REPUBLICANS: Why wasn't the wall taken care of in Trump's first two years?

And the answer to your question is yes. And we already have a wall.

We do? Where? Where is this mighty wall you speak of?

And if you do believe in our nation's ability to enforce its own sovereignty, why are you fighting so hard against efforts to do just that? You are nothing if disingenuous.
Because we already have a wall. I posted links yesterday showing this.

You and I have very different definitions of what constitutes a "wall", then.

Curious, why aren't you and your activist friends protesting to have it taken down?
Why would we want it taken down?

No, Mexico isn't paying for wall through Trump's trade deal

Fantasy. Amazing.
Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.

there was a bipartison bill ready for trump to sign & he was going to until oxyboy & man coulter opened their pieholes....whispered in his ear.... & pulled his strings.
If Dims get one Republican to vote for their horseshit, they call it "bi-partisan." Why should Trump sign a bill without funding for the wall?
Fantasy. Amazing.
Define what the word "MUCH" means. He said much of the wall has already been renovated.
Do you know how much of the wall has been already renovated?
If you don't know then STFU.
I get a little tired of people constantly calling Trump a liar when in fact they are lying themselves.
Okay, fair enough.

In Trumpworld, "much" can mean "anything more than 0.01%".

Stipulated. You got me.

Now, why is this only a NATIONAL EMERGENCY now that the Dems have the House?
Because Trump was counting on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to do their damned jobs and they didn't do it.
He gave them the rope they wanted to hang themselves and they're hanging in the breeze as we speak.

there was a bipartison bill ready for trump to sign & he was going to until oxyboy & man coulter opened their pieholes....whispered in his ear.... & pulled his strings.
If Dims get one Republican to vote for their horseshit, they call it "bi-partisan." Why should Trump sign a bill without funding for the wall?
Great, keep trump’s shutdown going.

And if you do believe in our nation's ability to enforce its own sovereignty, why are you fighting so hard against efforts to do just that? You are nothing if disingenuous

No one said we (the anti-wallers) were against protecting our boarders OR enforcing our own sovereignty

What we said AND have shown you is it is historically ineffective , Trumps closest advisors, as well as R wing think tanks (CATO for chrissakes) are all on the same page , only TRump and the TRmpetes don't get it

Now ask us (the anti-wallers) if ICE can have that 5 billion instead

Ask us if we'd like a change in immigrant legislation laws, that have holes big enoug to launch cows through

BEFORE you paint the nay sayers disingenous

”When not all of the border is fenced off, naturally no kind of barrier will work.”

Interesting, that's not an admission of any kind, just a statement of fact that the previous poster stated. If there isn't 100% coverage, then a barrier will be ineffective.

But wait, what of you saying "we already have a wall"?

Look at you, trying to make two ineffective arguments at once.
And the answer to your question is yes. And we already have a wall.

We do? Where? Where is this mighty wall you speak of?

And if you do believe in our nation's ability to enforce its own sovereignty, why are you fighting so hard against efforts to do just that? You are nothing if disingenuous.
Because we already have a wall. I posted links yesterday showing this.

Yes, we already have a wall BUT apparently "wall" isn't working SO the obvious solution is MORE WALL.

It's the same philosophy that drives the "We already spend more per student than any other country in the world, yet our education system is failing relative to the performance of other countries, SO OBVIOUSLY what we need to do to fix it is spend MORE MONEY per student".

It's like as soon as we send someone to Washington the first thing they do there is take out the persons brain and re-install it backwards.
No one said we (the anti-wallers) were against protecting our borders OR enforcing our own sovereignty

I'm curious about something, the only way we can demarcate a border is through the presence of a physical barrier, how do you think men driving in SUV's over vast expanses of terrain constitutes enforcement of our borders?

Then again, I wonder if the drones they employ can apprehend illegals on their own?
are you saying the Berlin wall didn't work? sure it did. no one would have asked to tear it down if it didn't. Your entire point is lost on that mere fact to tear it down.

