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Right Wing Death Squad: Active duty Marine plotted to bomb DNC, murder blacks

‘The trio seemed to be preparing for a full-blown race war. Their goals were laid out in group chats underneath exhortations such as, “WISDOM: WE CAN ACCELERATE TODAY FOR A NEW WORLD TOMORROW,” and, “SP**CS AND NI***RS NEED TO HANG FROM TREES,” the warrant states. In one conversation, Garfield allegedly wrote, “Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.” In another, he discussed assassinating Arkansas state Sen. Stephanie Flowers, who is Black.

“Just fucking McVeigh the DNC,” Garfield, who boasted of his Atomwaffen connections, wrote in one message.’ ibid

“Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.”

Sounds just like one of our own USMB rightists.
So a guy wrote some stuff, but he didnt actually commit an act of violence? I wish all of our criminals were like this. Imagine how much safer black neighborhoods would be.
Yea....let's ignore guys like this until they do another Oklahoma bombing attack
How about concentrating on people who are actively committing crime? The biggest threat anyone faces is black males. Whatever the second biggest threat is, its WAAAYYY the fuck behind black violence. We should be trying to get rid of black culture so these problems go away.
No, tje biggest theat is white males. The numbers show this. Whites commit the most violence on an annual basis. So if you want to concentrate on who is committing crime, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories on crime annually. That inludes violent crime.
the biggest threat to you is not sickness accidents drugs obesity ect ... nope the biggest threat to you is other black males ...blacks are the only demographic with that stat ! the only ones ! lie and deny all you want racist but the truth is the truth and you know it ! when you walk down the street alone you arent worried about a white racist attacking you .....nope ! you are thinking about a black man attacking you ! and you know it racist !
Is that why black parents warn their children about........................................the cops?
Cops are the enemy to criminals. Thieves cant stand the cops. The black people who teach their children to hate cops are simply terrible people.
Tell that to the butthole militia guys & Loud Boys who unmercifully beat cops within an inch of their lives on 1/6.
THEN get back to us
‘The trio seemed to be preparing for a full-blown race war. Their goals were laid out in group chats underneath exhortations such as, “WISDOM: WE CAN ACCELERATE TODAY FOR A NEW WORLD TOMORROW,” and, “SP**CS AND NI***RS NEED TO HANG FROM TREES,” the warrant states. In one conversation, Garfield allegedly wrote, “Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.” In another, he discussed assassinating Arkansas state Sen. Stephanie Flowers, who is Black.

“Just fucking McVeigh the DNC,” Garfield, who boasted of his Atomwaffen connections, wrote in one message.’ ibid

“Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.”

Sounds just like one of our own USMB rightists.
So a guy wrote some stuff, but he didnt actually commit an act of violence? I wish all of our criminals were like this. Imagine how much safer black neighborhoods would be.
Yea....let's ignore guys like this until they do another Oklahoma bombing attack
How about concentrating on people who are actively committing crime? The biggest threat anyone faces is black males. Whatever the second biggest threat is, its WAAAYYY the fuck behind black violence. We should be trying to get rid of black culture so these problems go away.
No, tje biggest theat is white males. The numbers show this. Whites commit the most violence on an annual basis. So if you want to concentrate on who is committing crime, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories on crime annually. That inludes violent crime.
the biggest threat to you is not sickness accidents drugs obesity ect ... nope the biggest threat to you is other black males ...blacks are the only demographic with that stat ! the only ones ! lie and deny all you want racist but the truth is the truth and you know it ! when you walk down the street alone you arent worried about a white racist attacking you .....nope ! you are thinking about a black man attacking you ! and you know it racist !
Is that why black parents warn their children about........................................the cops?
Cops are the enemy to criminals. Thieves cant stand the cops. The black people who teach their children to hate cops are simply terrible people.
Tell that to the butthole militia guys & Loud Boys who unmercifully beat cops within an inch of their lives on 1/6.
THEN get back to us
Why would i talk to them about black crime? What the fuck are you even talking about? Stay on topic retard.
‘The trio seemed to be preparing for a full-blown race war. Their goals were laid out in group chats underneath exhortations such as, “WISDOM: WE CAN ACCELERATE TODAY FOR A NEW WORLD TOMORROW,” and, “SP**CS AND NI***RS NEED TO HANG FROM TREES,” the warrant states. In one conversation, Garfield allegedly wrote, “Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.” In another, he discussed assassinating Arkansas state Sen. Stephanie Flowers, who is Black.

