REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger

Don't forget: At the Insurrection, their hero told them, "you have to fight like hell or you're not going to have a country any more".

They take this shit literally.

They're at war. They'll forgive anything their tribe does.
You ain't seen war you lying treasonous scum.

REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger​
I'm listening to the Daily Show. Turns out Social Media makes $ off anger. We are more divided than ever. 60% of college students say they wouldn't room with a Republican.

If you like Trump on Facebook or any other side, soon you start getting invites fro Qanon. And you start getting misinformation like Obama was born in Kenya.

Making us mad gets us addicted.

For example, do I come here to share happy news? No. I come here when I hear news that pisses me off.
so how do you feel knowing you help the rich get richer with all the hate you spread around??
Conservative parents are angry with Democrats for constantly attempting to kill, screw, traffick, groom, indoctrinate, manipulate, and mutilate the genitals of children while attempting to use partisanly weopanized govt agencies to brand them - the parents - as 'domestic terrorists' for opposing these sick f*cks.

I would call that HIGHLY JUSTIFIED.
Conservative parents are angry with Democrats for constantly attempting to kill, screw, traffick, groom, indoctrinate, manipulate, and mutilate the genitals of children while attempting to use partisanly weopanized govt agencies to brand them - the parents - as 'domestic terrorists' for opposing these sick f*cks.

I would call that HIGHLY JUSTIFIED.

Democrats are proven more corrupt, crooked, criminal, compromised, divisove, racist, un-Constitutional, treasonous, child-targeting/sick predatory, authoritarianly fascist, pro-illegal, ChiCom sell-outs, making Conservatives angry.



Their cult has them convinced that all of those things aren't actually things.
Successful Cults convince their members that everyone else is evil liars and can't be trusted.
The Democrat Media Bubble Cult is very strong
Conservative parents are angry with Democrats for constantly attempting to kill, screw, traffick, groom, indoctrinate, manipulate, and mutilate the genitals of children while attempting to use partisanly weopanized govt agencies to brand them - the parents - as 'domestic terrorists' for opposing these sick f*cks.

I would call that HIGHLY JUSTIFIED.

Democrats need to learn you don't f* with / threaten 'mama bear's cubs'. When they do its not 'mama bear' whose the threat - they are.


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