Revisionist History: Post News, Video etc of Repubs cheering shut down


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
There are a lot of repubs now trying to distance themselves from the shut down and re writing history saying the Dems wanted and caused the shut down. Suuuuure, so let this thread act as a Republican Time Capsule so they will never forget

Cheering, giddy Republicans shut down the government - National economic policy |

House Republicans shut down the federal government Monday night. When House Republicans took their last vote rejecting the Continuing Resolution passed by the Senate knowing the result was a government shutdown, cheers rang out in the Republican caucus. Some Republican House members were “giddy” and comparing themselves inappropriately to 9/11 heroes, chanted “let’s roll.”

To highlight the absurdity of the situation, the stated Republican goal was to de-fund Obamacare. They failed miserably. Tuesday morning, Obamacare is functioning and the insurance exchanges are up and running. The government, however, is shut down. Obamacare is not part of the discretionary budget so it is unaffected by these stunts. Republicans did not think that one through.

The last Republican proposal was to go to a conference committee—not to negotiate the budget for the next fiscal year, but just to negotiate their proposals to delay and gut Obamacare. It was rejected by the Senate Tuesday morning. All House Republican proposals have been rejected, but Republicans are known for doing the same thing over and over again the same way expecting a different result. So we can expect Republicans to keep sending non-starters to the Senate.

Republicans have crafted talking points to make themselves look good. They say they are the ones compromising and President Obama and the Democrats are not willing to compromise. This is a ridiculous argument not based on facts.

The Continuing Resolution is the bill that funds the government for the fiscal year that began today, October 1. The president’s proposed budget called for $1.2 trillion in spending. The Republican House passed a budget at $967 billion. The Continuing Resolution the Senate passed, with the president’s blessing, was $986 billion. Democrats and Obama moved over $200 billion toward Republicans but they have not moved an inch on their demands to kill Obamacare. The only ones compromising are the Democrats.

Another Republican talking point is that Democrats are “refusing to sit down and talk.”

Here are the facts. Early this year, both the House and Senate passed budgets. They were different. The way Congress has operated since the Constitution was written is that if there are differences between the two Houses on a bill, they go to a conference committee and work out the differences. Beginning in April, Senate Democrats have tried to pass a resolution to go to conference on the budget, but Republicans blocked it repeatedly by filibusters.

On April 23, 2013, House Democrats introduced a Resolution demanding the House go to conference but Republicans blocked it. They continued to block a conference committee until 30 minutes before the government shut down. Knowing that option was no longer practical, Republicans voted to go to conference just to give themselves talking points.

Furthermore, they were not going to conference on a budget to fund the government for a year, just on their efforts to delay or de-fund Obamacare saving themselves future opportunities for a shut down.

Some Republicans in both Houses have blasted the House for shutting down the government. They agree with the “objective,” but disagree with the tactics of a shut down. The sad truth is that for House Republicans, shutting down the government is the objective—and they achieved it. Now they are focused on forcing the government to default on its bills—bills Congress ran up by passing legislation appropriating the expenditure.

The real Republican objective is the shut down the government, cause a default, destroy the economy all in hopes they can trash President Obama’s legacy. They would rather destroy the nation than allow a black president to be a success. The same Republicans who are behind this shut down are the ones who have stated publically that Barack Obama was not born in the U.S and is a Muslim not a Christian. These are the same members of Congress who have been calling for Impeachment—with no alleged high crimes or misdemeanors.

The Republican objective is to destroy Barack Obama and the American people are just collateral damage. Elections have consequences.

Dems refused to negotiate? That dog wont hunt
Would a Government Shutdown Really Be All That Bad for Republicans? Yes - Molly Ball - The Atlantic

Sep 18 2013, 12:55 PM ET
Would a Government Shutdown Really Be All That Bad for Republicans? Yes

Conservatives now argue that the political consequences of stopping funding have been overstated. Survivors of the last major closure beg to differ.

Go ahead, shut it down! That's the new cheer from the conservatives pushing to defund Obamacare. To their lily-livered compatriots who worry that the Senate will reject the defunding gambit, resulting in a shutdown when the federal government runs out of money at the end of this month, they claim that wouldn't actually be so bad: Americans, they say, would cheer the Republicans for sticking to their principles and opposing the unpopular health-care legislation.

It's a case increasingly being made by activists on the right, who cite polling data and a revisionist view of the 1995 government shutdown. But under close scrutiny, the claims don't hold up.

The contention that Americans would cheer a shutdown rests on a new Rasmussen Reports poll that supposedly shows a majority of Americans favor shutting down the government to defund Obamacare. It was emailed to me by a conservative activist, Scott Hogenson, who wrote, "RE: Obamacare and the prospect of a government shutdown. Seems a majority of Americans would be okay with that."