“Just fucking McVeigh the DNC,” Garfield, who boasted of his Atomwaffen connections, wrote in one message.’ ibid

“Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.”

Sounds just like one of our own USMB rightists.
So a guy wrote some stuff, but he didnt actually commit an act of violence? I wish all of our criminals were like this. Imagine how much safer black neighborhoods would be.
Yea....let's ignore guys like this until they do another Oklahoma bombing attack
How about concentrating on people who are actively committing crime? The biggest threat anyone faces is black males. Whatever the second biggest threat is, its WAAAYYY the fuck behind black violence. We should be trying to get rid of black culture so these problems go away.
No, tje biggest theat is white males. The numbers show this. Whites commit the most violence on an annual basis. So if you want to concentrate on who is committing crime, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories on crime annually. That inludes violent crime.
the biggest threat to you is not sickness accidents drugs obesity ect ... nope the biggest threat to you is other black males ...blacks are the only demographic with that stat ! the only ones ! lie and deny all you want racist but the truth is the truth and you know it ! when you walk down the street alone you arent worried about a white racist attacking you .....nope ! you are thinking about a black man attacking you ! and you know it racist !

violent crime is segregated.

Black on black and white on white

The biggest threat to white people is other white people. Especially people they know.

That is FACT
That is only true when there arent black people around. If you are by a black stranger and a white stranger, you are 8 times more likely to be murdered by the black guy.
And you got that statistic from....................where?
From the department of justice. Take a look at the numbers, then break them down by percentages and you will find this result.
I've broken down the numbers numerous times, the result is that whites committ more crime. You can't face that so you use probability based on chances per 100,000 people. Because there are more whites, per capita is going to be lower, but if you only use participants in crime and leave non participants out because they are not committing crimes, 70 percent of the people participating in crime are white. If you divide the numbers of participants in crime against the US population, then you create the actual percentage of the population who participate in crime. Hence you end up with an accurate assessment of the number and percentage of people who actually participate in crime. It is the most accurate measurement because I can't blame you for being a criminal if you aren't one, yet that is what you and the other racist scrubs do by arguing per capita. And even then, the number per 100,000 is low and does not indicate the extreme black crime problem you pussie bitch about daily.
‘The trio seemed to be preparing for a full-blown race war. Their goals were laid out in group chats underneath exhortations such as, “WISDOM: WE CAN ACCELERATE TODAY FOR A NEW WORLD TOMORROW,” and, “SP**CS AND NI***RS NEED TO HANG FROM TREES,” the warrant states. In one conversation, Garfield allegedly wrote, “Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.” In another, he discussed assassinating Arkansas state Sen. Stephanie Flowers, who is Black.

“Just fucking McVeigh the DNC,” Garfield, who boasted of his Atomwaffen connections, wrote in one message.’ ibid

“Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.”