The Fall of the Wall. On November 9, 1989, as the Cold War began to thaw across Eastern Europe, the spokesman for East Berlin's Communist Party announced a change in his city's relations with the West. Starting at midnight that day, he said, citizens of the GDR were free to cross the country's borders.

Berlin Wall - HISTORY
but the wall worked. There is no other reason to have it torn down.

It was no longer needed....did you even bother to read what I posted? East and West Germany now were free to come and go as they pleased. If you can't understand that, then trying to further explain it is futile and not worth my time. Even DragonLady explained it to you.
I read it. And I knew it already. what you are avoiding is confirmation the wall worked. you're too scared to answer so you diverted. It worked. it worked so well they tore it down.

Scared of you?? HA!! That'll be the day. I did answer you by presenting the fact as to why it was torn down. That you aren't smart enough to comprehend it is not my fault.
It was torn down cause it worked and you won't say it worked. it would violate your hollier than though stance you take as a fked up leftist that isn't american. shows you as weak. unable to speak for yourself. I think others in here call the likes of you parrots.
It was torn down as a symbol of hate and division that should never be allowed to stand.
so it worked? BTW, no one was allowed to leave the country. no one. that isn't the case with the wall for the southern border. they can submit a request for visa and get in quite simple. ask the other immigrants here today.

No it didn't. Despite guards armed with machine guns shooting anyone attempting to cross, many made the attempt and thousands succeeded. The wall wasn't in any way effective at keep people in or out. But it was a symbol of hatred and division, and it was ugly.

He doesn't care. All he wants to do is argue and think he's making a point when the point he's making is that he's an imbecile.. We present facts and he laughs at them. A simple Google search would explain why it was torn down. I did that and showed him, but he still missed the actual point. Either he's playing a part, or he really is that stupid. From all of his comments I've read before, I think the latter is true.

jc456 is a Russian poster, paid to promote all things Trump, whether true or not, it doesn't matter. Has posted in this forum that the Russian people would not have been so stupid as to fall for the Russian propaganda in 2016 elections.

Thanks for this information as it makes more sense as to why he posts everything he does. From now on, I will refrain from replying to him. There are a lot of those on this board, aren't there?
This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?

Gee, seems like trump is playing politics....
for the american people, much like everyone else in politics, what a bombshell.
No, But the farmers and govt workers who voted for Trump are paying big time! And soon we will all pay for the trade deals. It has already started with inflation. Not to mention the industries moving overseas and with them, the jobs. just watch what happens to the the Big Three auto makers because of the cost of steel and Aluminum and that's just for starters.
anyone with a 401k has been paying
my 401K made 8% money, and I got paid. not sure you even understand 401ks. got one or are you parroting?
”When not all of the border is fenced off, naturally no kind of barrier will work.”

Interesting, that's not an admission of any kind, just a statement of fact that the previous poster stated. If there isn't 100% coverage, then a barrier will be ineffective.

But wait, what of you saying "we already have a wall"?

Look at you, trying to make two ineffective arguments at once.

Again you reiterate trump’s wall won’t work. So why do you want it??

Because first we had to get the billionaires their much needed tax cuts.

First things first you know.
i'm no billionaire and I got an extra 400 a month. why didn't you? don't you work?

you're one of those weak parrots just posting the fake news on a message board. ain't you the man? weakling.
And the answer to your question is yes. And we already have a wall.

We do? Where? Where is this mighty wall you speak of?

And if you do believe in our nation's ability to enforce its own sovereignty, why are you fighting so hard against efforts to do just that? You are nothing if disingenuous.
Because we already have a wall. I posted links yesterday showing this.

You and I have very different definitions of what constitutes a "wall", then.

Curious, why aren't you and your activist friends protesting to have it taken down?
Why would we want it taken down?

Er, because it is incomplete and presents no obstacle to those trying to get here illegally?

