not have.
The wall will cost less than we are forced to spend supporting illegals, educating, illegal. Hospitalizing illegals, providing illegals with libtard lawyers! Build the wall, militarize it! Put Barbed wire that is electrified on top of it and cut off all taxpayer funded welfare for illegals! Let’s stop dicking around as we have for decades and secure the damn nation.

The wall is unnecessary, our military can defend this nation without a medieval era wall.

The problem with the wall costing less than all that is once the wall is built we still have 20 million that we are paying for, so one is not replacing the other.
By what means would ewe allow the military to defend the border?

are you drunk again?
So you support closing down the border by any means necessary? Yes or no?

I am the guy that for the last 1.5 years on this forum has been saying we need to pull troops out of Europe and station them on our border to defend this nation for a yeah I do, well with the exception of a stupid and unneeded wall. We do not need to be wasting more money we do not have.
The wall will cost less than we are forced to spend supporting illegals, educating, illegal. Hospitalizing illegals, providing illegals with libtard lawyers! Build the wall, militarize it! Put Barbed wire that is electrified on top of it and cut off all taxpayer funded welfare for illegals! Let’s stop dicking around as we have for decades and secure the damn nation.

The wall is unnecessary, our military can defend this nation without a medieval era wall.

The problem with the wall costing less than all that is once the wall is built we still have 20 million that we are paying for, so one is not replacing the other.
By what means would ewe allow the military to defend the border?

are you drunk again?
If ewe say so.
Republicans were wiped out in California.
Democrats now control all branches of government in New York.
Suburbs in general rejected Republicans.

What should your party do in order to become a larger tent and avoid losing the House again in 2020 to prevent another blue wave?

The Republicans are useless and up against the media, which is an extension of the Dems (minus Fox News) they don’t stand a chance.

I saw last week that more ignorant people vote than not. We can thank the media for this.

Useless? The GOP is useless?

Sure, they passed on repealing and replacing Obamacare when they promised to do so, and they passed on the wall that they said they were going to build.

Then the candidates in the GOP that lost told Trump not to mention the border wall or immigration when campaigning with them.

Sorry, lost my train of thought.
Hey dum Tarts!

There are thousands of homeless people living in tents in my city post hurricane Michael! You are not worried about Americans, you are worried about illegals! Ya’ll can kiss my ass with your cries of racism! Fuck you. I just had two FEMA people come to the door asking if I needed their help! They are everywhere in the neighborhood! Now you assholes go hug an illegal why don’t you?
The premise of your question is all wrong. The new Trumpist Republican party, or the Trumplican party as it should be known, does not want moderates. It wants extremists or those that will not deviate from the party line. They want all moderates expelled. They have a you are either for us or against us mentality.

Your question is therefore a nonstarter to the new Trumplican.
They have a you are either for us or against us mentality.
that sounds like both parties.....
Well, I'm not a Republican. But the very last thing we want are more moderates. They're the ones who are just okay with all of the bad anti-liberty legislation coming out of Washington from both sides of the party of one.

They'll have us all in chains.

Guy's listen. Don't jump on someone elses ship. The pirates are just looking for people to row their boat. That's what moderates do. They row the pirate's boat. K?

You have to get together, organize, and then go tell em hey, this is how it's gonna be. They may not go for it, but you were there gosh darn it. What the heck. Just do it. Lions!
so you have to be either far right or far left? thanks....
Republicans were wiped out in California.
Democrats now control all branches of government in New York.
Suburbs in general rejected Republicans.

What should your party do in order to become a larger tent and avoid losing the House again in 2020 to prevent another blue wave?
Republicans don't care about attracting more voters.

They're happy with minority rule.

And they'll keep their minority rule through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and disenfranchisement.
so you have to be either far right or far left? thanks....

No, that's not it, Harry. Why that's not it at all. You live free or die, man. Carpe Diem! We're lions.
you said ..."But the very last thing we want are more moderates"....moderates are the matter between the far right and are you saying take your pick,far right or far left?.....
you said ..."But the very last thing we want are more moderates"....moderates are the matter between the far right and are you saying take your pick,far right or far left?.....

Yeah, but I said more about it than just that.

See, look....

