Republicans vote against vets

Meanwhile 300,000 thousand die waiting for care from compassionate dem VA.......BTW once again the military is being depleted of necessary talent by lib policies and vets have had enough. Good luck fighting a war with Generals and newbies.
Budget Control Act of 2011 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Debt ceiling:

  • The debt ceiling was increased by $400 billion immediately.[2]
  • The President could request a further increase of $500 billion, which is subject to a congressional motion of disapproval which the President may veto, in which case a two-thirds majority in Congress would be needed to override the veto.[3] This has been called the 'McConnell mechanism' after the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who first suggested it as part of another scheme.[4]
  • The President could request a final increase of $1.2–1.5 trillion, subject to the same disapproval procedure. The exact amount depends on the amount of cuts in the "super committee" plan if it passes Congress, and whether a Balanced budget amendment has been sent to the states.[3]
Deficit reduction:

  • Spending was reduced more than the increase in the debt limit. No tax increases or other forms of increases in revenue above current law were included in the bill.[5]
  • The bill directly specified $917 billion of cuts over 10 years in exchange for the initial debt limit increase of $900 billion.[5] This is the first installment ("tranche") of cuts. $21 billion of this will be applied in theFY2012 budget.[4]
  • Additionally, the agreement established the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, sometimes called the "super committee",[1] to produce deficit reduction legislation by November 23, 2011, that would be immune from amendments or filibuster (similar to the Base Realignment and Closure).[4][6] The goal of the legislation was to cut at least $1.5 trillion over the coming 10 years and be passed by December 23, 2011.[6] Projected revenue from the committee's legislation could not exceed the revenue budgeting baseline produced by current law. (Current law has the Bush tax cuts expiring at the end of 2012.) The committee would have 12 members, 6 from each party.[5]
  • The agreement also specified an incentive for Congress to act. If Congress failed to produce a deficit reduction bill with at least $1.2 trillion in cuts, then Congress could grant a $1.2 trillion increase in the debt ceiling but this would trigger across-the-board cuts ("sequestrations"[note 1]), as of January 2, 2013.[3] These cuts would apply to mandatory and discretionary spending in the years 2013 to 2021 and be in an amount equal to the difference between $1.2 trillion and the amount of deficit reduction enacted from the joint committee. There would be some exemptions: reductions would apply to Medicare providers, but not to Social Security, Medicaid, civil and military employee pay, or veterans.[4][5] Medicare benefits would be limited to a 2% reduction.[7]
As originally envisioned, these caps would equally affect security and non-security programs. Security programs would include the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Nuclear Security Administration, some management functions of the intelligence community and international affairs from the U.S. State Department.[8] However, because the Joint Select Committee did not report any legislation to Congress, the act reset these caps to defense (essentially the DOD) and non-defense categories.[9] This became one of the important elements of the fiscal cliff.[10]
Was there a TIME LIMIT spoken about here? And you are so stupid you have to bring up BLAME BUSH again, as you have been bitch slapped for being a retard, and have no legitimate answer to his NO NEW TAXES pledge?

You're DNC paycheck is going to be reduced because you made DemocRATS look like assholes with that "BLAME BUSH" shit again....almost 7 YEARS now, and you idiots still have to blame Bush.... Pathetic, but then again when YOU DemocRATS have a lying, Murderous, corrupt BITCH as your CHOICE for a president, and a fucking idiot Socialist has her beaten by 9 POINTS in the latest poll today from N.H., I guess frustration has set in..... Run with it baby, you are entertaining!

Well Bubs, since YOU claimed he said it at sequester, how about with six months either way Bubs, IN CONTEXT? lol

I made no such claim, you lie, and continue to lie... check my posts and see if I said No TAXES at sequester!....Moron!

Sorry Bubba, all you dumbfukks are alike to me.

the other moronic poster POSITED THIS

"Go to Obama, who under Sequester promised to make cuts and NO NEW TAXES...................."


I said I, as in ME, made no such claim, and you come back with "the other moronic poster POSITED THIS".... SO you LIED and then go ahead and confirm it..... Good thing I didn't POSITED it, or I would look like a liar and jackass, instead of YOU BEING a liar, and jackass.... Hard to make this shit up, but VERY ENTERTAINING! :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

:banned03: for spreading LIES!!!!

BOOKMARKED for use to show you're a liar, and a really dumb ass in future confrontations!

