Republicans Set to Gain Seats in 2018

In your dreams--:badgrin: If Democrats can win in Alabama--it strongly suggests that there is a Tsunami that's going to hit Republicans all across this nation. Virginia, New Jersey and now Alabama. There's blood in the water now.

Trump's approval ratings are so low--that political anaylists can't even gauge the loss's in the house & senate--because they've never seen it before.


These people will make certain it happens.


Woman's march the day after Trump was inaugurated Washington D.C. This was going on in every state for more pictures go to this link.
Woman's march pictures


Trump street protests. For more pictures go to this link.
trump protest - Yahoo Image Search Results

You have awoken a sleeping giant--and they're coming for you in 2018.
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How many Democrats do you think need to be in the Senate for them to control it?
News flash more than they have now...and more than they will ever have again...

You look like a pussy. Why are you so afraid to throw out a number? How many seats do you think Democrats need? 50? 51? 60? 100?

C’mon, impress the forum with the right number.....
The exit polls from that race mean a lot and they should scare the shit out of the GOP.
  • Moore won only older voters. Among those 18-44, he got walloped by 23 points.
  • Women with children made up one in every five voters in Alabama on Tuesday. And man, did they revolt against Moore by a 2 to 1 margin.
  • Moderates voted for Jones.
  • In 2016, President Donald Trump carried Alabama by almost 28 points. In 2017, voters in Alabama rejected Trump twice -- first by beating appointed Sen. Luther Strange in a Republican runoff and then by choosing Jones over Moore on Tuesday night. And you can see why. Trump's approval rating in the exit poll was only 48%.
  • Jones won the election on values, a key issue for the GOP for decades.
  • The Democrat party was more popular than the Republican party in a state that hasn't elected a Democratic Senator in 25 years.
  • Republicans are an increasingly a rural party only. Democratic votes in the growing city centers overwhelmed the smaller, less populated areas that continued to perform for Republicans.
  • Black voters are incredibly energized, much more so than in 2016.
8 numbers out of Alabama that should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

Yesterdays election meant nothing......if Trump would run for re-election today he would win big in Alabama

College Towns
Turnout in college towns was especially high in the Senate race, as was the antipathy toward Mr. Moore. Mr. Trump won Lee County, home to Auburn University, with 58 percent of the vote; Mr. Moore won just 41 percent.

College students “dislike Trump intensely, disagree dramatically with the G.O.P. on most or all social issues, and regard Republicans as being from a moon of Jupiter,” said Larry J. Sabato, the director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. “Over time, this will be deadly to the G.O.P.”
Anti-white racism will completely flip millennials and generation z to the alt-right.

Republicans are just useless idiots who don’t understand that “identity politics” is just politics in a multicultural and multiracial country that revolves around a globalized world.

You know your delusions aren't real, right?
My “delusions” are more true now than I ever even thought possible just 10 years ago.

12 years ago I was just about the only alt-right type thinking person on the Internet.

The Internet has radically changed towards my type of thinking, and the Republican Party and the white millennial and generation z voters will be next.
That is the democrats problem...they believe and base their whole future on stupid statistics and numbers created from fallible people...continue with that PLEASE!
Oh? What “stupid statistics and numbers” are you talking about?
You look like a pussy. Why are you so afraid to throw out a number? How many seats do you think Democrats need? 50? 51? 60? 100?
Like I said when the dems take over you let me know right now they are behind by 1 with a VP tie breaker which makes it two so when you gain two seats you ring a bell okay faun?
The exit polls from that race mean a lot and they should scare the shit out of the GOP.
  • Moore won only older voters. Among those 18-44, he got walloped by 23 points.
  • Women with children made up one in every five voters in Alabama on Tuesday. And man, did they revolt against Moore by a 2 to 1 margin.
  • Moderates voted for Jones.
  • In 2016, President Donald Trump carried Alabama by almost 28 points. In 2017, voters in Alabama rejected Trump twice -- first by beating appointed Sen. Luther Strange in a Republican runoff and then by choosing Jones over Moore on Tuesday night. And you can see why. Trump's approval rating in the exit poll was only 48%.
  • Jones won the election on values, a key issue for the GOP for decades.
  • The Democrat party was more popular than the Republican party in a state that hasn't elected a Democratic Senator in 25 years.
  • Republicans are an increasingly a rural party only. Democratic votes in the growing city centers overwhelmed the smaller, less populated areas that continued to perform for Republicans.
  • Black voters are incredibly energized, much more so than in 2016.
8 numbers out of Alabama that should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

Yesterdays election meant nothing......if Trump would run for re-election today he would win big in Alabama

College Towns
Turnout in college towns was especially high in the Senate race, as was the antipathy toward Mr. Moore. Mr. Trump won Lee County, home to Auburn University, with 58 percent of the vote; Mr. Moore won just 41 percent.