First it's "we already have a wall" then it goes to "a wall won't work"

So which is it?
Your argument against the wall is weak. Answer me this: Do you believe in our nation's ability to enforce its own sovereignty?

Not with any wall, we already have border walls, to the tune of billions
they simply do not work.....

Why the Wall Won't Work

President Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Stop Immigrants From Crossing







then why is the border patrol asking for walls? Does the wall work in Israel? why yes it does. too fking funny. what skin do you have in this game anyway, waiting for some more of your illegals to help you out? You're so weak you can't articulate changes yourself?
And the answer to your question is yes. And we already have a wall.

We do? Where? Where is this mighty wall you speak of?

And if you do believe in our nation's ability to enforce its own sovereignty, why are you fighting so hard against efforts to do just that? You are nothing if disingenuous.
Because we already have a wall. I posted links yesterday showing this.

You and I have very different definitions of what constitutes a "wall", then.

Curious, why aren't you and your activist friends protesting to have it taken down?
Why would we want it taken down?

Er, because it is incomplete and presents no obstacle to those trying to get here illegally?

First it's "we already have a wall" then it goes to "a wall won't work"

So which is it?
But you said it’s ineffective if it doesn’t cover the entire border, which trump is not looking to do. So why spend another $5 billion on something even you admit won’t work?
”When not all of the border is fenced off, naturally no kind of barrier will work.”

Interesting, that's not an admission of any kind, just a statement of fact that the previous poster stated. If there isn't 100% coverage, then a barrier will be ineffective.

But wait, what of you saying "we already have a wall"?

Look at you, trying to make two ineffective arguments at once.

Again you reiterate trump’s wall won’t work. So why do you want it??

I'm saying a wall that doesn't cover 100% of the border won't work. I'm not saying a wall won't work at all.

Are you having reading problems, mister?
No one said we (the anti-wallers) were against protecting our borders OR enforcing our own sovereignty

I'm curious about something, the only way we can demarcate a border is through the presence of a physical barrier, how do you think men driving in SUV's over vast expanses of terrain constitutes enforcement of our borders?

Then again, I wonder if the drones they employ can apprehend illegals on their own?

So let's go there....
Perhaps a strong militant presence ......throw those dead migrants back across the boarder to rot in the sun, fire off impressive volleys daily, run choppers /drones up/down it all......

hire some Isreali consultants, they've been at this over a generation....

still won't stop the LEGAL influx, will it?

ergo, the pen is mightier than the wall

This all seems pretty silly. If this is a "national emergency", why is Trump willing to shut down the government NOW, all of a sudden, when the GOP's strength has decreased so much?

It was his biggest promise. And he waits until the Democrats have the House?

The GOP do not, has never and will never learn how to govern. All these whiney little white men know how to do is obstruct a democrat, cut taxes for the rich and stall the gov. while suckin off tax payer perks.......that's it.
Why are the Dems now soley responsible then?
100% commitment to obstruction, to resistance, to denying the President a 'win', for running federal law-violating sanctuary cities to protect violent illegals who prey on US citizens like the recent cop killer who was protected 3 times before he murdered the young officer, because Democrats are willing to pay 2 - 3 times what the President is asking to the corrupt nations that are facilitating the continue illegal invasion, because Democrats falsely intentionally call anyone who supports securing our borders a 'racist', because the Democrats continue to fight to keep illegal immigration going while being repeatedly caught engaging in election fraud by allowing illegals to vote - like down in Broward country this pat election, because Democrats have been offered everything they have asked for as part of a negotiation / compromise and their only stance / intended response has been and continues to be - "NO. We will not give this President a 'Win."


The president failed to get broad support for his plan. Even from his own party. That is his failing. It's not the job of Congress,( a co-equal branch of govt), to give a president everything they want.
The President was elected because of them. Their lies. It is not that he is failing, it is that our politicians have failed us. Trump's programs have been backed by both parties in recent years. It is not everything he wants.

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