Weird, admitting I made a mistake, since you cut into another conversation where a poster posited Obama made the p[ledge at the sequester, is lying? *shaking head*


I, meaning ME wrote about the sequester???..... I could care less when Obuma made his p[ledge, as in 2008 he stated there would be NO TAX INCREASES for anyone making under $ don't hurt yourself..TOO MUCH, and definitely trying to think is not your TRUMP card!
House Passes $2.1 Trillion U.S. Debt-Limit Increase Plan

‘Not One Red Cent’
“It’s hard to believe we are putting our best foot forward with the legislation that comes before us today,” said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California. “Not one red cent” will come from the wealthiest Americans to cut the deficit, she said. Still, she said she supports the plan because it ends economic uncertainty and prevents cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

Treasuries rose, pushing the yields on 10-year notes to the lowest level since November, as an index showed U.S. manufacturing expanded in July at the slowest pace in two years.

Yields on benchmark 10-year notes fell five basis points, or 0.05 percentage point, to 2.74 percent at 5:02 p.m. in New York, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader prices. The 3.125 percent securities due in May 2021 gained 14/32, or $4.38 per $1,000 face amount, to 103 8/32.

U.S. stocks slumped. The Standard and Poor’s 500 lost 0.4 percent to 1,286.94 at 4:19 p.m. in New York after climbing as much as 1.2 percent earlier. The Dow Jones Industrial Average retreated 10.75 points, or 0.1 percent, to 12,132.49 today after rising 139 points.

No Tax Increase
House Republican leaders cast the deal as a victory because it doesn’t raise taxes and makes most of the spending cuts they sought.

“It gives us the best shot that we’ve had in the 20 years that I’ve been here to build support for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution,” to put “fiscal handcuffs” on Congress, House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio told reporters.

Ryan said his party got two-thirds of the cuts to discretionary spending that it wanted.

“This legislation is typical for compromise legislation,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat. “Neither side got what they wanted.”

Senator Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat, said he will support the legislation though it doesn’t do enough to tackle long-term spending and revenue. Warner, one of a bipartisan group that offered a $3.7 trillion deficit-cutting plan, said, “This doesn’t get us to the core problem of how do we take on tax reform, how do we take on entitlement reform.”
GOP Voted Against 7 Bills to Help Veterans
The rejected Bills are named:

H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act became H. R. 2875.

H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act

H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization

H.R. 1172 -- Requiring List on VA Website of Organizations Providing Scholarships for Veterans

H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009

H.R. 1803 -- Veterans Business Center Act

H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act


Military Groups Slam Republicans For Killing A Bill Supporting Veterans

(Reuters) – Veterans organizations were upset with Senate Republicans after they failed to gain enough votes of support to move forward with a measure that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans. The GOP argued that the bill would bust the budget.

Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) sponsored the bill that would have waived the VA spending cap that was previously established in a budget deal approved by both Congress and President Obama last December. Sander’s office estimated the legislation would have cost $20 billion over the course of ten years.

60 votes were needed to waive the budget rule. 41 out of 45 Republicans voted against it and killed the bill.

Forty Republican members of the United States Senate betrayed veterans today when they decided that denying President Obama a victory was more important than spending $1 billion to create jobs for vets.


2016 GOP on Veterans Issues


Veterans’ Jobs Bill Blocked in the Senate
Jennifer Steinhauer September 19, 2012 5:31 pm September 19, 2012 5:31 pm

Eager to shoot down President Obama’s legislative agenda just weeks before the election, Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a measure that would have provided $1 billion over five years to help veterans find work in their communities.


Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs


IMO, we need to be taking care of our vets but Republicans and RWs disagree. I hope people think about this when they vote.

I love how conservatives try and take credit for supporting veterans.....but when it comes to providing for them after they have finished the's like fetuses after they are born...YOYO (You're On Your Own)!
GOP Voted Against 7 Bills to Help Veterans
The rejected Bills are named:

H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act became H. R. 2875.

H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act

H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization

H.R. 1172 -- Requiring List on VA Website of Organizations Providing Scholarships for Veterans

H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009

H.R. 1803 -- Veterans Business Center Act

H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act


Military Groups Slam Republicans For Killing A Bill Supporting Veterans

(Reuters) – Veterans organizations were upset with Senate Republicans after they failed to gain enough votes of support to move forward with a measure that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans. The GOP argued that the bill would bust the budget.

Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) sponsored the bill that would have waived the VA spending cap that was previously established in a budget deal approved by both Congress and President Obama last December. Sander’s office estimated the legislation would have cost $20 billion over the course of ten years.

60 votes were needed to waive the budget rule. 41 out of 45 Republicans voted against it and killed the bill.

Forty Republican members of the United States Senate betrayed veterans today when they decided that denying President Obama a victory was more important than spending $1 billion to create jobs for vets.


2016 GOP on Veterans Issues


Veterans’ Jobs Bill Blocked in the Senate
Jennifer Steinhauer September 19, 2012 5:31 pm September 19, 2012 5:31 pm

Eager to shoot down President Obama’s legislative agenda just weeks before the election, Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a measure that would have provided $1 billion over five years to help veterans find work in their communities.


Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs


IMO, we need to be taking care of our vets but Republicans and RWs disagree. I hope people think about this when they vote.

I love how conservatives try and take credit for supporting veterans.....but when it comes to providing for them after they have finished the's like fetuses after they are born...YOYO (You're On Your Own)!

Baby killers, such as yourself, don't care about killing your own.... have any info on how many fucking Liberals adopt compared to Conservatives?

And each one of those bills had so much PORK added to them, it would be impossible to approve them with financial responsibility... But don't let FACTS get in the way of a good Communist rant!
Four Facts to Remember About the President’s Sequester

2. Replacing the sequester with tax hikes is not the deal President Obama made.

“In fact, the final deal reached between Vice President Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in 2011 included an agreement that there would be no tax increases in the sequester in exchange for what the president was insisting on: an agreement that the nation’s debt ceiling would be increased for 18 months, so Obama would not have to go through another such negotiation in 2012, when he was running for reelection. So when the president asks that a substitute for the sequester include not just spending cuts but also new revenue, he is moving the goal posts.” (Bob Woodward, Washington Post)

3. Republicans have twice passed legislation to replace the president’s sequester with common-sense cuts and reforms. The Democrat-controlled Senate never responded with a plan of its own, and the president chose not to work with Republicans at the time.

The House passed the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act (HR. 5652) in May 2012. The bill replaces the president’s sequester with common-sense reforms that would reduce spending, and preserve and strengthen our safety net for future generations.

The House also passed the Spending Reduction Act (H.R. 6684) in December 2012. Just like H.R. 5652, this bill doesn’t raise taxes on families – it has common-sense reforms that stop waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs, eliminate slush funds, and more.
The leftist brigade isn't the only one's here that know how to cut and paste...............................

Your side cut deals and made promises that you never had any intentions of honoring them.......................
Your side wanted the automatic cuts to the exchange of having an election without the Debt Ceiling interfering with Obama's second run.............You promised CUTS.............without Taxes to prevent it...................

Your side LIED IT'S ASS OFF............

What Broken Promises will the Dems and Obama make in the upcoming DEBT CEILING the game begins again on how the GOP is trying to default, and shut down the Gov't again.....................

What promises will the make.............hmm................they will never honor them....................KINDA LIKE DEALING WITH IRAN...............

Budget Control Act of 2011 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Debt ceiling:

  • The debt ceiling was increased by $400 billion immediately.[2]
  • The President could request a further increase of $500 billion, which is subject to a congressional motion of disapproval which the President may veto, in which case a two-thirds majority in Congress would be needed to override the veto.[3] This has been called the 'McConnell mechanism' after the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who first suggested it as part of another scheme.[4]
  • The President could request a final increase of $1.2–1.5 trillion, subject to the same disapproval procedure. The exact amount depends on the amount of cuts in the "super committee" plan if it passes Congress, and whether a Balanced budget amendment has been sent to the states.[3]
Deficit reduction:

  • Spending was reduced more than the increase in the debt limit. No tax increases or other forms of increases in revenue above current law were included in the bill.[5]
  • The bill directly specified $917 billion of cuts over 10 years in exchange for the initial debt limit increase of $900 billion.[5] This is the first installment ("tranche") of cuts. $21 billion of this will be applied in theFY2012 budget.[4]
  • Additionally, the agreement established the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, sometimes called the "super committee",[1] to produce deficit reduction legislation by November 23, 2011, that would be immune from amendments or filibuster (similar to the Base Realignment and Closure).[4][6] The goal of the legislation was to cut at least $1.5 trillion over the coming 10 years and be passed by December 23, 2011.[6] Projected revenue from the committee's legislation could not exceed the revenue budgeting baseline produced by current law. (Current law has the Bush tax cuts expiring at the end of 2012.) The committee would have 12 members, 6 from each party.[5]
  • The agreement also specified an incentive for Congress to act. If Congress failed to produce a deficit reduction bill with at least $1.2 trillion in cuts, then Congress could grant a $1.2 trillion increase in the debt ceiling but this would trigger across-the-board cuts ("sequestrations"[note 1]), as of January 2, 2013.[3] These cuts would apply to mandatory and discretionary spending in the years 2013 to 2021 and be in an amount equal to the difference between $1.2 trillion and the amount of deficit reduction enacted from the joint committee. There would be some exemptions: reductions would apply to Medicare providers, but not to Social Security, Medicaid, civil and military employee pay, or veterans.[4][5] Medicare benefits would be limited to a 2% reduction.[7]
As originally envisioned, these caps would equally affect security and non-security programs. Security programs would include the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Nuclear Security Administration, some management functions of the intelligence community and international affairs from the U.S. State Department.[8] However, because the Joint Select Committee did not report any legislation to Congress, the act reset these caps to defense (essentially the DOD) and non-defense categories.[9] This became one of the important elements of the fiscal cliff.[10]

AND? WHERES OBAMA SAYING NO MORE TAXES BUBS? You realize that was just ONE law right? lol
House Passes $2.1 Trillion U.S. Debt-Limit Increase Plan

‘Not One Red Cent’
“It’s hard to believe we are putting our best foot forward with the legislation that comes before us today,” said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California. “Not one red cent” will come from the wealthiest Americans to cut the deficit, she said. Still, she said she supports the plan because it ends economic uncertainty and prevents cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

Treasuries rose, pushing the yields on 10-year notes to the lowest level since November, as an index showed U.S. manufacturing expanded in July at the slowest pace in two years.

Yields on benchmark 10-year notes fell five basis points, or 0.05 percentage point, to 2.74 percent at 5:02 p.m. in New York, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader prices. The 3.125 percent securities due in May 2021 gained 14/32, or $4.38 per $1,000 face amount, to 103 8/32.

U.S. stocks slumped. The Standard and Poor’s 500 lost 0.4 percent to 1,286.94 at 4:19 p.m. in New York after climbing as much as 1.2 percent earlier. The Dow Jones Industrial Average retreated 10.75 points, or 0.1 percent, to 12,132.49 today after rising 139 points.

No Tax Increase
House Republican leaders cast the deal as a victory because it doesn’t raise taxes and makes most of the spending cuts they sought.

“It gives us the best shot that we’ve had in the 20 years that I’ve been here to build support for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution,” to put “fiscal handcuffs” on Congress, House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio told reporters.

Ryan said his party got two-thirds of the cuts to discretionary spending that it wanted.

“This legislation is typical for compromise legislation,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat. “Neither side got what they wanted.”

Senator Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat, said he will support the legislation though it doesn’t do enough to tackle long-term spending and revenue. Warner, one of a bipartisan group that offered a $3.7 trillion deficit-cutting plan, said, “This doesn’t get us to the core problem of how do we take on tax reform, how do we take on entitlement reform.”

One law of Dems COMPLAINING the GOP would NOT assist with getting more revenues from those "job creators" AND? lol

TRY to grow a brain Bubs
Budget Control Act of 2011 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Debt ceiling:

  • The debt ceiling was increased by $400 billion immediately.[2]
  • The President could request a further increase of $500 billion, which is subject to a congressional motion of disapproval which the President may veto, in which case a two-thirds majority in Congress would be needed to override the veto.[3] This has been called the 'McConnell mechanism' after the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who first suggested it as part of another scheme.[4]
  • The President could request a final increase of $1.2–1.5 trillion, subject to the same disapproval procedure. The exact amount depends on the amount of cuts in the "super committee" plan if it passes Congress, and whether a Balanced budget amendment has been sent to the states.[3]
Deficit reduction:

