Restaurateur Defied Maine Gov To Open His Business, State Agents Are Moving To Shut Him Down

He is a traitor to his community, country and human civilisation itself.

Throw him in prison.
Pretty much every bad thing that happens in life is made worse by people who think like you.

COVID 19 ain't the disease that should keep folks up nights, people like you are.

Go take a nap on some train tracks why don't you?
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and pay a visit to relative of someone that has died due to COVID-19.
Every time you Karens start invoking the families of the dead it sounds like the whining and sniveling of petulant children, pissed at not getting their way, lol.

What is a "Karen?"
View attachment 331496
Breaking News; A skidmark supporter hates women.

That all ya got?

Ultimately, the people need to raise the stakes and stop this authoritarianism. The people have the power but they're gonna have to use it or these little tin pot authoritarian governors, mayors, local officials are gonna keep pushing that boot deeper into the neck.
When south Texas floods the government should're on your own?

Is that a threat, give up your rights or else the government services you paid for are withheld?

Nobody is being asked to give up their rights. People are being asked to behave responsibility during a pandemic.

My father and older brothers were asked to quit their jobs, join the military and fight World War II and they did it without hesitation. My oldest brother carried shrapnell in his body from his wounds on Juno Beach during D-day, until the day he died. You're being asked to sit on your ass at home and you're not prepared to do that.

But shutting down the economy and preventing herd immunity does NOT aid the country.
The Lock Down saves no lives at all, but only slows down the infection rate, thus making it last longer and kill more people.
If instead we asked for volunteers, like we did in WWII, then we could deliberately infect the young and healthy with the strain of COVID that is not lethal, and have this all over in 2 weeks.
The least deaths comes from achieving 55% herd immunity as quickly as possible.
And by speeding it up, then the compromised have much less chance of accidental exposure.

1. THE USA HAS NOT SHUT DOWN. You've have pockets and districts which have shut down, but the USA has not shut down, and unless and until you do, the virus will continue to rage out of control. There has been no national shut down.

2. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF HERD IMMUNITY IN THIS DISEASE. There are numerous cases in both South Korea and Italy where individuals who have had covid19 are getting it for a second time. We won't have any information on this until testing is complete, so it may be months away before we know one way or another for certain.

3. THE GOAL WAS TO SLOW INFECTION SO THAT HOSPITALS AREN'T OVERWHELMED Ask the health care workers in the hot spot zones, what the shut down is doing for them. Hospitals in hot zones are overwhelmed. The staff are working long hours with no PPE's. Many are getting sick and more than a few have died. The USA has less than 1 million hospital beds in total, and on any given day, 700,000 of those beds are full of patients with heart attacks, cancer, and various surgeries. There are only about 300,000 beds in the USA available for this pandemic and as of this morning, you have 920,000 people sick with this virus.

Your rate of illness continues to rise. Yesterday was the worst day for death in the USA since this started. Unless and until the entire country shuts down for a least a month, stopping this virus is just going to be a game of whack-a-mole, and your economy will continue to suffer.

Here in Ontario, we shut down in early March and we haven't re-opened. Of course we had tests and PPE's from day one because we have a government who learned from SARS and H1N1, and we were ready. We never ran out and we tested everyone coming in from hot zones. Our infections took off when we called Canadians home from the USA, where the virus was already out of control, but we even succeeded in shutting those infections down.

Our "closed cases" now triple our active cases. When the Premier announced a week ago that our closed cases exceeded our active cases, he announced the schools would stay closed until June 1st.

Tomorrow, our construction industry re-opens. All workers must have face shields, masks and gloves. That's what happens when you do the smart thing and #StayTheFuckAtHome.

That is completely wrong,

1. The lock down means you are required to stay at home unless you are one of essential services like food distribution. While big businesses like Costco and Walmart have bribed governors into remaining open, that is only because they sell food. Everything else is shut down. I don't know anyone allowed to be open except food distribution.
And the shut down does NOT at all reduce infection or death totals. It slows down infection rate a little, but that only delays herd immunity, which is the only means of ending it since there is no vaccine. And that increases the death total, not decreases it.
The only thing that can control any epidemic is herd immunity.

