Revenge Of The Deep State Sith - 'Stolen Election' Coming


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In 2016 Donald Trump sent seismic shockwaves through the career politician, status-quo-keeping, self-serving, corrupt politician Deep State, with a majority support of the American people's support, by beating the Queen of Corruption and Crime, Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats - Obama and his administration - perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies, out foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and US Laws, to affect a failed coup attempt.

The anti-Trump. Deep State lost their f*ing MINDS - treason, sedition, Obstruction, Perjury, FISA Court violations, illegal spying, and lets not forget LITERALLY screaming at the sky. 3 YEARS of this nonsense. Failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, the 1st admitted political non-criminal Impeachment in US history.....

To attempt to ensure President Trump is not re-elected, the Democrats have fanned the flames of racial hatred and violence across the United States - looting, burning, destroying, murdering, attacking our culture / history, attacking religion...supporting / facilitating the 'war' being waged by foreign/enemy-financed / inspired Socialist Domestic Enemies. On top of that they have used COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights and shut down the economy to hurt the country to make it easier for them to defeat Trump. And despite COVID diminishing the Democrats are pushing for Mail-In Ballot Voting, which has already resulted in an over-turned election and several cases of voter fraud, to secure the opportunity to steal the election through voter fraud.

An now approx. 2 dozen Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers, most of their names being unfamiliar to 90% of the country, are banning together - calling themselves 'GOP Against Trump' - to come out against Trump at the start of the GOP Convention. Notice how these SOBs are not even trying to hide the fact that they are speaking for THEMSELVES - as they did when they served in Congress - and NOT for the American people / Republican Voters. (This is part of the reason many are EX-GOP Politicians!)

Coup attempts failed. Impeachment Failed. Now the Never-Trumper Deep State scum are launching an all-out salvo against Trump and the 'Deplorables' to return the country back to the time when Self-serving, corrupt politicians ruled the country while enriching themselves at Americans' expense, the media spewed BS without anyone questioning / unmasking them, and the people did not have a true 'servant of the people' / representative speaking for them.

President Trump changed all of that, and the 'Sith' have all banded together - the Democrats and Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers - to make one huge assault on Trump and the American people for the socialist control / future of this country.

As we get closer to the election more and more of the cockroaches - some the most un-natural 'allies' banning together - are coming / will continue to come out.

Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off
Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off

In 2016 Donald Trump sent seismic shockwaves through the career politician, status-quo-keeping, self-serving, corrupt politician Deep State, with a majority support of the American people's support, by beating the Queen of Corruption and Crime, Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats - Obama and his administration - perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies, out foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and US Laws, to affect a failed coup attempt.

The anti-Trump. Deep State lost their f*ing MINDS - treason, sedition, Obstruction, Perjury, FISA Court violations, illegal spying, and lets not forget LITERALLY screaming at the sky. 3 YEARS of this nonsense. Failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, the 1st admitted political non-criminal Impeachment in US history.....

To attempt to ensure President Trump is not re-elected, the Democrats have fanned the flames of racial hatred and violence across the United States - looting, burning, destroying, murdering, attacking our culture / history, attacking religion...supporting / facilitating the 'war' being waged by foreign/enemy-financed / inspired Socialist Domestic Enemies. On top of that they have used COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights and shut down the economy to hurt the country to make it easier for them to defeat Trump. And despite COVID diminishing the Democrats are pushing for Mail-In Ballot Voting, which has already resulted in an over-turned election and several cases of voter fraud, to secure the opportunity to steal the election through voter fraud.

An now approx. 2 dozen Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers, most of their names being unfamiliar to 90% of the country, are banning together - calling themselves 'GOP Against Trump' - to come out against Trump at the start of the GOP Convention. Notice how these SOBs are not even trying to hide the fact that they are speaking for THEMSELVES - as they did when they served in Congress - and NOT for the American people / Republican Voters. (This is part of the reason many are EX-GOP Politicians!)

