Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

I don't care if a zygote has self awareness. That's not the definition of humanity. Paralyzed stroke victims have no self awareness. Alzheimer victims have no self awareness. Should they be slaughtered as well?

Never mind, I know the answer.

A zygote is a "human" just like blueprints for a house are a "house". Yes, if you follow the blueprints (DNA), yes, you will build a house.

But sorry........you can't live in a blueprint, and a zygote isn't a human.

I personally think that life begins at birth, but I'm willing to back it up to the time that the embryo forms a brain and a nervous system.
I don't care if a zygote has self awareness. That's not the definition of humanity. Paralyzed stroke victims have no self awareness. Alzheimer victims have no self awareness. Should they be slaughtered as well?

Never mind, I know the answer.

Stroke victims and Alzheimers patients most certainly DO have self-awareness. To suggest otherwise is ridiculous.

As for Abortion, I don't debate whether it is right or wrong. It has nothing to do with me at all. It is a matter between a woman, her doctor, her God, or whoever/whatever she chooses to include in the decision. It's a personal matter; not something Big Government needs to get involved in.
I have seen stroke and alzheimer's patients who have no self awareness at all.

Otherwise, not sure what the point of your post is.

Except I will again reiterate...yes, the government gets to step in to protect life. It's listed even before "liberty" as a basic human right. A woman's "right" to peace of mind or her rapists' "right" to maintaining secrecy do not trump another's right to life.
No, you have seen Stroke victims and Alzheimers patients unable to communicate in a way acceptable to you. Neither is a vegetative state.
No to Islamic shari'a, no to "Christian" evangelofascists.

Neither will be allowed to persecute and prosecute women who choose abortion as a remedy for pregnancy from rape and incest.
I don't care if a zygote has self awareness. That's not the definition of humanity. Paralyzed stroke victims have no self awareness. Alzheimer victims have no self awareness. Should they be slaughtered as well?

Never mind, I know the answer.

Paralyzed stroke victims do in fact have self-awareness.

Most Alzheimer victims do in fact have some self-awareness.

A human that has reached the point where it is no longer self-aware is otherwise known as a VEGETABLE.

And yes, the people that are responsible for that person should have the ability to decide whether that person should remain on life-support. Do you have a problem with that?
Again, please provide testimony from rape victims who state they wish they had gotten abortions when they didn't.

Please provide evidence that abortion lessens trauma from rape. I have certainly proven my point that it is used extensively to protect the rapists. If you think women benefit from abortion in the case of rape based on the allegation that women who bear the fruits of rape against their will are MORE traumatized by bearing a child than they are by abortion, trot those stats out and cite those women.

I won't hold my breath.

Yeah, don't bother holding your breath.

Pregnancy following rape

Emotional impact

For many women the emotional and psychological impact of rape creates Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and symptoms are often exacerbated when the victim/survivor gives birth. Pregnancy following rape is more likely to lead to inner conflicts for women about deciding whether to keep the child or not. Long term effects may include depression, as many women may blame themselves, and experience feelings of shame and guilt that can then project onto their growing child.

Grief issues surrounding pregnancy following rape may arise in relation to the woman's decision about whether to keep her child or to have a termination.

With the support of family and friends, many women are able to overcome the psychological and emotional trauma and maintain a healthy relationship with their child.

But I guess you would know more about the subject than an organization that specializes in providing counseling to rape victims. Right?

Still waiting for that proof of Zygote self-awareness.
This guy is out of his mind.

Rick Santorum On Opposition To Abortion In Cases Of Rape: 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum explained his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape during an interview Friday, saying that women who face such circumstances should "make the best out of a bad situation."

Asked by CNN's Piers Morgan what he would do if his own daughter approached him, begging for an abortion after having been raped, Santorum explained that he would counsel her to "accept this horribly created" baby, because it was still a gift from God, even if given in a "broken" way.

"Well, you can make the argument that if she doesn't have this baby, if she kills her child, that that, too, could ruin her life. And this is not an easy choice, I understand that. As horrible as the way that that son or daughter and son was created, it still is her child. And whether she has that child or she doesn't, it will always be her child, and she will always know that," Santorum said.

Yes Mr. Angry face--doesn't have a shot at the nomination because he is WAY too far right on social issues.
A zygote is a "human" just like blueprints for a house are a "house". Yes, if you follow the blueprints (DNA), yes, you will build a house.

But sorry........you can't live in a blueprint, and a zygote isn't a human.

