Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

Or I could add the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II, which was almost surely unconstitutional and which was promoted by conservatives and opposed by liberals (FDR himself, no liberal but no conservative either, straddled the fence).
FDR didn't oppose it. He ordered it.

Stop trying to rewrite history.

How many Republicans openly opposed the internment of Japanese Americans? Not many Americans opposed it.

More importantly, the courts did not stand up for the rights of American citizens
Historically Significant Black Experiences

Historical Points of Interest

1. One of the primary reasons the Republican Party came into existence was because of its opposition to the Democrat Party’s support and promoting of The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. This act repealed the Anti-Slavery Missouri Compromise Law. The Missouri Compromise was an attempt to halt the spread of slavery beyond a certain point in the Louisiana Territory.

2. In 1854 at Jackson, Michigan a group of men met to form a new political party and one of the primary things that they agreed on, was their opposition to slavery and in particular the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. So while the Democratic Party was feverishly fighting to preserve slavery, the Republicans were meeting in Jackson, Michigan to destroy it.

3. The first candidate the Republican selected was Col. John C. Fremont who ran against pro-slavery candidate, Democrat James Buchanan. Even though Fremont loss it is interesting to know that he was the Republicans first anti-slavery presidential candidate.

4. In 1858, Republican Abraham Lincoln faced Democrat Stephen Douglas in a race for U.S. Senate in Illinois. That campaign became famous for the Lincoln-Douglas debates, with Democrat Stephen Douglas defending slavery and Republican Abraham Lincoln opposing it.

5. Lincoln is quoted as saying in 1858 the following, “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe the government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.” And it was with this attitude that Lincoln became the Republicans first elected president, in 1860.
6. Republican President Lincoln is quoted as saying the following to an Indiana Regiment: “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”

7. After experiencing repeated defeats during the Civil War, Lincoln declared, “On many a defeated field there was a voice louder than the thundering of a cannon. It was the voice God, crying, “Let My People go.” We…came to believe it as a great and solemn command.

8. In response to what Lincoln believed to be a divine mandate on January 1, 1863, he issued an edict we commonly call, The Emancipation Proclamation. And even though this act did not free all slaves or solves the slave problem, it led to change for the slave population in this country. (It is said that Lincoln before his death said, “The central act of my administration, and the greatest even of the nineteenth century was the Emancipation Proclamation…
9. Two of the greatest fighters for the freedom of the slaves were two Republicans by the name of Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens. Lerone Bennett, Jr. the historian said this regarding these two men. “Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens educated Lincoln, and the country, to a policy of Black Emancipation.” To them, as much as to conservative Lincoln, black people owe their freedom.

10. Republicans Sumner and Stevens were responsible for three (3) amendments to the Constitution which freed black people from slavery, made them citizens with all the rights of all Americans and the right to vote. They did this even though the Democrats fought to prevent them from bringing these laws to pass.

11. Thaddeus Stevens also fought to give every freed slave forty acres of land and a mule, so that slaves could take care of their families

12. The dream of forty acres and a mule was destroyed when Lincoln was killed and his vice president, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat replaced Lincoln and said of Black people, “Black people were inferior to whites and unready for equal rights. So he worked to destroy much of what Republicans had worked and fought so hard for.

13. One of the greatest periods of freedom Blacks ever enjoyed in America was between 1867 and 1877. The Republican Party was responsible for this period of time, and many positive changes took place for Blacks during the time of the enforcement of a series of measures called, Reconstruction Acts. W.E. B. Dubois called this period the, “Mystic Years.”

14. Here are but a few things that happen during the Reconstruction period. A. Hiram Rhodes Revels (Republican) became the first Black in congress, holding the position of U.S. Senator B. Republican Joseph H. Rainey from South Carolina became the first member of the U.S. House of Representatives C. In 1875, Blanche Kelso Bruce of Mississippi was elected to U.S. Senate, the first black to serve a full term in the Senate. In 1871, he was appointed by Republican President James A. Garfield as Registrar of the U.S. Treasury.