2. All viruses have always hard herd immunity through out all of human evolution, or else we would have gone extinct. Not only has there never been a single case of anyone getting COVID-19 a second time, but if you could, there would have been no peak or decline. The cases where people claimed to get it twice, likely was from getting a bacterial pneumonia or flu instead of COVID-19. We have antibodies as proof. And those antibodies have been used to cure others. So herd immunity is absolute. There is no question about it.

3. Yes initially there was a point to slow the infection rate to prevent hospital overloading, but now half the hospital staff is being laid off with nothing to do. There no longer is any risk of hospital overloading.

And you lie when you say the rate of infect continues to climb.
It has drastically reduced.
The entire country of the US has peaked and stabilized at far less than the peak.

Nor did any of your businesses ever have to shut down.
With masks and PPE, you could have continued with business as usual, right from the beginning.
This COVID-19 is not at all that contagious. It has a R0 of less than 2 it turns out.
The entire lock down was a fraud deliberately orchestrated to cause panic and hysteria.
I'm on voluntary lock-down and I haven't gotten sick. So it works.

You are propagating false information. STOP IT!!!

Wow. Good for you! I, on the other hand, have been mingling with people constantly. We had a couple of hundred of us at the protest in Carson City a few days ago, and a few hundred the week before that, and a few hundred the week before that....and you know what? Not one of us is sick either!


Certainly not you collecting your welfare check in your moms basement.

Poor woman.
Ultimately, the people need to raise the stakes and stop this authoritarianism. The people have the power but they're gonna have to use it or these little tin pot authoritarian governors, mayors, local officials are gonna keep pushing that boot deeper into the neck.
When south Texas floods the government should're on your own?

Is that a threat, give up your rights or else the government services you paid for are withheld?

Nobody is being asked to give up their rights. People are being asked to behave responsibility during a pandemic.

My father and older brothers were asked to quit their jobs, join the military and fight World War II and they did it without hesitation. My oldest brother carried shrapnell in his body from his wounds on Juno Beach during D-day, until the day he died. You're being asked to sit on your ass at home and you're not prepared to do that.

But shutting down the economy and preventing herd immunity does NOT aid the country.
The Lock Down saves no lives at all, but only slows down the infection rate, thus making it last longer and kill more people.
If instead we asked for volunteers, like we did in WWII, then we could deliberately infect the young and healthy with the strain of COVID that is not lethal, and have this all over in 2 weeks.
The least deaths comes from achieving 55% herd immunity as quickly as possible.
And by speeding it up, then the compromised have much less chance of accidental exposure.

1. THE USA HAS NOT SHUT DOWN. You've have pockets and districts which have shut down, but the USA has not shut down, and unless and until you do, the virus will continue to rage out of control. There has been no national shut down.

2. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF HERD IMMUNITY IN THIS DISEASE. There are numerous cases in both South Korea and Italy where individuals who have had covid19 are getting it for a second time. We won't have any information on this until testing is complete, so it may be months away before we know one way or another for certain.

3. THE GOAL WAS TO SLOW INFECTION SO THAT HOSPITALS AREN'T OVERWHELMED Ask the health care workers in the hot spot zones, what the shut down is doing for them. Hospitals in hot zones are overwhelmed. The staff are working long hours with no PPE's. Many are getting sick and more than a few have died. The USA has less than 1 million hospital beds in total, and on any given day, 700,000 of those beds are full of patients with heart attacks, cancer, and various surgeries. There are only about 300,000 beds in the USA available for this pandemic and as of this morning, you have 920,000 people sick with this virus.

Your rate of illness continues to rise. Yesterday was the worst day for death in the USA since this started. Unless and until the entire country shuts down for a least a month, stopping this virus is just going to be a game of whack-a-mole, and your economy will continue to suffer.

Here in Ontario, we shut down in early March and we haven't re-opened. Of course we had tests and PPE's from day one because we have a government who learned from SARS and H1N1, and we were ready. We never ran out and we tested everyone coming in from hot zones. Our infections took off when we called Canadians home from the USA, where the virus was already out of control, but we even succeeded in shutting those infections down.

Our "closed cases" now triple our active cases. When the Premier announced a week ago that our closed cases exceeded our active cases, he announced the schools would stay closed until June 1st.