Sounds just like one of our own USMB rightists.
So a guy wrote some stuff, but he didnt actually commit an act of violence? I wish all of our criminals were like this. Imagine how much safer black neighborhoods would be.
Yea....let's ignore guys like this until they do another Oklahoma bombing attack
How about concentrating on people who are actively committing crime? The biggest threat anyone faces is black males. Whatever the second biggest threat is, its WAAAYYY the fuck behind black violence. We should be trying to get rid of black culture so these problems go away.
No, tje biggest theat is white males. The numbers show this. Whites commit the most violence on an annual basis. So if you want to concentrate on who is committing crime, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories on crime annually. That inludes violent crime.
the biggest threat to you is not sickness accidents drugs obesity ect ... nope the biggest threat to you is other black males ...blacks are the only demographic with that stat ! the only ones ! lie and deny all you want racist but the truth is the truth and you know it ! when you walk down the street alone you arent worried about a white racist attacking you .....nope ! you are thinking about a black man attacking you ! and you know it racist !
Is that why black parents warn their children about........................................the cops?
Cops are the enemy to criminals. Thieves cant stand the cops. The black people who teach their children to hate cops are simply terrible people.
Tell that to the butthole militia guys & Loud Boys who unmercifully beat cops within an inch of their lives on 1/6.
THEN get back to us
Why would i talk to them about black crime? What the fuck are you even talking about? Stay on topic retard.
But this thread is about white supremacists caught planning a crime and not black crime. Stay on topic retard.
‘The trio seemed to be preparing for a full-blown race war. Their goals were laid out in group chats underneath exhortations such as, “WISDOM: WE CAN ACCELERATE TODAY FOR A NEW WORLD TOMORROW,” and, “SP**CS AND NI***RS NEED TO HANG FROM TREES,” the warrant states. In one conversation, Garfield allegedly wrote, “Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.” In another, he discussed assassinating Arkansas state Sen. Stephanie Flowers, who is Black.

“Just fucking McVeigh the DNC,” Garfield, who boasted of his Atomwaffen connections, wrote in one message.’ ibid

“Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.”

Sounds just like one of our own USMB rightists.
So a guy wrote some stuff, but he didnt actually commit an act of violence? I wish all of our criminals were like this. Imagine how much safer black neighborhoods would be.
Yea....let's ignore guys like this until they do another Oklahoma bombing attack
How about concentrating on people who are actively committing crime? The biggest threat anyone faces is black males. Whatever the second biggest threat is, its WAAAYYY the fuck behind black violence. We should be trying to get rid of black culture so these problems go away.
No, tje biggest theat is white males. The numbers show this. Whites commit the most violence on an annual basis. So if you want to concentrate on who is committing crime, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories on crime annually. That inludes violent crime.

Really? Then why do blacks who are 13% of the population commit 50% of the crime?
That doesn't happen.
There is no reverse racism.
I see it all the time

The so-called white privilege meme is nothing more or less than a racial attack on whites
You don't see shit. White privilege is a term created by a white person speaking to the difference between what blacks and whites face.
White privilege is a lie invented by marxist fifth columnists to divide America and make it easier to defeat
No, white privilege is what you have. America has always been divided and until whites like yourself begin to understand that youb are not the only ones who determine things in this country, we will remain divided.
White privilege is a myth designed to justify racism directed against whigte people which is as inexcusable as any other racism.

All nations are politically divided unless ruled by some marxist dictator or some other kind of tyrant..
No, white privilege is what people like you have. This is why you think you can argue with black people about how it is to be black in America. We are not only politically divided junior.
White privilege is a myth and nothing more.

NO one is argueing about what it is to be black. This is in fact a politicaql argument not an argument about personal experiences which are not the same for all black people.

America is no more divided or divided in a different way than any other nation.
White privilege is a reality whites have admitted to. Again you are not qualified to speak on what blacks experience. Every black person experiences racism from whites or the system that favors whites.

America is divided and it is not just political. What other countries are divifed by is on them. Whites such as yourself keep us divided by your refusal to accept the different experiences of others and work to fix the dsmage.
Whites are not a monlithical group who can admit to anything at all

It does not exist and is a myth.

Once agin you are demonstrating racism by assuming others racial characteristic because they disagree with you.
It does exist and you are proof of it.
White folk are being oppressed, marginalized, victimized, blamed, attacked, beliefs forced upon them. It's only natural that will turn some folk into extremists.
This is a lie.
Is it fuck a lie.

It's the truth, but the truth isn't something that exactly comes naturally to leftists like yourself and DrLove there.

All you lot do is lie and try and create then control a narrative that suits your viewpoint at all times trying not to concede anything. It's a game you play like your life depends on it.

At least I'm balanced. I also said this scumbag in the article should be locked up - but you both ignored that whilst downvoting my other comment about trying to find out what makes folk think the twisted way he does - but that's not good enough for folk like you - you don't want solutions, you enjoy problems.

