Republicans want to teach blacks how to be productive human beings.

93 previous posts so maybe someone has already said this but just in case they haven't:

Republicans do want to teach blacks how to be productive, they want to let them be productive. We know they can be, many already are. You can't blame them if they don't work when they know they can get paid and live a decent life without working. In many cases if they got a job, they would take in less money than if they didn't.

The problem is that yes, there are some poor people who never break out of dependence on government assistance. But for Republicans to insist that because these programs do not work for some people, they should be denied to all people is short sighted

Many blacks have broken the cycle of poverty. If you were to talk to most middle class blacks today they could tell you of times they, their parents or grandparents relied on government assistance. They can tell you how education programs helped them succeed , how jobs programs helped them get started and how welfare helped the family during hard times

But Republicans prefer to talk in absolutes where every black family is dependent on welfare, where no black family ever escapes poverty and everyone is a welfare queen

It would be like getting rid of Traffic lights because it hasnt eliminated traffic accidents altogether
Listening to Newt talk about wanting to be invited to the NAACP to "teach" African Americans how they should live.

Listening to Rick Santorum talk about how he wants to teach black people.

Then there's the Ron Paul "newsletters".

Considering the Republican Party are 90% white. Considering that about 60% of all those receiving food stamps are white. Considering that half of food stamp recipients are children who can't work. Republicans might want to find other people to teach besides black Americans. Not sure sending children to the "work house" is the answer.

Republicans might consider some "alternatives". What might some of those be?

The last thing in the world the GOP really wants is to have most Americans thinking like they do.

An entire society made up of heavily-armed, paranoic, selfish pricks won't last long.

What it comes down to is scapegoating by the GOP.

We have a class of people who are getting wealthier and wealthier while the rest of the nation struggles. The GOP points to those who have the least wealth and says..........There is the reason you are struggling!
Listening to Newt talk about wanting to be invited to the NAACP to "teach" African Americans how they should live.

Listening to Rick Santorum talk about how he wants to teach black people.

Then there's the Ron Paul "newsletters".

Considering the Republican Party are 90% white. Considering that about 60% of all those receiving food stamps are white. Considering that half of food stamp recipients are children who can't work. Republicans might want to find other people to teach besides black Americans. Not sure sending children to the "work house" is the answer.

Republicans might consider some "alternatives". What might some of those be?

Blacks don't need handouts just because they are black, Adolph. The racist in the room is you.
Can you demonstrate how someone is more likely to escape poverty if you remove all those programs?

The solution for "unemployment" insurance not working was to extend it, and extend it, and extend it and extend it. It's now over two years. If you haven't worked in over two years and you're getting a government check, you aren't unemployed, you're on welfare....

The one who's ideas aren't working and need to be explained our yours. But I'll answer anyway in that private charity is done by people who's interest is getting people off their nickle and push them to do it. The interest of politicians is to keep them on the government dole and secure their votes, so they do nothing to push them off.
Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.

So minorities dont care about minorities?

Your insane
Over half of Democrats are white. Thanks for playing; collect your consolation prize at the door.
93 previous posts so maybe someone has already said this but just in case they haven't:

Republicans do want to teach blacks how to be productive, they want to let them be productive. We know they can be, many already are. You can't blame them if they don't work when they know they can get paid and live a decent life without working. In many cases if they got a job, they would take in less money than if they didn't.

The problem is that yes, there are some poor people who never break out of dependence on government assistance. But for Republicans to insist that because these programs do not work for some people, they should be denied to all people is short sighted
You will find very few Republicans saying all programs should be eliminated.
But Republicans prefer to talk in absolutes ...
You mean like you just did?
Listening to Newt talk about wanting to be invited to the NAACP to "teach" African Americans how they should live.

Listening to Rick Santorum talk about how he wants to teach black people.

Then there's the Ron Paul "newsletters".

Considering the Republican Party are 90% white. Considering that about 60% of all those receiving food stamps are white. Considering that half of food stamp recipients are children who can't work. Republicans might want to find other people to teach besides black Americans. Not sure sending children to the "work house" is the answer.

Republicans might consider some "alternatives". What might some of those be?


Ah, yes...a day cannot go by without someone like you telling us what we think.

That's different. Somehow. It just is.
Democrats want to keep minorities poor and dependent on government. They callously promise to improve the lives of the downtrodden, yet somehow manage to keep them just barely scraping by, still dependent on government, knowing they'll keep receiving votes.

Democrats don't give a shit about minorities. They just want political power.

How could someone, even this idiot, be so wrong?
Your ignorance is not my responsibility.
What's especially disgusting is the way black liberals attack black conservatives.

Just shameful.

Democrats exist by playing groups against each other. They Thrive on it.

Thats the Southern Strategy Glad you find it disgusting but Dave wont even admit it even happened. So his only explanation of why blacks vote dem is "just because..."

The Southern Strategy is a part of GOP history and turned blacks against them. Thats something you cannot deny.
Unsurprisingly, you get it wrong yet again.

My explanation of why blacks vote Dem is that Democrats have been lying for years about GOP racism.
Democrats exist by playing groups against each other. They Thrive on it.

Thats the Southern Strategy Glad you find it disgusting but Dave wont even admit it even happened. So his only explanation of why blacks vote dem is "just because..."

The Southern Strategy is a part of GOP history and turned blacks against them. Thats something you cannot deny.
Unsurprisingly, you get it wrong yet again.