Tomorrow, our construction industry re-opens. All workers must have face shields, masks and gloves. That's what happens when you do the smart thing and #StayTheFuckAtHome.

That is completely wrong,

1. The lock down means you are required to stay at home unless you are one of essential services like food distribution. While big businesses like Costco and Walmart have bribed governors into remaining open, that is only because they sell food. Everything else is shut down. I don't know anyone allowed to be open except food distribution.
And the shut down does NOT at all reduce infection or death totals. It slows down infection rate a little, but that only delays herd immunity, which is the only means of ending it since there is no vaccine. And that increases the death total, not decreases it.
The only thing that can control any epidemic is herd immunity.

2. All viruses have always hard herd immunity through out all of human evolution, or else we would have gone extinct. Not only has there never been a single case of anyone getting COVID-19 a second time, but if you could, there would have been no peak or decline. The cases where people claimed to get it twice, likely was from getting a bacterial pneumonia or flu instead of COVID-19. We have antibodies as proof. And those antibodies have been used to cure others. So herd immunity is absolute. There is no question about it.

3. Yes initially there was a point to slow the infection rate to prevent hospital overloading, but now half the hospital staff is being laid off with nothing to do. There no longer is any risk of hospital overloading.

And you lie when you say the rate of infect continues to climb.
It has drastically reduced.
The entire country of the US has peaked and stabilized at far less than the peak.

Nor did any of your businesses ever have to shut down.
With masks and PPE, you could have continued with business as usual, right from the beginning.
This COVID-19 is not at all that contagious. It has a R0 of less than 2 it turns out.
The entire lock down was a fraud deliberately orchestrated to cause panic and hysteria.
I'm on voluntary lock-down and I haven't gotten sick. So it works.

You are propagating false information. STOP IT!!!

Wow. Good for you! I, on the other hand, have been mingling with people constantly. We had a couple of hundred of us at the protest in Carson City a few days ago, and a few hundred the week before that, and a few hundred the week before that....and you know what? Not one of us is sick either!


Certainly not you collecting your welfare check in your moms basement.

Poor woman.

Onepercenter is so full of himself. He has been caught in numerous lies, one is claiming he is collecting insurance because they shut down, then claims they aren’t shutdown. That means he collected insurance on his business was closed, when it was still open. Then he claimed he had everyone of his employees tested for the virus when test were only limited to very few. The guy has a great imagination and no brains.
The sad fact is that herd immunity just isn't a solution to our pandemic woes. Yes, it may eventually happen anyway, but hoping that it will save us all is just not realistic. The time to discuss herd immunity is when we have a vaccine developed, and not one second earlier, because at that point we will be able to really stop the epidemic in its tracks.

Until we have a vaccine, anyone talking about herd immunity as a preventative strategy for COVID-19 is simply wrong. Fortunately, there are other ways of preventing infections from spreading, which all boil down to avoiding people who are sick."
We don't have time to wait for a vaccine or a cure. Reopen the economy now. Of course the blue state governors will want the economy to tank to help their fellow Democrats in November.

Well then your economy will suffer more, as you endure virus spikes and recurring shut downs.

The evidence is clear, those countries that contain the virus early, endure less economic damage, both in the short term and long term, and can open up an economy and sustain it under safe conditions than those who panic like the USA and have chaos both economic and health wise as a result.

You have double the unemployment as saner, more rational and just plain better Australia.

I pity you from on high.
Ultimately, the people need to raise the stakes and stop this authoritarianism. The people have the power but they're gonna have to use it or these little tin pot authoritarian governors, mayors, local officials are gonna keep pushing that boot deeper into the neck.
When south Texas floods the government should're on your own?

Is that a threat, give up your rights or else the government services you paid for are withheld?

Nobody is being asked to give up their rights. People are being asked to behave responsibility during a pandemic.

My father and older brothers were asked to quit their jobs, join the military and fight World War II and they did it without hesitation. My oldest brother carried shrapnell in his body from his wounds on Juno Beach during D-day, until the day he died. You're being asked to sit on your ass at home and you're not prepared to do that.

