REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger

Don't forget unions used to make up 35% of our workforce. Today they make up about 9%? And you want Democrats to focus on 9% of the voters?
Wonder why is that?
Unions were an effective tool in developing labor they are a dinosaur turned into what they had previously despised.....big corporations. People don't want to be bothered going to union meetings, endless socialist chirping, etc. What happens during a drive these days? The company just about matches the union demands without that pesky union problem.
The new reality.
Anytime that happened keep in mind they were going along with Republicans.

It's amusing how Liberals brag about Unions...
If a Union member in the 1980s or prior came out as gay he would get his ass kicked.
Funny, how more and more, Democrats are forced to defend themselves with "Trump/Republicans did it too!!!!!"
If you were honest, you'd have a tough time living with yourself.
Well you would laugh if I tried to say Democrats are perfect angels. But I prefer the groups Democrats take money from. Unions compared to CPAC, PNAC, Heritage Foundation. Right wing groups who want to ban abortion, deny global warming, want to give tax breaks to rich people and make cuts to social programs.

Funny whenever I point out Republicans created NAFTA and all of them voted for it, you guys don't care. All you care about it that Clinton signed it. What about the changes that Bush made to NAFTA? He removed worker and environmental protections.

So I see things clearly. You have been listening to Fox and Rush and now we know, they know, they are lying to you. Telling you what you want to hear. Not the truth.
It's amusing how Liberals brag about Unions...
If a Union member in the 1980s or prior came out as gay he would get his ass kicked.
Yea true and Lincoln a Republican freed the slaves in 1863. What does that have to do with modern day racist white Republicans today? Nothing.

I remember all the bad shit you Republicans said about unions in the 2000's as Bush was sending 750,000 manufacturing jobs a month over to Mexico and China. I never recall you guys pointing out how union men back in the 80's were homophobic. Color me shocked!

I can make fun of union members too. Way too many of them voted for Trump. They aren't the brightest. Blue collar. Low or no education.

But I heard a saying once I'll never forget. "The smartest people I ever met were union members on the shop floor. At least they were smart enough to insist they get their fair share".

Republicans ask, "define fair share". IDK what that number is but if before CEO's made 35x the average worker and now they make 350x, then somewhere in the middle might be more fair.

My brother is just one of many many many VP's at his fortune 500 company. All the CIO's, CEO's, CFO's, etc. They all make multi million dollars a year. Shocking how rich they have made themselves. Now that unions don't exist it's easy. Workers don't have a seat at the table.

So all the VP's they all make $500K to $4 million a year. And I said there are a lot of them. I bet if the workers at that company had a seat at the table all these years they would have gotten half of what all those fat cats make. And those fat cats would still all be filthy rich.
Yea true and Lincoln a Republican freed the slaves in 1863. What does that have to do with modern day racist white Republicans today? Nothing.

I remember all the bad shit you Republicans said about unions in the 2000's as Bush was sending 750,000 manufacturing jobs a month over to Mexico and China. I never recall you guys pointing out how union men back in the 80's were homophobic. Color me shocked!

I can make fun of union members too. Way too many of them voted for Trump. They aren't the brightest. Blue collar. Low or no education.

But I heard a saying once I'll never forget. "The smartest people I ever met were union members on the shop floor. At least they were smart enough to insist they get their fair share".

Republicans ask, "define fair share". IDK what that number is but if before CEO's made 35x the average worker and now they make 350x, then somewhere in the middle might be more fair.

My brother is just one of many many many VP's at his fortune 500 company. All the CIO's, CEO's, CFO's, etc. They all make multi million dollars a year. Shocking how rich they have made themselves. Now that unions don't exist it's easy. Workers don't have a seat at the table.

So all the VP's they all make $500K to $4 million a year. And I said there are a lot of them. I bet if the workers at that company had a seat at the table all these years they would have gotten half of what all those fat cats make. And those fat cats would still all be filthy rich.
Wall Street's Union is Banquets and Barbeques.
Since I hang out with a few hundred White Republicans, I'd appreciate you prove your point without Linking to a blatant Nazi video.
Yea true and Lincoln a Republican freed the slaves in 1863. What does that have to do with modern day racist white Republicans today? Nothing.

I remember all the bad shit you Republicans said about unions in the 2000's as Bush was sending 750,000 manufacturing jobs a month over to Mexico and China. I never recall you guys pointing out how union men back in the 80's were homophobic. Color me shocked!

I can make fun of union members too. Way too many of them voted for Trump. They aren't the brightest. Blue collar. Low or no education.

But I heard a saying once I'll never forget. "The smartest people I ever met were union members on the shop floor. At least they were smart enough to insist they get their fair share".

Republicans ask, "define fair share". IDK what that number is but if before CEO's made 35x the average worker and now they make 350x, then somewhere in the middle might be more fair.

My brother is just one of many many many VP's at his fortune 500 company. All the CIO's, CEO's, CFO's, etc. They all make multi million dollars a year. Shocking how rich they have made themselves. Now that unions don't exist it's easy. Workers don't have a seat at the table.

So all the VP's they all make $500K to $4 million a year. And I said there are a lot of them. I bet if the workers at that company had a seat at the table all these years they would have gotten half of what all those fat cats make. And those fat cats would still all be filthy rich.
The Union voted for Trump because your beloved Mexicans got all their jobs.
Wonder why is that?
Unions were an effective tool in developing labor they are a dinosaur turned into what they had previously despised.....big corporations. People don't want to be bothered going to union meetings, endless socialist chirping, etc. What happens during a drive these days? The company just about matches the union demands without that pesky union problem.
The new reality.
I suspect companies today pay us just enough so that we don't unionize but not a penny more. And they also will fire your ass if you even bring that shit up at work. If employees were free to unionize without reprecussion I believe most would say yes.

If that employee is making less than $50K and gets no healthcare benefits.
Well they didn't vote for him in 2020. Not after he started a trade war with china.

Most unions endorse democrats.

Most companies that hire "mexicans" are non union companies.
Prove it.
Almost every Blue Collar worker I know or have met voted for Trump because they know Obama did nothing for them.

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