Leftists are sociopaths. You are both sociopaths.
Nobody is buying into your white grievance Brexy. It’s bullshit. Dangerous bullshit I might add. Cut it out :nono:
Then why do you buy into all the black grievance bullshit? It's dangerous bullshit. It cost the country 9000 violent riots last year.
There were no 9,000 violent riots last years. Blacks have a legitimate beef, you whites do not.
That is a lie and hypocrisy.
No, it's the truth. A truth you are unable to face.
It is a lie and hypocrisy.

I will grant you the number may be something to debate. 9000 is hyperbolic and exaggerated but in fact there were riots in most major cities all summer last year and not because of a legitimate beef.
Yes the protests were due to a legitimate beef. According to ACLED data, data from Harvard and police reports from major cities pertaining to the protests, 96 percent had no property damage, 97 percent no injurirs to police. I have read the information, you watched news stories. The protests were based on a legitimate grievance. So you're just full of hot air and bad breath.
They were not based on legitimate beefs and the data was ignored and twisted to fit a political end. It is no shock that police in democrat run cities and Harvard are biased. I have read the same reports but unlike you applied just a little bit of critical thought.
You are completely wrong. I don't believe you have read any reports. Post a link to the data..
I am completely right and you read them yourself so no link needed you simplty refuse to apply a little bit of critical thinking skill

You are completely wrong. But you're here with other racists so you have an echo chamber. You have no read the reports. Thats why you can't post links.
White folk are being oppressed, marginalized, victimized, blamed, attacked, beliefs forced upon them. It's only natural that will turn some folk into extremists.
This is a lie.
Is it fuck a lie.

It's the truth, but the truth isn't something that exactly comes naturally to leftists like yourself and DrLove there.

All you lot do is lie and try and create then control a narrative that suits your viewpoint at all times trying not to concede anything. It's a game you play like your life depends on it.

At least I'm balanced. I also said this scumbag in the article should be locked up - but you both ignored that whilst downvoting my other comment about trying to find out what makes folk think the twisted way he does - but that's not good enough for folk like you - you don't want solutions, you enjoy problems.

Leftists are sociopaths. You are both sociopaths.
Nobody is buying into your white grievance Brexy. It’s bullshit. Dangerous bullshit I might add. Cut it out :nono:
Then why do you buy into all the black grievance bullshit? It's dangerous bullshit. It cost the country 9000 violent riots last year.
There were no 9,000 violent riots last years. Blacks have a legitimate beef, you whites do not.
That is a lie and hypocrisy.

That pigsnot idiot racist IM2 is not only WRONG about Blacks having a beef (and whites not, how nice of him to decide FOR us), I can name a dozen peoples with far more to complain about than blacks and NO race of people who've had their asses kissed more than Blacks, he doesn't even know his facts.

Last Fall, it was estimated 8,700 riots up to that point in the USA over that bum Floyd and his idiot sycophant domestic terrorist Marxist puppets, BLM, so, in the interests of round numbers plus all the further riots since then till now, 9,000 indeed seems like a very reasonable number.

THAT AMOUNTS TO ROUGHLY Twenty-three (23) riots PER DAY (nearly one new one every hour) since June of 2020. All over a felon counterfeiter who resisted arrest then died of his own drug overdose paid for with stolen tax dollars. Fuck IM2.

These jigaboobs have now been trained by their rich white Washington masters to riot like angry delinquent children for everything anytime they don't get their petulant way.

Look at your sources. None of them are credible. The number of riots they claim didn't happen.

You are as usual, wrong about everything.
White folk are being oppressed, marginalized, victimized, blamed, attacked, beliefs forced upon them. It's only natural that will turn some folk into extremists.
This is a lie.
Is it fuck a lie.

It's the truth, but the truth isn't something that exactly comes naturally to leftists like yourself and DrLove there.

All you lot do is lie and try and create then control a narrative that suits your viewpoint at all times trying not to concede anything. It's a game you play like your life depends on it.