15. During the Republican supported period called, Reconstruction, blacks held state offices throughout the South, they were superintendents of education. Black and White children went to school together, interracial marriages were common and we didn’t ride on the back of the bus. Black colleges like Howard, Fisk and Morehouse came into being.

16. The Democrats never accepted the Reconstruction Period, as the last word and they went about to take all these advancements back, through groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. Most klans men were Democrats. Lerone Bennett, Jr. says this about how the Democrats went about destroying the Reconstruction period. “By stealth and murder, by economic intimidation and political assassinations, by whippings and mamings, cuttings and shootings, by the knife, by the rope, by the whip. By the political use of terror, by the braining of the baby in its mothers arms, the slaying of the husband at his wife’s feet, the raping of the wife before her husbands’ eves. By fear….In every state, Democrats attempted to control the votes of their late slaves…and the Democrats succeeded in destroying the greatest time of freedom Blacks ever enjoyed in America.”

17. The great Black Republican abolitionist Frederick Douglass had this to say about the Democratic Party, “…Sir, it is evident that there is in this country a purely slavery party- a party which exists for no other earthly purpose than to promote the interests of slavery….For the present, the best representative of the slavery party in politics is the Democratic party.”

18. During the rebirth of the Civil Rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s the overwhelming number of governors who stood in their respective school doors to block blacks from attending their schools were Democrats such as, Alabama Democratic Governor George Wallace, who stood in the schoolhouse door, Georgia Democratic Governor Lester Maddox stood in his restaurant door with a pistol on his hip and men with ax handles stood behind him to block blacks from coming into his business, Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett declared he would stand against federal laws regarding integration, and then there is Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus who sent his national guard to prevent black children from entering Arkansas schools.

19. On September 25, 1957, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower in a record breaking time of a little over three weeks sent federal troops to Arkansas to ensure the safety of black children who were integrating Arkansas schools.

20. The passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 would not have been possible without the strong cohesive support of the Republican. In fact, all Southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act, including Al Gore, Sr. though President Lyndon Johnson was a Democrat he couldn’t get enough votes from his own party to pass civil rights laws, he needed the help of a willing Republican majority.

21. It is reported that over 4000 Ku Klux Klan killings took place during the terrible time of their reign of terror, but a better plan has been developed which eliminates over 400,000 black people every year, this plan has been so effective until Hispanics now out number Blacks in America. This effective gift of genocide comes from the Democratic Party supported practice called, Abortion.

Black History

Republicans have always been historically the more consistent moderate party... Democrats have always been extremists in one way or another, from the KKK to the federalist party they've always been partisan - even today, today they're towing socialism.

Yeah recently (past 20 years) there was an influx of "fat cat" republicans but the tea party is dumping them left and right....

That was only a couple of decades. To put that into context the democratic party controlled the KKK for nearly a century . Yeah the KKK acted as a modern day ACORN for the party for nearly 100 years, especially in the south.

The republicans were opposed because they opposed segregation and laws that prohibited interracial marriages and such....

Just remember it was LBJ that said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next 100 years."

Democrats treat the black man as an ignorant slave who's only use is to vote every two years....

That's how democrats treat blacks.

Blacks are nothing more than a voting base to progressive politicians....
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Historically Significant Black Experiences

Historical Points of Interest

1. One of the primary reasons the Republican Party came into existence was because of its opposition to the Democrat Party’s support and promoting of The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. This act repealed the Anti-Slavery Missouri Compromise Law. The Missouri Compromise was an attempt to halt the spread of slavery beyond a certain point in the Louisiana Territory.

2. In 1854 at Jackson, Michigan a group of men met to form a new political party and one of the primary things that they agreed on, was their opposition to slavery and in particular the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. So while the Democratic Party was feverishly fighting to preserve slavery, the Republicans were meeting in Jackson, Michigan to destroy it.

3. The first candidate the Republican selected was Col. John C. Fremont who ran against pro-slavery candidate, Democrat James Buchanan. Even though Fremont loss it is interesting to know that he was the Republicans first anti-slavery presidential candidate.

4. In 1858, Republican Abraham Lincoln faced Democrat Stephen Douglas in a race for U.S. Senate in Illinois. That campaign became famous for the Lincoln-Douglas debates, with Democrat Stephen Douglas defending slavery and Republican Abraham Lincoln opposing it.