Well, I'm not a Republican. But the very last thing we want are more moderates. They're the ones who are just okay with all of the bad anti-liberty legislation coming out of Washington from both sides of the party of one.

They'll have us all in chains.

Guy's listen. Don't jump on someone elses ship. The pirates are just looking for people to row their boat. That's what moderates do. They row the pirate's boat. K?

You have to get together, organize, and then go tell em hey, this is how it's gonna be. They may not go for it, but you were there gosh darn it. What the heck. Just do it. Lions!

There was no option for either-or in my sentiment. And especially not both at the same time. I'm opting out of that gig.
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A continuing IMPROVING ECONOMY, and America First policies.

This is where they have a problem...
Improving the economy does not mean America first...

Look Trump has started a trade war in line with America is first... Trumpcains believe in zero sum games which means for them to win all else must loose. So if America is to be first then everyone has to loose.

So what is the result:

Inflation has tripled
Deficit has increased by 40%

Now regular Trumpcains are kind of caught, this is a bit of a mess. Trump was borrowing money to artificially prop up the US economy... He got the tax cuts for the rich and corporates which over time will be paid by everyone(Net gain for Rich and Corporates)...
I missed that at the rally 'The problem with America is that the Rich and Corporations don't have enough money...'

Even Trumpcains see things like placing troops on the boarder is election stunt and has not been mentioned since election. Where are the middle class tax cuts?
Trump behaviour this weekend (France and Veterans Day) wasn't met with out horror or surprise, just acknowledgement that this guy is so self absorbed that he fails in his basic duties.
Republicans were wiped out in California.
Democrats now control all branches of government in New York.
Suburbs in general rejected Republicans.

What should your party do in order to become a larger tent and avoid losing the House again in 2020 to prevent another blue wave?

Since when do either of those states have moderates?

We attract all people by promoting liberty, limited government, self sufficiency, and then by following through when we have power.

We do it because those principles are right.
Republicans were wiped out in California.
Democrats now control all branches of government in New York.
Suburbs in general rejected Republicans.

What should your party do in order to become a larger tent and avoid losing the House again in 2020 to prevent another blue wave?

Blue wave???

View attachment 228672

Anyone that is just right of center of Mao-Tse Tung and Karl Marx are what leftards call "moderates". Progressivism is just another term for communism. All about the collective. Only dumb commie fucks want an open border.View attachment 228672
Nobody wants an open border. Why do you persist in that lie?

If Democrats wanted open borders, what would they do differently?
Republicans were wiped out in California.
Democrats now control all branches of government in New York.
Suburbs in general rejected Republicans.

What should your party do in order to become a larger tent and avoid losing the House again in 2020 to prevent another blue wave?

Stats are showing that 10 to 15 million Republicans have left the party since Trump was elected. I think it's been slow bleed of Republicans leaving starting with the rise of the Tea Party, then far right Christian Evangelicals that were preaching on abortion and planned parenthood etc.

Women went running from the party back in 2012--which is the reason Mitt Romney lost.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

And as we witnessed last week 59% of women, including many Republican women were voting for Democrats.
Analysis | Democrats won women’s vote for Congress by the largest margin seen in midterm exit polls

There really is no place for moderates in the Republican party anymore. I am a former life long Republican and changed my party status to Independent, when the Ass Clown was made the poster boy of it. I then followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

I don't think the Republican party is a place for women or minorities--and to be frank I don't how you would get them back now. Independents aka swing voters are the largest voting block in this country, then Democrats, and now the Republican party is the minority party. I think too many people have been chased away by the right wing of the party, and it no longer represents them. The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump--stuffed full of ignorance, hate, anger, bigotry & misogyny--and unfortunately that will be the people that the Republican party attracts.


Judging from the midterm last week, we are seeing the rise of the blue dog Democrats (moderate democrats) that are appealing to these disgruntled Republicans, minorities & Independents--and I think this has legs as we move forward into 2020.

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Republicans were wiped out in California.
Democrats now control all branches of government in New York.
Suburbs in general rejected Republicans.

What should your party do in order to become a larger tent and avoid losing the House again in 2020 to prevent another blue wave?
Look at the "New Posts".

I have never seen so much conspiracy about Democrats.

And Denial. Republicans are the party of denial.

Er, excuse me, the "white" party of denial.

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