Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

That's really not an answer to the question, is it? Do you approve of states making their own laws or not? Are you too much of a coward to answer?
/——/ Sarcasm goes right over your head. To be clear, you changed the question.
So do you approve or disapprove of decisions made by New York?
That's really not an answer to the question, is it? Do you approve of states making their own laws or not? Are you too much of a coward to answer?
Yes, I approve. So let the mass exodus from NY and CA commence accelarating.
What if they choose to allow concealed carry?
What if? Whining about New York's actions was used to justify the claim Biden was banning gas stoves. Whether the whiner agrees that New York should make their own decisions is certainly relevant.
The Consumer Product safety commissioner noted that gas stoves cause demonstrably dangerous hazards to health, and is in the process to determine steps to take to reduce that hazard, That is the purpose of the commission, and their job. If steps can't be found to make gas stoves safer, then banning them is an option, just as it has always been for every hazard the commission has ever investigated. They recognized lots of hazards with cars, and came up with lots of changes, including seat belts, body panel and frame design, safety glass, and a long list of other changes short of banning cars. Whining about the possibility of banning gas stoves is so premature at this stage as to be childish.
Please refer to post # 198
Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?

Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims​

This coming from the same demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies that had the nation on edge for YEARS claiming that Trump was a Russian asset....

Talk about ABSURD!!!


Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims​

This coming from the same demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies that had the nation on edge for YEARS claiming that Trump was a Russian asset....

Talk about ABSURD!!!

See my latest thread
See my latest thread
You think that excuses your Russia Russia Russia LIES????
See my latest thread

You're comparing one kook to an entire party full of nutballs?

First it was paying a foreign spy for dirt on the opposition.

Then it was Russia Russia Russia.

Fast forward through a LONG string of lies (Ukraine, Covid, J6, unclassified documents)...

And now you retarded demented halfleftwits are busted and you're STILL lying.

You're so totally completely full of shit it's baffling you're still being funded.

I suspect that won't last long either.
Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?
THIS is a typical democrat....not just on this topic...but on any topic they choose.

/——/ Dumb lib tries to defend the indefensible. Doubles down on stupid.
same way they are telling us here that there is no idea to ban gas stoves. HELL..they banned toilets, linoleum, corded blinds, freon, suggested banning wood stoves and grills over the past couple years...just to name a few. wef suggested this week that there will be cities with no cars...some idiot scot politician is pushing this in their country. oh...and starting in 2020 they banned many from making their own health decisions. like gas stoves is a big effing deal.
same way they are telling us here that there is no idea to ban gas stoves. HELL..they banned toilets, linoleum, corded blinds, freon, suggested banning wood stoves and grills over the past couple years...just to name a few. wef suggested this week that there will be cities with no cars...some idiot scot politician is pushing this in their country. oh...and starting in 2020 they banned many from making their own health decisions. like gas stoves is a big effing deal.

Really? Linoleum, toilets, corded blinds and freon have been banned? When was this, and what links can you provide that this has happened? I've still got a toilet, linoleum and corded blinds in my house, I wanna find out if I'm living like an outlaw or not.

As far as the freon? I know that it's been replaced with safer stuff that still works just as good.
Really? Linoleum, toilets, corded blinds and freon have been banned? When was this, and what links can you provide that this has happened? I've still got a toilet, linoleum and corded blinds in my house, I wanna find out if I'm living like an outlaw or not.

As far as the freon? I know that it's been replaced with safer stuff that still works just as good.
The cheaper, more effective forms of freon have been banned. Same goes for toilets that actually work. The low-flow toilets that are still allowed clog all the time.
Dems are trying to go after gas stoves, because they are the ones telling us.

What it is really about is they want to monitor ”indoor pollution” in your home. That is the real goal, the government needs to put sensors in your home, and it will be illegal to turn them off.
If you are a smoker, don't buy a condo in CA with a common wall with another unit. They prohibited smoking in those over 10 years ago.
Really? Linoleum, toilets, corded blinds and freon have been banned? When was this, and what links can you provide that this has happened? I've still got a toilet, linoleum and corded blinds in my house, I wanna find out if I'm living like an outlaw or not.

As far as the freon? I know that it's been replaced with safer stuff that still works just as good.
are YOU THAT STUPID???? of course they have banned the original toilets. all you can get are the low water toilets. YOu can't buy corded blinds..ONLY THe cordless. YOur can't pull up linoleum now for the so called enviro hazard and light bulbs buddy. They have banned original bulbs till all you can get now are poor quality and LED at expensive prices. THERE was NO NEED for any of this. It's money. THAT is what it is.

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