Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

What's yours? I always push back on your premise that it's "extreme ideologies" driving the dysfunction because, well, it's not. Ideology is a good thing.
An ideology is fine. The problem is when an individual & group decide that their ideology is the only path and that there's something wrong with anyone who dares to disagree with them, and they do everything they can to shove the whole thing down our throats for our own good.

That is narcissistic, shallow, childish and generally repugnant to me.

I have an ideology, for sure. I think that the best, longest lasting, and most innovative ideas come from communication, collaboration and intellectual honesty. That's why I have zero use for either end of the spectrum and consider them to be the problem.
Secession is the answer. The founders would be proud of the states breaking away from our federal govt.
An ideology is fine. The problem is when an individual & group decide that their ideology is the only path and that there's something wrong with anyone who dares to disagree with them, and they do everything they can to shove the whole thing down our throats for our own good.

That is narcissistic, shallow, childish and generally repugnant to me.

I have an ideology, for sure. I think that the best, longest lasting, and most innovative ideas come from communication, collaboration and intellectual honesty. That's why I have zero use for either end of the spectrum and consider them to be the problem.
Fair enough.

Now, what happens when people professing an ideology of aggression, covetousness, and hatred for all who aren't like them, beats you with clubs, sets your property aflame, and sacks your business?.....You just sit there and prattle to them about how beastly they are?
An ideology is fine. The problem is when an individual & group decide that their ideology is the only path and that there's something wrong with anyone who dares to disagree with them, and they do everything they can to shove the whole thing down our throats for our own good.

That is narcissistic, shallow, childish and generally repugnant to me.

I have an ideology, for sure. I think that the best, longest lasting, and most innovative ideas come from communication, collaboration and intellectual honesty. That's why I have zero use for either end of the spectrum and consider them to be the problem.
Fair enough.

Now, what happens when people professing an ideology of aggression, covetousness, and hatred for all who aren't like them, beats you with clubs, sets your property aflame, and sacks your business?.....You just sit there and prattle to them about how beastly they are?
They break the law, they pay the price. Unlike what we saw recently in Portland.

My interest is in the root cause of a problem. This is an example of the left wing not holding their side accountable.
What's yours? I always push back on your premise that it's "extreme ideologies" driving the dysfunction because, well, it's not. Ideology is a good thing.
An ideology is fine. The problem is when an individual & group decide that their ideology is the only path and that there's something wrong with anyone who dares to disagree with them, and they do everything they can to shove the whole thing down our throats for our own good.

That is narcissistic, shallow, childish and generally repugnant to me.

I have an ideology, for sure. I think that the best, longest lasting, and most innovative ideas come from communication, collaboration and intellectual honesty. That's why I have zero use for either end of the spectrum and consider them to be the problem.

Fine. But they're not the people driving the violence, the rancor, the bitterly divided political landscape. It's not egg-head marxists and wild-eyed libertarians fueling the political conflict. It's power hungry corporatists on both sides who want essentially the same kind of government. They just want to be in charge of it.
What's yours? I always push back on your premise that it's "extreme ideologies" driving the dysfunction because, well, it's not. Ideology is a good thing.
An ideology is fine. The problem is when an individual & group decide that their ideology is the only path and that there's something wrong with anyone who dares to disagree with them, and they do everything they can to shove the whole thing down our throats for our own good.

That is narcissistic, shallow, childish and generally repugnant to me.

I have an ideology, for sure. I think that the best, longest lasting, and most innovative ideas come from communication, collaboration and intellectual honesty. That's why I have zero use for either end of the spectrum and consider them to be the problem.

Fine. But they're not the people driving the violence, the rancor, the bitterly divided political landscape. It's not egg-head marxists and wild-eyed libertarians fueling the political conflict. It's power hungry corporatists on both sides who want essentially the same kind of government. They just want to be in charge of it.
Can't argue. I'd actually say that a bigger problem is the influence of the division pimps, those in the media who have a vested professional interest in keeping their flocks angry and mal-informed and divided. Fixing any of this would require these people being held accountable. And they are not. They are ENABLED by US.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump,

Huh? What did Trump do besides make liberals cry, get rid of the mandate, and over turn Obama's EOs with his EOs

If you are going to resort to childish insults, don't expect any further replies.


Childish insults I stated three facts ..

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast
Psychologists’ couches are filling up as Americans seek relief from Trump Anxiety Disorder.


10/12/2018 05:09 AM EDT
Apologies Bear, I neant
What immigrants were killed? What Congressmen were shot?
You take the incident of a nutter shooting congressmen and use that to portray the entire left and excuse the violence from the right.

You condemn Maxine Water's words and give Trump's words a free pass. You scour the right wing media pushing this meme of one sided violence or, more often, just rude band trashy behavior.

No wonder think it so one sided, it excuses the right and creates a new class of victims and worse justifies violent actions on your part.

As to your second question:

Man who yelled 'get out of my country' before killing Indian immigrant pleads guilty, faces life sentence

Antifa is a violent organization, and you support it in your op.