I personally think that life begins at birth, but I'm willing to back it up to the time that the embryo forms a brain and a nervous system.

Indeed, and I'm willing to admit that the current timeline set forth by Roe v Wade may not be accurate. There have been studies done that record some brainwave activity prior to the 1st trimester.

I'm not immovable on this. There are reasonable compromises that can be reached, based on hard scientific fact.
A zygote is a "human" just like blueprints for a house are a "house". Yes, if you follow the blueprints (DNA), yes, you will build a house.

But sorry........you can't live in a blueprint, and a zygote isn't a human.

I personally think that life begins at birth, but I'm willing to back it up to the time that the embryo forms a brain and a nervous system.

Indeed, and I'm willing to admit that the current timeline set forth by Roe v Wade may not be accurate. There have been studies done that record some brainwave activity prior to the 1st trimester.

I'm not immovable on this. There are reasonable compromises that can be reached, based on hard scientific fact.

Science does not interest the far right religious fascists.
Again, please provide testimony from rape victims who state they wish they had gotten abortions when they didn't.

Please provide evidence that abortion lessens trauma from rape. I have certainly proven my point that it is used extensively to protect the rapists. If you think women benefit from abortion in the case of rape based on the allegation that women who bear the fruits of rape against their will are MORE traumatized by bearing a child than they are by abortion, trot those stats out and cite those women.

I won't hold my breath.

Yeah, don't bother holding your breath.

Pregnancy following rape

Emotional impact

For many women the emotional and psychological impact of rape creates Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and symptoms are often exacerbated when the victim/survivor gives birth. Pregnancy following rape is more likely to lead to inner conflicts for women about deciding whether to keep the child or not. Long term effects may include depression, as many women may blame themselves, and experience feelings of shame and guilt that can then project onto their growing child.

Grief issues surrounding pregnancy following rape may arise in relation to the woman's decision about whether to keep her child or to have a termination.

With the support of family and friends, many women are able to overcome the psychological and emotional trauma and maintain a healthy relationship with their child.

But I guess you would know more about the subject than an organization that specializes in providing counseling to rape victims. Right?

Still waiting for that proof of Zygote self-awareness.

You can go right ahead and wait, I don't care if a zygote has self awareness. Humanity is not defined by self awareness.
A zygote is a "human" just like blueprints for a house are a "house". Yes, if you follow the blueprints (DNA), yes, you will build a house.

But sorry........you can't live in a blueprint, and a zygote isn't a human.

I personally think that life begins at birth, but I'm willing to back it up to the time that the embryo forms a brain and a nervous system.

Indeed, and I'm willing to admit that the current timeline set forth by Roe v Wade may not be accurate. There have been studies done that record some brainwave activity prior to the 1st trimester.

I'm not immovable on this. There are reasonable compromises that can be reached, based on hard scientific fact.

Why would you compromise *my* rights? Why do you think Roe v Wade should be traded away? Gun owners wouldn't trade Heller. Does that decision carry more weight than Roe? Roe was ALREADY a compromise.

Easy to trade rights that aren't yours....
Why would you compromise *my* rights? Why do you think Roe v Wade should be traded away? Gun owners wouldn't trade Heller. Does that decision carry more weight than Roe? Roe was ALREADY a compromise.

Easy to trade rights that aren't yours....

Hey, I'm not trading away anyone's rights.

I'm just saying that my opinion would be swayed on the matter, if scientific evidence was presented proving the fetus in question is a thinking, self-aware being.

That's my opinion, and I'm allowed to have it.

I'm not the one making pro- or anti-abortion legislation here.
Are you telling me that if that kind of proof were presented to you, it wouldn't affect the way you think about this one bit??
Hey, I'm not trading away anyone's rights.

I'm just saying that my opinion would be swayed on the matter, if scientific evidence was presented proving the fetus in question is a thinking, self-aware being.

That's my opinion, and I'm allowed to have it.

I'm not the one making pro- or anti-abortion legislation here.

of course you are entitled to your opinion. But last I checked, constitutional rights weren't subject to change based on"compromise". I'm not saying you were intentionally trading away my rights, but that's the end results.

*edit* in rereading i may have misconstrued somewhat. yes, if it were a thinking and sentient being, that might be different.
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of course you are entitled to your opinion. But last I checked, constitutional rights weren't subject to change based on"compromise". I'm not saying you were intentionally trading away my rights, but that's the end results.

And would your opinion change at all if what I said was the case? It's a hypothetical.

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