5. Lincoln is quoted as saying in 1858 the following, “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe the government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.” And it was with this attitude that Lincoln became the Republicans first elected president, in 1860.
6. Republican President Lincoln is quoted as saying the following to an Indiana Regiment: “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”

7. After experiencing repeated defeats during the Civil War, Lincoln declared, “On many a defeated field there was a voice louder than the thundering of a cannon. It was the voice God, crying, “Let My People go.” We…came to believe it as a great and solemn command.

8. In response to what Lincoln believed to be a divine mandate on January 1, 1863, he issued an edict we commonly call, The Emancipation Proclamation. And even though this act did not free all slaves or solves the slave problem, it led to change for the slave population in this country. (It is said that Lincoln before his death said, “The central act of my administration, and the greatest even of the nineteenth century was the Emancipation Proclamation…
9. Two of the greatest fighters for the freedom of the slaves were two Republicans by the name of Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens. Lerone Bennett, Jr. the historian said this regarding these two men. “Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens educated Lincoln, and the country, to a policy of Black Emancipation.” To them, as much as to conservative Lincoln, black people owe their freedom.

10. Republicans Sumner and Stevens were responsible for three (3) amendments to the Constitution which freed black people from slavery, made them citizens with all the rights of all Americans and the right to vote. They did this even though the Democrats fought to prevent them from bringing these laws to pass.

11. Thaddeus Stevens also fought to give every freed slave forty acres of land and a mule, so that slaves could take care of their families

12. The dream of forty acres and a mule was destroyed when Lincoln was killed and his vice president, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat replaced Lincoln and said of Black people, “Black people were inferior to whites and unready for equal rights. So he worked to destroy much of what Republicans had worked and fought so hard for.

13. One of the greatest periods of freedom Blacks ever enjoyed in America was between 1867 and 1877. The Republican Party was responsible for this period of time, and many positive changes took place for Blacks during the time of the enforcement of a series of measures called, Reconstruction Acts. W.E. B. Dubois called this period the, “Mystic Years.”

14. Here are but a few things that happen during the Reconstruction period. A. Hiram Rhodes Revels (Republican) became the first Black in congress, holding the position of U.S. Senator B. Republican Joseph H. Rainey from South Carolina became the first member of the U.S. House of Representatives C. In 1875, Blanche Kelso Bruce of Mississippi was elected to U.S. Senate, the first black to serve a full term in the Senate. In 1871, he was appointed by Republican President James A. Garfield as Registrar of the U.S. Treasury.

15. During the Republican supported period called, Reconstruction, blacks held state offices throughout the South, they were superintendents of education. Black and White children went to school together, interracial marriages were common and we didn’t ride on the back of the bus. Black colleges like Howard, Fisk and Morehouse came into being.

16. The Democrats never accepted the Reconstruction Period, as the last word and they went about to take all these advancements back, through groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. Most klans men were Democrats. Lerone Bennett, Jr. says this about how the Democrats went about destroying the Reconstruction period. “By stealth and murder, by economic intimidation and political assassinations, by whippings and mamings, cuttings and shootings, by the knife, by the rope, by the whip. By the political use of terror, by the braining of the baby in its mothers arms, the slaying of the husband at his wife’s feet, the raping of the wife before her husbands’ eves. By fear….In every state, Democrats attempted to control the votes of their late slaves…and the Democrats succeeded in destroying the greatest time of freedom Blacks ever enjoyed in America.”

17. The great Black Republican abolitionist Frederick Douglass had this to say about the Democratic Party, “…Sir, it is evident that there is in this country a purely slavery party- a party which exists for no other earthly purpose than to promote the interests of slavery….For the present, the best representative of the slavery party in politics is the Democratic party.”

18. During the rebirth of the Civil Rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s the overwhelming number of governors who stood in their respective school doors to block blacks from attending their schools were Democrats such as, Alabama Democratic Governor George Wallace, who stood in the schoolhouse door, Georgia Democratic Governor Lester Maddox stood in his restaurant door with a pistol on his hip and men with ax handles stood behind him to block blacks from coming into his business, Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett declared he would stand against federal laws regarding integration, and then there is Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus who sent his national guard to prevent black children from entering Arkansas schools.

