Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

Cuz we all know that you can't consider all children gifts unless you have a sexual fantasy to go with it.

I think that probably says more of you than santorum, shaman.. you progressive extremist weirdo.
Cuz we all know that you can't consider all children gifts unless you have a sexual fantasy to go with it.

I think that probably says more of you than santorum, shaman.. you progressive extremist weirdo.
Hey......you wanna give some dude (with an obsession for rape) a "pass".....knock-yourself-out. Just make sure you keep any (young) daughters AWAY-from-him!!​
How on earth does stating all children are gifts regardless of their origins an obsession with rape?

Besides which, wasn't he answering a question?
Hmm, maybe someone needs to anally rape Rick Santorum. Just so he'll have some idea of what it's like.
That's right, because anyone who states that all children are gifts should be anally raped.

I know who the sick fucks are in this thread. And it's not the people who value children.
Anyone who thinks that they should make legislation to force women to bear the fruit of rape should know what the fuck they're talking about before making said legislation.

And Rick Santorum is the king of making moral judgements on other people's lifestyles and choices.

And you're right, he probably already knows how it feels to be anally raped, closet homosexual that he is.

You want me to "stay classy"? Fuck that.

Rick Santorum is a blight on the face of this planet, and has publicly said worse things.

Santorum has denied the Crusades happened, equated homosexual relationships to bestiality on multiple occasions, stated that he firmly believes contraception should be illegal, and has now decided that he should be the one to decide whether a woman should be forced to carry a rapists baby.

When Rick starts to "Stay Classy", I'll start to "stay classy" when talking about him.

Until then, I'll firmly back the belief that he deserves the alternate meaning of his last name.
I love the interjection of "force" wherever you can cram it in.

Women are biologically forced to get pregnant. Take it up with nature.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you get to kill babies. Sorry.
Look, I think Santorum's views are pretty terrible. However, I can understand them, at least as far as these abortion comments are concerned. If someone considers conception the moment at which a person is created, then it only makes sense for them to want all pregnancies to continue. Even if it is the result of rape, that point of view still sees the fetus as an innocent person deserving of life.

Because of that, saying things like 'Santorum should be raped so he knows what it is like' is ridiculous. You may as well say all men need to go through a pregnancy before they can comment on abortion. No, more.....you may as well say the only people who can have an opinion on murder are those who know someone who has been murdered.

IMO this is the problem with abortion arguments. No matter what anyone says, no matter how consistent they may be in their rationales, many people who disagree with them seem unable to do anything but think of them as stupid, evil, etc..
I don't consider people who have an aversion to abortion to be evil, for the most part. Generally I don't really weigh in on abortion arguments overmuch.

I think there needs to be some sort of compromises made on the subject, and dislike the all or nothing approaches taken by both sides.

However, I do consider people who want to force a woman to carry a child that she, in all likelihood, will hate for the rest of it's life because it had the misfortune to be the result of rape, to be evil, however.

After all, Santorum hasn't been adopting any of the children he's wants to force these women to carry, has he?

What he's effectively doing, in the case of rape is creating deeply disturbed members of society, both mothers and children.

And yes, Koshergirl, using the law to make someone do something is in fact generally understood as "forcing them to do something", since the alternative is a prison term.
I don't consider people who have an aversion to abortion to be evil, for the most part. Generally I don't really weigh in on abortion arguments overmuch.

I think there needs to be some sort of compromises made on the subject, and dislike the all or nothing approaches taken by both sides.

However, I do consider people who want to force a woman to carry a child that she, in all likelihood, will hate for the rest of it's life because it had the misfortune to be the result of rape, to be evil, however.

After all, Santorum hasn't been adopting any of the children he's wants to force these women to carry, has he?

What he's effectively doing, in the case of rape is creating deeply disturbed members of society, both mothers and children.

And yes, Koshergirl, using the law to make someone do something is in fact generally understood as "forcing them to do something", since the alternative is a prison term.

But can you see that, if Santorum really believes the fetus is a person who deserves all the rights of an infant, that allowing abortion, even in the case of rape, would be allowing murder? That, whether it might be a bad situation or not, it cannot excuse murder?

Ok, Santorum might not be adopting these children, but that doesn't make it ok by his beliefs. His adoption or lack thereof doesn't change whether he considers abortion murder.

If you cannot accept that to some people, even in cases of rape, abortion is murder and cannot be condoned; if people who are opposed to abortion cannot accept that some people do not consider a newly fertilized egg a person and so do not consider abortion murder; then not only will one side not sway the other, but it's unlikely there can be anything like civil discourse on the matter.
Nobody should ever accept human rights violations as "ok" just because some people don't believe they're doing anything wrong.
Taking your lie and projecting it onto me does not change the fact you are not pro-life if you make exceptions. End of story.

Cite it, liar.

End of story.

Still, you cannot be Pro-Life and make acceptions. It makes no sense whatsoever. So making the statement you do makes you not what you propose to be.

Newbie, sit down and shut the hell up. You don't know what you're talking about, and you DON'T get to set the parameters of what constitutes "pro-life". Nobody died and left you God, so get a grip.

Outlawing abortions for women whose lives are endangered by the pregnancy is not "pro-life". It's just fucking stupid. The MOTHER is a human life as well, and demanding that she risk losing BOTH the baby's life and her own in an attempt to continue the pregnancy is not only stupid and insane, but FAR beyond the purview of government, which certainly has no business telling everyday civilians that they must endanger themselves. THAT really IS a decision only the mother and her doctor can make.
From your source: "Researchers believe the higher rate of deaths related to accidents and homicide may be linked to higher rates of suicidal or risk-taking behavior.16" Thus, the abortion is a symptom, not a cause, of other issues. What would be interesting would be to correlate these deaths with the lives that went on and how well with those women. What the researches don't correlate is the impact of rape and incest as factors in pregnancy and then abortion.

Very interesting source, koshergirl.

Actually, no, logical fallacy, there's no logical reason to make that assumption.

The understanding in the industry is that abusers/rapists/etc. use abortion to hide their crimes. So women who get abortions are naturally at higher risk of continued violence and abuse because the crime IS hidden.

And abortionists do SO MUCH to expose these hidden crimes so they can be prosecuted . . . oh, wait, they don't. They just take the fees, cover it up, and even give advice to the abusers on how not to get caught.
I love the interjection of "force" wherever you can cram it in.

Women are biologically forced to get pregnant. Take it up with nature.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you get to kill babies. Sorry.

That's what liberals are all about: trying to use human laws to create cosmic justice.
The source has given an opposite solution to the two delusional ladies above.

They can be delusional all they wish, but we who understand will maintains the status quo.
The source has given an opposite solution to the two delusional ladies above.

They can be delusional all they wish, but we who understand will maintains the status quo.

Those two are wind-up dolls. :blahblah: SERIOUSLY!!!
I know this is a serious subject but JEEZ!!! :eusa_doh:
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