Republicans seem very confused about the FBI

Before the election, they praised the FBI AND James Comey for investigating Hillary. They also praised Comey for writing that letter days before the election. All law enforcement must be respected! Anyone investigated by the FBI is not qualified to be president!

Then what happens? Trump fires Comey and they pretend he was a corrupt partisan douche all along! How dare he investigate Trump! The whole FBI is corrupt!

Oh and then the FBI investigated Bernie’s wife. “Wait a minute,” they thought, “I thought the FBI was corrupt? I’m so confused!”

And then lordie another event contradicted them again! They seized all of Cohen’s shit. Those dicks!

Being a republican must be so exhausting. Those poor, snowflakes.
Yes we're confused. Under obama the name changed to Fucking Bunch of Incompetents.
apparently democrats are the same way.....remember when they hated comey for effectively knocking hillary out of the they love the guy.....

Well done. Yes, this is partisan politics, partisan on one side are as bad as the other. You seem to have accepted this.
Before the election, they praised the FBI AND James Comey for investigating Hillary. They also praised Comey for writing that letter days before the election. All law enforcement must be respected! Anyone investigated by the FBI is not qualified to be president!

Then what happens? Trump fires Comey and they pretend he was a corrupt partisan douche all along! How dare he investigate Trump! The whole FBI is corrupt!

Oh and then the FBI investigated Bernie’s wife. “Wait a minute,” they thought, “I thought the FBI was corrupt? I’m so confused!”

And then lordie another event contradicted them again! They seized all of Cohen’s shit. Those dicks!

Being a republican must be so exhausting. Those poor, snowflakes.
They all got whiplash from changing direction so suddenly and so often.
Before the election, they praised the FBI AND James Comey for investigating Hillary. They also praised Comey for writing that letter days before the election. All law enforcement must be respected! Anyone investigated by the FBI is not qualified to be president!

Then what happens? Trump fires Comey and they pretend he was a corrupt partisan douche all along! How dare he investigate Trump! The whole FBI is corrupt!

Oh and then the FBI investigated Bernie’s wife. “Wait a minute,” they thought, “I thought the FBI was corrupt? I’m so confused!”

And then lordie another event contradicted them again! They seized all of Cohen’s shit. Those dicks!

Being a republican must be so exhausting. Those poor, snowflakes.
Yes we're confused. Under obama the name changed to Fucking Bunch of Incompetents.

You think the name changed under Obama huh?

Yep, just ignore 100 years of history.
Before the election, they praised the FBI AND James Comey for investigating Hillary. They also praised Comey for writing that letter days before the election. All law enforcement must be respected! Anyone investigated by the FBI is not qualified to be president!

Then what happens? Trump fires Comey and they pretend he was a corrupt partisan douche all along! How dare he investigate Trump! The whole FBI is corrupt!

Oh and then the FBI investigated Bernie’s wife. “Wait a minute,” they thought, “I thought the FBI was corrupt? I’m so confused!”

And then lordie another event contradicted them again! They seized all of Cohen’s shit. Those dicks!

Being a republican must be so exhausting. Those poor, snowflakes.[/QUOTE

Its easy with the likes of you and your ilk. Besides the lefties were mad a Comey as well. Keep trying to make half truths one day you might actually hit on something besides you own pipe dreams.
I've got zero problem with the FBI. I think the rank and file FBI agent does a great job. My problem is with the people who were running the FBI during the Obama Administration...specifically their decisions to play politics with the agency. James Comey is a lying self serving POS. His explanation why Hillary Clinton shouldn't have been hit with criminal charges for what she did with her private email servers has to be one of the most "tortured" excuses I've ever heard!
apparently democrats are the same way.....remember when they hated comey for effectively knocking hillary out of the they love the guy.....
I don’t love Comey. I didn’t care that he was investigating Hillary.
Well you certainly can say that now can’t you
Can you find me a record of me saying otherwise? No.
what was that, 6 weeks ago?
Way to keep up.

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