RePuBliKlan Plan To Smear Mueller Under Investigation

Why would anyone need to 'smear' Mueller any more than the evidence against him already has?

Evidence shows he sat on / hid Russian crimes in the US associated with their attempts to purchase Uranium One and acquire 20% of the US Uranium supply...

Evidence - to include DOJ Oher's testimony before Congress - shows Mueller was already communicating with FBI EMPLOYEE / Foreign Spy Steele and Oher regarding the Dossier BEFORE HE WAS EVER APPOINTED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

Evidence already proves Mueller committed Obstruction by refusing to hand over subpoenaed documents over to the Senate Intel Committee

Evidence already shows witness testimony was changed after the fact....

Evidence shows Mueller NEVER should have been appointed Special Counsel because of his massive Conflicts of Interest in his investigations

Evidence shows Mueller never should have been considered for Special Counsel based on his history of hiding evidence and intentionally sending innocent people to jail

Evidence also show Mueller is a Racist, Homophobe Transvestite, Russian Mole.
Lots of ranting here....I believe the two women in this case.Do all of you?
It sounds like the NaziCon Gateway Pundit is going to try milking this hoax for a couple more days. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell is getting ready to do a segment on this.
How ironic. You aren't believing the women now? Shame shame shame.... which proves Trump's point.

You actually don't know what these women are saying.

They are not saying that Mueller sexually harassed them or raped them.

They are saying that a republican sent them emails offering to pay them to make false accusations against Mueller.

Do you understand this? They are saying someone offered to pay them money to lie and accuse Mueller of sexual harassment.

I believe the women.

Do you?
Mueller will care for it just as much as Kavanaugh did.

Yes he cared about it, he did what kavanaugh didn't do. He sent it all to the FBI for an investigation.

What you don't seem to understand is that these women aren't saying that Mueller sexually harassed them or raped them.

They are saying the exact opposite.

What they are saying is that someone contacted them to offer to pay them money to lie and say that Mueller sexually harassed or raped them.

So the person who is behind all this is going to face the fullest extent of our justice system.

This is all the republicans have left, lies, smears and crimes. What these people did was a crime.
No one can be believed at this point.

That's true but on the bright side there is one thing you can always believe in.

If a Republican Politician tells you one thing is true and a Democrat Politician tells you that the opposite is true.

It's an absolute certainty that they're both lying.

The one thing that’s true about this story is it got squashed before it ever got started.

The magamites are going to have to deal with the fact that Trump is a criminal and a failed President, the worst in American history, and he’s going to jail.
BOOM! This is gonna be
...the same thing Democrats said before they attempted to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh and destroy his family....


Gotta agree.

Karma sure is a 14 Karat gold bitch ain't she??

You're another one who doesn't understand what's going on.

Those women didn't accuse Mueller of sexual harassment or rape.

Those women are saying that a republican contacted them and offered to pay them money to lie about Mueller and say that he sexually harassed them or raped them when he didn't.

Do you understand this now?

Those women contacted authorities to tell them that someone is trying to frame Mueller for something he didn't do.

So karma isn't a bitch for democrats.

What there is, is karma is a bitch for republicans. What there is, is criminal charges, trial and prison for the person or people who tried to do this.

What they did was a crime and they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for the crimes they committed.

Yes, karma is a bitch, for republicans. LOL.
The incredibly shoddy plot to smear Robert Mueller, explained - "An apparent attempt to drum up phony sexual misconduct allegations against special counsel Robert Mueller collapsed spectacularly Tuesday, and may have landed some conservative activists in hot water with the FBI.

“When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation,” Mueller’s spokesperson said in a statement.

Exactly what was going on remains unclear — including the object of the apparent scheme. But it spilled into public view after pro-Trump Twitter personality Jacob Wohl ominously suggested Monday night that a story about such allegations was coming, and journalists who had heard about this shady operation reacted with alarm on Twitter, saying it seemed to be a smear attempt."
The magamites are going to have to deal with the fact that Trump is a criminal and a failed President, the worst in American history, and he’s going to jail.

Somewhere in San Francisco a Toyota Prius is missing its favorite bumper sticker. :(
There is strong stinking odor of RePuBliKlan Desparation as reports of the F.B.I. being called in to investigate claims of Women being paid off in a campaign to smear Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and his investigation in Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Campaign.

