Republicans Set to Gain Seats in 2018


Fucking retard.... when Jones takes his seat in the Senate, Republicans will hold a slim lead, 51-49 (2 of whom are Independents who caucus with Dems).

As I said, and you prove too ignorant to comprehend ... if Democrats gain just 2 more seats, they will lead 51-49 and the VP no longer matters -- Democrats take charge of the Senate, the Legislative Calendar, and all of the committees in the Senate.
Check your math....if what you say is right then the dems control it now lol...besides independents are definition...
Dayam, you're one fucking brain-dead conservative.

I said, counting Jones, Republicans lead is 51-49. Who knows how many times you've been kicked in the head to think I said Democrats control it now. :cuckoo:

And moron, have someone educate you as to what it means when an Independent caucuses with the Democrats. You clearly don't understand.
Dayam, you're one fucking brain-dead conservative.

I said, counting Jones, Republicans lead is 51-49. Who knows how many times you've been kicked in the head to think I said Democrats control it now. :cuckoo:

And moron, have someone educate you as to what it means when an Independent caucuses with the Democrats. You clearly don't understand
Ummmm nope you are still forgetting the VP vote and independents are not a lock....but why so angry? do you kick your little dog when your boyfriend shows you that you are wrong?
Yeah and as the economy gets stronger the GOP will continue to benefit...No one that I know wants Obama's growth rate and sluggish job growth back again...not even the liberals that I know...
Man, you are one dumb shit. Trump hasn't even matched Obama's WORST job growth rate.

The Jobs Report Misled You, Job & Wage Growth Are Actually Decelerating

This give us a 3-month average monthly job gain of 170k, a 6-month average of 178k, and a year-to-date average of 174k. These numbers compare with average job growth of 187k in 2016, 226k in 2015, and 250k in 2014.
Seriously? You're trying to talk numbers with conservatives???

They can't handle numbers. Shit, I just pointed out to one how Jones' win reduces the Republicans lead in the Senate to 51-49 -- and that rightard thinks that means Democrats control the Senate. :cuckoo:

They can't count to 100 ..... counting numbers in the hundreds of thousands is beyond their pay grade. Anything over ten is beyond their pay grade because that's all the fingers they have.
Seriously? You're trying to talk numbers with conservatives???

They can't handle numbers. Shit, I just pointed out to one how Jones' win reduces the Republicans lead in the Senate to 51-49 -- and that rightard thinks that means Democrats control the Senate. :cuckoo:

They can't count to 100 ..... counting numbers in the hundreds of thousands is beyond their pay grade. Anything over ten is beyond their pay grade because that's all the fingers they have
Did you send Al Franken a good bye card? :badgrin:
Yeah. You go ahead and deny the facts. It's what you do.

There's a reason I called you one dumb shit
This give us a 3-month average monthly job gain of 170k, a 6-month average of 178k, and a year-to-date average of 174k. These numbers compare with average job growth of 187k in 2016, 226k in 2015, and 250k in 2014.

Let me know which words you need help with, retard.

Funny how you have to go to an article written before Democrats had big wins in the last two elections (Virginia and Alabama). Those seats are not as likely to go Republican as they may have appeared over last summer.
Democrats will lose millions of white voters by the time the 2018 elections come around.
Suure, uh-huh. :cuckoo:
If Democrats hadn’t lost millions of white voters already there literally wouldn’t be a Republican Party today.

The “greatest generation”(the last normal group) is dead and buried, the baby boomers are the idiots who started the hippy movement, the gen Xers are largely irrelevant and libertarian leaning and the millennials are largely anti-white fascists, but yet Trump still won the election somehow because most of the baby boom Democrats switched parties.
Imbecile.... politics is a pendulum, usually swinging away from the party of the president. It swung to the right while Obama was president and now it's begun swinging back to the left. Does that mean it will swing more to the left? No, no one knows. But so far since Trump's been president, it has been swinging that way. And yesterday, in one of the reddest states in the nation, Alabama elected a pro-choice, pro-gun control, Liberal Democrat. The only Republicans who aren't rattled by that are the ones who aren't paying attention.
There is no “pendulum”.

