REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger

Can't share an America with people who think the govt should "crack down on the spread of information".

They must be shouted down and eventually marginalized in these views, otherwise, we don't have an America. That's it.
Not "information,"
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:

The 2020 election was fraudulent - no Inteligent person thinks otherwise.
The Democrat Media is conspiring with the Democrats - duh it's what they do.
Threats of violence will not help - agreed
Like Fonzie explained to Richie back in the day - getting people to fear the tough guy, means that you have had to been tough at some point.

Your last paragraph is delusional nonsense.
They're also going to forget the havoc they'll wreak on this country if the Republicans triumph in the coming elections.

it's going to be a Red Tsunami
In honest, free and fair elections they are little more than a regional party -and their region is shrinking.
In orher words you have none,ime your lack of credibility.
This guy is a poster child for why we are being cautioned about the toxic effect of misinformation on our society.

Saying he wants "proof"....but in reality no real proof that doesn't jibe with his cult's propaganda will suffice. His brainwashing is complete.

This is why the DHS and other law enforcement agencies are warning about the dangerous effects of fake news.
The problem is these cultists are now so confused even the information you show them to PROVE that they're listening to fake news they consider fake news.

And it wouldn't be an issue except these people are STILL allowed to vote!
They would be harmless if there was like a simple questionaire or survey or something they (we) had to fill out before being allowed to cast a vote that would screen out the people too far gone on fake news, conspiracy-theory, misinformation.
Like, they would submit their answers and immediately a red light flashes and a buzzer sounds and a big IDIOT light comes on and they are kicked out of the polling place unable to cast a ballot in this election.

But NO!
These idiots still get to vote!

Yesterday their orange cat-turd king gave a statement in an interview on another butt kissing conservo-radio talk show where he continued to spread the misinformation about the Pelosi attack.

The Sheriff's department in charge of the investigation also released its OFFICIAL report on the crime.

Now, WHICH version of the story this morning do you think these clueless Trumptard MAGAts are looking to for "proof?"

The Sheriff's report?
Or the orange cat-turd king?

Just wait for it.

While authorities have not detailed a motive, DePape’s online history indicates that he subscribed to the discredited narrative that the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate and espoused a range of bigoted and radical beliefs. He expressed anti-Semitic views and appeared to embrace the QAnon movement, which posits a secret cabal of pedophiles has been protected by people in power.
This guy is a poster child for why we are being cautioned about the toxic effect of misinformation on our society.

Saying he wants "proof"....but in reality no real proof that doesn't jibe with his cult's propaganda will suffice. His brainwashing is complete.

This is why the DHS and other law enforcement agencies are warning about the dangerous effects of fake news.
The problem is these cultists are now so confused even the information you show them to PROVE that they're listening to fake news they consider fake news.

And it wouldn't be an issue except these people are STILL allowed to vote!
They would be harmless if there was like a simple questionaire or survey or something they (we) had to fill out before being allowed to cast a vote that would screen out the people too far gone on fake news, conspiracy-theory, misinformation.
Like, they would submit their answers and immediately a red light flashes and a buzzer sounds and a big IDIOT light comes on and they are kicked out of the polling place unable to cast a ballot in this election.

But NO!
These idiots still get to vote!

Yesterday their orange cat-turd king gave a statement in an interview on another butt kissing conservo-radio talk show where he continued to spread the misinformation about the Pelosi attack.

The Sheriff's department in charge of the investigation also released its OFFICIAL report on the crime.

Now, WHICH version of the story this morning do you think these clueless Trumptard MAGAts are looking to for "proof?"

The Sheriff's report?
Or the orange cat-turd king?

Just wait for it.

While authorities have not detailed a motive, DePape’s online history indicates that he subscribed to the discredited narrative that the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate and espoused a range of bigoted and radical beliefs. He expressed anti-Semitic views and appeared to embrace the QAnon movement, which posits a secret cabal of pedophiles has been protected by people in power.
You are repeating liberal spin

Why are we not allowed to hear the 911 audio or see the unedited video?
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
How about democrats tone down the false claims and the lies? Maybe we wouldn't be so pissed off at you idiots?
This guy is a poster child for why we are being cautioned about the toxic effect of misinformation on our society.

Saying he wants "proof"....but in reality no real proof that doesn't jibe with his cult's propaganda will suffice. His brainwashing is complete.

This is why the DHS and other law enforcement agencies are warning about the dangerous effects of fake news.
The problem is these cultists are now so confused even the information you show them to PROVE that they're listening to fake news they consider fake news.

And it wouldn't be an issue except these people are STILL allowed to vote!
They would be harmless if there was like a simple questionaire or survey or something they (we) had to fill out before being allowed to cast a vote that would screen out the people too far gone on fake news, conspiracy-theory, misinformation.
Like, they would submit their answers and immediately a red light flashes and a buzzer sounds and a big IDIOT light comes on and they are kicked out of the polling place unable to cast a ballot in this election.

But NO!
These idiots still get to vote!

Yesterday their orange cat-turd king gave a statement in an interview on another butt kissing conservo-radio talk show where he continued to spread the misinformation about the Pelosi attack.

The Sheriff's department in charge of the investigation also released its OFFICIAL report on the crime.

Now, WHICH version of the story this morning do you think these clueless Trumptard MAGAts are looking to for "proof?"

The Sheriff's report?
Or the orange cat-turd king?

Just wait for it.

While authorities have not detailed a motive, DePape’s online history indicates that he subscribed to the discredited narrative that the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate and espoused a range of bigoted and radical beliefs. He expressed anti-Semitic views and appeared to embrace the QAnon movement, which posits a secret cabal of pedophiles has been protected by people in power.
The current administration and the surrogate left wing fake news media are the #1 source of disinformation inthis country.

Every time Joe Biden speaks LIES, PROPAGANDA, AND DIVISION come out of his dementia-ravaged mouth.

The SOB, along with the DOJ & FBI, literally attenpted to brand parents as 'domestic terrorists' for opposong the Left's targeting of their children for government mandated CRT, Transgender Indoctrination, and porn in the classroom.

And Democrats and snowflakes wa t to demonize parents / Americans / Conservatives for opposing THAT?

Gimme a f*ing break...
The current administration and the surrogate left wing fake news media are the #1 source of disinformation inthis country.

Every time Joe Biden speaks LIES, PROPAGANDA, AND DIVISION come out of his dementia-ravaged mouth.

The SOB, along with the DOJ & FBI, literally attenpted to brand parents as 'domestic terrorists' for opposong the Left's targeting of their children for government mandated CRT, Transgender Indoctrination, and porn in the classroom.

And Democrats and snowflakes wa t to demonize parents / Americans / Conservatives for opposing THAT?

Gimme a f*ing break...
Thank you for perfectly illustrating my point.

Another poster child for misinformation.
Can't share an America with people who think the govt should "crack down on the spread of information".

They must be shouted down and eventually marginalized in these views, otherwise, we don't have an America. That's it.

Hell no!

They need to be stopped dead in their tracks. Right now. Immediately.

Commies are EVIL human beings. They kill people. They killed 120 million people in the las century.

It STARTS with censorship. It starts with gulags and whimsical and selective application of the law.



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