19. On September 25, 1957, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower in a record breaking time of a little over three weeks sent federal troops to Arkansas to ensure the safety of black children who were integrating Arkansas schools.

20. The passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 would not have been possible without the strong cohesive support of the Republican. In fact, all Southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act, including Al Gore, Sr. though President Lyndon Johnson was a Democrat he couldn’t get enough votes from his own party to pass civil rights laws, he needed the help of a willing Republican majority.

21. It is reported that over 4000 Ku Klux Klan killings took place during the terrible time of their reign of terror, but a better plan has been developed which eliminates over 400,000 black people every year, this plan has been so effective until Hispanics now out number Blacks in America. This effective gift of genocide comes from the Democratic Party supported practice called, Abortion.

Black History

Republicans have always been historically the more consistent moderate party... Democrats have always been extremists in one way or another, from the KKK to the federalist party they've always been partisan - even today, today they're towing socialism.

Yeah recently (past 20 years) there was an influx of "fat cat" republicans but the tea party is dumping them left and right....

That was only a couple of decades. To put that into context the democratic party controlled the KKK for nearly a century . Yeah the KKK acted as a modern day ACORN for the party for nearly 100 years, especially in the south.

The republicans were opposed because they opposed segregation, interracial marriages and such....

Just remember it was LBJ that said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next 100 years."

Democrats treat the black man as an ignorant slave who's only use is to vote every two years....

That's how democrats treat blacks.

Blacks are nothing more than a voting base to progressive politicians....

Then how did the term rabid republicans begin?They were so extreme even Lincoln left the party and ran on the Union party for his second term?
Historically Significant Black Experiences

Historical Points of Interest

1. One of the primary reasons the Republican Party came into existence was because of its opposition to the Democrat Party’s support and promoting of The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. This act repealed the Anti-Slavery Missouri Compromise Law. The Missouri Compromise was an attempt to halt the spread of slavery beyond a certain point in the Louisiana Territory.

2. In 1854 at Jackson, Michigan a group of men met to form a new political party and one of the primary things that they agreed on, was their opposition to slavery and in particular the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. So while the Democratic Party was feverishly fighting to preserve slavery, the Republicans were meeting in Jackson, Michigan to destroy it.

3. The first candidate the Republican selected was Col. John C. Fremont who ran against pro-slavery candidate, Democrat James Buchanan. Even though Fremont loss it is interesting to know that he was the Republicans first anti-slavery presidential candidate.

4. In 1858, Republican Abraham Lincoln faced Democrat Stephen Douglas in a race for U.S. Senate in Illinois. That campaign became famous for the Lincoln-Douglas debates, with Democrat Stephen Douglas defending slavery and Republican Abraham Lincoln opposing it.

5. Lincoln is quoted as saying in 1858 the following, “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe the government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.” And it was with this attitude that Lincoln became the Republicans first elected president, in 1860.
6. Republican President Lincoln is quoted as saying the following to an Indiana Regiment: “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”

7. After experiencing repeated defeats during the Civil War, Lincoln declared, “On many a defeated field there was a voice louder than the thundering of a cannon. It was the voice God, crying, “Let My People go.” We…came to believe it as a great and solemn command.

8. In response to what Lincoln believed to be a divine mandate on January 1, 1863, he issued an edict we commonly call, The Emancipation Proclamation. And even though this act did not free all slaves or solves the slave problem, it led to change for the slave population in this country. (It is said that Lincoln before his death said, “The central act of my administration, and the greatest even of the nineteenth century was the Emancipation Proclamation…
9. Two of the greatest fighters for the freedom of the slaves were two Republicans by the name of Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens. Lerone Bennett, Jr. the historian said this regarding these two men. “Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens educated Lincoln, and the country, to a policy of Black Emancipation.” To them, as much as to conservative Lincoln, black people owe their freedom.