But shutting down the economy and preventing herd immunity does NOT aid the country.
The Lock Down saves no lives at all, but only slows down the infection rate, thus making it last longer and kill more people.
If instead we asked for volunteers, like we did in WWII, then we could deliberately infect the young and healthy with the strain of COVID that is not lethal, and have this all over in 2 weeks.
The least deaths comes from achieving 55% herd immunity as quickly as possible.
And by speeding it up, then the compromised have much less chance of accidental exposure.

1. THE USA HAS NOT SHUT DOWN. You've have pockets and districts which have shut down, but the USA has not shut down, and unless and until you do, the virus will continue to rage out of control. There has been no national shut down.

2. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF HERD IMMUNITY IN THIS DISEASE. There are numerous cases in both South Korea and Italy where individuals who have had covid19 are getting it for a second time. We won't have any information on this until testing is complete, so it may be months away before we know one way or another for certain.

3. THE GOAL WAS TO SLOW INFECTION SO THAT HOSPITALS AREN'T OVERWHELMED Ask the health care workers in the hot spot zones, what the shut down is doing for them. Hospitals in hot zones are overwhelmed. The staff are working long hours with no PPE's. Many are getting sick and more than a few have died. The USA has less than 1 million hospital beds in total, and on any given day, 700,000 of those beds are full of patients with heart attacks, cancer, and various surgeries. There are only about 300,000 beds in the USA available for this pandemic and as of this morning, you have 920,000 people sick with this virus.

Your rate of illness continues to rise. Yesterday was the worst day for death in the USA since this started. Unless and until the entire country shuts down for a least a month, stopping this virus is just going to be a game of whack-a-mole, and your economy will continue to suffer.

Here in Ontario, we shut down in early March and we haven't re-opened. Of course we had tests and PPE's from day one because we have a government who learned from SARS and H1N1, and we were ready. We never ran out and we tested everyone coming in from hot zones. Our infections took off when we called Canadians home from the USA, where the virus was already out of control, but we even succeeded in shutting those infections down.

Our "closed cases" now triple our active cases. When the Premier announced a week ago that our closed cases exceeded our active cases, he announced the schools would stay closed until June 1st.

Tomorrow, our construction industry re-opens. All workers must have face shields, masks and gloves. That's what happens when you do the smart thing and #StayTheFuckAtHome.

That is completely wrong,

1. The lock down means you are required to stay at home unless you are one of essential services like food distribution. While big businesses like Costco and Walmart have bribed governors into remaining open, that is only because they sell food. Everything else is shut down. I don't know anyone allowed to be open except food distribution.
And the shut down does NOT at all reduce infection or death totals. It slows down infection rate a little, but that only delays herd immunity, which is the only means of ending it since there is no vaccine. And that increases the death total, not decreases it.
The only thing that can control any epidemic is herd immunity.

2. All viruses have always hard herd immunity through out all of human evolution, or else we would have gone extinct. Not only has there never been a single case of anyone getting COVID-19 a second time, but if you could, there would have been no peak or decline. The cases where people claimed to get it twice, likely was from getting a bacterial pneumonia or flu instead of COVID-19. We have antibodies as proof. And those antibodies have been used to cure others. So herd immunity is absolute. There is no question about it.

3. Yes initially there was a point to slow the infection rate to prevent hospital overloading, but now half the hospital staff is being laid off with nothing to do. There no longer is any risk of hospital overloading.

And you lie when you say the rate of infect continues to climb.
It has drastically reduced.
The entire country of the US has peaked and stabilized at far less than the peak.

Nor did any of your businesses ever have to shut down.
With masks and PPE, you could have continued with business as usual, right from the beginning.
This COVID-19 is not at all that contagious. It has a R0 of less than 2 it turns out.
The entire lock down was a fraud deliberately orchestrated to cause panic and hysteria.
I'm on voluntary lock-down and I haven't gotten sick. So it works.

You are propagating false information. STOP IT!!!

Wow. Good for you! I, on the other hand, have been mingling with people constantly. We had a couple of hundred of us at the protest in Carson City a few days ago, and a few hundred the week before that, and a few hundred the week before that....and you know what? Not one of us is sick either!


Certainly not you collecting your welfare check in your moms basement.

Poor woman.

