Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence

The criminal party started it, liar. Like they always do....play your little word games and your willful ignorance. Fail.

"They started it!" - good one. Next time, try "It's different when we do it!"

As member of the crime party, you approve of crimes against conservatives.

Out of perverse curiosity, which party do you assume I'm a member of?
There is clear danger coming from both ends. When it's pouring out like water through a fire hose, trying to identify which end is worse is folly.

This doesn't improve until both ends fully hold their own tribe accountable.

Not holding my breath.
Libertarians and anarcho-capitalists have disavowed and dissociated themselves form kooks like Christopher Cantwell...The left can't say the same...In fact, they venerate their violent goons.
I've seen support for the alt right "Proud Boys" and their violence here, many times.

"Yeah, my side shouldn't have done that, but..." just isn't good enough any more.

The Right could start by looking at a President who pretends not to know who David Duke is, and who compliments "body slamming" violence to adoring crowds.

A leftist actually shot into a crowd of republicans at a ballgame and was looking to kill a few, actually hitting some people.
That's correct. So?

Is the left reflecting on their violent undertones that are now at the surface?
No, of course not.

Neither tribe does it.

I keep saying that.

That's it. Own your fascism. I've been wondering when the gloves would come off (of your very tiny hands).
The criminal party started it, liar. Like they always do....play your little word games and your willful ignorance. Fail.

"They started it!" - good one. Next time, try "It's different when we do it!"

As member of the crime party, you approve of crimes against conservatives.

Out of perverse curiosity, which party do you assume I'm a member of?
One cannot read any news without seeing the truth of what I posted. You are simply a liar like all your kind. Keep it up though. Everyone is watching and voting, against you criminals.

That's it. Own your fascism. I've been wondering when the gloves would come off (of your very tiny hands).
The criminal party started it, liar. Like they always do....play your little word games and your willful ignorance. Fail.

"They started it!" - good one. Next time, try "It's different when we do it!"

As member of the crime party, you approve of crimes against conservatives.

Out of perverse curiosity, which party do you assume I'm a member of?
One cannot read any news without seeing the truth of what I posted. You are simply a liar like all your kind. Keep it up though. Everyone is watching and voting, against you criminals.

Again, who do you think I support? Your partisan blinders are fooling you.
The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
But it's not the ideologues driving this. That's my point. Trump has no fucking ideology. Neither do the Democrats. Most of them just want power.
Perhaps the left should stop it's threats and attacks then, huh?

That's it. Own your fascism. I've been wondering when the gloves would come off (of your very tiny hands).
The criminal party started it, liar. Like they always do....play your little word games and your willful ignorance. Fail.

"They started it!" - good one. Next time, try "It's different when we do it!"

As member of the crime party, you approve of crimes against conservatives.

Out of perverse curiosity, which party do you assume I'm a member of?
One cannot read any news without seeing the truth of what I posted. You are simply a liar like all your kind. Keep it up though. Everyone is watching and voting, against you criminals.

Again, who do you think I support? Your partisan blinders are fooling you.

Unfortunately nearly ALL of the electorate , hell the world are simply incapable of breaking out of the right left paradigm that has been fed to them since forever.
The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
But it's not the ideologues driving this. That's my point. Trump has no fucking ideologies. Neither do the Democrats. Most of them just want power.

And money.
Libertarians and anarcho-capitalists have disavowed and dissociated themselves form kooks like Christopher Cantwell...The left can't say the same...In fact, they venerate their violent goons.
I've seen support for the alt right "Proud Boys" and their violence here, many times.

"Yeah, my side shouldn't have done that, but..." just isn't good enough any more.

The Right could start by looking at a President who pretends not to know who David Duke is, and who compliments "body slamming" violence to adoring crowds.
Liberals started the violence. We will finish it.
Another great example, thanks.
It's the truth, what are we suppose to do let them beat us up? I don't think so.
You seem to ve doing a good job of beating up. Hate crimes, including property destruction, arson, assault and death threats has gone up sharply since Trump's election.
Yeah because leftist didn't get their way. I haven't been violent at all. There have been a few peaceful protest here. They have the right to protest, but not the right to get violent or affect other people's lives.
Perhaps the left should stop it's threats and attacks then, huh?

That's it. Own your fascism. I've been wondering when the gloves would come off (of your very tiny hands).
The criminal party started it, liar. Like they always do....play your little word games and your willful ignorance. Fail.

