REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger

Guess you never heard of the dem campaign contribution requests over propaganda on Trump.

Imagine that, who's propaganda do they follow?

Funny, never happened.

Hillary campaign, dispatched someone to go to Kenya to check on the exact place of Obama's birth. Rumor spread through the campaign, and the story was born. That is misinformation that was started from the left.

Last Thursday, after former McClatchy editor James Asher tweeted that Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal “told me in person” that Obama was born in Kenya, the Trump campaign pounced. “SIREN: Former McClatchy DC Bureau Chief speaks out,” senior communications adviser Jason Miller tweeted.

McClatchy followed up with a story that quoted a statement from Asher, “During that meeting, Mr. Blumenthal and I met together in my office and he strongly urged me to investigate the exact place of President Obama’s birth, which he suggested was in Kenya. We assigned a reporter to go to Kenya, and that reporter determined that the allegation was false.”
Blumenthal swiftly denied pushing any birther rumors. And Asher, when pressed for more detail, was less definitive in an email to POLITICO.

To the best of my recollection, these are the facts about my interaction with Sidney Blumenthal in late winter of 2008,” Asher said. “Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”
“On the birther issue, I recall my conversation with Blumenthal clearly,” Asher said, but acknowledged having “nothing in writing memorializing that conversation.”
Yea we play politics too. You guys want us to fight you with one hand tied behind out backs?
And also, once again, MAGAt-GOPrs show that their every accusation is simply a con-fession.
I dunno....YOU sound pretty annnnngryyyy, doc!

So you admit your post is unproveable and fake news.........why did I know that...... :highfive:
I'm a good judge of character. If you are a Republican, you're not




Do you remember this guy?


Third in line for the pesidency. A pedo. So maybe now you should take my word on Trump. You don't need evidence. Start vetting your candidates loser.
Like you claim re: no black members @ Augusta National...'re talking out your ass.
Oh you got me on that one. And I said, letting Condi Rice in or making her part of the Bush Cabinet doesn't mean Republicans aren't racist. Hell Condi is probably racist.
I'm a good judge of character. If you are a Republican, you're not

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Do you remember this guy?

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Third in line for the pesidency. A pedo. So maybe now you should take my word on Trump. You don't need evidence. Start vetting your candidates loser.
Duh...................third in line for the 'pesidency' is Kevin McCarthy.

So you admit your post is unproveable and fake news.........why did I know that...... :highfive:
Still waiting for that more sideshow distractions........................ :abgg2q.jpg:
Duh...................third in line for the 'pesidency' is Kevin McCarthy.

Still waiting for that more sideshow distractions........................ :abgg2q.jpg:
Is he a Pedo too? That other guy was. 3rd in line for the presidency. A PEDO.

Please start vetting your candidates. And stopped getting conned by con men like Chaney, Rumsfeld, Trump,

George Santos and Hershel Walker? Really? You're not a good judge of character. Fine, I have no proof. Neither do you. So stop slandering Joe and other Democrats.

Look at Fox News. The on air celebs you listen to off air say they are lying to you fools. Are you still trying to suggest you know best? Fuck you.
Is he a Pedo too? That other guy was. 3rd in line for the presidency. A PEDO.
Give me your address, I'll send you a current calendar, that was between 16 to 24 years ago.....this is 2023. Wake up.
George Santos and Hershel Walker? Really? You're not a good judge of character. Fine, I have no proof. Neither do you
Didn't vote for either, don't really care.
So stop slandering Joe and other Democrats.
When they stop destroying the country and do some good for the American people, I will.
Look at Fox News. The on air celebs you listen to off air say they are lying to you fools.
Ever wonder how all the clowns on the NBC alphabet channels and others sleep at night?
Fuck you.
Same to you, pal....... :highfive:
Give me your address, I'll send you a current calendar, that was between 16 to 24 years ago.....this is 2023. Wake up.

Didn't vote for either, don't really care.

When they stop destroying the country and do some good for the American people, I will.

Ever wonder how all the clowns on the NBC alphabet channels and others sleep at night?

Same to you, pal....... :highfive:

Liberals created a middle class the world had never seen before. Republicans fought back starting in the 1970s but really got shit done for the rich and corporations when they got Reagan elected.