  • Spending was reduced more than the increase in the debt limit. No tax increases or other forms of increases in revenue above current law were included in the bill.[5]
  • The bill directly specified $917 billion of cuts over 10 years in exchange for the initial debt limit increase of $900 billion.[5] This is the first installment ("tranche") of cuts. $21 billion of this will be applied in theFY2012 budget.[4]
  • Additionally, the agreement established the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, sometimes called the "super committee",[1] to produce deficit reduction legislation by November 23, 2011, that would be immune from amendments or filibuster (similar to the Base Realignment and Closure).[4][6] The goal of the legislation was to cut at least $1.5 trillion over the coming 10 years and be passed by December 23, 2011.[6] Projected revenue from the committee's legislation could not exceed the revenue budgeting baseline produced by current law. (Current law has the Bush tax cuts expiring at the end of 2012.) The committee would have 12 members, 6 from each party.[5]
  • The agreement also specified an incentive for Congress to act. If Congress failed to produce a deficit reduction bill with at least $1.2 trillion in cuts, then Congress could grant a $1.2 trillion increase in the debt ceiling but this would trigger across-the-board cuts ("sequestrations"[note 1]), as of January 2, 2013.[3] These cuts would apply to mandatory and discretionary spending in the years 2013 to 2021 and be in an amount equal to the difference between $1.2 trillion and the amount of deficit reduction enacted from the joint committee. There would be some exemptions: reductions would apply to Medicare providers, but not to Social Security, Medicaid, civil and military employee pay, or veterans.[4][5] Medicare benefits would be limited to a 2% reduction.[7]
As originally envisioned, these caps would equally affect security and non-security programs. Security programs would include the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Nuclear Security Administration, some management functions of the intelligence community and international affairs from the U.S. State Department.[8] However, because the Joint Select Committee did not report any legislation to Congress, the act reset these caps to defense (essentially the DOD) and non-defense categories.[9] This became one of the important elements of the fiscal cliff.[10]

AND? WHERES OBAMA SAYING NO MORE TAXES BUBS? You realize that was just ONE law right? lol
The deal was to make cuts...............and if no deal is made the auto cuts and taxes came into play....................

They never had any intention of making the cuts........................except to the military............

I've shown several articles saying NO NEW TAXES DAD...............

They even promised to put in a balanced budget deal to the states.............


Obama is Lying SAC.................He lied about Sequester.................He lied about his campaign promises.............lied about cheaper health care........

And here you are DEFENDING THE LYING AGAIN..................they said they'd come up with cuts in the deal........................

PANTS ON FIRE.....................:flameth:
Four Facts to Remember About the President’s Sequester

2. Replacing the sequester with tax hikes is not the deal President Obama made.

“In fact, the final deal reached between Vice President Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in 2011 included an agreement that there would be no tax increases in the sequester in exchange for what the president was insisting on: an agreement that the nation’s debt ceiling would be increased for 18 months, so Obama would not have to go through another such negotiation in 2012, when he was running for reelection. So when the president asks that a substitute for the sequester include not just spending cuts but also new revenue, he is moving the goal posts.” (Bob Woodward, Washington Post)

3. Republicans have twice passed legislation to replace the president’s sequester with common-sense cuts and reforms. The Democrat-controlled Senate never responded with a plan of its own, and the president chose not to work with Republicans at the time.

The House passed the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act (HR. 5652) in May 2012. The bill replaces the president’s sequester with common-sense reforms that would reduce spending, and preserve and strengthen our safety net for future generations.

The House also passed the Spending Reduction Act (H.R. 6684) in December 2012. Just like H.R. 5652, this bill doesn’t raise taxes on families – it has common-sense reforms that stop waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs, eliminate slush funds, and more.

House Passes $2.1 Trillion U.S. Debt-Limit Increase Plan

‘Not One Red Cent’
“It’s hard to believe we are putting our best foot forward with the legislation that comes before us today,” said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California. “Not one red cent” will come from the wealthiest Americans to cut the deficit, she said. Still, she said she supports the plan because it ends economic uncertainty and prevents cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

Treasuries rose, pushing the yields on 10-year notes to the lowest level since November, as an index showed U.S. manufacturing expanded in July at the slowest pace in two years.

Yields on benchmark 10-year notes fell five basis points, or 0.05 percentage point, to 2.74 percent at 5:02 p.m. in New York, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader prices. The 3.125 percent securities due in May 2021 gained 14/32, or $4.38 per $1,000 face amount, to 103 8/32.

U.S. stocks slumped. The Standard and Poor’s 500 lost 0.4 percent to 1,286.94 at 4:19 p.m. in New York after climbing as much as 1.2 percent earlier. The Dow Jones Industrial Average retreated 10.75 points, or 0.1 percent, to 12,132.49 today after rising 139 points.

