REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger

I follow legialation and since Reagan, Democrats haven't given a shit about the average employee.
If you were a Democrat who was skeptical of Democrats and a watch dog but still you understood that voting Republican is voting against your own financial interests. As a middle class American.

Now many of you tell me you have $1 million in the bank and live off the $50K interest and don't even touch your social security. And you've retired before 60. Isn't that nice? We want that someday too.
No but you sure do promote it.

By noticing "alleged kidnapper" David dePape, really GAY LEFT WING COKE WHORE, supported that specific policy on his website???

If there is any confusion on this issue, my position is that pedophiles should be shot... not debated.
That is true. They have sort of sold out on being hard core labor but keep in mind Clinton put labor and environmental protections in the NAFTA he signed. Those were removed by Republicans later of course. And when things got worse you said, "Clinton signed NAFTA".

Like I've been saying all over the boards. If you are a Republican, either you are a liar or someone who's been conned. I believe you believe the shit you say. Ray from Cleveland. You guys are not liars. You've just been duped by right wing media. Time to wake up. Wake up!
I'm not a Republican.
I'm not a Democrat.
Democrats call me a Republican.
Republicans call me a Democrat.
If you were a Democrat who was skeptical of Democrats and a watch dog but still you understood that voting Republican is voting against your own financial interests. As a middle class American.

Now many of you tell me you have $1 million in the bank and live off the $50K interest and don't even touch your social security. And you've retired before 60. Isn't that nice? We want that someday too.
Establishment Republicans are scum.
Establishment Democrats have become worse than Establishment Republicans.
I'm not a Republican.
I'm not a Democrat.
Democrats call me a Republican.
Republicans call me a Democrat.
I can tell you are brainwashed by right wing media. Don't tell me what you think you are when we clearly see you for what you are. Brainwashed.
Establishment Republicans are scum.
Establishment Democrats have become worse than Establishment Republicans.
Establishment Democrats have become worse than Establishment Republicans?

See? You're a Republican. I mean you do live in a 2 party system and you just said Establishment Democrats have become worse than Establishment Republicans.

And I say you believe that because you've been lied to/brainwashed. And now we know it for a fact you've been lied to. Every position you have on global warming, BLM, election fraud, the economy, LIES! Lies from right wing media.

They even convinced you they are liberal.
Establishment Democrats have become worse than Establishment Republicans?

See? You're a Republican. I mean you do live in a 2 party system and you just said Establishment Democrats have become worse than Establishment Republicans.

And I say you believe that because you've been lied to/brainwashed. And now we know it for a fact you've been lied to. Every position you have on global warming, BLM, election fraud, the economy, LIES! Lies from right wing media.

They even convinced you they are liberal.
You live far from the poverty, crime and Woke Sexual Perversion...Goody Two Shoes for you!
You live far from the poverty, crime and Woke Sexual Perversion...Goody Two Shoes for you!
Bullshit! If I drive fast I can make it to Detroit in 20 minutes. And we have low income apartments in our city so the people who work at Kroger or Subway can have a place to live.

Unfortunately now we have blacks stealing cars out of our parking lots. This is why cops look for black people who are DWB late at night. Or even during the day. Run their plates. If they live in Detroit, pull them over and ask them what they are doing. Say they were swurving or didn't use turn signal. I used to feel bad for blacks that we did this to them but no more. Too many of their brothers and sisters are criminals and we aren't going to be so politically correct that black criminals use that to their benefit. Like when they pull out their camera and you are afraid you're going to be on the news and lose your job for being a racist.
Bullshit! If I drive fast I can make it to Detroit in 20 minutes. And we have low income apartments in our city so the people who work at Kroger or Subway can have a place to live.

Unfortunately now we have blacks stealing cars out of our parking lots. This is why cops look for black people who are DWB late at night. Or even during the day. Run their plates. If they live in Detroit, pull them over and ask them what they are doing. Say they were swurving or didn't use turn signal. I used to feel bad for blacks that we did this to them but no more. Too many of their brothers and sisters are criminals and we aren't going to be so politically correct that black criminals use that to their benefit. Like when they pull out their camera and you are afraid you're going to be on the news and lose your job for being a racist.
It's obvious you're not watching YouTube or TikTok or visiting NYC.
It's obvious you're not watching YouTube or TikTok or visiting NYC.

I go to YouTube to watch music videos

Don't have TikTok.

I've visited NYC after Rudy cleaned it up. Rudy is still a scumbag treasonist traitor to America despite the fact you remember him as America's Mayor after 9-11.
I go to YouTube to watch music videos

Don't have TikTok.

I've visited NYC after Rudy cleaned it up. Rudy is still a scumbag treasonist traitor to America despite the fact you remember him as America's Mayor after 9-11.
I read your posts and I know you support "If it feels good, do it!", so I take your opinion as seriously as I take a used piece of toilet paper.
Liberals created a middle class the world had never seen before. Republicans fought back starting in the 1970s but really got shit done for the rich and corporations when they got Reagan elected.
A post-war rise in unionism, the passage of the GI Bill, a housing program, and other progressive actions led to a doubling of the median family income in only 30 years, creating a middle class that included nearly 60 percent of Americans by the late 1970s.