10. Republicans Sumner and Stevens were responsible for three (3) amendments to the Constitution which freed black people from slavery, made them citizens with all the rights of all Americans and the right to vote. They did this even though the Democrats fought to prevent them from bringing these laws to pass.

11. Thaddeus Stevens also fought to give every freed slave forty acres of land and a mule, so that slaves could take care of their families

12. The dream of forty acres and a mule was destroyed when Lincoln was killed and his vice president, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat replaced Lincoln and said of Black people, “Black people were inferior to whites and unready for equal rights. So he worked to destroy much of what Republicans had worked and fought so hard for.

13. One of the greatest periods of freedom Blacks ever enjoyed in America was between 1867 and 1877. The Republican Party was responsible for this period of time, and many positive changes took place for Blacks during the time of the enforcement of a series of measures called, Reconstruction Acts. W.E. B. Dubois called this period the, “Mystic Years.”

14. Here are but a few things that happen during the Reconstruction period. A. Hiram Rhodes Revels (Republican) became the first Black in congress, holding the position of U.S. Senator B. Republican Joseph H. Rainey from South Carolina became the first member of the U.S. House of Representatives C. In 1875, Blanche Kelso Bruce of Mississippi was elected to U.S. Senate, the first black to serve a full term in the Senate. In 1871, he was appointed by Republican President James A. Garfield as Registrar of the U.S. Treasury.

15. During the Republican supported period called, Reconstruction, blacks held state offices throughout the South, they were superintendents of education. Black and White children went to school together, interracial marriages were common and we didn’t ride on the back of the bus. Black colleges like Howard, Fisk and Morehouse came into being.

16. The Democrats never accepted the Reconstruction Period, as the last word and they went about to take all these advancements back, through groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. Most klans men were Democrats. Lerone Bennett, Jr. says this about how the Democrats went about destroying the Reconstruction period. “By stealth and murder, by economic intimidation and political assassinations, by whippings and mamings, cuttings and shootings, by the knife, by the rope, by the whip. By the political use of terror, by the braining of the baby in its mothers arms, the slaying of the husband at his wife’s feet, the raping of the wife before her husbands’ eves. By fear….In every state, Democrats attempted to control the votes of their late slaves…and the Democrats succeeded in destroying the greatest time of freedom Blacks ever enjoyed in America.”

17. The great Black Republican abolitionist Frederick Douglass had this to say about the Democratic Party, “…Sir, it is evident that there is in this country a purely slavery party- a party which exists for no other earthly purpose than to promote the interests of slavery….For the present, the best representative of the slavery party in politics is the Democratic party.”

18. During the rebirth of the Civil Rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s the overwhelming number of governors who stood in their respective school doors to block blacks from attending their schools were Democrats such as, Alabama Democratic Governor George Wallace, who stood in the schoolhouse door, Georgia Democratic Governor Lester Maddox stood in his restaurant door with a pistol on his hip and men with ax handles stood behind him to block blacks from coming into his business, Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett declared he would stand against federal laws regarding integration, and then there is Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus who sent his national guard to prevent black children from entering Arkansas schools.

19. On September 25, 1957, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower in a record breaking time of a little over three weeks sent federal troops to Arkansas to ensure the safety of black children who were integrating Arkansas schools.

20. The passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 would not have been possible without the strong cohesive support of the Republican. In fact, all Southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act, including Al Gore, Sr. though President Lyndon Johnson was a Democrat he couldn’t get enough votes from his own party to pass civil rights laws, he needed the help of a willing Republican majority.

21. It is reported that over 4000 Ku Klux Klan killings took place during the terrible time of their reign of terror, but a better plan has been developed which eliminates over 400,000 black people every year, this plan has been so effective until Hispanics now out number Blacks in America. This effective gift of genocide comes from the Democratic Party supported practice called, Abortion.

Black History

Republicans have always been historically the more consistent moderate party... Democrats have always been extremists in one way or another, from the KKK to the federalist party they've always been partisan - even today, today they're towing socialism.

Yeah recently (past 20 years) there was an influx of "fat cat" republicans but the tea party is dumping them left and right....