At least I'm balanced. I also said this scumbag in the article should be locked up - but you both ignored that whilst downvoting my other comment about trying to find out what makes folk think the twisted way he does - but that's not good enough for folk like you - you don't want solutions, you enjoy problems.

Leftists are sociopaths. You are both sociopaths.
You’re a liar.

White people are not being oppressed, marginalized, victimized, blamed, or attacked; no beliefs are being ‘forced upon them.’

Such is the lie of white grievance politics.

But you never get shit right...here straight from wiki....

Classification of Hispanics​

The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the "white" category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as "white" and some as "other race". The victim categories for the NCVS are more distinct.

According to a report by the National Council of La Raza, research obstacles undermine the census of Latinos in prison, and "Latinos in the criminal justice system are seriously undercounted. The true extent of the overrepresentation of Latinos in the system probably is significantly greater than researchers have been able to document. Lack of empirical data on Latinos is partially due to prisons' failures to document ethnic details at intake, or recording practices that historically have classified Latinos as white.[45]

The FBI did not include a "Latino" or "Hispanic" category until recently,[when?] and 93% of Hispanics are classified as "white" by law enforcement officers (irrespective of their ancestry), often inflating the amount of crimes attributed to whites.[46][47]

Crime statistics​

See also: Statistical correlations of criminal behaviour
Scholars have found that some racial and ethnic minorities, particularly African-Americans, are disproportionately represented in the arrest and victimization reports which are used to compile crime rate statistics in the United States. The data from 2008 reveals that black Americans are over-represented in terms of arrests made in virtually all types of crime, with the exceptions of "driving under the influence," "liquor laws," and hate crime. Overall, black Americans are arrested at 2.6 times the per-capita rate of all other Americans, and this ratio is even higher for murder (6.3 times) and robbery (8.1 times).[48][49]


US homicide victims by race, 1980–2017[50]

US homicide offenders by race, 1980–2017[51]
According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0% in cases where the race was known.[52] Among homicide victims in 2019 where the race was known, 54.7% were black or African-American, 42.3% were white, and 3.1% were of other races.[53][54] The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly six times higher than that of whites, and the victim rate is a similar figure. Most homicides were intraracial; where the perpetrator's race was known, 81% of white victims were killed by whites and 91% of black or African-American victims were killed by African-Americans.[54]


The CDC keeps data on non-fatal injury emergency department visits and the race of victims.[55] While non-Hispanic white victims account for approximately half of total non-fatal assault injuries, most of which did not involve any weapon, black and Hispanic victims account for the vast majority of non-fatal firearm injuries. There was a total of 17.3 million emergency department visits or hospitalizations for non-fatal assaults in the United States in the 10-year period between 2007–2016. For non-fatal assaults with recorded race, 6.5 million victims were white non-Hispanic, 4.3 million black, 2.3 million Hispanic and 0.4 million other (non-Hispanic) and for 3.8 million, the race was not recorded. There were a total of 603,000 emergency department visits in the US for non-fatal firearm assaults in the 10-year period between 2007–2016. For non-fatal firearm assaults with recorded race, 77,000 victims were white non-Hispanic, 261,000 were black and 94,000 were Hispanic, 8,500 were other non-Hispanic and for 162,000 the race was not recorded. Despite gun injuries only accounting for about 3.5% of serious assault injuries between 2007 and 2016, they accounted for nearly 70% of overall homicides.[56]

While African Americans are highly overrepresented in murders and gun assaults, the disparity in arrests is small for the most common form of assault not involving any weapon or serious injury (non-aggravated assault). Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites are arrested for non-aggravated assault in a similar ratio to their share of the US population. Of the 9,468 murder arrests in the US in 2017, 53.5% were black and 20.8% Hispanic. Of the 822,671 arrests for non-aggravated assault, 31.4% were black and 18.4% Hispanic.[57]

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws, and drunkenness. Racial disparities in arrest have consistently been far less among older population groups.[58]


According to the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2002, robberies with white victims and black offenders were more than 12 times more common than the opposite.
‘The trio seemed to be preparing for a full-blown race war. Their goals were laid out in group chats underneath exhortations such as, “WISDOM: WE CAN ACCELERATE TODAY FOR A NEW WORLD TOMORROW,” and, “SP**CS AND NI***RS NEED TO HANG FROM TREES,” the warrant states. In one conversation, Garfield allegedly wrote, “Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.” In another, he discussed assassinating Arkansas state Sen. Stephanie Flowers, who is Black.