My explanation of why blacks vote Dem is that Democrats have been lying for years about GOP racism.
And it goes back to days after the Civil War where blacks AND Republicans came under attack by the KKK that was created by a Democrat activist Confederate.
The Negro Family: The Case For National Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Monyihan nailed it

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years." -- Lyndon B. Johnson

“Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.” -- Dem Civil Rights "Hero" LBJ on Thurgood Marshall

Why has Black unemployment risen as the "Good News" on unemployment was celebrated by Obama and the Statists yesterday?:eusa_whistle:

Black unemployment rises as national jobless rate falls to 8.5, lowest in nearly 3 years

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added a net 200,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, the lowest since February 2009. The rate has dropped for four straight months. But black unemployment rose again from 15.5 to 15.8 percent overall and from 39.6 to 42.1 among African-American teens.
Last edited:
93 previous posts so maybe someone has already said this but just in case they haven't:

Republicans do want to teach blacks how to be productive, they want to let them be productive. We know they can be, many already are. You can't blame them if they don't work when they know they can get paid and live a decent life without working. In many cases if they got a job, they would take in less money than if they didn't.

The problem is that yes, there are some poor people who never break out of dependence on government assistance. But for Republicans to insist that because these programs do not work for some people, they should be denied to all people is short sighted
You will find very few Republicans saying all programs should be eliminated.
But Republicans prefer to talk in absolutes ...
You mean like you just did?

Well Dave.......which is it?

Do blacks ever use these programs to escape poverty
Or is every black who receives aid dependent for life?
93 previous posts so maybe someone has already said this but just in case they haven't:

Republicans do want to teach blacks how to be productive, they want to let them be productive. We know they can be, many already are. You can't blame them if they don't work when they know they can get paid and live a decent life without working. In many cases if they got a job, they would take in less money than if they didn't.

The problem is that yes, there are some poor people who never break out of dependence on government assistance. But for Republicans to insist that because these programs do not work for some people, they should be denied to all people is short sighted
You will find very few Republicans saying all programs should be eliminated.
But Republicans prefer to talk in absolutes ...
You mean like you just did?

Part of the Ideal of Structured Liberty, is to Maintain that which is tried and Proven. What may be eliminated is redundancy. What may be removed is that which is proven counter productive, that which has outlived it's purpose. Do you operate with a scalpel or a cross cut saw?
The problem is that yes, there are some poor people who never break out of dependence on government assistance. But for Republicans to insist that because these programs do not work for some people, they should be denied to all people is short sighted
You will find very few Republicans saying all programs should be eliminated.
But Republicans prefer to talk in absolutes ...
You mean like you just did?

Well Dave.......which is it?

Do blacks ever use these programs to escape poverty
Or is every black who receives aid dependent for life?

I think Safety Nets should be rooted in Need and Eligibility, not Genetics.

If you want to have some fun, buy a Lottery Ticket , with your own money.

Maybe you think Lotteries exploit the poor? ;)
You will find very few Republicans saying all programs should be eliminated.

You mean like you just did?

Well Dave.......which is it?

Do blacks ever use these programs to escape poverty
Or is every black who receives aid dependent for life?

I think Safety Nets should be rooted in Need and Eligibility, not Genetics.

If you want to have some fun, buy a Lottery Ticket , with your own money.

Maybe you think Lotteries exploit the poor? ;)
And where does it state anywhere in the Constitution that Government was to be in the business of charity?
Listening to Newt talk about wanting to be invited to the NAACP to "teach" African Americans how they should live.

Listening to Rick Santorum talk about how he wants to teach black people.

Then there's the Ron Paul "newsletters".

Considering the Republican Party are 90% white. Considering that about 60% of all those receiving food stamps are white. Considering that half of food stamp recipients are children who can't work. Republicans might want to find other people to teach besides black Americans. Not sure sending children to the "work house" is the answer.

Republicans might consider some "alternatives". What might some of those be?

Hey, Deanie Weenie, you guys can't keep minorities down forever you know...
Well Dave.......which is it?

Do blacks ever use these programs to escape poverty
Or is every black who receives aid dependent for life?

I think Safety Nets should be rooted in Need and Eligibility, not Genetics.

If you want to have some fun, buy a Lottery Ticket , with your own money.

Maybe you think Lotteries exploit the poor? ;)
And where does it state anywhere in the Constitution that Government was to be in the business of charity?

This, no doubt, is the part where he cites the Generel Welfare clause as the authority for everything from welfare to Obamacare.
Well Dave.......which is it?

Do blacks ever use these programs to escape poverty
Or is every black who receives aid dependent for life?

I think Safety Nets should be rooted in Need and Eligibility, not Genetics.

If you want to have some fun, buy a Lottery Ticket , with your own money.

Maybe you think Lotteries exploit the poor? ;)
And where does it state anywhere in the Constitution that Government was to be in the business of charity?

The Constitution doesn't state that at all. It is a misuse of the General Welfare Clause to assume that. The Founders, except for Hamilton, and his Thugs, believed in Enumerated Powers, Balance of Powers, and Separation of Powers. They would have left Mercy Issues to the State and Local Governments. I would bet back in those days it Charity, would have included some kind of a return, or be more in the form of a Work Opportunity.

Now, I would suggest that True Charity, helps develop skills and enable, rather than steer towards dependency. ;)
I think Safety Nets should be rooted in Need and Eligibility, not Genetics.

If you want to have some fun, buy a Lottery Ticket , with your own money.

Maybe you think Lotteries exploit the poor? ;)
And where does it state anywhere in the Constitution that Government was to be in the business of charity?

This, no doubt, is the part where he cites the Generel Welfare clause as the authority for everything from welfare to Obamacare.

Which was addressed by Madison in Federalist 41

Madison addressed the powers of the Government and the common defense...and General Welfare as to securing and maitaining the Liberties of the people...NOT enslaving them to the Government as we know the government is doing now.

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