The only swing voters in this country have been the white working class, which Democrats have completely lost now.

The Republicans will continue to lose everything every year after Trump is re-elected because they have nothing to offer anyone and because they take their voting base entirely for granted.

The alt-right/alt-left will take over the politics of the right after Trump and start to play the demographics game until they have the power and the numbers to control the country.

The Democrats destroyed white America in order to have a prayer of winning elections again, and slowly but surely the alt-right will destroy the America that Democrats replaced white America with.
Trump's job growth rate is worse than what Obama left him.

Simple fact.
Yeah and as the economy gets stronger the GOP will continue to benefit...No one that I know wants Obama's growth rate and sluggish job growth back again...not even the liberals that I know...
Man, you are one dumb shit. Trump hasn't even matched Obama's WORST job growth rate.

The Jobs Report Misled You, Job & Wage Growth Are Actually Decelerating

This give us a 3-month average monthly job gain of 170k, a 6-month average of 178k, and a year-to-date average of 174k. These numbers compare with average job growth of 187k in 2016, 226k in 2015, and 250k in 2014.
Seriously? You're trying to talk numbers with conservatives???
Good point. Pseudocons are thoroughly innumerate. Their propaganda masters depend on it.

When they open their record high medical insurance bills, they will tell themselves Trump has given them great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost. :lol:
The GOP only controls the courts until the next Democrat president is sworn in and replaces them. The only court that doesn't apply to is the U.S. Supreme Court. And if Democrats gain 2 more seats in the Senate in the next election, they can prevent Trump from replacing any justices on that bench, should they choose to do so
Federal judges need to retire to be replaced and there have been a record number of retirements this year...the SCOTUS will be conservative for years to come...there will be another retire or death before Trump's first term is over...
The U.S. Supreme Court is no more conservative now than it has been for a long time. Gorsuch replaced Scalia. If any other seat open up before January, 2019, Trump will get to replace them. If not, and if Demcorats gain two more seats next November, then Democrats take control of the Senate and can shut Trump down if any seats open up after that.
The exit polls from that race mean a lot and they should scare the shit out of the GOP.
  • Moore won only older voters. Among those 18-44, he got walloped by 23 points.
  • Women with children made up one in every five voters in Alabama on Tuesday. And man, did they revolt against Moore by a 2 to 1 margin.
  • Moderates voted for Jones.
  • In 2016, President Donald Trump carried Alabama by almost 28 points. In 2017, voters in Alabama rejected Trump twice -- first by beating appointed Sen. Luther Strange in a Republican runoff and then by choosing Jones over Moore on Tuesday night. And you can see why. Trump's approval rating in the exit poll was only 48%.
  • Jones won the election on values, a key issue for the GOP for decades.
  • The Democrat party was more popular than the Republican party in a state that hasn't elected a Democratic Senator in 25 years.
  • Republicans are an increasingly a rural party only. Democratic votes in the growing city centers overwhelmed the smaller, less populated areas that continued to perform for Republicans.
  • Black voters are incredibly energized, much more so than in 2016.
8 numbers out of Alabama that should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

Yesterdays election meant nothing......if Trump would run for re-election today he would win big in Alabama

College Towns
Turnout in college towns was especially high in the Senate race, as was the antipathy toward Mr. Moore. Mr. Trump won Lee County, home to Auburn University, with 58 percent of the vote; Mr. Moore won just 41 percent.

College students “dislike Trump intensely, disagree dramatically with the G.O.P. on most or all social issues, and regard Republicans as being from a moon of Jupiter,” said Larry J. Sabato, the director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. “Over time, this will be deadly to the G.O.P.”
Anti-white racism will completely flip millennials and generation z to the alt-right.

Republicans are just useless idiots who don’t understand that “identity politics” is just politics in a multicultural and multiracial country that revolves around a globalized world.

You know your delusions aren't real, right?
Let me know which words you need help with, retard.
Let me know when you stop copy and pasting and use your own words....

