Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?
Biden definitely put up a trial balloon.
Yep, that was pretty silly. I didn't see the entire democratic party backing that silliness up like the MAGAs do for their crazies.

That was pretty silly, too.

You want to brand everyone who believes in opposing the Democrats Un-Constitutional, Law-violating, 2-tiered Justice system creating, oppressive, authoritarian, socialist / fascist agenda is aitomatically a 'MAGA crazy'.

I believe the term is actually 'American Patriot'.
Biden definitely put up a trial balloon.

Okay...............tell us how this is "Biden putting up a trial balloon". I wanna see what kind of bullshit you're gonna spin here..........

Especially when it was someone who heads an agency (granted, appointed by Biden, but I seriously doubt controlled by him), who said that they would check first to see if they could be made safer, but if not, then banning could be an option, as all options could be on the table.

Oh wait...............I got it now............Biden is a secret mastermind (even though most of your type think he's got dementia and isn't all there) who is pulling strings behind the curtain and wants to ban gas stoves. You're peoples "logic" (if it can be called that) is that you hate Biden, the government wants to ban gas stoves (never mind the studies to see if they can be made safer first), and because the Biden is the current head of the government, he wants to take your stoves (even though the ban, IF decided on, won't happen until 2030 at the earliest).
That was pretty silly, too.

You want to brand everyone who believes in opposing the Democrats Un-Constitutional, Law-violating, 2-tiered Justice system creating, oppressive, authoritarian, socialist / fascist agenda is aitomatically a 'MAGA crazy'.

I believe the term is actually 'American Patriot'.
You hijacked the word patriot just like today's hateful Christians hijacked the name of Christ.
Okay...............tell us how this is "Biden putting up a trial balloon". I wanna see what kind of bullshit you're gonna spin here..........

Especially when it was someone who heads an agency (granted, appointed by Biden, but I seriously doubt controlled by him), who said that they would check first to see if they could be made safer, but if not, then banning could be an option, as all options could be on the table.

Oh wait...............I got it now............Biden is a secret mastermind (even though most of your type think he's got dementia and isn't all there) who is pulling strings behind the curtain and wants to ban gas stoves. You're peoples "logic" (if it can be called that) is that you hate Biden, the government wants to ban gas stoves (never mind the studies to see if they can be made safer first), and because the Biden is the current head of the government, he wants to take your stoves (even though the ban, IF decided on, won't happen until 2030 at the earliest).
Biden is his boss, dumb fuck. Only a damn fool could believe that Biden didn't OK that.
Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?
/——/ NYS to ban gas appliances from new homes in 2030
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He was asking if there was anything injectable that had the same disinfecting action as UV disinfectants.

Kind of a silly question, asked in a pretty unclear way, yet that's what he meant.
It was a stupid question, posited by a stupid fucking moron shitty excuse for a *pResident. I really don't care about the true intentions of incompetents.
he may be ignorant but he sure outsmarted liberal genius hillary clinton pretty easily
Trump didn't outsmart anyone. The left was complacent, and there were more crazies than expected. I don't see that happening again. It damn didn't happen in 2020
Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?
Dems are trying to go after gas stoves, because they are the ones telling us.

What it is really about is they want to monitor ”indoor pollution” in your home. That is the real goal, the government needs to put sensors in your home, and it will be illegal to turn them off.

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