Rasmussen isn’t a very reliable pollster -- in last year’s presidential election, the company’s polls consistently overestimated Mitt Romney’s chances. But leaving that aside, the poll doesn’t quite show that the public wants defund or nothing. The pollster asked, “Would you rather have Congress avoid a government shutdown by authorizing spending for the health care law at existing levels or would you rather have a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans agree on what spending for that law to cut?,” and 51 percent picked the second option, which suggests a partial trimming of health-care spending. Another recent poll by a respected Republican pollster found that a large majority of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, oppose “shutting down the government as a way to defund the president’s health care law.”

Yet another recent poll found that a majority of Americans would blame Republicans if a shutdown happened. But the idea that the GOP would suffer dire political consequences from a shutdown is another point the shutdown cheerleaders have taken to disputing. In an op-ed published on on Tuesday, Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots and Brent Bozell of ForAmerica write: “After the 1995 shutdown the Republicans added two Senate seats in the 1996 elections and lost only two in the House. Claims that Republicans will suffer massive defeat at the polls after a government shutdown are ignorant of the historical record. Or dishonest.”

There’s one obvious problem with this argument: It ignores the biggest thing that happened at the polls in 1996 -- Bill Clinton’s landslide reelection. In 2014, if Republicans win just two additional Senate seats and lose two seats in the House, it would be considered a massive triumph for Democrats. But Martin and Bozell aren’t the first to argue that we’re remembering 1995 wrong. Ted Cruz also recently argued at length that “The sort of cocktail chatter wisdom in Washington that, ‘Oh, the [1995-96] shutdown was a political disaster for Republicans,’ is not borne out by the data.”

When the 1995 shutdown began, Cruz had just graduated from Harvard Law School and was clerking for a federal judge in Richmond. He was about to turn 25. Since I, like Cruz, was not in Washington at the time, I thought I’d ask someone who was. In 1995, Steve LaTourette was a freshman Republican congressman from Ohio. (After serving nine terms, he retired from Congress this year and has become an outspoken critic of the far-right wing of the House GOP.) When I asked him if we’re all misremembering and the shutdown actually benefited Republicans politically, he said, “Oh, God, no.”

LaTourette remembers the shutdown as a chaotic time for the House Republicans, due partly to the improvisational leadership style of then-Speaker Newt Gingrich. “There was no map for it. Nobody knew what the rules were,” he told me. “It was a little like the dog catching the car.” In meetings that went till 2 or 3 a.m., members agonized over how to resolve the standoff.

While the shutdown was under way, it wasn’t immediately clear who the public would hold responsible. Subsequent accounts, LaTourette noted, reported that the White House was just as worried as the Republicans in Congress about suffering political consequences. But in the end, he said, independent voters concluded from the crisis that the GOP couldn’t be trusted to govern. “We took the worse end of the public backlash -- [it was] ‘Why can’t you guys play nice?’” LaTourette said. Gingrich was famously depicted as a tantrum-throwing toddler on the cover of the New York Daily News, under the headline, "CRY BABY."

Other contemporaneous observers agree with LaTourette’s account. Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote last month that the 1995 shutdown “effectively marked the end of the Gingrich revolution,” an important point: The loss of confidence Republicans suffered from the shutdown doomed the rest of their policy agenda. “Nothing could better revive the fortunes of a failing, flailing, fading Democratic administration than a government shutdown where the president is portrayed as standing up to the GOP on honoring our debts and paying our soldiers in the field,” Krauthammer added.

Nor did the GOP win the shutdown in policy terms, as Cruz claims. As the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, who covered the shutdown, recalled recently, Clinton had already angered Democrats by giving in to many of the GOP’s demands for spending cuts, but Republicans wouldn’t quit while they were ahead; they demanded Clinton agree to all of their terms. The deal they finally accepted to end the shutdown was essentially the one they’d refused at the beginning. And “when a balanced-budget agreement was finally reached a couple of years later, it was almost entirely on Clinton’s terms.”

Prior to the shutdown, Clinton had been viewed as politically wounded by the Gingrich revolution. After it, his approval ratings rebounded and he took a commanding lead in the presidential race. As Kessler recounts, Clinton was merciless in taking Republicans to task for the shutdown. One particularly ruthless moment came in his 1996 State of the Union speech:

During the speech, Clinton singled out for praise a man seated next to First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton — Social Security Administration worker Richard Dean, who had survived the Oklahoma City bombing and rescued three people from the devastated Murrah Federal Building.