“Just fucking McVeigh the DNC,” Garfield, who boasted of his Atomwaffen connections, wrote in one message.’ ibid

“Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.”

Sounds just like one of our own USMB rightists.
What if I just want to kill EVERYBODY on my way to Valhalla?

Is that racist?
Over the years we’ve had countless USMB rightists propagate the lie that racism ‘isn’t real’ in a failed attempt to deflect from the racism that in fact exists among conservatives.

But you never get shit right...here straight from wiki....

Classification of Hispanics​

The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the "white" category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as "white" and some as "other race". The victim categories for the NCVS are more distinct.

According to a report by the National Council of La Raza, research obstacles undermine the census of Latinos in prison, and "Latinos in the criminal justice system are seriously undercounted. The true extent of the overrepresentation of Latinos in the system probably is significantly greater than researchers have been able to document. Lack of empirical data on Latinos is partially due to prisons' failures to document ethnic details at intake, or recording practices that historically have classified Latinos as white.[45]

The FBI did not include a "Latino" or "Hispanic" category until recently,[when?] and 93% of Hispanics are classified as "white" by law enforcement officers (irrespective of their ancestry), often inflating the amount of crimes attributed to whites.[46][47]

Crime statistics​

See also: Statistical correlations of criminal behaviour
Scholars have found that some racial and ethnic minorities, particularly African-Americans, are disproportionately represented in the arrest and victimization reports which are used to compile crime rate statistics in the United States. The data from 2008 reveals that black Americans are over-represented in terms of arrests made in virtually all types of crime, with the exceptions of "driving under the influence," "liquor laws," and hate crime. Overall, black Americans are arrested at 2.6 times the per-capita rate of all other Americans, and this ratio is even higher for murder (6.3 times) and robbery (8.1 times).[48][49]


US homicide victims by race, 1980–2017[50]

US homicide offenders by race, 1980–2017[51]
According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0% in cases where the race was known.[52] Among homicide victims in 2019 where the race was known, 54.7% were black or African-American, 42.3% were white, and 3.1% were of other races.[53][54] The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly six times higher than that of whites, and the victim rate is a similar figure. Most homicides were intraracial; where the perpetrator's race was known, 81% of white victims were killed by whites and 91% of black or African-American victims were killed by African-Americans.[54]


The CDC keeps data on non-fatal injury emergency department visits and the race of victims.[55] While non-Hispanic white victims account for approximately half of total non-fatal assault injuries, most of which did not involve any weapon, black and Hispanic victims account for the vast majority of non-fatal firearm injuries. There was a total of 17.3 million emergency department visits or hospitalizations for non-fatal assaults in the United States in the 10-year period between 2007–2016. For non-fatal assaults with recorded race, 6.5 million victims were white non-Hispanic, 4.3 million black, 2.3 million Hispanic and 0.4 million other (non-Hispanic) and for 3.8 million, the race was not recorded. There were a total of 603,000 emergency department visits in the US for non-fatal firearm assaults in the 10-year period between 2007–2016. For non-fatal firearm assaults with recorded race, 77,000 victims were white non-Hispanic, 261,000 were black and 94,000 were Hispanic, 8,500 were other non-Hispanic and for 162,000 the race was not recorded. Despite gun injuries only accounting for about 3.5% of serious assault injuries between 2007 and 2016, they accounted for nearly 70% of overall homicides.[56]

While African Americans are highly overrepresented in murders and gun assaults, the disparity in arrests is small for the most common form of assault not involving any weapon or serious injury (non-aggravated assault). Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites are arrested for non-aggravated assault in a similar ratio to their share of the US population. Of the 9,468 murder arrests in the US in 2017, 53.5% were black and 20.8% Hispanic. Of the 822,671 arrests for non-aggravated assault, 31.4% were black and 18.4% Hispanic.[57]

