Richard Dawkins Finally Gets One Right! Whats Next, He Starts to Believe in God? Heaven Forbid!

Here's the words of Einstein again. Looks like he believed in Intelligent Design to me.

The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation....His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an INTELLIGENCE of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection. This feeling is the guiding principle of his life and work, in so far as he succeeds in keeping himself from the shackles of selfish desire (Updike 2007: 77 [emphasis added]
Well Dawkins is now the Top Atheist ever since Anthony Flew decided the evidence supported a belief in God. But is Dawkins slipping when he focuses ire on a difference in Religion? Shouldn't it be that ALL religion is detestable instead of just Islam? It's funny to watch hyper-secularists wrestle with Common Sense.

'To hell with their culture' - Richard Dawkins in extraordinary blast at Muslims

(Maher): "And they (liberals) applaud that but if you say something about a woman being forced to wear a beekeeper suit in the hot sun all day…"

Dawkins then took over saying: "But that's 'their culture' and you have to accept it. It's the one exception. Liberal about everything but this one exception, 'it's their culture'.

"Well, to hell with their culture."

Dawkins went on to say Islam had a "free pass" because of the "terror of being thought racist" if the religion is criticized.

He added: "It's confused with racism. An incredible number of people think Islam is a race.

"And so they think if you criticise Islam you're being racist."

Social media erupted over the conversation, with some criticising the strong use of language against Muslims.

@MarceAriasSouto said: "This is just anti-Muslim bigotry. @billmaher was always a buffoon. Dawkins is becoming one."


Lol, idiot libtards think almost anything is racism no matter if its a criticism of space debris.

As a liberal, and as a non-religious person, I don't like religion, however I accept that people do like religion and I allow them to get on with it as long as they don't harm other people.

What's so difficult in that concept?

Some atheists are afraid that they may be wrong about the whole God thingy and so they have to drive any mention of God far away so they can relax and forget its even a question. and the rest just do it because they are ass holes.

So you're claiming to know why atheists think as they think huh?

I'm going to suggest that you don't and that you're just talking crap.
Well Dawkins is now the Top Atheist ever since Anthony Flew decided the evidence supported a belief in God. But is Dawkins slipping when he focuses ire on a difference in Religion? Shouldn't it be that ALL religion is detestable instead of just Islam? It's funny to watch hyper-secularists wrestle with Common Sense.

The problem with atheists is that they have made a religion out of refusing to believe in a Higher Power. In spite of miracles like near-death accounts in the millions depicting and affirming an afterlife, and the opposite, strange documented possessions and levitating objects of the evil nature, atheists keep their heads deeply rooted in the sand.

While they complain that the religious wear blinders and only see what they want to see.
Well Dawkins is now the Top Atheist ever since Anthony Flew decided the evidence supported a belief in God. But is Dawkins slipping when he focuses ire on a difference in Religion? Shouldn't it be that ALL religion is detestable instead of just Islam? It's funny to watch hyper-secularists wrestle with Common Sense.

The problem with atheists is that they have made a religion out of refusing to believe in a Higher Power. In spite of miracles like near-death accounts in the millions depicting and affirming an afterlife, and the opposite, strange documented possessions and levitating objects of the evil nature, atheists keep their heads deeply rooted in the sand.

While they complain that the religious wear blinders and only see what they want to see.
Nothing more rigid and closed than an athiest mind. Cultic.
Never heard of Richard Dawkins. I don't seek out the opinions of atheists.
Dawkins posts on twitter every day and he is the author of lots of books. I recently read 'The God delusion' and it taught me I am a deist. That is I believe God could have set the universe in motion with evolution as one of its plans. Dawkins recently said he thought deism was more reasonable than the theists, who believe what the bible says about creation.
So you're claiming to know why atheists think as they think huh?

I'm going to suggest that you don't and that you're just talking crap.

No, I don't claim to KNOW what atheists think. I don't KNOW for a fact that they think at a level above reflexive response and memory recall, BUT if they do, then this might essplain their bullshit.
You construct a tautology and don't even realize it. You have to be one of the most God-damned stupid people here. I doubt even CumCatcher is that stupid.

You still haven't explained why you keep using the special pleading fallacy for your God. That is, you say something had to have created the universe, but when the question of "What created your God?" comes up, you declare your magic sky fairy is special and eternal, so that issue doesn't apply.

Maybe one day when you ejumakate your stupid ass about what the word eternal means and what it means to say something exists outside the flow of time, then maybe, just maybe you might grasp the point that there is no before, no after in a dimension outside the flow of time. Everything is in the present, dumb fuck.

Now, I'm sure everyone is wondering how you'll meltdown this time to avoid that issue again. So please proceed.

There has been no meltdown, doofus.

By the way, did your cult require you be castrated before you joined, or was that done as part of your initiation?

I have never joined any cults like yours, so no to all the above, idiot.

You have failed to point out the fallacy. I spoke of SCIENCE, the BIG BANG theory, idiot. And just because we don't know what came before the Big Bang it doesn't make it 'magic', retard.

You causality argument is 'effin stupid because it assumes time existed before the big bang. Time started with the big bang, therefore there was no "before", therefore all causality arguments fail hilariously.

No, it doesn't as it assumes that the eternal existed before time since time must come from something.

You have failed to establish that God's followers would behave better than normal

But I got you here to admit religion is pointless. That's just as good. Thanks for your cooperation.

That I point out you have failed to prove your case does not mean I agree with it, idiot.

and you failed to prove that they don't.