Coup attempts failed. Impeachment Failed. Now the Never-Trumper Deep State scum are launching an all-out salvo against Trump and the 'Deplorables' to return the country back to the time when Self-serving, corrupt politicians ruled the country while enriching themselves at Americans' expense, the media spewed BS without anyone questioning / unmasking them, and the people did not have a true 'servant of the people' / representative speaking for them.

President Trump changed all of that, and the 'Sith' have all banded together - the Democrats and Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers - to make one huge assault on Trump and the American people for the socialist control / future of this country.

As we get closer to the election more and more of the cockroaches - some the most un-natural 'allies' banning together - are coming / will continue to come out.

Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off
Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off

Gotta start crying fraud early when you're losing that bad
In 2016 Donald Trump sent seismic shockwaves through the career politician, status-quo-keeping, self-serving, corrupt politician Deep State, with a majority support of the American people's support, by beating the Queen of Corruption and Crime, Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats - Obama and his administration - perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies, out foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and US Laws, to affect a failed coup attempt.

The anti-Trump. Deep State lost their f*ing MINDS - treason, sedition, Obstruction, Perjury, FISA Court violations, illegal spying, and lets not forget LITERALLY screaming at the sky. 3 YEARS of this nonsense. Failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, the 1st admitted political non-criminal Impeachment in US history.....

To attempt to ensure President Trump is not re-elected, the Democrats have fanned the flames of racial hatred and violence across the United States - looting, burning, destroying, murdering, attacking our culture / history, attacking religion...supporting / facilitating the 'war' being waged by foreign/enemy-financed / inspired Socialist Domestic Enemies. On top of that they have used COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights and shut down the economy to hurt the country to make it easier for them to defeat Trump. And despite COVID diminishing the Democrats are pushing for Mail-In Ballot Voting, which has already resulted in an over-turned election and several cases of voter fraud, to secure the opportunity to steal the election through voter fraud.

An now approx. 2 dozen Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers, most of their names being unfamiliar to 90% of the country, are banning together - calling themselves 'GOP Against Trump' - to come out against Trump at the start of the GOP Convention. Notice how these SOBs are not even trying to hide the fact that they are speaking for THEMSELVES - as they did when they served in Congress - and NOT for the American people / Republican Voters. (This is part of the reason many are EX-GOP Politicians!)

Coup attempts failed. Impeachment Failed. Now the Never-Trumper Deep State scum are launching an all-out salvo against Trump and the 'Deplorables' to return the country back to the time when Self-serving, corrupt politicians ruled the country while enriching themselves at Americans' expense, the media spewed BS without anyone questioning / unmasking them, and the people did not have a true 'servant of the people' / representative speaking for them.

President Trump changed all of that, and the 'Sith' have all banded together - the Democrats and Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers - to make one huge assault on Trump and the American people for the socialist control / future of this country.

As we get closer to the election more and more of the cockroaches - some the most un-natural 'allies' banning together - are coming / will continue to come out.

Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off
Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off

Fantastic post, thank you.
Gotta start crying fraud early when you're losing that bad

I love when snowflakes try to sound smart and end up proving they are anything but....thanks Pyetro (nice Russian Troll-sounding name...)

'Crying'? I am MOCKING all of the Deep State socialist, self-serving Traitors who have been defeated over and over again for the last 4 years, whose members are starting to go to jail for their failed coup attempt, who are forced to make unholy alliances together to try to defeat the man who has kicked their collective asses =, the man who has been supported IN SPITE OF / BECAUSE of them.

Their attempts will do nothing more than inspire Trump supporters and Americans tired of the criminal, treasonous Deep State to support him, come out, and vote for him even more.

Losing? Just like in 2016 the Dims prophesied about a 'landslide' win...only to taste the bitterness of defeat. If you don't remember that taste, Pyetro, you'll get to experience it again soon.

