Rich Guys Leaving California

I remember all too clearly when California was a Cornucopia with thousands of acres of farms, orchards, and vineyards. Acres upon acres of nurseries. Hundreds of dairy farms where one could buy fresh milk, butter, cheese and others. When Knot's Berry Farm was just that, Ma Knot selling her preserves and pies at a roadside stand.

When the Inland Valley fed the West - before the environmentalists came in and sued them out of business and government regulations took away their water.

The 110 acres ranch/farm I lived on is now nothing but several housing tracts not producing anything.
CA... the land of fruits and nuts.

Pretty place though.... I used to go visit a little town called Mariposa on the Merced river whenever I went to Yosemite. Absolutely beautiful.
the mexicans were the indians

no they were not ......why dont you leave matters about California to Californians.....California had the California Indian tribes here long before the Spanish set up their Missionaries along the coast...Mexico used to be called "New Spain"...California was then called "Alta California"....and was a Province and Territory of New Spain....when Mexico gained its independence from Spain, Alta California became a territory and department in independent Mexico.......
Along with the biggest mistake ever, Kotexas!

and there goes a big chunk of the US economy.....good move.....

Yea, we'd miss future Enrons, Ken Lays, Tom DeLay types, and of course those wonderful Texas oil-bought politicians. Yea, HUGE loss!

yea it is a huge loss.....and just for you and your stupid politics you would want to see that happen....i hope you never run for an office in the US Gov........
Yes, they have. Now if I agreed with you? Move to Fla or Texas? You wouldn't be saying that. This is about my disagreeing with your observation. Not about spam. Be honest. Why lie about it?

If you're right that the most wealthy and successful of California have opted for Israel. Then it should be easy for you to prove.

Please provide some link where Californians are moving to Israel instead of states like Texas and Florida.

Census finds thousands of Californians flocking to Texas

Californians moving to Texas in record numbers

California's Population Is Moving Out, Census Report Shows

"The Census Bureau calculates that the most popular destination is Texas (58,992), a state that is luring California companies. That’s followed by Arizona (49,635), Nevada (40,114), Washington (38,421) and Oregon (34,214)."

If companies want to move from California to Texas or Florida, then let them. Plenty more companies will move in and take their place. Nothing would make me move to either of those flat, humidity-choked, strip-mall hell-holes.

Actually, very few companies move into California. Instead, California is very good at growing it's own businesses. The guys whom I talk to moved from New York 20 years ago because they loved the place and built successful businesses from scratch. Now, they either are or are thinking about leaving.
people are leaving the failed state of california so they can have some kind of personal financial stability. The state is broke and continues the libtardian policies that caused it to go broke.

Give it back to Mexico.

the Mexicans kind of took it from the Indians.....

I strongly suggest you check your history.

The California natives owned nothing. They seldom went more than one day's journey from their birthplaces. And, the Spanish/Mexicans considered the missions to be the property of the disciples living there - pending their ability to run them successfully. Their delay in doing so was proven by the almost overnight decline of the missions once they were secularized.

And, it was the Americans who came in and took all the land Mexico failed to govern.

I strongly suggest you check your history......the Indians were here long before the Spanish got here and put up their Missions......and there were no "Mexicans" yet at that time.........
The mexicans were in mexico, that's why they are mexicans. Mexicans might say they are the same as Navajo, Apache or Iroquois, but they aren't and never were.

thats because they were Nahua and lived more in Central Mexico, the Aztecs were a part of them....the Mayans were another group down there.....and i have never heard a Mexican say they were the same type of Indian as the ones you mentioned....
The mexicans were in mexico, that's why they are mexicans. Mexicans might say they are the same as Navajo, Apache or Iroquois, but they aren't and never were.

thats because they were Nahua and lived more in Central Mexico, the Aztecs were a part of them....the Mayans were another group down there.....and i have never heard a Mexican say they were the same type of Indian as the ones you mentioned....

The Mayans and the AZtecs,,,,,,,,where are they now? once great civilizations that built great buildings and monuments. same question about the egyptians and romans.

are we next? or will we learn from history?
The mexicans were in mexico, that's why they are mexicans. Mexicans might say they are the same as Navajo, Apache or Iroquois, but they aren't and never were.

thats because they were Nahua and lived more in Central Mexico, the Aztecs were a part of them....the Mayans were another group down there.....and i have never heard a Mexican say they were the same type of Indian as the ones you mentioned....

The Mayans and the AZtecs,,,,,,,,where are they now? once great civilizations that built great buildings and monuments. same question about the egyptians and romans.

are we next? or will we learn from history?

people like Truth infiltrated their populations and brought their whole society down just like they are doing in California.....
Fucking rich have been driving up our home prices for years.

The government drives up your home prices, not the rich. There are plenty of rich people in Florida, but homes here are dirt cheap compared to California.
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and there goes a big chunk of the US economy.....good move.....

Yea, we'd miss future Enrons, Ken Lays, Tom DeLay types, and of course those wonderful Texas oil-bought politicians. Yea, HUGE loss!

yea it is a huge loss.....and just for you and your stupid politics you would want to see that happen....i hope you never run for an office in the US Gov........

If you call those walking human clusterfucks a "huge loss," no wonder this country is fucked!
Along with the biggest mistake ever, Kotexas!

Do you even comprehend what is going on? people are leaving high tax states and moving to low tax states like Texas. The blue states are all broke or going broke and the red states are fiscally sound.

Liberalism fails everywhere and every time it is tried.

Yep, it's that simple! Simple minds need simple answers, so way to go! Those of us who read economics and economic history know better, but you keep right on believing your partisan voices.

What like when the weather changes and the left runs around saying it is caused by man?

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