College students “dislike Trump intensely, disagree dramatically with the G.O.P. on most or all social issues, and regard Republicans as being from a moon of Jupiter,” said Larry J. Sabato, the director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. “Over time, this will be deadly to the G.O.P.”
Anti-white racism will completely flip millennials and generation z to the alt-right.

Republicans are just useless idiots who don’t understand that “identity politics” is just politics in a multicultural and multiracial country that revolves around a globalized world.

You know your delusions aren't real, right?
My “delusions” are more true now than I ever even thought possible just 10 years ago.

12 years ago I was just about the only alt-right type thinking person on the Internet.

The Internet has radically changed towards my type of thinking, and the Republican Party and the white millennial and generation z voters will be next.

Oh? What “stupid statistics and numbers” are you talking about?
What that means is you are making the same mistake the Clinton Campaign made by looking at stats and polls and missing the real facts as they are on the ground....people are happy...the stores are filled with goods and people..the stores are braised for a record breaking Christmas...
Democrats will lose millions of white voters by the time the 2018 elections come around.
Suure, uh-huh. :cuckoo:
If Democrats hadn’t lost millions of white voters already there literally wouldn’t be a Republican Party today.

The “greatest generation”(the last normal group) is dead and buried, the baby boomers are the idiots who started the hippy movement, the gen Xers are largely irrelevant and libertarian leaning and the millennials are largely anti-white fascists, but yet Trump still won the election somehow because most of the baby boom Democrats switched parties.
Imbecile.... politics is a pendulum, usually swinging away from the party of the president. It swung to the right while Obama was president and now it's begun swinging back to the left. Does that mean it will swing more to the left? No, no one knows. But so far since Trump's been president, it has been swinging that way. And yesterday, in one of the reddest states in the nation, Alabama elected a pro-choice, pro-gun control, Liberal Democrat. The only Republicans who aren't rattled by that are the ones who aren't paying attention.
There is no “pendulum”.

The only swing voters in this country have been the white working class, which Democrats have completely lost now.

The Republicans will continue to lose everything every year after Trump is re-elected because they have nothing to offer anyone and because they take their voting base entirely for granted.

The alt-right/alt-left will take over the politics of the right after Trump and start to play the demographics game until they have the power and the numbers to control the country.

The Democrats destroyed white America in order to have a prayer of winning elections again, and slowly but surely the alt-right will destroy the America that Democrats replaced white America with.
My advice to you is to buzz the attending nurse at your asylum and have her clean out your drool cup.
Keep projecting, inbred.

Meanwhile, I am getting back into the public sphere and going back to college. I will radically change this world and my idiotic peers don’t have a prayer of stopping me.

I will be one of the strongest voices of my generation on both the virtual and physical plane, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it except to die off and leave this world to people like me even sooner.
You look like a pussy
Like you would know what one looks like fagot....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Of course I know what one looks like — someone who’s too scared to answer a simple question is a pussy. That would be you.

Throw out a number — how many seats in the Senate do Democrats need to control it? Why are you so afraid to answer that, pussy?

From your link...

The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index has been in positive territory for 15 months straight.
Trump’s only been president for 11 months so far. Thanks for proving he inherited a good economy from Obama
The closer it got to the end of the Obama disastrous presidency the better the economy got people slowly began to invest and spend...when Trump won it exploded to what it is now but I don't want you to believe me...just like you didn't believe me when I said Trump will stay just like you are so I will always know that your life is much harder than mine...
Of course I know what one looks like — someone who’s too scared to answer a simple question is a pussy. That would be you.