In 2016 Donald Trump sent seismic shockwaves through the career politician, status-quo-keeping, self-serving, corrupt politician Deep State, with a majority support of the American people's support, by beating the Queen of Corruption and Crime, Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats - Obama and his administration - perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies, out foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and US Laws, to affect a failed coup attempt.

The anti-Trump. Deep State lost their f*ing MINDS - treason, sedition, Obstruction, Perjury, FISA Court violations, illegal spying, and lets not forget LITERALLY screaming at the sky. 3 YEARS of this nonsense. Failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, the 1st admitted political non-criminal Impeachment in US history.....

To attempt to ensure President Trump is not re-elected, the Democrats have fanned the flames of racial hatred and violence across the United States - looting, burning, destroying, murdering, attacking our culture / history, attacking religion...supporting / facilitating the 'war' being waged by foreign/enemy-financed / inspired Socialist Domestic Enemies. On top of that they have used COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights and shut down the economy to hurt the country to make it easier for them to defeat Trump. And despite COVID diminishing the Democrats are pushing for Mail-In Ballot Voting, which has already resulted in an over-turned election and several cases of voter fraud, to secure the opportunity to steal the election through voter fraud.

An now approx. 2 dozen Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers, most of their names being unfamiliar to 90% of the country, are banning together - calling themselves 'GOP Against Trump' - to come out against Trump at the start of the GOP Convention. Notice how these SOBs are not even trying to hide the fact that they are speaking for THEMSELVES - as they did when they served in Congress - and NOT for the American people / Republican Voters. (This is part of the reason many are EX-GOP Politicians!)

Coup attempts failed. Impeachment Failed. Now the Never-Trumper Deep State scum are launching an all-out salvo against Trump and the 'Deplorables' to return the country back to the time when Self-serving, corrupt politicians ruled the country while enriching themselves at Americans' expense, the media spewed BS without anyone questioning / unmasking them, and the people did not have a true 'servant of the people' / representative speaking for them.

President Trump changed all of that, and the 'Sith' have all banded together - the Democrats and Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers - to make one huge assault on Trump and the American people for the socialist control / future of this country.

As we get closer to the election more and more of the cockroaches - some the most un-natural 'allies' banning together - are coming / will continue to come out.

Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off
Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off

Gotta start crying fraud early when you're losing that bad

Comrade traitor - do you think Jeff Flake, who resigned in disgrace, holds great sway over voters? :dunno:
In 2016 Donald Trump sent seismic shockwaves through the career politician, status-quo-keeping, self-serving, corrupt politician Deep State, with a majority support of the American people's support, by beating the Queen of Corruption and Crime, Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats - Obama and his administration - perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies, out foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and US Laws, to affect a failed coup attempt.

The anti-Trump. Deep State lost their f*ing MINDS - treason, sedition, Obstruction, Perjury, FISA Court violations, illegal spying, and lets not forget LITERALLY screaming at the sky. 3 YEARS of this nonsense. Failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, the 1st admitted political non-criminal Impeachment in US history.....

To attempt to ensure President Trump is not re-elected, the Democrats have fanned the flames of racial hatred and violence across the United States - looting, burning, destroying, murdering, attacking our culture / history, attacking religion...supporting / facilitating the 'war' being waged by foreign/enemy-financed / inspired Socialist Domestic Enemies. On top of that they have used COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights and shut down the economy to hurt the country to make it easier for them to defeat Trump. And despite COVID diminishing the Democrats are pushing for Mail-In Ballot Voting, which has already resulted in an over-turned election and several cases of voter fraud, to secure the opportunity to steal the election through voter fraud.

An now approx. 2 dozen Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers, most of their names being unfamiliar to 90% of the country, are banning together - calling themselves 'GOP Against Trump' - to come out against Trump at the start of the GOP Convention. Notice how these SOBs are not even trying to hide the fact that they are speaking for THEMSELVES - as they did when they served in Congress - and NOT for the American people / Republican Voters. (This is part of the reason many are EX-GOP Politicians!)