That was only a couple of decades. To put that into context the democratic party controlled the KKK for nearly a century . Yeah the KKK acted as a modern day ACORN for the party for nearly 100 years, especially in the south.

The republicans were opposed because they opposed segregation, interracial marriages and such....

Just remember it was LBJ that said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next 100 years."

Democrats treat the black man as an ignorant slave who's only use is to vote every two years....

That's how democrats treat blacks.

Blacks are nothing more than a voting base to progressive politicians....

Then how did the term rabid republicans begin?They were so extreme even Lincoln left the party and ran on the Union party for his second term?

Lincoln was a fucking tyrant and back then there were multiple parties...

Go read about Aron Burr.

Go read what he did after he won his duel against Hamilton...
Republicans have always been historically the more consistent moderate party... Democrats have always been extremists in one way or another, from the KKK to the federalist party they've always been partisan - even today, today they're towing socialism.

Yeah recently (past 20 years) there was an influx of "fat cat" republicans but the tea party is dumping them left and right....

That was only a couple of decades. To put that into context the democratic party controlled the KKK for nearly a century . Yeah the KKK acted as a modern day ACORN for the party for nearly 100 years, especially in the south.

The republicans were opposed because they opposed segregation, interracial marriages and such....

Just remember it was LBJ that said: "I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next 100 years."

Democrats treat the black man as an ignorant slave who's only use is to vote every two years....

That's how democrats treat blacks.

Blacks are nothing more than a voting base to progressive politicians....

Then how did the term rabid republicans begin?They were so extreme even Lincoln left the party and ran on the Union party for his second term?

Lincoln was a fucking tyrant and back then there were multiple parties...

Go read about Aron Burr.

Go read what he did after he won his duel against Hamilton...

I am sure Lincoln got laid, but his is not about Burr or any other pary, it is about republicans. but you do do a good jig
Then how did the term rabid republicans begin?They were so extreme even Lincoln left the party and ran on the Union party for his second term?

Lincoln was a fucking tyrant and back then there were multiple parties...

Go read about Aron Burr.

Go read what he did after he won his duel against Hamilton...

I am sure Lincoln got laid, but his is not about Burr or any other pary, it is about republicans. but you do do a good jig

My point was that 18th and 19th century democratically elected representatives were not the most sane people on the planet.... Many were extremists.

I used Burr to make my point...

You were the one that brought up olde Abe anyways.....

I suppose for one to understand a persons actions 160 years ago you would have to understand the political atmosphere at the time..

It's easy to point fingers but it's a lot harder to understand an era....
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Stop trying to rewrite history.

I'm not rewriting history, nor did I say that FDR opposed the internment. I said he straddled the fence. That's correct.

Consider the context of racism and nativism on the West Coast, heightened by the uproar over Pearl Harbor. There was considerable danger of violence directed against Japanese-Americans. The internment was as much for their protection as for national security. Nevertheless, it arose from conservative roots and pressures, and was implemented by a president who was, if not really a conservative, not really a liberal, either.
Oh, yeah, that's right -- everything bad that ever happened came from the right.

And again, what does this have to do with the history of the GOP? Whether Roosevelt was a liberal, a conservative, or something else, he was certainly not a Republican.
No kidding. Just showing how your assertion that it's only conservatives willing to violate people's rights is utter crap.

Oh, and as for this road apple:
To the extent that conservatives do support these rights, it's because liberals won the debate on the subject in the past, and as often happens (e.g. opposition to slavery) what was once a liberal cause has been adopted by conservatives as well.​

That's crap, too. A comparison of the two party platforms proves it. Like I said, stop trying to rewrite history. History itself proves you wrong.
Or I could add the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II, which was almost surely unconstitutional and which was promoted by conservatives and opposed by liberals (FDR himself, no liberal but no conservative either, straddled the fence).
FDR didn't oppose it. He ordered it.

Stop trying to rewrite history.

How many Republicans openly opposed the internment of Japanese Americans? Not many Americans opposed it.

More importantly, the courts did not stand up for the rights of American citizens
So that excuses the Democrat for doing it?
Lincoln was a fucking tyrant and back then there were multiple parties...

