Republicans notably silent, split as Trump probe deepens

There isnt a document in existence that we should go after a president like this for. Nuclear codes? Dont care. Proof of alien existence? Dont care.
Given Trump had hundreds of classified documents in his closet, how should have they gone after him?

They were already far more kind to Trump in going after these documents than if it were just anyone else.
"The other part of what was in the court filing by Garland was this crazy notion of obstruction of justice. What is that? You have to prove that a person acted corruptly and with an improper purpose in the United States Supreme Court has narrowed it further and said You have to act immorally with a depraved and evil purpose. Where is evidence of that?" he added.
This is not the place to include evidence of obstruction of justice. It’s a discussion as to whether a special master is warranted.

Jarrett has a point in standing but there’s WAY more too it and the violent druggie Jarrett should admit it.

Trump asked for a special master three weeks after the search. That alone should be sufficient reason to dismiss his concerns that he would be harmed without one. If he was truly concerned of this harm, he would have requested a TRO and special master within days. Not weeks.
This is not the place to include evidence of obstruction of justice. It’s a discussion as to whether a special master is warranted.
How can you say that when the filing from the DoJ in the SP plea is now focused on that singular charge...?

Jarrett has a point in standing but there’s WAY more too it and the violent druggie Jarrett should admit it.

Interesting that you feel the need to malign Jarrett's character with an accusation of drug abuse when the incident you are using to say this is an 8 year old case where Jarrett was drunk in an airport bar and sought treatment, and satisfied his requirements of the court in that case...And why do you do that? Because Jarrett who previously worked for MSNBC now works for FNC and you can't abide that....How very tolerant of you...So, you're ad homing the source instead of arguing his points....Debate loser....

Trump asked for a special master three weeks after the search. That alone should be sufficient reason to dismiss his concerns that he would be harmed without one.

Is there some time limit to the filing? If so, what is it...Because a Federal Judge seems to think there is enough to hear the case...

If he was truly concerned of this harm, he would have requested a TRO and special master within days. Not weeks.
Amazing that you think Trump's lawyers didn't act fast enough, but totally over look that this was so important that Garland's DoJ waited months before getting these oh so secret documents....

In any case, your opinion of the speed in which he acted, or mine on the DoJ are irrelevant. The court will hear the case today, and a question you should ask yourself is why is the DoJ trying so hard to NOT have Trump's 4th Amendment rights protected?
How can you say that when the filing from the DoJ in the SP plea is now focused on that singular charge...?

Interesting that you feel the need to malign Jarrett's character with an accusation of drug abuse when the incident you are using to say this is an 8 year old case where Jarrett was drunk in an airport bar and sought treatment, and satisfied his requirements of the court in that case...And why do you do that? Because Jarrett who previously worked for MSNBC now works for FNC and you can't abide that....How very tolerant of you...So, you're ad homing the source instead of arguing his points....Debate loser....

Is there some time limit to the filing? If so, what is it...Because a Federal Judge seems to think there is enough to hear the case...

Amazing that you think Trump's lawyers didn't act fast enough, but totally over look that this was so important that Garland's DoJ waited months before getting these oh so secret documents....

In any case, your opinion of the speed in which he acted, or mine on the DoJ are irrelevant. The court will hear the case today, and a question you should ask yourself is why is the DoJ trying so hard to NOT have Trump's 4th Amendment rights protected?
My apologies. Jarrett is a ALLEGEDLY FORMER violent druggie. I just don’t have much respect for him. That’s all. It’s not an ad hominem when I explain why he’s wrong.

If Trump is charged with obstruction, then it will bring evidence of the obstruction to that court. Whether Trump committed obstruction or not is yet to be determined. This is an investigation to determine if that happened. Evidence of obstruction is not relevant to whether Trump should get a special master.

What is relevant is whether a special master would make sense. Special masters are used primarily when there is large amounts of privileged information or when the information relates to numerous people who are not under investigation.

For example, a law firm. There would be lots of privileged information and there would be many clients not under investigation. That’s not the case here.

And yes, the timing matters. Trump can’t claim he’s being so severely harmed when he waited weeks to make that claim allowing the supposed harm to proceed. It’s not “amazing” at all. It’s perfectly rational.

The DoJ is trying to do its job. Trump is just trying to slow them down.
My apologies. Jarrett is a ALLEGEDLY FORMER violent druggie. I just don’t have much respect for him. That’s all. It’s not an ad hominem when I explain why he’s wrong.

If Trump is charged with obstruction, then it will bring evidence of the obstruction to that court. Whether Trump committed obstruction or not is yet to be determined. This is an investigation to determine if that happened. Evidence of obstruction is not relevant to whether Trump should get a special master.

What is relevant is whether a special master would make sense. Special masters are used primarily when there is large amounts of privileged information or when the information relates to numerous people who are not under investigation.

For example, a law firm. There would be lots of privileged information and there would be many clients not under investigation. That’s not the case here.

And yes, the timing matters. Trump can’t claim he’s being so severely harmed when he waited weeks to make that claim allowing the supposed harm to proceed. It’s not “amazing” at all. It’s perfectly rational.

The DoJ is trying to do its job. Trump is just trying to slow them down.
:laughing0301: Oh man, that is weak as hell....

Pull that from MSNBC did you?