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws, and drunkenness. Racial disparities in arrest have consistently been far less among older population groups.[58]


According to the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2002, robberies with white victims and black offenders were more than 12 times more common than the opposite.
There are black hispanics.
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Reactions: IM2
Crepitus Affirmative ACTION, stealing taxpayer money to give to black organizations, USDA not requiring Blacks to repay loans but whites have to, Government hires for idiotic black employees over more qualified everyone else which creates problems in all government agencies and slows down government services such as the DMV, adding points to blacks test scores to give them jobs at post offices, lowering standards for colleges, requiring black hire when other people are better qualified, rampant racism in government social services, military promotion based on race and now sexual orientation resulting in ignorant and often mental unstable officers, college racism and so much more......including the attempts to silence any who speak up by screaming racism and my favorite where now blacks are allowed to burn down cities, loot, and attack others but the law is often not allowed to arrest and the corrupt prosecutors won't prosecute.
Rightwing lies, hate, and racism don’t constitute being ‘oppressed.’
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Reactions: IM2

Is wikipedia the best you can do?

I have looked at the Uniform Crime Reports every year since the 1994. Every report I have read shows that whites made up the majority of arrests for ALL CRIMES in the United States. The excuse for this is there are more white people. I say this is an excuse because there are more whites taking college entrance exams too, but that is not considered when the discussion favors whites.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This bit of information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” This report shows that for a 21 year period of time, while people like turtlesoup, most of the Fox News prime time lineup, Trump and most of the American media were promoting a narrative of high black on black crime, the reality is that black on black crime was being reduced. It also shows that most crimes are intra-racial and that whites were victimized by other whites primarily and at approximately the same percentage.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

These facts show the utter silliness and nonsense turtlsoup and other whites like her share relative to the issue of black on black crime. This information shows that black on black crime had been actually reduced over a 2-decade span.

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males entitled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” The data was basically ignored, even by President Obama. But the implications of this study were so important that it was a dereliction of duty to not make this information widely known to the American public.

Americans tend to create nostalgia about the past. The fact is that the good old days never were. I say that as a black citizen of this country, but the good old days never existed for anyone. Males points this out in his report. “For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964.

Mike Males article provides evidence of how a racist society builds a strawman then tries turning that straw into skin and bones.

“Since the sainted Fifties, America has seen rapid teenage population growth and dramatic shifts toward more single parenting, more lethal drugs and weapons, increased middle-aged (that is, parent-age) drug abuse and imprisonment, decreased incarceration of youth, decreased youthful religious affiliation, and more violent and explicit media available to younger ages. Horrifying, as the culture critics far Right to far Left—including Obama, who spends many pages and speeches berating popular culture as some major driver of bad youth behavior—repeatedly insist.

And after 50 years of all these terrible changes in American culture? Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.

In the last 20 years in particular, the FBI reports, rates of crime among African American youth have plummeted: All offenses (down 47%), drug offenses (down 50%), property offenses (down 51%), serious Part I offenses (down 53%), assault (down 59%), robbery (down 60%), all violent offenses (down 60%), rape (down 66%), and murder (down 82%).”

Mike Males, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

What the article Males wrote did was expose an American pathology concerning race. Specifically, a white racist pathology that needs for there to be an “other.” That “other” must always look different from what the so-called white “mainstream” deems to be normal. This applies to more areas than race, but since this book is about racism in 21st century America, I will apply what I am writing about to race.

There has consistently existed a space in white culture where people have believed in the inherent superiority and human perfection of the white race. Included in this space has been a belief in a natural propensity for violence in blacks.

I find it laughable what so called “conservatives,” claim the media does not cover. So while people like turtlesoup and of the most right wing were letting sounds flow from their mouths that reflected long held racist opinions, young blacks were described by Males in this manner:

Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.”

You're an amateur here woman. You don't have 1/10th the information I have compiled on this and other issues pertaining to the black community. Posting wikipedia is not going to get the job done. Go do some real research.