Go read about Aron Burr.

Go read what he did after he won his duel against Hamilton...

I am sure Lincoln got laid, but his is not about Burr or any other pary, it is about republicans. but you do do a good jig

My point was that 18th and 19th century democratically elected representatives were not the most sane people on the planet.... Many were extremists.

I used Burr to make my point...

You were the one that brought up olde Abe anyways.....

I suppose for one to understand a persons actions 160 years ago you would have to understand the political atmosphere at the time..

It's easy to point fingers but it's a lot harder to understand an era....

no, I brought up rabid republicans cause a reply said they were not extremeists.Lincoln proved they were to radical for him.
I don't need a history lesson from a wacko
You could, but that would be a bad idea since it turns out there actually were quite a number of Soviet-sponsored communist infiltrators at the time.

So what you are saying is not that the violations of civil liberties by HUAC and other parts of the Red Scare didn't happen, but that they were justified.

Investigation is not, in and of itself, a violation of civil liberties.
[ there are many reasons not to consider Roosevelt very liberal.

There we go, exactly as I said. You have no argument, you are just trying to exercise reality-altering powers you do not possess. If definitions and designations have no meaning but what you assign to fit your argument at any given moment then they are meaningless - like your argument here.

You have nothing to say.
Exactly Classic liberal

The distinction between "classical" and modern liberalism is a false one, and the claim that classical liberalism the same as modern conservatism even more false. The deception or error (depending on whether or not the falsehood is deliberate) comes from a confusion of means and ends.

:eusa_whistle: what a bunch of liberal bull. You've got to be one of Jake's friends "from the U"

The ends of liberalism, classical or modern, are constant: the liberty of the common man, and political and social and economic equality. At times, liberals have (and still do) pursue limitations on government as a means to this end. We still do. Ask any liberal what he thinks of the USA Patriot Act, for example, or of Obama's failure to close Guantanamo, or of government giving hand-outs to oil companies. At other times, though, liberals do (and always have) use government as a tool to restrain private power, which can also be a danger to the liberty of the common person. We always did. That's why the slave trade was outlawed during Jefferson's term of office.

Liberty means liberty for all men not only to people to whom the government defines as deserving of it, and for every so-called "limitation" :doubt: that you can cite I' can cite a 100 or more instances of expansion of government and it's power to control our lives there are probably 100 in the Obamacare law alone

Such changes as did exist between so-called "classical" and modern liberalism are explained by the differences in the societies where such liberals lived and spoke, which required somewhat different approaches. These differences are actually fairly trivial. Transport a classical liberal, such as Jefferson or Adam Smith, to the modern world and he would become a modern liberal, or even a socialist, once he had recovered from culture shock.

:lol: That’s funny but these are just empty statements with nothing to back up such bull. You presume to tell me what Jefferson would have been today? That’s all it is your presumptions doesn't really mean much.

Those acts would essentually legalized slavery in all the states, and it would have also allowed slavery in the new states

Not really. They just protected the rights of slaveowners where slavery was legal to their property, even when they traveled with their property to areas where slavery was not legal. If a slave-owner came to, say, Massachusetts with a slave, that slave could not legally be set free by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and if the slave escaped, the Massachusetts was legally bound to return the slave to his owner. It would still be illegal to buy a slave in Massachusetts, and the slave owner could not become a Massachusetts resident and continue to own slaves there.

I know what the law says and if you are forced to send a person back into slavery once he is free that is legalized slavery in my book. And infringing on the rights of the non slave states. Over reaching federal government. Plus you can't be true to the founding of the country when there is slavery the founding documents made sure of that as Fredrick Douglass came to realize...

Douglass publicly announced his change of opinion in the spring of 1851, but his most powerful statement of his revised view appears, fittingly enough, in his speech at an Independence Day celebration in 1852. In that speech, often considered the greatest of all abolitionist speeches, he excoriated America’s injustices no less vigorously than he ever had, but he took great care to distinguish America’s practice from its first principles and the actions of its subsequent generations from those of its Founders.