No Tax Increase
House Republican leaders cast the deal as a victory because it doesn’t raise taxes and makes most of the spending cuts they sought.

“It gives us the best shot that we’ve had in the 20 years that I’ve been here to build support for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution,” to put “fiscal handcuffs” on Congress, House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio told reporters.

Ryan said his party got two-thirds of the cuts to discretionary spending that it wanted.

“This legislation is typical for compromise legislation,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat. “Neither side got what they wanted.”

Senator Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat, said he will support the legislation though it doesn’t do enough to tackle long-term spending and revenue. Warner, one of a bipartisan group that offered a $3.7 trillion deficit-cutting plan, said, “This doesn’t get us to the core problem of how do we take on tax reform, how do we take on entitlement reform.”

One law of Dems COMPLAINING the GOP would NOT assist with getting more revenues from those "job creators" AND? lol

TRY to grow a brain Bubs
The deal was to get rid of loop holes in the tax system..............asshat.
The leftist brigade isn't the only one's here that know how to cut and paste...............................

Your side cut deals and made promises that you never had any intentions of honoring them.......................
Your side wanted the automatic cuts to the exchange of having an election without the Debt Ceiling interfering with Obama's second run.............You promised CUTS.............without Taxes to prevent it...................

Your side LIED IT'S ASS OFF............

GOP Voted Against 7 Bills to Help Veterans
The rejected Bills are named:

H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act became H. R. 2875.

H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act

H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization

H.R. 1172 -- Requiring List on VA Website of Organizations Providing Scholarships for Veterans

H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009

H.R. 1803 -- Veterans Business Center Act

H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act


Military Groups Slam Republicans For Killing A Bill Supporting Veterans

(Reuters) – Veterans organizations were upset with Senate Republicans after they failed to gain enough votes of support to move forward with a measure that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans. The GOP argued that the bill would bust the budget.

Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) sponsored the bill that would have waived the VA spending cap that was previously established in a budget deal approved by both Congress and President Obama last December. Sander’s office estimated the legislation would have cost $20 billion over the course of ten years.

60 votes were needed to waive the budget rule. 41 out of 45 Republicans voted against it and killed the bill.

Forty Republican members of the United States Senate betrayed veterans today when they decided that denying President Obama a victory was more important than spending $1 billion to create jobs for vets.


2016 GOP on Veterans Issues


Veterans’ Jobs Bill Blocked in the Senate
Jennifer Steinhauer September 19, 2012 5:31 pm September 19, 2012 5:31 pm

Eager to shoot down President Obama’s legislative agenda just weeks before the election, Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a measure that would have provided $1 billion over five years to help veterans find work in their communities.


Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs


IMO, we need to be taking care of our vets but Republicans and RWs disagree. I hope people think about this when they vote.

I love how conservatives try and take credit for supporting veterans.....but when it comes to providing for them after they have finished the's like fetuses after they are born...YOYO (You're On Your Own)!

Baby killers, such as yourself, don't care about killing your own.... have any info on how many fucking Liberals adopt compared to Conservatives?

And each one of those bills had so much PORK added to them, it would be impossible to approve them with financial responsibility... But don't let FACTS get in the way of a good Communist rant!

Is that your defense for why Republicans block or vote "NO" to any bill that helps veterans? You have to come up with a better "you don't need them anymore....they've served their purpose" ......:eek:
The leftist brigade isn't the only one's here that know how to cut and paste...............................

Your side cut deals and made promises that you never had any intentions of honoring them.......................
Your side wanted the automatic cuts to the exchange of having an election without the Debt Ceiling interfering with Obama's second run.............You promised CUTS.............without Taxes to prevent it...................

Your side LIED IT'S ASS OFF............


The automatic cuts are taking place MORON.....................the ones they said were so bad that it would never happen.................

Supposed to come up with a deal with the Super Committee to find another way..........................didn't happen did it.....................

And now Obama whines about the sequester cuts asking for more the sequester begins the process of cutting 80,000 in the military...............

as the vets get fucked via the VA.....................

I'll take the Fast Rail for 65 BIllion to the VA Alex....................
While we are at is now rumored...................that Obama might do a 50 BILLION signing bonus to Iran for the deal..................

but we don't have the money for taking care of our vets................another broken promise..............Obama and the Dems promised to fix it.............vets are still dying before being seen.

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