You keep providing that evidence. Again, thanks for your cooperation.

A data point of one person is not a statistically significant sampling to prove anything.

Once again all you prove is that you are a blithering idiot, like most atheistic pukes of your kind. All talk and troll and no think with facts.
Never heard of Richard Dawkins. I don't seek out the opinions of atheists.
Dawkins posts on twitter every day and he is the author of lots of books. I recently read 'The God delusion' and it taught me I am a deist. That is I believe God could have set the universe in motion with evolution as one of its plans. Dawkins recently said he thought deism was more reasonable than the theists, who believe what the bible says about creation.

Yes, reason minus Christian revelation can easily get you to deism. The Christian concept of God does not necessarily conflict with the Deism concept of God at all. In fact most Christian churches agree with Deism for the general rule of 'God does not intervene', but they would append '...except once in a while and is not a normal part of the universe's day to day operation and function.'
As we know, proud Lefties Dawkins & Maher are currently personae non gratae with the regressive leftists for pushing back against the PC bullshit over their opinions on Islam:

Maybe one day when you ejumakate your stupid ass about what the word eternal means and what it means to say something exists outside the flow of time, then maybe, just maybe you might grasp the point that there is no before, no after in a dimension outside the flow of time. Everything is in the present, dumb fuck.

"Outside the flow of time" is magical mystical mumbo jumbo. And you screaming how it's not magic doesn't change that fact.

No, it doesn't as it assumes that the eternal existed before time since time must come from something.

You just don't seem to get it. You can't invoke causality if there's no time, nor can you invoke "outside of time" magic. Though you'll keep trying, to everyone's amusement.
Maybe one day when you ejumakate your stupid ass about what the word eternal means and what it means to say something exists outside the flow of time, then maybe, just maybe you might grasp the point that there is no before, no after in a dimension outside the flow of time. Everything is in the present, dumb fuck.

"Outside the flow of time" is magical mystical mumbo jumbo. And you screaming how it's not magic doesn't change that fact.

No, it doesn't as it assumes that the eternal existed before time since time must come from something.

You just don't seem to get it. You can't invoke causality if there's no time, nor can you invoke "outside of time" magic. Though you'll keep trying, to everyone's amusement.

I think Jim is the Walrus.

Well Dawkins is now the Top Atheist ever since Anthony Flew decided the evidence supported a belief in God. But is Dawkins slipping when he focuses ire on a difference in Religion? Shouldn't it be that ALL religion is detestable instead of just Islam? It's funny to watch hyper-secularists wrestle with Common Sense.

'To hell with their culture' - Richard Dawkins in extraordinary blast at Muslims

(Maher): "And they (liberals) applaud that but if you say something about a woman being forced to wear a beekeeper suit in the hot sun all day…"

Dawkins then took over saying: "But that's 'their culture' and you have to accept it. It's the one exception. Liberal about everything but this one exception, 'it's their culture'.

"Well, to hell with their culture."

Dawkins went on to say Islam had a "free pass" because of the "terror of being thought racist" if the religion is criticized.

He added: "It's confused with racism. An incredible number of people think Islam is a race.

"And so they think if you criticise Islam you're being racist."

Social media erupted over the conversation, with some criticising the strong use of language against Muslims.

@MarceAriasSouto said: "This is just anti-Muslim bigotry. @billmaher was always a buffoon. Dawkins is becoming one."


Lol, idiot libtards think almost anything is racism no matter if its a criticism of space debris.

Often wonder at Maher's studio security. Metal detectors, body language experts, armed guards? :) Maher's said some things I braced myself for a gunshot or someone rushing him out of the audience to throttle him.

This 'to hell with their culture' isn't over yet I think. Think we're gonna see something go down ala those free speech anti-Islamic protests followed by shootings.
I'm frankly amazed with growing anti-Islamic sentiment we haven't seen suicide bombings in the US.

Maybe the sentiment is part of the reason there has been no successful attacks?

There must be a reason that most cultures have evolved into largely bigoted cultures as almost all are.
"Outside the flow of time" is magical mystical mumbo jumbo. And you screaming how it's not magic doesn't change that fact.

Even when physicists do it as in the string theory or Brane Theory? That makes it magic?

If physicists are not engaging in magic, then why do you insist that theologians and philosophers are when they speak of outside of time concepts?

You just don't seem to get it. You can't invoke causality if there's no time, nor can you invoke "outside of time" magic. Though you'll keep trying, to everyone's amusement.

You can invoke causality at the instant of the creation of the flow of time.

This isn't rocket science. These ideas have been discussed and accepted for thousands of years.

It is only with modern arrogant materialists like you that there is suddenly this insistence that the eternal must be magical, which is utter and complete nonsense. Magic is a known act of deceit like a play or impossible things in a childrens bed time story. Grown adults generally speaking do not engage in it.
Even when physicists do it as in the string theory or Brane Theory? That makes it magic?

Cyclic universe theories (Steinhardt, Turok) or mulitiverse theories (Greene) don't do that. They basically keep time flowing, just not in this universe. And none of them invoke God.

You can invoke causality at the instant of the creation of the flow of time.

But not before, as you do.

This isn't rocket science. These ideas have been discussed and accepted for thousands of years.

By people who lacked the scientific data we have now. Garbage in, garbage out.

It is only with modern arrogant materialists like you that there is suddenly this insistence that the eternal must be magical,

That's the same kind of claim that's erupted all through history every time religion has gotten pushed further into the background by science.

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