Onepercenter is so full of himself. He has been caught in numerous lies, one is claiming he is collecting insurance because they shut down, then claims they aren’t shutdown. That means he collected insurance on his business was closed, when it was still open. Then he claimed he had everyone of his employees tested for the virus when test were only limited to very few. The guy has a great imagination and no brains.

Yes, I have caught him in multiple lies as well. He acts like a 15 year old twerp when he gets worked up.

Whatever he is, he's not a one percenter, and I doubt he has a job paying more than minimum wage.
Since when did governors become the final arbiter of who is allowed to open and who gets prosecuted for not obeying their god like orders?
Business licenses.
Since when is operating a business illegal?
When you don't operate it within the law. The law states you can't open for in restaurant seating.
The law? Which law? You mean the one they just made up last week? Last month? Oh wait they changed their mind. Quick do a 180. Now stand on your head.
The sad fact is that herd immunity just isn't a solution to our pandemic woes. Yes, it may eventually happen anyway, but hoping that it will save us all is just not realistic. The time to discuss herd immunity is when we have a vaccine developed, and not one second earlier, because at that point we will be able to really stop the epidemic in its tracks.

Until we have a vaccine, anyone talking about herd immunity as a preventative strategy for COVID-19 is simply wrong. Fortunately, there are other ways of preventing infections from spreading, which all boil down to avoiding people who are sick."
We don't have time to wait for a vaccine or a cure. Reopen the economy now. Of course the blue state governors will want the economy to tank to help their fellow Democrats in November.

Well then your economy will suffer more, as you endure virus spikes and recurring shut downs.

The evidence is clear, those countries that contain the virus early, endure less economic damage, both in the short term and long term, and can open up an economy and sustain it under safe conditions than those who panic like the USA and have chaos both economic and health wise as a result.

You have double the unemployment as saner, more rational and just plain better Australia.

I pity you from on high.
You know nothing about America other than what the Media feeds you. Australia is half burnt to the ground and your animals are funny looking.
Ultimately, the people need to raise the stakes and stop this authoritarianism. The people have the power but they're gonna have to use it or these little tin pot authoritarian governors, mayors, local officials are gonna keep pushing that boot deeper into the neck.
When south Texas floods the government should're on your own?

Is that a threat, give up your rights or else the government services you paid for are withheld?

Nobody is being asked to give up their rights. People are being asked to behave responsibility during a pandemic.

My father and older brothers were asked to quit their jobs, join the military and fight World War II and they did it without hesitation. My oldest brother carried shrapnell in his body from his wounds on Juno Beach during D-day, until the day he died. You're being asked to sit on your ass at home and you're not prepared to do that.

But shutting down the economy and preventing herd immunity does NOT aid the country.
The Lock Down saves no lives at all, but only slows down the infection rate, thus making it last longer and kill more people.
If instead we asked for volunteers, like we did in WWII, then we could deliberately infect the young and healthy with the strain of COVID that is not lethal, and have this all over in 2 weeks.
The least deaths comes from achieving 55% herd immunity as quickly as possible.
And by speeding it up, then the compromised have much less chance of accidental exposure.

1. THE USA HAS NOT SHUT DOWN. You've have pockets and districts which have shut down, but the USA has not shut down, and unless and until you do, the virus will continue to rage out of control. There has been no national shut down.

2. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF HERD IMMUNITY IN THIS DISEASE. There are numerous cases in both South Korea and Italy where individuals who have had covid19 are getting it for a second time. We won't have any information on this until testing is complete, so it may be months away before we know one way or another for certain.

3. THE GOAL WAS TO SLOW INFECTION SO THAT HOSPITALS AREN'T OVERWHELMED Ask the health care workers in the hot spot zones, what the shut down is doing for them. Hospitals in hot zones are overwhelmed. The staff are working long hours with no PPE's. Many are getting sick and more than a few have died. The USA has less than 1 million hospital beds in total, and on any given day, 700,000 of those beds are full of patients with heart attacks, cancer, and various surgeries. There are only about 300,000 beds in the USA available for this pandemic and as of this morning, you have 920,000 people sick with this virus.

Your rate of illness continues to rise. Yesterday was the worst day for death in the USA since this started. Unless and until the entire country shuts down for a least a month, stopping this virus is just going to be a game of whack-a-mole, and your economy will continue to suffer.