“The signers of the Declaration of Independence,” Douglass told his audience that day, “were brave men. They were great men too…. They were statesmen, patriots and heroes.” In his discerning view, however, the main source of their greatness—the virtue that enabled them to be more than revolutionaries, the Founders of a great republic—inhered not in their bravery but in their dedication to the “eternal principles,” the “saving principles,” set forth in the unique revolutionary document they dared to sign. “Your fathers, the fathers of this republic, did, most deliberately…and with a sublime faith in the great principles of justice and freedom, lay deep the corner-stone of the national superstructure, which has risen and still rises in grandeur around you…. Mark them!”[15]

In truth, Douglass had long admired the Declaration and the Revolution; but now, having broken with the Garrisonian variant of abolitionism, he had come to admire the whole of the Founding, because he had come to judge the Constitution to be faithful to the saving principles of the Declaration. The charge of a pro-slavery Constitution was “a slander upon [the] memory” of the Framers, he contended; “interpreted as it ought to be interpreted, the Constitution is a glorious liberty document.” Consider “the constitution according to its plain reading,” Douglass continued, “and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it. On the other hand it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.

Frederick Douglass

The Lincoln quote you presented shows the danger of taking things out of context. In Lincoln's day, we were still an agrarian nation in the early stages of industrializing. Most people were neither wage owners nor wage payers. The conflict between capital and labor would not become a major national issue until after the Civil War and Reconstruction were over, and so any comments that Lincoln made on the subject were not on the issues he confronted. On the issues he did confront (e.g. slavery) he was a liberal, although not as liberal as some other Republicans of the time. A famous Republican leader who did confront capital-labor issues was Theodore Roosevelt. Here are some of the things he had to say on the subject

:eusa_eh: There you go again making stupid assumptions no person with half a brain could take that quote anyway but the way it was written. Like I said your personal opinions of what Lincoln would have meant today mean nothing. I have the actual words for anyone to read... you fail

Theodore Roosevelt said:
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.

I am a strong individualist by personal habit, inheritance, and conviction; but it is a mere matter of common sense to recognize that the State, the community, the citizens acting together, can do a number of things better than if they were left to individual action.

It tires me to talk to rich men. You expect a man of millions, the head of a great industry, to be a man worth hearing; but as a rule they don't know anything outside their own business.

The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others.

The great corporations which we have grown to speak of rather loosely as trusts are the creatures of the State, and the State not only has the right to control them, but it is duty bound to control them wherever the need of such control is shown.

Please note that when Roosevelt was denied that Republican nomination in 1912, he called the new party he founded the "Progressive" party, although it has come to be known more commonly by its "Bull Moose" nickname. You might want to check out the platform of that party, on which he ran for president that year:

Although somewhat more cautious about it than the Progressives, the Republicans also called for campaign finance reform and for strengthening anti-trust laws.

The Republican Party in its inception was a liberal party, and I mean a modern liberal party because it began in modern times. Today, it is not. Although the Republican Party today and that of the time of Lincoln or Roosevelt bear the same name, they are not the same party.

I never said they were exactly the same but gernally Real conservative Republicans stand for liberty and liberal Dems stand for central planning and bigger more powerfull federal government "Social Justice" is not the job of the federal governemtn to decide what that is as long as people are not discrminated against by the federal governemtn becouse of thier race thats were thir role should end Lincoln would not have had it any other way...

“Every man's happiness is his own responsibility.”
― Abraham Lincoln

“That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence built.”
― Abraham Lincoln
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Well, I think it was, but the Supreme Court ruled otherwise.

And then in Ex Parte Ando they essentially reversed themselves right away. Then in 1983 the case was overturned. On August 10, 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. Then in 1998 Korematsu was awared the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

It seems "almost" has been taken care of.
Dragon and Right Winger have pulled Unkotare's arguments to pieces, but Unkotare is as stubbornly immoral as JRK or Jroc when proven wrong: all three stand as if they were a pitcher on the mound having just watched their best pitch get wacked over the center field fence. Then dance around yelling, "I just struck the bastard out!"

They are either simply ignorant, or mentally feeble, or malignatly motivated, or all three.

Liberals like to think that reality is subject to their shallow declarations.

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