The only real problem in America is things are out of wack. The rich have never been richer. The middle class is shrinking and struggling. Not saving enough to have it as good as their parents had it.

Remember, their parents worked for Ford and GM. Unions. They made great pay, pensions, great healthcare, but you guys sent all those great jobs overseas in the Bush era 2000's. Remember your war on unions? You fought it and provided cover for Bush to send all those high paying manufacturing jobs to China. You loved Walmart and cheap shit from China and Dollar stores.

And Republicans have told you it was liberals who fucked you middle class Americans.
Liberals created a middle class the world had never seen before. Republicans fought back starting in the 1970s but really got shit done for the rich and corporations when they got Reagan elected.

The only real problem in America is things are out of wack. The rich have never been richer. The middle class is shrinking and struggling. Not saving enough to have it as good as their parents had it.

Remember, their parents worked for Ford and GM. Unions. They made great pay, pensions, great healthcare, but you guys sent all those great jobs overseas in the Bush era 2000's. Remember your war on unions? You fought it and provided cover for Bush to send all those high paying manufacturing jobs to China. You loved Walmart and cheap shit from China and Dollar stores.

And Republicans have told you it was liberals who fucked you middle class Americans.
Both parties did it.
Give me your address, I'll send you a current calendar, that was between 16 to 24 years ago.....this is 2023. Wake up.

Didn't vote for either, don't really care.

When they stop destroying the country and do some good for the American people, I will.

Ever wonder how all the clowns on the NBC alphabet channels and others sleep at night?

Same to you, pal....... :highfive:
You need to stop listening to Fox or other propaganda like it. We now all know Fox knows and admitted in private text they are lying to you right wingers. They think you are good people and just telling you what you want to hear. That's why you tune in. Not to be informed but to confirm your beliefs. And they confirm your beliefs with lies.

I love you. You're an American right? Even if you are a Canadian, I love you. But wake up. The media has got you brainwashed. And you thought it was us.

Hell, maybe we're just as brainwashed as you. But that remains to be proven. We KNOW you are.
Both parties did it.
I'll give you that. Sometimes you have to give the corporations what they want. But liberals think those corporations have a social contract to do business in this country. Are you paying your employees a decent livable wage or is your business model to keep people drawing foodstamps while working for you for 30 hours a week? No benefits. Min wage. That's the Walmart way right? It was in the 2000's. And that's when great union Ford jobs were going to Mexico. In my home town growing up was the Lincoln Ford plant. That plant made my home town an amazing place. All the other business' that came to my home town to do business with Ford.

I think every 1 manufacturing job creates something like 7 other jobs. No other job creates more jobs than manufacturing jobs. Because you are making things. So you have to buy things to make things.

Compared to service jobs. America moved more towards service jobs in the 2000's. They don't create as many jobs or pay as well.
I'll give you that. Sometimes you have to give the corporations what they want. But liberals think those corporations have a social contract to do business in this country. Are you paying your employees a decent livable wage or is your business model to keep people drawing foodstamps while working for you for 30 hours a week? No benefits. Min wage. That's the Walmart way right? It was in the 2000's. And that's when great union Ford jobs were going to Mexico. In my home town growing up was the Lincoln Ford plant. That plant made my home town an amazing place. All the other business' that came to my home town to do business with Ford.

I think every 1 manufacturing job creates something like 7 other jobs. No other job creates more jobs than manufacturing jobs. Because you are making things. So you have to buy things to make things.

Compared to service jobs. America moved more towards service jobs in the 2000's. They don't create as many jobs or pay as well.
I follow legialation and since Reagan, Democrats haven't given a shit about the average employee.
I follow legialation and since Reagan, Democrats haven't given a shit about the average employee.

That is true. They have sort of sold out on being hard core labor but keep in mind Clinton put labor and environmental protections in the NAFTA he signed. Those were removed by Republicans later of course. And when things got worse you said, "Clinton signed NAFTA".

Like I've been saying all over the boards. If you are a Republican, either you are a liar or someone who's been conned. I believe you believe the shit you say. Ray from Cleveland. You guys are not liars. You've just been duped by right wing media. Time to wake up. Wake up!

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