As do the dem party and many lib politicians.
oh bullshit. The Op doesnt support Antifa any more than you support the neo nazis.

From your op.

" antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression."
Antifa is not the Bogeyman you have blown them up to be. They are thugs that tangle with and target white nationslists. They destroy property and cause rioting and disorder. You have bkown them uo into something like MS -13 which is ridiculous.

It seems you have a great need to portray yourselves as victims which is the ultimate irony given your constant attacks on the left fir their politics of victimization.

They do not limit themselves to white nationalists.

That you lie for them validates my point.
They break the law, they pay the price. Unlike what we saw recently in Portland.

My interest is in the root cause of a problem. This is an example of the left wing not holding their side accountable.
Dude, the freaking police are being ordered not to do their job!...Do you expect that people are just going to sit back and write stern letters to the mayors and congressmen?
Dude, the freaking police are being ordered not to do their job!...Do you expect that people are just going to sit back and write stern letters to the mayors and congressmen?
I expect people to get more violent and more abusive and more hateful and make things even worse. Evidently that is the goal.
Last edited:
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump,

Huh? What did Trump do besides make liberals cry, get rid of the mandate, and over turn Obama's EOs with his EOs

If you are going to resort to childish insults, don't expect any further replies.


Childish insults I stated three facts ..

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast
Psychologists’ couches are filling up as Americans seek relief from Trump Anxiety Disorder.


10/12/2018 05:09 AM EDT
Apologies Bear, I neant
You take the incident of a nutter shooting congressmen and use that to portray the entire left and excuse the violence from the right.

You condemn Maxine Water's words and give Trump's words a free pass. You scour the right wing media pushing this meme of one sided violence or, more often, just rude band trashy behavior.

No wonder think it so one sided, it excuses the right and creates a new class of victims and worse justifies violent actions on your part.

As to your second question:

Man who yelled 'get out of my country' before killing Indian immigrant pleads guilty, faces life sentence

Antifa is a violent organization, and you support it in your op.

As do the dem party and many lib politicians.
oh bullshit. The Op doesnt support Antifa any more than you support the neo nazis.

From your op.

" antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression."
Antifa is not the Bogeyman you have blown them up to be. They are thugs that tangle with and target white nationslists. They destroy property and cause rioting and disorder. You have bkown them uo into something like MS -13 which is ridiculous.

It seems you have a great need to portray yourselves as victims which is the ultimate irony given your constant attacks on the left fir their politics of victimization.

They do not limit themselves to white nationalists.

That you lie for them validates my point.
Well that is what they claim. Either way they are not comparable to MS13 which you blow them up to be. If they cant engage peaxefully arrest them. Same with your white nationalists . You NEED Antifa, because antifa justifies your victimhood and rallies your base onto retaliatory violence in the guise of self defense. You need these self created monsters because without them your you would have no excuses.
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

I don’t trust the source, however, it does claim the violence was lower 2017 than in 2015 and 2016, glad it is all trending down.
Dude, the freaking police are being ordered not to do their job!...Do you expect that people are just going to sit back and write stern letters to the mayors and congressmen?
I expect people to get violent and abusive and hateful and make things worse. Evidently that is the goal.

Fighting back against violent thugs does not make things worse, it makes them better.
Dude, the freaking police are being ordered not to do their job!...Do you expect that people are just going to sit back and write stern letters to the mayors and congressmen?
I expect people to get violent and abusive and hateful and make things worse. Evidently that is the goal.
Fighting back against violent thugs does not make things worse, it makes them better.
Okay, if you say so.
Dude, the freaking police are being ordered not to do their job!...Do you expect that people are just going to sit back and write stern letters to the mayors and congressmen?
I expect people to get violent and abusive and hateful and make things worse. Evidently that is the goal.

Fighting back against violent thugs does not make things worse, it makes them better.
They have a right to peacefully protest as does any other group. If they engage in violence we have the legal mechanisms to deal with it. We dont need a bunch of trigger happy ideologically motivated vigilantes thinking they are a law unto themselves.
They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump,

Huh? What did Trump do besides make liberals cry, get rid of the mandate, and over turn Obama's EOs with his EOs

If you are going to resort to childish insults, don't expect any further replies.


Childish insults I stated three facts ..

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast
Psychologists’ couches are filling up as Americans seek relief from Trump Anxiety Disorder.


10/12/2018 05:09 AM EDT
Apologies Bear, I neant
Antifa is a violent organization, and you support it in your op.

As do the dem party and many lib politicians.
oh bullshit. The Op doesnt support Antifa any more than you support the neo nazis.

From your op.

" antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression."
Antifa is not the Bogeyman you have blown them up to be. They are thugs that tangle with and target white nationslists. They destroy property and cause rioting and disorder. You have bkown them uo into something like MS -13 which is ridiculous.

It seems you have a great need to portray yourselves as victims which is the ultimate irony given your constant attacks on the left fir their politics of victimization.

They do not limit themselves to white nationalists.