Coup attempts failed. Impeachment Failed. Now the Never-Trumper Deep State scum are launching an all-out salvo against Trump and the 'Deplorables' to return the country back to the time when Self-serving, corrupt politicians ruled the country while enriching themselves at Americans' expense, the media spewed BS without anyone questioning / unmasking them, and the people did not have a true 'servant of the people' / representative speaking for them.

President Trump changed all of that, and the 'Sith' have all banded together - the Democrats and Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers - to make one huge assault on Trump and the American people for the socialist control / future of this country.

As we get closer to the election more and more of the cockroaches - some the most un-natural 'allies' banning together - are coming / will continue to come out.

Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off
Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off

Gotta start crying fraud early when you're losing that bad
you people have been crying since 2016
In 2016 Donald Trump sent seismic shockwaves through the career politician, status-quo-keeping, self-serving, corrupt politician Deep State, with a majority support of the American people's support, by beating the Queen of Corruption and Crime, Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats - Obama and his administration - perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies, out foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and US Laws, to affect a failed coup attempt.

The anti-Trump. Deep State lost their f*ing MINDS - treason, sedition, Obstruction, Perjury, FISA Court violations, illegal spying, and lets not forget LITERALLY screaming at the sky. 3 YEARS of this nonsense. Failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, the 1st admitted political non-criminal Impeachment in US history.....

To attempt to ensure President Trump is not re-elected, the Democrats have fanned the flames of racial hatred and violence across the United States - looting, burning, destroying, murdering, attacking our culture / history, attacking religion...supporting / facilitating the 'war' being waged by foreign/enemy-financed / inspired Socialist Domestic Enemies. On top of that they have used COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights and shut down the economy to hurt the country to make it easier for them to defeat Trump. And despite COVID diminishing the Democrats are pushing for Mail-In Ballot Voting, which has already resulted in an over-turned election and several cases of voter fraud, to secure the opportunity to steal the election through voter fraud.

An now approx. 2 dozen Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers, most of their names being unfamiliar to 90% of the country, are banning together - calling themselves 'GOP Against Trump' - to come out against Trump at the start of the GOP Convention. Notice how these SOBs are not even trying to hide the fact that they are speaking for THEMSELVES - as they did when they served in Congress - and NOT for the American people / Republican Voters. (This is part of the reason many are EX-GOP Politicians!)

Coup attempts failed. Impeachment Failed. Now the Never-Trumper Deep State scum are launching an all-out salvo against Trump and the 'Deplorables' to return the country back to the time when Self-serving, corrupt politicians ruled the country while enriching themselves at Americans' expense, the media spewed BS without anyone questioning / unmasking them, and the people did not have a true 'servant of the people' / representative speaking for them.

President Trump changed all of that, and the 'Sith' have all banded together - the Democrats and Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers - to make one huge assault on Trump and the American people for the socialist control / future of this country.

As we get closer to the election more and more of the cockroaches - some the most un-natural 'allies' banning together - are coming / will continue to come out.

Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off
Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off

Gotta start crying fraud early when you're losing that bad
you all cried Russia Russia. remember? you lost bad. wow, an ass whopping.
In 2016 Donald Trump sent seismic shockwaves through the career politician, status-quo-keeping, self-serving, corrupt politician Deep State, with a majority support of the American people's support, by beating the Queen of Corruption and Crime, Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats - Obama and his administration - perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies, out foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and US Laws, to affect a failed coup attempt.

The anti-Trump. Deep State lost their f*ing MINDS - treason, sedition, Obstruction, Perjury, FISA Court violations, illegal spying, and lets not forget LITERALLY screaming at the sky. 3 YEARS of this nonsense. Failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, the 1st admitted political non-criminal Impeachment in US history.....