Here in Ontario, we shut down in early March and we haven't re-opened. Of course we had tests and PPE's from day one because we have a government who learned from SARS and H1N1, and we were ready. We never ran out and we tested everyone coming in from hot zones. Our infections took off when we called Canadians home from the USA, where the virus was already out of control, but we even succeeded in shutting those infections down.

Our "closed cases" now triple our active cases. When the Premier announced a week ago that our closed cases exceeded our active cases, he announced the schools would stay closed until June 1st.

Tomorrow, our construction industry re-opens. All workers must have face shields, masks and gloves. That's what happens when you do the smart thing and #StayTheFuckAtHome.

That is completely wrong,

1. The lock down means you are required to stay at home unless you are one of essential services like food distribution. While big businesses like Costco and Walmart have bribed governors into remaining open, that is only because they sell food. Everything else is shut down. I don't know anyone allowed to be open except food distribution.
And the shut down does NOT at all reduce infection or death totals. It slows down infection rate a little, but that only delays herd immunity, which is the only means of ending it since there is no vaccine. And that increases the death total, not decreases it.
The only thing that can control any epidemic is herd immunity.

2. All viruses have always hard herd immunity through out all of human evolution, or else we would have gone extinct. Not only has there never been a single case of anyone getting COVID-19 a second time, but if you could, there would have been no peak or decline. The cases where people claimed to get it twice, likely was from getting a bacterial pneumonia or flu instead of COVID-19. We have antibodies as proof. And those antibodies have been used to cure others. So herd immunity is absolute. There is no question about it.

3. Yes initially there was a point to slow the infection rate to prevent hospital overloading, but now half the hospital staff is being laid off with nothing to do. There no longer is any risk of hospital overloading.

And you lie when you say the rate of infect continues to climb.
It has drastically reduced.
The entire country of the US has peaked and stabilized at far less than the peak.

Nor did any of your businesses ever have to shut down.
With masks and PPE, you could have continued with business as usual, right from the beginning.
This COVID-19 is not at all that contagious. It has a R0 of less than 2 it turns out.
The entire lock down was a fraud deliberately orchestrated to cause panic and hysteria.
I'm on voluntary lock-down and I haven't gotten sick. So it works.

You are propagating false information. STOP IT!!!

Wow. Good for you! I, on the other hand, have been mingling with people constantly. We had a couple of hundred of us at the protest in Carson City a few days ago, and a few hundred the week before that, and a few hundred the week before that....and you know what? Not one of us is sick either!


Certainly not you collecting your welfare check in your moms basement.

Poor woman.

Onepercenter is so full of himself. He has been caught in numerous lies, one is claiming he is collecting insurance because they shut down, then claims they aren’t shutdown. That means he collected insurance on his business was closed, when it was still open. Then he claimed he had everyone of his employees tested for the virus when test were only limited to very few. The guy has a great imagination and no brains.

Yes, I have caught him in multiple lies as well. He acts like a 15 year old twerp when he gets worked up.

Whatever he is, he's not a one percenter, and I doubt he has a job paying more than minimum wage.
"One percenter" means something else in my world.
The sad fact is that herd immunity just isn't a solution to our pandemic woes. Yes, it may eventually happen anyway, but hoping that it will save us all is just not realistic. The time to discuss herd immunity is when we have a vaccine developed, and not one second earlier, because at that point we will be able to really stop the epidemic in its tracks.

Until we have a vaccine, anyone talking about herd immunity as a preventative strategy for COVID-19 is simply wrong. Fortunately, there are other ways of preventing infections from spreading, which all boil down to avoiding people who are sick."
We don't have time to wait for a vaccine or a cure. Reopen the economy now. Of course the blue state governors will want the economy to tank to help their fellow Democrats in November.

Well then your economy will suffer more, as you endure virus spikes and recurring shut downs.

The evidence is clear, those countries that contain the virus early, endure less economic damage, both in the short term and long term, and can open up an economy and sustain it under safe conditions than those who panic like the USA and have chaos both economic and health wise as a result.

You have double the unemployment as saner, more rational and just plain better Australia.

I pity you from on high.
You know nothing about America other than what the Media feeds you. Australia is half burnt to the ground and your animals are funny looking.