That you lie for them validates my point.
Well that is what they claim. Either way they are not comparable to MS13 which you blow them up to be. If they cant engage peaxefully arrest them. Same with your white nationalists . You NEED Antifa, because antifa justifies your victimhood and rallies your base onto retaliatory violence in the guise of self defense. You need these self created monsters because without them your you would have no excuses.

1. Cops keep being ordered to stand down by dem politicians, so they don't get arrested.

2. Not my white nationalists. I've not lied to defend them, like you have for antifa.

3. We've seen plenty of examples where no one fought back against Antifa, and they still were violent and/or destructive. So that's simply not true.

case in point.

Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

One of the links in your above post, goes to a Forbes article and while it leaves much of the murders on the Islamists. The article had a piece of information that went along with the topic. Is stated that while left wingnuts only killed 23 people since 1992, however since 2016, the left wing nuts had killed 13 people, while rightwingnuts only killed 5. It seems your hypothesis is flawed.

Another article:
The far-right was responsible for the majority of America’s extremist killings in 2017

In total, extremists killed at least 34 people in 2017. The far-right accounted for 59% of these deaths, or 20 deaths. The report linked several killings to the alt-right movement, which expanded and moved its operations from the internet into the physical world last year. The chaos in Charlottesville, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed and dozens were injured after a car driven by a white supremacist plowed into a group of pedestrians, marked the return of neo-Nazi street confrontations. The shift in tactic raises “the likely possibility of more such violent acts in the future,” the report notes.

I don’t trust the source, however, it does claim the violence was lower 2017 than in 2015 and 2016, glad it is all trending down.
The article noted a surge in 2017.
Dude, the freaking police are being ordered not to do their job!...Do you expect that people are just going to sit back and write stern letters to the mayors and congressmen?
I expect people to get violent and abusive and hateful and make things worse. Evidently that is the goal.

Fighting back against violent thugs does not make things worse, it makes them better.
They have a right to peacefully protest as does any other group. If they engage in violence we have the legal mechanisms to deal with it. We dont need a bunch of trigger happy ideologically motivated vigilantes thinking they are a law unto themselves.

Except their Dem Party allies keep ordering the police to stand down, and let the Antifa riot and attack people.
But it's not a fact. It is rwnj propaganda.

I will wager I can provide more videos of left wing violence

than you can of Right wing violence....

I will bet you won't bet because we all know you

libtards are all full of shit...….

“Wanna” bet you lying Jack Ass?
The RWNJs are careful about who witnesses their crimes but they are far more violent.

Study shows two-thirds of U.S. terrorism tied to right-wing extremists

No one believes your Bull Shit....

November 6th will prove it...….
Lol, so no response then?


No response necessary….

We all know you, like all libtards are full of Shit…….
You are providing me with tons of amusement this morning!
Some food for thought here.

Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.

In a recent address to right-wing evangelical leaders, President Trump warned that Democrats will resort to brute force if they win the midterm elections. “They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump, presenting his political opponents as an imminent threat to freedom of religion and speech.

This statement builds on a narrative that has gained power on Fox News and social media. It has been fed by conservative media outlets like Breitbart and organizations like the National Rifle Association, which has also publicly threatened journalists.

But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.

Perspective | Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

They will overturn everything we’ve done and they will do it violently,” said Trump,

Huh? What did Trump do besides make liberals cry, get rid of the mandate, and over turn Obama's EOs with his EOs

If you are going to resort to childish insults, don't expect any further replies.


Childish insults I stated three facts ..

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast
Psychologists’ couches are filling up as Americans seek relief from Trump Anxiety Disorder.


10/12/2018 05:09 AM EDT
Apologies Bear, I neant
What immigrants were killed? What Congressmen were shot?
You take the incident of a nutter shooting congressmen and use that to portray the entire left and excuse the violence from the right.

You condemn Maxine Water's words and give Trump's words a free pass. You scour the right wing media pushing this meme of one sided violence or, more often, just rude band trashy behavior.

No wonder think it so one sided, it excuses the right and creates a new class of victims and worse justifies violent actions on your part.

As to your second question:

Man who yelled 'get out of my country' before killing Indian immigrant pleads guilty, faces life sentence

Antifa is a violent organization, and you support it in your op.

As do the dem party and many lib politicians.
oh bullshit. The Op doesnt support Antifa any more than you support the neo nazis.

From your op.

" antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression."
Antifa is not the Bogeyman you have blown them up to be. They are thugs that tangle with and target white nationslists. They destroy property and cause rioting and disorder. You have bkown them uo into something like MS -13 which is ridiculous.

It seems you have a great need to portray yourselves as victims which is the ultimate irony given your constant attacks on the left fir their politics of victimization.

Because rioting is a positive attribute? :cuckoo:

I've seen a rioter pretty much get his head blown off by a black National Guardsman.

I reckon he aimed to throw a cocktail at the National Guard. He got shut the fuck down.

Just passing by while getting out of town during the MacDuffie riots. In a Monte Carlo, baby.

A Democrat named Bob Graham called out the National Guard for that.

Back when Democrats were Americans. That is no longer the case.

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