To attempt to ensure President Trump is not re-elected, the Democrats have fanned the flames of racial hatred and violence across the United States - looting, burning, destroying, murdering, attacking our culture / history, attacking religion...supporting / facilitating the 'war' being waged by foreign/enemy-financed / inspired Socialist Domestic Enemies. On top of that they have used COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights and shut down the economy to hurt the country to make it easier for them to defeat Trump. And despite COVID diminishing the Democrats are pushing for Mail-In Ballot Voting, which has already resulted in an over-turned election and several cases of voter fraud, to secure the opportunity to steal the election through voter fraud.

An now approx. 2 dozen Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers, most of their names being unfamiliar to 90% of the country, are banning together - calling themselves 'GOP Against Trump' - to come out against Trump at the start of the GOP Convention. Notice how these SOBs are not even trying to hide the fact that they are speaking for THEMSELVES - as they did when they served in Congress - and NOT for the American people / Republican Voters. (This is part of the reason many are EX-GOP Politicians!)

Coup attempts failed. Impeachment Failed. Now the Never-Trumper Deep State scum are launching an all-out salvo against Trump and the 'Deplorables' to return the country back to the time when Self-serving, corrupt politicians ruled the country while enriching themselves at Americans' expense, the media spewed BS without anyone questioning / unmasking them, and the people did not have a true 'servant of the people' / representative speaking for them.

President Trump changed all of that, and the 'Sith' have all banded together - the Democrats and Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers - to make one huge assault on Trump and the American people for the socialist control / future of this country.

As we get closer to the election more and more of the cockroaches - some the most un-natural 'allies' banning together - are coming / will continue to come out.

Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off
Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off

Who cares what false witness bearing practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy think. Job 34:30 applies. We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.
Trump always accuses his opponent of doing, what HE ACTUALLY IS DOING..... Look over there, routine!

So heck yes, Trump is going to abuse his power and rig this election, any which way he can imo!!!

Let's just hope and pray,

We can rely on truth,

justice, and the American way!
Trump always accuses his opponent of doing, what HE ACTUALLY IS DOING..... Look over there, routine!

So heck yes, Trump is going to abuse his power and rig this election, any which way he can imo!!!

Let's just hope and pray,

We can rely on truth,

justice, and the American way!
then no mail in balloting. it's the only way to make this a fair ballot count.
Trump always accuses his opponent of doing, what HE ACTUALLY IS DOING..... Look over there, routine!

So heck yes, Trump is going to abuse his power and rig this election, any which way he can imo!!!

Let's just hope and pray,

We can rely on truth,

justice, and the American way!
then no mail in balloting. it's the only way to make this a fair ballot count.
So we should throw out Trump, Mellania, and ivanka's mail in ballots?
In 2016 Donald Trump sent seismic shockwaves through the career politician, status-quo-keeping, self-serving, corrupt politician Deep State, with a majority support of the American people's support, by beating the Queen of Corruption and Crime, Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats - Obama and his administration - perpetrated the largest criminal political scandal in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies, out foreign enemies, violated both Constitution and US Laws, to affect a failed coup attempt.

The anti-Trump. Deep State lost their f*ing MINDS - treason, sedition, Obstruction, Perjury, FISA Court violations, illegal spying, and lets not forget LITERALLY screaming at the sky. 3 YEARS of this nonsense. Failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt, the 1st admitted political non-criminal Impeachment in US history.....

To attempt to ensure President Trump is not re-elected, the Democrats have fanned the flames of racial hatred and violence across the United States - looting, burning, destroying, murdering, attacking our culture / history, attacking religion...supporting / facilitating the 'war' being waged by foreign/enemy-financed / inspired Socialist Domestic Enemies. On top of that they have used COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Americans' Constitutional and Civil Rights and shut down the economy to hurt the country to make it easier for them to defeat Trump. And despite COVID diminishing the Democrats are pushing for Mail-In Ballot Voting, which has already resulted in an over-turned election and several cases of voter fraud, to secure the opportunity to steal the election through voter fraud.