As Republicans stood and applauded Dean’s heroism, Clinton pulled out the knife, recounting how Dean was forced out of his office during the first shutdown and had to work without pay in the second one. “Never, ever, shut the federal government down again,” the president scolded.

(Then-House Minority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) was so upset at Clinton’s gambit that he rewatched the speech on C-SPAN at 1:30 a.m. and literally screamed at the television, according to the 1997 book “Mirage,” by George Hager and Eric Pianin.)

Conservatives rooting for a shutdown may believe things would be different this time around. But history suggests that if a shutdown comes to pass, Republican leaders would spend a lot more sleepless nights yelling at their televisions.
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[ame=]Blackburn cheers shutdown - YouTube[/ame]
Republican blocked negotiations on the budget passed by the Senate in March. On Oct 1 normal House rules were changed by Republicans in the Rules committee to allow only the Majority Leader to bring bills to the floor. Normal rules allow any member to bring up a Senate version of a bill when the two bodies can't agree. A shut down is what they wanted. They got it and hopefully will pay the price at the polls next year.
Susan J. Demas: Republicans try to blame 'Big Government' Democrats for shutdown -- and fail |

So Republicans should have remembered this history when they shut down the government for the last two weeks -- which, at long last, is finally over.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Tea Party conglomerate Freedom Works vainly tried to label it "Harry Reid's shutdown" for the Democratic Senate majority leader most people couldn't pick out of a police lineup.

Apparently, that polled slightly better than "Obama's shutdown."

In reality, the Republicans shut down the government rather than fund Obamacare, which helps 30 million people get health insurance. They needed to give employers an out from offering health plans covering something as basic as birth control.

Later, some Republicans insisted it was about stopping our out-of-control debt. They didn't mention our overall debt burden is declining.

They figured the Democrats would cave to their demands, and didn't seem to care that the shutdown cost us $24 billion, according to Standard & Poor's. They didn't seem to care that consumer confidence has plunged to its lowest level since the '08 Wall Street meltdown.

Republicans didn't seem to care that the debt ceiling crises they've manufactured since 2011 have cost the country 900,000 jobs, according to a report from the conservative Peter G. Peterson Foundation.

And they didn't care that the shutdown and possible debt default threatened the world economy, causing an Australian paper to wonder if "lunatics" had taken over in Washington.

But in poll after poll, Americans blamed Republicans for the disaster, with Business Insider calling it "a catastrophe" for the GOP.

So they tried to shift the blame to the Dems.

The problem is that argument doesn't stick. How could Republicans possibly believe that the American people would blame Big Government Democrats for ... shutting down the horrible government?

Come to think of it, why weren't more Republicans dancing in the street over the accomplishment of one of their longest-held goals?

They've long argued government is unnecessary. So why just go 16 days without it? Why not shut it down indefinitely and prove, once and for all, that Americans are happier and freer without the yoke of big government?

Instead, enough Republicans flinched, amid outcry over the National Zoo's adorable "panda cam" going dark and the World War II Memorial being closed.

Guess they discovered that so-called "big government" ain't so bad, after all.
"I will not negotiate on the debt ceiling."

-President Barack Obama during a phone call to John Boehner, September 20th, 2013
"I will not negotiate until the threat of a government shutdown is removed."

-President Barack Obama during a phone cal to John Boehner, October 8th, 2013


This isn't the first time they've done this, ace.

They did it during the Carter administration.
They did it during the Clinton administration.
They did it during the Obama administration.
The history and government instructors in HS and college will be sure to point out the reactionaries' attempts to rewrite history and how they failed.
Republican blocked negotiations on the budget passed by the Senate in March. On Oct 1 normal House rules were changed by Republicans in the Rules committee to allow only the Majority Leader to bring bills to the floor. Normal rules allow any member to bring up a Senate version of a bill when the two bodies can't agree. A shut down is what they wanted. They got it and hopefully will pay the price at the polls next year.

With Video because...reading

[ame=]The GOP's rule change to make sure the government stays shutdown - YouTube[/ame]
There are a lot of repubs now trying to distance themselves from the shut down and re writing history saying the Dems wanted and caused the shut down. Suuuuure, so let this thread act as a Republican Time Capsule so they will never forget

Cheering, giddy Republicans shut down the government - National economic policy |

House Republicans shut down the federal government Monday night. When House Republicans took their last vote rejecting the Continuing Resolution passed by the Senate knowing the result was a government shutdown, cheers rang out in the Republican caucus. Some Republican House members were “giddy” and comparing themselves inappropriately to 9/11 heroes, chanted “let’s roll.”