"They started it!" - good one. Next time, try "It's different when we do it!"

As member of the crime party, you approve of crimes against conservatives.

Out of perverse curiosity, which party do you assume I'm a member of?
One cannot read any news without seeing the truth of what I posted. You are simply a liar like all your kind. Keep it up though. Everyone is watching and voting, against you criminals.

Again, who do you think I support? Your partisan blinders are fooling you.
And that's the issue here. One of the primary symptoms of this affliction is a blindness to the sins of the afflicted person's tribe.

Here's what concerns me as much as anything: I read a piece a while back, positing that we have literally lost the skill to communicate like adults. It has been so long since have been held to intellectual honesty, that the capacity simply is no longer there.

That pretty much scares the shit out of me.
The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
I will say this. At least the Dem leadership condemned Water's statements.

The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
But it's not the ideologues driving this. That's my point. Trump has no fucking ideology. Neither do the Democrats. Most of them just want power.
Well, that depends on your definition of "ideology".
It has to come from the top leadership on both sides that this is not acceptable.
A momentum has to be started somewhere, anywhere. But "leaders" don't have the balls, because it's too risky for the top priority - their careers.

Maybe it has to start culturally. I don't know.
The momentum you speak of is commonly known as "pushback" or "blowback"...And the "leaders" have been ordering the police to not do their jobs.

And speaking of culture, we've been bathed in a cultural rot which professes that nearly everything good and righteous comes from The State, which ultimately operates at the point of a gun...It's only natural that the adherents of this statist thuggery take to violence in the streets, when The State gets taken over by people that they hate.

But you go ahead and keep perched up on your high horse...Hope it has a comfy saddle.
The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
I will say this. At least the Dem leadership condemned Water's statements.

I've seen support for the alt right "Proud Boys" and their violence here, many times.

"Yeah, my side shouldn't have done that, but..." just isn't good enough any more.

The Right could start by looking at a President who pretends not to know who David Duke is, and who compliments "body slamming" violence to adoring crowds.
Liberals started the violence. We will finish it.
Another great example, thanks.
It's the truth, what are we suppose to do let them beat us up? I don't think so.
You seem to ve doing a good job of beating up. Hate crimes, including property destruction, arson, assault and death threats has gone up sharply since Trump's election.
Yeah because leftist didn't get their way. I haven't been violent at all. There have been a few peaceful protest here. They have the right to protest, but not the right to get violent or affect other people's lives.

I agree. The right to protest stops short of violating the rights of others.
The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
But it's not the ideologues driving this. That's my point. Trump has no fucking ideology. Neither do the Democrats. Most of them just want power.
Well, that depends on your definition of "ideology".

As does the use of the word "wingers".
The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
I will say this. At least the Dem leadership condemned Water's statements.

Sure, we'll see that sometimes, but we'll also see the opposite. I think that when wingers condemn their own tribe, it's only to pretend they do it regularly. They do not.

We are split. Each tribe is in its own universe.
Liberals started the violence. We will finish it.
Another great example, thanks.
It's the truth, what are we suppose to do let them beat us up? I don't think so.
You seem to ve doing a good job of beating up. Hate crimes, including property destruction, arson, assault and death threats has gone up sharply since Trump's election.
Yeah because leftist didn't get their way. I haven't been violent at all. There have been a few peaceful protest here. They have the right to protest, but not the right to get violent or affect other people's lives.

I agree. The right to protest stops short of violating the rights of others.
Okay we do, but anifta is blocking traffic and asaulting old men. Is something we have to stop by all means.
The first line of my sig is illustrated over and over, every freaking minute.
What do you mean by "wingers" (in your sig)? The term is most often used to refer to far-left, or far-right, ideologues. But entrenched partisans aren't that. For the most part, they lack strong principles or ideology. It's the win-at-all-costs mindset driving them, not extreme ideology.
Partisan ideologues on both ends. Those who refuse to hold their tribe accountable, as we're seeing here.
But it's not the ideologues driving this. That's my point. Trump has no fucking ideology. Neither do the Democrats. Most of them just want power.
Well, that depends on your definition of "ideology".

What's yours? I always push back on your premise that it's "extreme ideologies" driving the dysfunction because, well, it's not. Ideology is a good thing. It's pretty much our only means of guessing what a candidate will do once in office. It's the populist nuts with no ideology that scare the shit of me. They're a complete wildcard. When they catch a wave of ignorance and fear, all bets are off.

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