Anyone trying to argue that today's economy is not far and away better than a year ago is either out of touch or lying...look around dummy...
Dayam, you're one fucking brain-dead conservative.

I said, counting Jones, Republicans lead is 51-49. Who knows how many times you've been kicked in the head to think I said Democrats control it now. :cuckoo:

And moron, have someone educate you as to what it means when an Independent caucuses with the Democrats. You clearly don't understand
Ummmm nope you are still forgetting the VP vote and independents are not a lock....but why so angry? do you kick your little dog when your boyfriend shows you that you are wrong?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Finish 3rd grade already and learn civics.

The VP's role in the Senate as president is merely to break ties. Which ever party holds 51 seats, controls the Senate. The only way the VP can sway control of the Senate is when it's split 50-50.

If Democrats hold at least 51 seats (which includes Independents who caucus with them) -- they control the Senate.

You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
The U.S. Supreme Court is no more conservative now than it has been for a long time always have been a dreamer and where has that gotten you?
No first woman impeachment for Trump...must be tough to be you...
Seriously? You're trying to talk numbers with conservatives???

They can't handle numbers. Shit, I just pointed out to one how Jones' win reduces the Republicans lead in the Senate to 51-49 -- and that rightard thinks that means Democrats control the Senate. :cuckoo:

They can't count to 100 ..... counting numbers in the hundreds of thousands is beyond their pay grade. Anything over ten is beyond their pay grade because that's all the fingers they have
Did you send Al Franken a good bye card? :badgrin:
Why would I? He's still in the Senate.
Let me know which words you need help with, retard.
Let me know when you stop copy and pasting and use your own words....

It's called "evidence", retard. Try it sometime.

Trump's job growth rate is less than Obama's. Simple fact.

And you called Obama's job growth "sluggish". So that means Trump's is even MORE sluggish, by your own benchmark!

Let me know if you need that explained to you.

Funny how you have to go to an article written before Democrats had big wins in the last two elections (Virginia and Alabama). Those seats are not as likely to go Republican as they may have appeared over last summer.
Democrats will lose millions of white voters by the time the 2018 elections come around.
Suure, uh-huh. :cuckoo:
If Democrats hadn’t lost millions of white voters already there literally wouldn’t be a Republican Party today.

The “greatest generation”(the last normal group) is dead and buried, the baby boomers are the idiots who started the hippy movement, the gen Xers are largely irrelevant and libertarian leaning and the millennials are largely anti-white fascists, but yet Trump still won the election somehow because most of the baby boom Democrats switched parties.
Imbecile.... politics is a pendulum, usually swinging away from the party of the president. It swung to the right while Obama was president and now it's begun swinging back to the left. Does that mean it will swing more to the left? No, no one knows. But so far since Trump's been president, it has been swinging that way. And yesterday, in one of the reddest states in the nation, Alabama elected a pro-choice, pro-gun control, Liberal Democrat. The only Republicans who aren't rattled by that are the ones who aren't paying attention.
There is no “pendulum”.

The only swing voters in this country have been the white working class, which Democrats have completely lost now.

The Republicans will continue to lose everything every year after Trump is re-elected because they have nothing to offer anyone and because they take their voting base entirely for granted.

The alt-right/alt-left will take over the politics of the right after Trump and start to play the demographics game until they have the power and the numbers to control the country.

The Democrats destroyed white America in order to have a prayer of winning elections again, and slowly but surely the alt-right will destroy the America that Democrats replaced white America with.
My advice to you is to buzz the attending nurse at your asylum and have her clean out your drool cup.
My advice to you is to buzz the attending nurse at your asylum and have her clean out your drool cup
Faun are resorting to insults...makes you look as uneducated as you are so be very careful...:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
.No one that I know wants Obama's growth rate and sluggish job growth back again...not even the liberals that I know...
See? You called Obama's growth rate sluggish.

Your own words.

Since Trump's job growth rate is even more sluggish, that makes you one dumb shit.

You should be praying we return to Obama's growth rate. It was better.

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