An now approx. 2 dozen Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers, most of their names being unfamiliar to 90% of the country, are banning together - calling themselves 'GOP Against Trump' - to come out against Trump at the start of the GOP Convention. Notice how these SOBs are not even trying to hide the fact that they are speaking for THEMSELVES - as they did when they served in Congress - and NOT for the American people / Republican Voters. (This is part of the reason many are EX-GOP Politicians!)

Coup attempts failed. Impeachment Failed. Now the Never-Trumper Deep State scum are launching an all-out salvo against Trump and the 'Deplorables' to return the country back to the time when Self-serving, corrupt politicians ruled the country while enriching themselves at Americans' expense, the media spewed BS without anyone questioning / unmasking them, and the people did not have a true 'servant of the people' / representative speaking for them.

President Trump changed all of that, and the 'Sith' have all banded together - the Democrats and Ex-GOP Never-Trumpers - to make one huge assault on Trump and the American people for the socialist control / future of this country.

As we get closer to the election more and more of the cockroaches - some the most un-natural 'allies' banning together - are coming / will continue to come out.

Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off
Two-dozen ex-GOP members of Congress move against President Trump as RNC is set to kick off

Gotta start crying fraud early when you're losing that bad


For the first time in my life, I'm worried for my country.

A "President" who attacks our very election system, and sheep who enable him.

You know, he probably wouldn't be attacking it at all, if the DNC wasn't so hell bent on having folks everywhere, all at once, vote in massive numbers in a whole brand new way. (there really is a difference between absentee and mail in voting, it mostly has to do with a numbers game and pre-approval.)

I really don't think Trump would be attacking it at all, if the opposing party weren't trying to install a new thing called "ballot harvesting". . . are you even aware of what this is?

. . . and do you know what the ironic thing is? The only states that allow for ballot harvesting, he probably wouldn't win anyway.

Sooo. . . I was doing some deep thinking about this whole quandary the other day, and he probably SHOULD just shut up about the whole thing.

Anyone that has studied political science knows, that the folks that are most likely to mail in votes, are going to be, in all likelihood? Conservative or Republican. Educated with money. If you don't see the irony at this point, you aren't paying attention.


Joe Biden could actually be projected to be the winner initially. . . but the Mail in voting in many Red States could in the end. . . . cause Trump to win the election.

Trump always accuses his opponent of doing, what HE ACTUALLY IS DOING..... Look over there, routine!

So heck yes, Trump is going to abuse his power and rig this election, any which way he can imo!!!

Let's just hope and pray,

We can rely on truth,

justice, and the American way!

That's the democrats.

And given Fauci has already stated that in person voting is fine, you can take a guess who is attempting fraud.
Trump always accuses his opponent of doing, what HE ACTUALLY IS DOING..... Look over there, routine!

So heck yes, Trump is going to abuse his power and rig this election, any which way he can imo!!!

Let's just hope and pray,

We can rely on truth,

justice, and the American way!
then no mail in balloting. it's the only way to make this a fair ballot count.
So we should throw out Trump, Mellania, and ivanka's mail in ballots?
why? they voted absentee. that's a different program. you should learn about the two forms.
For the first time in my life, I'm worried for my country.

A "President" who attacks our very election system, and sheep who enable him.
You have to prove that the post office is not corrupted or has phanatics of one party. There are many post office administrators who are not very good people in many jurisdictions. Its just the way they do things.
I am amazed at how stupid Dimocrats think voters are by how much the Dims obfuscate things.

Like illegal immigrant with legal immigrant.

Valid voter request by mail ballots vrs universal unasked for mail in ballots.

New border wall with Existing border wall.

Post birth murder vrs Abortion, etc, etc ,etc.

The only ones that dont seem aware of what they are doing are the Dimocrats themselves.

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