Throw out a number — how many seats in the Senate do Democrats need to control it? Why are you so afraid to answer that, pussy?
Do me a favor...take your blood pressure for me and let me know what it is so I can giggle myself to sleep....
Yesterdays election meant nothing......if Trump would run for re-election today he would win big in Alabama

College Towns
Turnout in college towns was especially high in the Senate race, as was the antipathy toward Mr. Moore. Mr. Trump won Lee County, home to Auburn University, with 58 percent of the vote; Mr. Moore won just 41 percent.

College students “dislike Trump intensely, disagree dramatically with the G.O.P. on most or all social issues, and regard Republicans as being from a moon of Jupiter,” said Larry J. Sabato, the director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. “Over time, this will be deadly to the G.O.P.”
Anti-white racism will completely flip millennials and generation z to the alt-right.

Republicans are just useless idiots who don’t understand that “identity politics” is just politics in a multicultural and multiracial country that revolves around a globalized world.

You know your delusions aren't real, right?
My “delusions” are more true now than I ever even thought possible just 10 years ago.

12 years ago I was just about the only alt-right type thinking person on the Internet.

The Internet has radically changed towards my type of thinking, and the Republican Party and the white millennial and generation z voters will be next.


Are you even intellectually capable of understanding the topic being discussed in the video?

Do you even understand the significance of someone like Faith Goldy(former mainstream conservative media darling in Canada)having a sincere discussion about ethno nationalism with a long time pro-white advocate and a beautiful 19 year old white nationalist college student?

These women are far more intelligent than any young white Democrat today. Young white Democrats are no longer even capable of comprehending race in regards to white interests.
You look like a pussy. Why are you so afraid to throw out a number? How many seats do you think Democrats need? 50? 51? 60? 100?
Like I said when the dems take over you let me know right now they are behind by 1 with a VP tie breaker which makes it two so when you gain two seats you ring a bell okay faun?
Oh look, I actually taught you something. Earlier, you foolishly said they needed 3. I educated you to the fact they only need two and you learned.
dems are within 3......don't forget Pence
Oh look, I actually taught you something. Earlier, you foolishly said they needed 3. I educated you to the fact they only need two and you learned.
Oh did the dems take over??? I didn't hear the do have a bell right?
Oh? What “stupid statistics and numbers” are you talking about?
What that means is you are making the same mistake the Clinton Campaign made by looking at stats and polls and missing the real facts as they are on the ground....people are happy...the stores are filled with goods and people..the stores are braised for a record breaking Christmas...
Which stats are you talking about? There are lots of stats. Who’s putting out employment stats you think should be ignored?
Suure, uh-huh. :cuckoo:
If Democrats hadn’t lost millions of white voters already there literally wouldn’t be a Republican Party today.

The “greatest generation”(the last normal group) is dead and buried, the baby boomers are the idiots who started the hippy movement, the gen Xers are largely irrelevant and libertarian leaning and the millennials are largely anti-white fascists, but yet Trump still won the election somehow because most of the baby boom Democrats switched parties.
Imbecile.... politics is a pendulum, usually swinging away from the party of the president. It swung to the right while Obama was president and now it's begun swinging back to the left. Does that mean it will swing more to the left? No, no one knows. But so far since Trump's been president, it has been swinging that way. And yesterday, in one of the reddest states in the nation, Alabama elected a pro-choice, pro-gun control, Liberal Democrat. The only Republicans who aren't rattled by that are the ones who aren't paying attention.
There is no “pendulum”.

The only swing voters in this country have been the white working class, which Democrats have completely lost now.

The Republicans will continue to lose everything every year after Trump is re-elected because they have nothing to offer anyone and because they take their voting base entirely for granted.

The alt-right/alt-left will take over the politics of the right after Trump and start to play the demographics game until they have the power and the numbers to control the country.

The Democrats destroyed white America in order to have a prayer of winning elections again, and slowly but surely the alt-right will destroy the America that Democrats replaced white America with.
My advice to you is to buzz the attending nurse at your asylum and have her clean out your drool cup.
Keep projecting, inbred.

Meanwhile, I am getting back into the public sphere and going back to college. I will radically change this world and my idiotic peers don’t have a prayer of stopping me.

I will be one of the strongest voices of my generation on both the virtual and physical plane, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it except to die off and leave this world to people like me even sooner.

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