Then — phfffft — Washington’s commitment to a middle class suddenly fizzled.

In the 1980s, Reagan Republicans — and many Democrats — switched from supporting egalitarianism to backing the elitism of their corporate donors. Ever since, they’ve steadily disempowered workers and enthroned the rich, thus imposing today’s abominable, un-American culture of inequality across our land.

Just as progressives deliberately pushed public policies to create the middle class, so are today’s economic royalists deliberately pushing plutocratic policies to destroy it. That’s the momentous struggle that calls us to action in this political year.

Your economic royalists are the progressives of today, since the dreaded George Bush of the 70's....only trouble here is Daddy Bush served 89 to 93 and Dubya served 01 to 09...big friggin' duh for the Boo.

The only real problem in America is things are out of wack. The rich have never been richer. The middle class is shrinking and struggling. Not saving enough to have it as good as their parents had it.
Kinda funny how the DNC now sucks up to the big corporations. Ever hear of Obama and Big Pharma or Pfizer?
Remember, their parents worked for Ford and GM. Unions. They made great pay, pensions, great healthcare, but you guys sent all those great jobs overseas in the Bush era 2000's
Now vehicles cost as much as a house.....LOL
Remember your war on unions? You fought it and provided cover for Bush to send all those high paying manufacturing jobs to China.
Nixon opened up relations with China in the early 70's....try again....and it was gov't bureaucrats from EPA and lucrative financial incentives provided to corporations ( created in a bipartisan manner by people who used insider information to make money off that legislation) that moved our jobs out of the US, no only to China.
Regarding 'My War on Unionism'.....that's a good one considering I was a union representative for over 8 years...........:ahole-1:
And Republicans have told you it was liberals who fucked you middle class Americans.
Why did the dems lose the middle class then, Einstein?
We now all know Fox knows and admitted in private text they are lying to you right wingers.
Real cool segment on Veritas where, I think it was a NBC news editor, saying they aren't in the business of telling the truth, only getting you to look at and buy their advertisers products.

Do a dig, it's there.
A post-war rise in unionism, the passage of the GI Bill, a housing program, and other progressive actions led to a doubling of the median family income in only 30 years, creating a middle class that included nearly 60 percent of Americans by the late 1970s.

Then — phfffft — Washington’s commitment to a middle class suddenly fizzled.

In the 1980s, Reagan Republicans — and many Democrats — switched from supporting egalitarianism to backing the elitism of their corporate donors. Ever since, they’ve steadily disempowered workers and enthroned the rich, thus imposing today’s abominable, un-American culture of inequality across our land.

Just as progressives deliberately pushed public policies to create the middle class, so are today’s economic royalists deliberately pushing plutocratic policies to destroy it. That’s the momentous struggle that calls us to action in this political year.

Your economic royalists are the progressives of today, since the dreaded George Bush of the 70's....only trouble here is Daddy Bush served 89 to 93 and Dubya served 01 to 09...big friggin' duh for the Boo.

Kinda funny how the DNC now sucks up to the big corporations. Ever hear of Obama and Big Pharma or Pfizer?

Now vehicles cost as much as a house.....LOL

Nixon opened up relations with China in the early 70's....try again....and it was gov't bureaucrats from EPA and lucrative financial incentives provided to corporations ( created in a bipartisan manner by people who used insider information to make money off that legislation) that moved our jobs out of the US, no only to China.
Regarding 'My War on Unionism'.....that's a good one considering I was a union representative for over 8 years...........:ahole-1:

Why did the dems lose the middle class then, Einstein?
Hey, after Citizens United and NAFTA, the Democrats had no choice but to also suck corporations dicks and become globalists. Now suddenly you guys are against NAFTA? Don't forget, you invented it. Clinton didn't invent NAFTA.

No vehicles don't cost as much as a house. But F150's cost as much as what I paid for my condo on the lake in the 90's.

At least you acknowledge all the liberal things that made America great for the middle class.
IOW... They sold their people and their principles out for power.
Yep - sounds like them.
Well we had to cater a little more than we would like to corporations. If we continued to only side with unions, we would lose elections.

Don't forget unions used to make up 35% of our workforce. Today they make up about 9%? And you want Democrats to focus on 9% of the voters?

When idiots like you don't realize unions bring all our wages up even if we are not in a union?
Hey, after Citizens United and NAFTA, the Democrats had no choice but to also suck corporations dicks and become globalists. Now suddenly you guys are against NAFTA? Don't forget, you invented it. Clinton didn't invent NAFTA.

No vehicles don't cost as much as a house. But F150's cost as much as what I paid for my condo on the lake in the 90's.

At least you acknowledge all the liberal things that made America great for the middle class.
Today's "Liberals" are not the Liberals of the 40s, 50s and early 60s.

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