I was born there, served in the military for over a decade, left in my late 30s, had a father who was from the Greatest Generation of Americans and went through the Great Depression and fought in World War Two.

And his generation was not like you whining, deluded, half with pussies who storm state capitols and demand rights you are not adult enough to use while rejecting all common human responsibility.

You are a disgrace to the constitution and American flag.
And could you do some push ups and sit ups?

Maybe leave your PlayStation and go for a walk every now and then?

Why are all the "freedom fighters" storming the state capitols so fat and out of shape?
The sad fact is that herd immunity just isn't a solution to our pandemic woes. Yes, it may eventually happen anyway, but hoping that it will save us all is just not realistic. The time to discuss herd immunity is when we have a vaccine developed, and not one second earlier, because at that point we will be able to really stop the epidemic in its tracks.

Until we have a vaccine, anyone talking about herd immunity as a preventative strategy for COVID-19 is simply wrong. Fortunately, there are other ways of preventing infections from spreading, which all boil down to avoiding people who are sick."
We don't have time to wait for a vaccine or a cure. Reopen the economy now. Of course the blue state governors will want the economy to tank to help their fellow Democrats in November.

Well then your economy will suffer more, as you endure virus spikes and recurring shut downs.

The evidence is clear, those countries that contain the virus early, endure less economic damage, both in the short term and long term, and can open up an economy and sustain it under safe conditions than those who panic like the USA and have chaos both economic and health wise as a result.

You have double the unemployment as saner, more rational and just plain better Australia.

I pity you from on high.
You know nothing about America other than what the Media feeds you. Australia is half burnt to the ground and your animals are funny looking.

I was born there, served in the military for over a decade, left in my late 30s, had a father who was from the Greatest Generation of Americans and went through the Great Depression and fought in World War Two.

And his generation was not like you whining, deluded, half with pussies who storm state capitols and demand rights you are not adult enough to use while rejecting all common human responsibility.

You are a disgrace to the constitution and American flag.

Ummmm, it's you clowns with the "safe spaces", and the crying circles....dude.
Age is a state of mind.

Well until death that is.

Perhaps a concept too
subtle for you?

As for your grandfather, did he whinge during World War Two, or did he do his duty for his country?

Because your generation are not.
“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.

Yet you support a president who claims all power.
Age is a state of mind.

Well until death that is.

Perhaps a concept too
subtle for you?

As for your grandfather, did he whinge during World War Two, or did he do his duty for his country?

Because your generation are not.

Ummmm, my generation is the Korean War, Vietnam war period. Dumbass.

I want to go out and wave my gun and pretend I am a brave man before a life I have never achieved anything in.

These protesters are traitors and a disgrace to everything that made America great.
“You can’t [extend the emergency order] three days before it [expires]. It doesn’t work,” Savage said. “We had food ordered. We were making chowders and chilis and all that stuff. And we’re like, ‘No, we’re opening.’ We’re clean, we can give people social distancing, we can do it right.”

Business owners and others are expected to protest against Mills’ order in Augusta on Saturday.

And that's one of the big problems facing small businesses all across the country in the face of so many politicians' indecisiveness. Our governor's initial shut down order was set to expire at midnight on May 1st and he waited until April 30th to say he was extending it to May 15th. He got a lot of criticism for that, even by the media, surprisingly, because people don't know what to expect and can't make any plans.

In Maine's case, I can't see Janet Mills' scientific justification for extending her order another month when there have only been 55 deaths in her state and it is largely rural. It doesn't make any sense and she's making these decisions all on her own without any input from the state assembly or the business community. That is not how our government is meant to function. We don't elect monarchs. We have separation of powers for a reason. It takes a lot of courage to do what Savage is doing and I hope other businesses follow suit and open up around the state as well. Too many mayors and governors are consolidating power they arguably don't have and need to be reminded who they work for.

Yet you support a president who claims all power.

And doesn't invoke it, unlike your hero, the obummer.

I want to go out and wave my gun and pretend I am a brave man before a life I have never achieved anything in.

These protesters are traitors and a disgrace to everything that made America great.

How wrong you are. You are a serf, nothing more. You are the one who is hiding in your basement. Not us.


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