Republicans Owned

Before I access this stuff you need to tell me who this guy is and how his opinion matters.

Why does anybody's opinion matter? Rachel Maddow? Hannity? Beck? Jones? Whoopi? Watch it or don't. I don't care. I could have written the script about what he is saying. I find it interesting that some of what he says is what Repubs claim to be saying, too. Govt for the people etc. There are a couple of things that would really stick in the craw of repubs, but who cares? The Petals need to suck it up.
:CryingCow:He is just an angry cry baby mad at losing his dream nation of socialism under Obama...well Obama may be retroactively impeached if his thugs start singing......get out the cement boots Barry...Bwhahahahahah!....

Retroactive impeachment isn't as easy as you might think. There are lots of hoops to jump through to make it happen. And, because Trump has the attention span of a goldfish, he's never gonna see it through.

:CryingCow:He is just an angry cry baby mad at losing his dream nation of socialism under Obama...well Obama may be retroactively impeached if his thugs start singing......get out the cement boots Barry...Bwhahahahahah!....

Retroactive impeachment isn't as easy as you might think. There are lots of hoops to jump through to make it happen. And, because Trump has the attention span of a goldfish, he's never gonna see it through.

Then set up the hoops because his thugs did not do this on their own....
:CryingCow:He is just an angry cry baby mad at losing his dream nation of socialism under Obama...well Obama may be retroactively impeached if his thugs start singing......get out the cement boots Barry...Bwhahahahahah!....

He could be a crybaby. The good news it looks like the normal people are finally starting to get their shit together.
Which part was he wrong about? kinda helps if you watch it before commenting Frankie.

He was wrong about tyranny. If you saw what the FBI did to Flynn you'd know what the GOP is against, and what the democrats are for, same for Lois Lerner and the IRS.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.
If you think that you could get an Amendment thru both Houses of Congress to remove the Electoral College, you'd find out why they have two houses, never happen.
I could go on, but his whines are ridiculous.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalise people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.
1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

1) It's now 2020
2) Yeah, that'll solve the problem
3) Again, things change
4) I wouldn't replace the EC, I'd tweak it. Also, four states only matter now. They are called 'swing states'
5) Don't feel any resentment at all. The Constitution has had 27 amendments. That last being 1992. As I said, things change.

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