To highlight the absurdity of the situation, the stated Republican goal was to de-fund Obamacare. They failed miserably. Tuesday morning, Obamacare is functioning and the insurance exchanges are up and running. The government, however, is shut down. Obamacare is not part of the discretionary budget so it is unaffected by these stunts. Republicans did not think that one through.

The last Republican proposal was to go to a conference committee—not to negotiate the budget for the next fiscal year, but just to negotiate their proposals to delay and gut Obamacare. It was rejected by the Senate Tuesday morning. All House Republican proposals have been rejected, but Republicans are known for doing the same thing over and over again the same way expecting a different result. So we can expect Republicans to keep sending non-starters to the Senate.

Republicans have crafted talking points to make themselves look good. They say they are the ones compromising and President Obama and the Democrats are not willing to compromise. This is a ridiculous argument not based on facts.

The Continuing Resolution is the bill that funds the government for the fiscal year that began today, October 1. The president’s proposed budget called for $1.2 trillion in spending. The Republican House passed a budget at $967 billion. The Continuing Resolution the Senate passed, with the president’s blessing, was $986 billion. Democrats and Obama moved over $200 billion toward Republicans but they have not moved an inch on their demands to kill Obamacare. The only ones compromising are the Democrats.

Another Republican talking point is that Democrats are “refusing to sit down and talk.”

Here are the facts. Early this year, both the House and Senate passed budgets. They were different. The way Congress has operated since the Constitution was written is that if there are differences between the two Houses on a bill, they go to a conference committee and work out the differences. Beginning in April, Senate Democrats have tried to pass a resolution to go to conference on the budget, but Republicans blocked it repeatedly by filibusters.

On April 23, 2013, House Democrats introduced a Resolution demanding the House go to conference but Republicans blocked it. They continued to block a conference committee until 30 minutes before the government shut down. Knowing that option was no longer practical, Republicans voted to go to conference just to give themselves talking points.

Furthermore, they were not going to conference on a budget to fund the government for a year, just on their efforts to delay or de-fund Obamacare saving themselves future opportunities for a shut down.

Some Republicans in both Houses have blasted the House for shutting down the government. They agree with the “objective,” but disagree with the tactics of a shut down. The sad truth is that for House Republicans, shutting down the government is the objective—and they achieved it. Now they are focused on forcing the government to default on its bills—bills Congress ran up by passing legislation appropriating the expenditure.

The real Republican objective is the shut down the government, cause a default, destroy the economy all in hopes they can trash President Obama’s legacy. They would rather destroy the nation than allow a black president to be a success. The same Republicans who are behind this shut down are the ones who have stated publically that Barack Obama was not born in the U.S and is a Muslim not a Christian. These are the same members of Congress who have been calling for Impeachment—with no alleged high crimes or misdemeanors.

The Republican objective is to destroy Barack Obama and the American people are just collateral damage. Elections have consequences.

Dems refused to negotiate? That dog wont hunt

A story about how giddy the GOP was about the shutdown is only as good as the honesty of journalist that wrote it.

Trust me, the party was infighting over it. There was à lot of angry exchanges going on. There's nothing to be giddy about. It's tough to call it a civil war on one hand and saying the right was giddy at the same time. That makes no sense at all.

Fact is this is a fabricated story meant to place blame on one side only.
There are a lot of repubs now trying to distance themselves from the shut down and re writing history saying the Dems wanted and caused the shut down. Suuuuure, so let this thread act as a Republican Time Capsule so they will never forget

Cheering, giddy Republicans shut down the government - National economic policy |

House Republicans shut down the federal government Monday night. When House Republicans took their last vote rejecting the Continuing Resolution passed by the Senate knowing the result was a government shutdown, cheers rang out in the Republican caucus. Some Republican House members were “giddy” and comparing themselves inappropriately to 9/11 heroes, chanted “let’s roll.”

To highlight the absurdity of the situation, the stated Republican goal was to de-fund Obamacare. They failed miserably. Tuesday morning, Obamacare is functioning and the insurance exchanges are up and running. The government, however, is shut down. Obamacare is not part of the discretionary budget so it is unaffected by these stunts. Republicans did not think that one through.

The last Republican proposal was to go to a conference committee—not to negotiate the budget for the next fiscal year, but just to negotiate their proposals to delay and gut Obamacare. It was rejected by the Senate Tuesday morning. All House Republican proposals have been rejected, but Republicans are known for doing the same thing over and over again the same way expecting a different result. So we can expect Republicans to keep sending non-starters to the Senate.

Republicans have crafted talking points to make themselves look good. They say they are the ones compromising and President Obama and the Democrats are not willing to compromise. This is a ridiculous argument not based on facts.

