right wing cons want to start a war with a billion Muslims


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam. And they rag on Obama for not going along with the idea. Well hey, here's a clue...start that stupid war and then NO MORE OIL! When these moron cons piss off Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil producers, then not only are we cut off, but so is all of Europe. And then here we go again with another global economic collapse. The most dangerous extremists in the world today is the GOP.
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam. And they rag on Obama for not going along with the idea. Well hey, here's a clue...start that stupid war and then NO MORE OIL! When these moron cons piss off Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil producers, then not only are we cut off, but so is all of Europe. And then here we go again with another global economic collapse. The most dangerous extremists in the world today is the GOP.

The USA is swimming in oil
The far left propaganda that all the far left drones will believe without question or hesitation as they support Obama's illegal wars..
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam. And they rag on Obama for not going along with the idea. Well hey, here's a clue...start that stupid war and then NO MORE OIL! When these moron cons piss off Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil producers, then not only are we cut off, but so is all of Europe. And then here we go again with another global economic collapse. The most dangerous extremists in the world today is the GOP.

Leftist fuckwads can't come to grips with the fact we are already at war.

Oh and stupid, we have more proven oil than Saudi Arabia. We'll be just fine.
We are at war. What conservatives want to do is end it. What does Barry Hussein want? Who the hell knows.
Once again a left wing loon mis-states a position then argues against that mis-statement. There is nothing honest about the left wing, nothing.
Who gains from more American boys and girls dying? Who in the region WANTS these Muslims gone but won't do it themselves? Think about it folks.
I am with the OP, Obama is trying to keep American men off the ground , those like Cheney who did everything he could not to serve in the Vietnam war (what 4 deferments) and some others like him had no problem sending men to Iraq. Let the people in the ME fight it out.
I was going to comment directly to the OP but after reading it I realized how stupid it was and what a waste doing so would be.
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam. And they rag on Obama for not going along with the idea. Well hey, here's a clue...start that stupid war and then NO MORE OIL! When these moron cons piss off Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil producers, then not only are we cut off, but so is all of Europe. And then here we go again with another global economic collapse. The most dangerous extremists in the world today is the GOP.

the GOP has its problems, Islamic terrorists are rooted in religion, to deny that fact is not being realistic. Every major and even minor population of Muslims in any country they are in, has a terrorist problem. Enough of a problem to be included on the US state department list of terrorism. Look it up from all across the world the different names and all use similar tactics. Is it because of jobs? Even people in well off countries see terrorist issue. The extremists are true believers, giving jobs is not going to curb the hate and blood lust. And they are intolerant of all other religions and cultures. They do teach hate and even the moderate ones that I have spoke to feel a certain sympathy for their cause. I saw an 8 year old child that stole in Saudi and they pushed us up to the front to see his punishment, the child gave up his right hand with no complaint not even flinching as they sliced his hand off. We are not dealing with Americans we are dealing with a fundamental philosophy that is beyond almost every American comprehension. They have a hate and distrust not because of lack of jobs but what they are taught from early childhood, and it's this religion that created the perfect storm. Do lack of jobs help? probably. But when you have groups of people all doing the same thing it goes beyond simply lack of economic possibilities. It's because they believe they are doing the work of god and not because they do not think. Most of them could recite the Koran by the age of nine verbatim. Sigh I am not saying we should go to war with 1 billion Muslims, but even most of them are afraid to speak out about it because they could be next on a hit list. Some do speak out but not that many, they are afraid to speak out or demonstrate. Because someone within their mosque might take offense.
Con replies are like the little kid with cherries all over his face and the pie half eaten, saying "I didn't eat it."
I am with the OP, Obama is trying to keep American men off the ground , those like Cheney who did everything he could not to serve in the Vietnam war (what 4 deferments) and some others like him had no problem sending men to Iraq. Let the people in the ME fight it out.

Well, I agree in that I believe that folks in the region have to take the lead, but I don't have any problem with helping them out. We do have a stake and that's been demonstrated time and time again. But the war on terrorism will be most successful when folks in that region decide they have had enough.
I don't want to start a war with em. I'd be happy if we nuked em all from orbit.

End of problem.
Not just a war with ISIS and Al Qaeda, the right wing extremists in the U.S. want to declare war on all of Islam. And they rag on Obama for not going along with the idea. Well hey, here's a clue...start that stupid war and then NO MORE OIL! When these moron cons piss off Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil producers, then not only are we cut off, but so is all of Europe. And then here we go again with another global economic collapse. The most dangerous extremists in the world today is the GOP.
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