Republicans will not debate.

Democratic primary debates should be moderated by FOX

Republican Primary debates should be moderated by MSNBC

Presidential debates should be moderated by the Swiss.
How about if the Dims get to choose one moderator and Republicans get to choose another? One thing I don't want is FOX choosing the Republican moderator
Incredible. They don't want Trump or DeSantis challenged in front of the country.


The Republican National Committee has informed the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has hosted presidential and vice presidential debates for general elections for over three decades, that it will change its rules to prohibit the party's nominees from participating in CPD debates in the future.

Bullshit. The RNC isn't participating in stacked debates anymore. Let's see if Veggie Joe can debate with a fair moderator.
Incredible. They don't want Trump or DeSantis challenged in front of the country.


The Republican National Committee has informed the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has hosted presidential and vice presidential debates for general elections for over three decades, that it will change its rules to prohibit the party's nominees from participating in CPD debates in the future.

So you admit the debate "challenges" only the Republican, not the democrat.
Notice how the whole crux is the CPD, but the Left wants to make it about the GOP, lol.

How about we just allow each side to pick 2 accredited people from the press pool for a panel of 4? Problem is solved! Unless of course, you really aren't trying to solve a problem and want to make hay with a narrative while trying to keep the clear advantage-)
We pick Tucker Carlson and Shawn Hannity. Do you think they want to bet that they won't cry over that?
Republicans will debate but not under the sponsorship of the left leaning CPD. The CPD has only been around since 1987 and is not authorized by legislation. Get rid of it or restructure it so that it is fair and balanced.
So you admit that the GOP has something to hide. Defending criminals....what a surprise.
then why no conservative moderators, I keep asking you bodecea and you keep avoiding the answer. showing your true colors. They be shining through.
Federal trade commission ought be all over the "Debates" like flies over shit.
False premise when the "debate" is rigged with not just biased moderators but outright partisan hacks.

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