Special Counsel Refers Scheme Targeting Mueller to FBI - The Atlantic.

Special Counsel Alerts FBI Of Scheme To Pay Women To Accuse Mueller Of Sexual Assault.

There is no evidence to suggest the claims by these Women are in any way true.

But never let be said that the lying RePuBliKlans ever let the truth get in the way of their fucking lies.

Kinda looks the same as the Dems plan to smear BK.

Partisan bullshit all the way.
Wait how can Mueller make a referral to the FBI to investigate accusations against him?

Either way I recall when TRUMP asked Comey to investigate the pee-pee accusations against him Comey respond saying he “wouldn’t want to create a narrative that we were investigating him” and that “it is very difficult to disprove a lie.”

Who said Mueller made the referral?

It was in the 1st paragraph of the 1st link in the OP.

Mueller had no choice but to refer these women to the FBI after they were contacted by Republican operatives seeking sexual dirt to smear Mueller.

The Justice Department asked the FBI to investigate false claims against the special counsel, but that’s just the beginning. This is real fake news.

It’s hoaxes all the way down in what appears to be an effort to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller with fabricated claims of sexual misconduct.

Several media outlets, including HuffPost, received emails earlier this month from a woman claiming she was offered money to spread fake accusations about Mueller. In her email, the woman said she worked as a paralegal at a law firm called Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro in the early 1970s. Mueller worked at the firm after he finished law school.

The Atlantic was the first outlet to write about the email on Tuesday afternoon, reporting that the special counsel’s office had referred the allegations to the FBI.


Um not seeing how a republican operative paying for dirt is any different than a democrat or the FBI paying for the Steele pee pee dossier, or media outlets paying for leaks.

Either way I think Grassley has made criminal referrals going after creepy porn lawyer and his client for false charges against Kavanaugh, so I have no problem letting the women accusing Mueller to speak publicly and having the FBI investigate.
What's the matter Dem's after trying to smear a SCOTUS nominee now you people are squealing like stuck pigs, pathetic.
We saw what it was really like with Kavanaugh. A bunch of unsubstantiated accusations and nuts like you claiming he was guilty without any evidence.

That said, I side with Mueller’s innocence.
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So Mueller wants an investigation? After all he is a rapist.
And when did he rape someone?
All through and after Kavanaugh’s appointment Creepitus claimed Kavanaugh was a rapist, payback is a bitch, isn’t?

My opinion in reality is let it play out. No one is guilty until proven so.
If he was innocent he would have wanted a real investigation to clear his name.

Only guilty people run.

That is one person's opinion, what is the rapist Mueller going to do? Turn it over to his investigative buddies, that will do the trick. You are one funny dude.
The F.B.I. now has the name of a second Woman who has come forward to say she was offered to say she engaged in a Sexual Encounter with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.

The Bizarre And Failed Attempt To Smear Robert Mueller | HuffPost

Jennifer Taub, said that she also received an offer to be paid to tell stories about Mueller. Taub, who has previously commentated on the Mueller probe, told The Atlantic and MSNBC that she was also contacted by someone interested in stories about her “encounters” with Mueller, whom she has never met.

The RePuBliKlan desapration grows. The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Gibbon banged Playboy Models and lie about it. Der GroppenFuhrer banged an Adult Film Actress and lied about it.

Some fucking asshat dead from the neck up Goose Stepping, Sieg Heil Shouting GroppenFuhrer come up totally ridiculous plan to smear Robert Mueller with accusation sexual encounters with Women HE HAD NEVER MET and Cons are up in arms over the fact the half baked idea was uncovered.

45 is Serial Womanizer who fucked around on each of his wives. But do RePuBliKlans care about....fuck no.

45 perved out on 10-Year old Girls, did the RePuBliKlans care about that....fuck no.

45 would barge into the dressing of Beauty Pageants he owned while Contestants, some as young as 14 and 15-Years old and did RePuBliKlans care about that....fuck no.

But hot shit and holy fucking damn....a totally made attempt to discredit Special Prosecutor Mueller blows up and you people have a shit fit.

Hypocrite Much Cons?
Rachel Maddow just did a hilarious segment on this Republican con job that has been thoroughly debunked.

Dr. Maddow has been done some very good work on the ongoing Criminal Enterprise known as 45 and criminal cabal.

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