REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger

Where'd you get this awesome video of D-Sinema flipping off her fellow Democrats who attacked her?

A little birdie.
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I'm listening to the Daily Show. Turns out Social Media makes $ off anger. We are more divided than ever. 60% of college students say they wouldn't room with a Republican.

If you like Trump on Facebook or any other side, soon you start getting invites fro Qanon. And you start getting misinformation like Obama was born in Kenya.

Making us mad gets us addicted.

For example, do I come here to share happy news? No. I come here when I hear news that pisses me off.
More like you I’ll be brainwashed by Liberal Marxist Teachers & Profs from Pre School to Post Grad School to hate ( White Folks ) ( Guns) (Practicing Christians / Joooos / Israel ) (Conservatives ) ( Moral Values ) ( Gas powered Vehicles ) ...
I'm listening to the Daily Show. Turns out Social Media makes $ off anger.
Guess you never heard of the dem campaign contribution requests over propaganda on Trump.
We are more divided than ever. 60% of college students say they wouldn't room with a Republican.
Imagine that, who's propaganda do they follow?
If you like Trump on Facebook or any other side, soon you start getting invites fro Qanon.
Funny, never happened.
And you start getting misinformation like Obama was born in Kenya.
Hillary campaign, dispatched someone to go to Kenya to check on the exact place of Obama's birth. Rumor spread through the campaign, and the story was born. That is misinformation that was started from the left.

Last Thursday, after former McClatchy editor James Asher tweeted that Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal “told me in person” that Obama was born in Kenya, the Trump campaign pounced. “SIREN: Former McClatchy DC Bureau Chief speaks out,” senior communications adviser Jason Miller tweeted.

McClatchy followed up with a story that quoted a statement from Asher, “During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.”
Blumenthal swiftly denied pushing any birther rumors. And Asher, when pressed for more detail, was less definitive in an email to POLITICO.

To the best of my recollection, these are the facts about my interaction with Sidney Blumenthal in late winter of 2008,” Asher said. “Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”
“On the birther issue, I recall my conversation with Blumenthal clearly,” Asher said, but acknowledged having “nothing in writing memorializing that conversation.”
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
That is a very good post! Bravo!
That is a very good post! Bravo!
laughing hilariously.jpg

Oh, I'm sorry...

I respectfully, truly, disagree with you ... I just found the OP's comment and your compliment simultaneously humorous, the same as I know at times you must have found some of my comments - even those NOT intended to be humorous - equally as funny.
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Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
/-----/ "* The 2020 election was not rigged" The hell it wasn't 81 million votes for a dementia patient campaigning from his basement?

"The mainstream media is not conspiring against you" The hell they aren't. They censor news that makes dems look bad and lie about Trump.

"* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause"
Tell that to Antifa and BLM. Now take your condescension and go pound sand, moron.
It's nice to dream. They'll just point at the Democrats. "They do it too", which makes me wonder why they're so proud to be so similar to those they hate.

They are at war. This is likely just getting started.

They're at war, we're not. Reminiscent of 9/11.
/----/ "They'll just point at the Democrats. "They do it too""
No. They do it too suggest we are violent. It's your base doing the rioting and burning.
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
Senator Rafael Cruz often likes to misquote the poet Carl Sandberg.

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”.​

Rafael never uses that quote against himself or his party, though. Of course.
Senator Rafael Cruz often likes to misquote the poet Carl Sandberg.

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”.​

Rafael never uses that quote against himself or his party, though. Of course.
Carl Sandburg, the guy who lied about Lincoln?
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