Mike Males, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests,” The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, August 15, 2013

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 1, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 2, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 6, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2013, ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-61

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-55

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-49our p

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2014, ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-55

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2015, Table 43

Arrests-Non Metropolitan Counties by Race in the United States, 2014, Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report, table-61

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2016, https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2016/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016/topic-pages/tables/table-21

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2017, https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/tables/table-43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2017, https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/tables/table-43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2018, Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2018, ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-43

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2019,
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Murder, Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Victim by Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Offender, 2019, Expanded Homicide Table 6,
Sampson, Robert J., and Janet L. Lauritsen. 1997. Racial and ethnic disparities in crime and criminal justice in the United States. Crime and Justice 21: 311-374. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Crime and Criminal Justice in the United States

Black Demographics, The African American Population 2019, Black Population in US | BlackDemographics.com

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Murder, Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Victim by Race, Sex, and Ethnicity of Offender, 2019, Expanded Homicide Table 6, Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
IM2 YEP----------and most are classified as white when it comes to crimes artificially increasing the stats for whites when they should be tossed in with other blacks again raising the crime stats for african-americans and lowering crime stats for whites. Hispanics should be counted as a separate group and subdivided like they do everyone else.

Oh Brother Clayton, GET a damn grip----I simply posted FACTs straight from the WIKI. Not my fault that the facts aren't to your liking. Instead of insulting the messenger--GROW up. You IM2 need to stop lying to yourselves and everyone else........
IM2 YEP----------and most are classified as white when it comes to crimes artificially increasing the stats for whites when they should be tossed in with other blacks again raising the crime stats for african-americans and lowering crime stats for whites. Hispanics should be counted as a separate group and subdivided like they do everyone else.

Whites have a 245 year long rap sheet full of violent and criminal acts. Don't put that shit on hispanics.
For white conservatives, ‘oppression’ is Americans of color realizing their comprehensive civil rights.

For white conservatives, ‘oppression’ is no longer being allowed to use the authority of government to disadvantage and discriminate against minority Americans.

For white conservatives, ‘oppression’ is America becoming more diverse and inclusive.

For white conservatives, ‘oppression’ really isn’t oppression, it’s ignorance, fear, and hate.
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There is no reverse racism.
I see it all the time

The so-called white privilege meme is nothing more or less than a racial attack on whites
You don't see shit. White privilege is a term created by a white person speaking to the difference between what blacks and whites face.
White privilege is a lie invented by marxist fifth columnists to divide America and make it easier to defeat
No, white privilege is what you have. America has always been divided and until whites like yourself begin to understand that youb are not the only ones who determine things in this country, we will remain divided.
White privilege is a myth designed to justify racism directed against whigte people which is as inexcusable as any other racism.

All nations are politically divided unless ruled by some marxist dictator or some other kind of tyrant..
No, white privilege is what people like you have. This is why you think you can argue with black people about how it is to be black in America. We are not only politically divided junior.
White privilege is a myth and nothing more.

NO one is argueing about what it is to be black. This is in fact a politicaql argument not an argument about personal experiences which are not the same for all black people.

America is no more divided or divided in a different way than any other nation.
White privilege is a reality whites have admitted to. Again you are not qualified to speak on what blacks experience. Every black person experiences racism from whites or the system that favors whites.

America is divided and it is not just political. What other countries are divifed by is on them. Whites such as yourself keep us divided by your refusal to accept the different experiences of others and work to fix the dsmage.
Whites are not a monlithical group who can admit to anything at all

It does not exist and is a myth.

Once agin you are demonstrating racism by assuming others racial characteristic because they disagree with you.
It does exist and you are proof of it.
It does not exist and one pers0on is not proof of any such thing. Once again you are making unfounded racist assumptions.
White folk are being oppressed, marginalized, victimized, blamed, attacked, beliefs forced upon them
Please, show us some example.of white people being oppressed.

This ought to be good.
Asked him the same question on Friday all I have gotten is crickets.
Not surprised.

I'm a middle aged white guy and I get oppressed all the time.

you left out the fact that youre also a white guilt ridden pussy .
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