The Continuing Resolution is the bill that funds the government for the fiscal year that began today, October 1. The president’s proposed budget called for $1.2 trillion in spending. The Republican House passed a budget at $967 billion. The Continuing Resolution the Senate passed, with the president’s blessing, was $986 billion. Democrats and Obama moved over $200 billion toward Republicans but they have not moved an inch on their demands to kill Obamacare. The only ones compromising are the Democrats.

Another Republican talking point is that Democrats are “refusing to sit down and talk.”

Here are the facts. Early this year, both the House and Senate passed budgets. They were different. The way Congress has operated since the Constitution was written is that if there are differences between the two Houses on a bill, they go to a conference committee and work out the differences. Beginning in April, Senate Democrats have tried to pass a resolution to go to conference on the budget, but Republicans blocked it repeatedly by filibusters.

On April 23, 2013, House Democrats introduced a Resolution demanding the House go to conference but Republicans blocked it. They continued to block a conference committee until 30 minutes before the government shut down. Knowing that option was no longer practical, Republicans voted to go to conference just to give themselves talking points.

Furthermore, they were not going to conference on a budget to fund the government for a year, just on their efforts to delay or de-fund Obamacare saving themselves future opportunities for a shut down.

Some Republicans in both Houses have blasted the House for shutting down the government. They agree with the “objective,” but disagree with the tactics of a shut down. The sad truth is that for House Republicans, shutting down the government is the objective—and they achieved it. Now they are focused on forcing the government to default on its bills—bills Congress ran up by passing legislation appropriating the expenditure.

The real Republican objective is the shut down the government, cause a default, destroy the economy all in hopes they can trash President Obama’s legacy. They would rather destroy the nation than allow a black president to be a success. The same Republicans who are behind this shut down are the ones who have stated publically that Barack Obama was not born in the U.S and is a Muslim not a Christian. These are the same members of Congress who have been calling for Impeachment—with no alleged high crimes or misdemeanors.

The Republican objective is to destroy Barack Obama and the American people are just collateral damage. Elections have consequences.

Dems refused to negotiate? That dog wont hunt

A story about how giddy the GOP was about the shutdown is only as good as the honesty of journalist that wrote it.

Trust me, the party was infighting over it. There was à lot of angry exchanges going on. There's nothing to be giddy about. It's tough to call it a civil war on one hand and saying the right was giddy at the same time. That makes no sense at all.

Fact is this is a fabricated story meant to place blame on one side only.

Told you!!

You tried to run to another thread but I knew your next move all along

Your next response should be along the lines of the media is against you. Since you only have a few dodges in your trick bag
There are a lot of repubs now trying to distance themselves from the shut down and re writing history saying the Dems wanted and caused the shut down. Suuuuure, so let this thread act as a Republican Time Capsule so they will never forget

Cheering, giddy Republicans shut down the government - National economic policy |

Dems refused to negotiate? That dog wont hunt

A story about how giddy the GOP was about the shutdown is only as good as the honesty of journalist that wrote it.

Trust me, the party was infighting over it. There was à lot of angry exchanges going on. There's nothing to be giddy about. It's tough to call it a civil war on one hand and saying the right was giddy at the same time. That makes no sense at all.

Fact is this is a fabricated story meant to place blame on one side only.

Told you!!

You tried to run to another thread but I knew your next move all along

Your next response should be along the lines of the media is against you. Since you only have a few dodges in your trick bag

WTF are you talking about?

You libs are starting one thread after another bragging about how bad the public felt about the shutdown, and how they're blaming it all on the GOP. Most wouldn't even had known it was taking place without the media, or if they went to a memorial or park Obama shut down out of pure spite.

The word went out from the White House, "make the shutdown as painful as possible".

Sounds to me like the Dems wanted it.
The happiness of all of you libs only proves you wanted it, not us.

We're just relishing in all if the negative reports in thé news over what a total goatfuck the Obamacare website turned out to be.

Hate to say we told you so, but......
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Heres what I'm talking about:

You tried to say in another thread there was nothing showing the repubs wanted the shut down. I posted the link to this thread saying I KNEW you would try to rewrite history that's why I started this thread LAST WEEK and said you next move will be to question the media.

You jump into this thread do exactly what I said you would (because you only have a few tricks as I stated) and because you're a one trick pony you did the ONE trick.

Now either you ARE a one trick pony who does the same thing ALL the time or I am a psychic.

You're free to choose. I'm sure you're still "confused" too
The happiness of all of you libs only proves you wanted it, not us.

We're just relishing in all if the negative reports in thé news over what a total goatfuck the Obamacare website turned out to be.

Hate to say we told as so but......


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