So, you are attacking Gregg Jarrett (former MSNBC commentator) for being a "druggie"... Now why would you feel the need to insert that?

That's right, to attack his credibility, because you can't argue what he says....That sir, is a debate loser...Thanks for playing...

As for the rest of your pablum pulled from the mouths of stupid people on MSNBC, you seem to be asserting that Trump should have no protected rights....
:laughing0301: Oh man, that is weak as hell....

Pull that from MSNBC did you?

So, you are attacking Gregg Jarrett (former MSNBC commentator) for being a "druggie"... Now why would you feel the need to insert that?

That's right, to attack his credibility, because you can't argue what he says....That sir, is a debate loser...Thanks for playing...

As for the rest of your pablum pulled from the mouths of stupid people on MSNBC, you seem to be asserting that Trump should have no protected rights....
Oh, does it bother you that I factually labeled Jarrett?

I did argue what he says. You ignored it. That’s because you’re intellectually weak.

Trump has rights but so far there’s no evidence that his rights were violated.
Oh, does it bother you that I factually labeled Jarrett?

Allright, before I go any evidence that Gregg Jarrett was a "Violent druggie"....

Do it now, or lose this debate.
Allright, before I go any evidence that Gregg Jarrett was a "Violent druggie"....

Do it now, or lose this debate.

He’s lucky the Minneapolis Police should have cuffed him, threw him on the ground and kneeled on his neck until he died.

Anyway, you already lost the debate. You just don’t realize it yet.

He’s lucky the Minneapolis Police should have cuffed him, threw him on the ground and kneeled on his neck until he died.

Anyway, you already lost the debate. You just don’t realize it yet.
Oh man….just can’t do a debate can you?
The intent is certainly there and TDS lefties share Lisa Mascaro's fantasy but it ain't necessarily so. Meanwhile the current administration is fractured in a dozen ways and democrats continue to pretend they aren't in big trouble.
In the next election, our side will maintain its observance of sneaking in illegal votes until the winners are announced, if that's what it takes to stop the illegal, supplemental fake votes. And you can bet your bottom dollar we will double our backups if you double yours first. The 2020 vote was the devil dancing on air. Really, really hot air, and it will not be allowed in 2022 or 2024 until the American people are heard this time. Your deep staters fooled us once. It's not going to happen to us again. Nor in the future of God's people who will put him back in charge of America, servant of destitute people all over the globe since the day George Washington's army discouraged an out-of-control arrogant monarch who would not listen to George Washington's friends' indignities at the hands of said arrogant monarch whose people are now more agreeable to the dignity of freedom and human rights per the Constitution of the United States of America that we the people love and defend. God loves America, and we are still asking him to bless America, because we know in our hearts He will bless us and keep our focus on his will that all men have rights under the law he blesses as well as ourselves. Go America, Go!!!!

You sound like a barking loon.
Given Trump had hundreds of classified documents in his closet, how should have they gone after him?

They were already far more kind to Trump in going after these documents than if it were just anyone else.
Through lawyers.
We are going to see this junk from here to the election. Lefties will find some op-ed they like and present it as evidence while the Country falls apart under a doddering old fool.
Lawyers take YEARS, not a few months. The FBI overstepped, which is why they are getting their ass handed to them.
Yes. They tried lawyers for a year.

These are highly classified documents. Giving Trump a year to comply turning over top secret documents is insane in and of itself.

They haven’t gotten their asses “handed to them”. You’re dreaming.
Interesting..I really didn't think the kerfuffle was all that..but as new details come to light and as the DoJ takes aim at both Trump an his legal team--I begin to think that this may be a tipping point.

Pages from a Department of Justice court filing on Aug. 30, 2022, in response to a request from the legal team of former President Donald Trump for a special master to review the documents seized during the Aug. 8 search of Mar-a-Lago, are photographed early Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022. Included in the filing was a FBI photo of documents that were seized during the search. (AP Photo/Jon Elswick)
© Provided by Associated Press Pages from a Department of Justice court filing on Aug. 30, 2022, in response to a request from the legal team of former President Donald Trump for a special master to review the documents seized during the Aug. 8 search of Mar-a-Lago, are photographed early Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022. Included in the filing was a FBI photo of documents that were seized during the search. (AP Photo/Jon Elswick)

At first, Republicans were highly critical of the FBI search of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, but as new details emerge about the more than 100 classified documents the former president haphazardly stashed at his private club Republicans have grown notably silent.
The deepening investigation into Trump's handling of sensitive government information has disclosed damaging and unsettling new details. With every court filing there is new information about the cache of documents the former president took with him from the White House and the potential national security concerns. While the unprecedented search has galvanized many Republicans to Trump's defense, others in the party are unwilling to speak up, often wary of crossing him.
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell declined to respond Wednesday when asked about the latest developments in the Justice Department's probe.
"I don't have any observations about that," McConnell told reporters in Kentucky.
The silence speaks volumes for a party whose president won the White House after rousing voters in rally chants of “Lock Her Up!” Trump pilloried Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton for using a personal email account and server during her time as Secretary of State. She quickly complied with investigators and was not charged.

The investigation also is posing a new test of Republican loyalty to Trump from lawmakers who are relying on him for their political livelihoods, particularly ahead of the midterm elections.
You can't defend what Trump done.

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