Right wing white republicans just don't get it.

Did you support MLB moving the all-star game?

Did you support the Braves moving their stadium out of Atlanta and into Cobb County?
Did you support the Braves moving their stadium out of Atlanta and into Cobb County?
You're not an honest person. An honest person would answer a simple question.
You're not an honest person. An honest person would answer a simple question.
I answered the question honestly and answered it that way for a reason. You are the one being dishonest. You want to try making the right wing argument about black businesses losing money because the All Star game was moved. The fact is that we did not see all the white right wing outrage when the Braves relocated their stadium to mostly white Cobb Country, a move that cost black businesses in Atlanta way more money than the loss of the all star game and will continue to for years
I answered the question honestly
No, you did not. You avoided and dodged the question. You're not willing to engage in honest, give-and-take, discussion. You didn't answer the question because you dislike the answer. You're hiding under your bed.
If racial slurs are not allowed then you motherfuckers better start deleting every type of way the white racists use the n word, Sambo, coon, etc. Because I don't see that being done.
I dont see sambo, coon, ect being used on this forum

and are you calling the mods motherfuckers?

apparently so since they are the only ones that can remove offensive posts
Watch Walker lose and understand that you were told that was going to happen. The minister at Ebenezer Baptist Church has far more clout than a former running back who lives in Texas and has done nothing for Georgians but show up for alumni gatherings in Athens.
How did that preacher acquire his net worth?
I dont see sambo, coon, ect being used on this forum

and are you calling the mods motherfuckers?

apparently so since they are the only ones that can remove offensive posts
Oh, I've used terms like sambo, lawn jockeys, etc.

I won't use them anymore. After all, it's not like people don't know...
Whites invented the drive by. One of the most famous is the St. Valentines Day Massacre.

One of the most famous is the St. Valentines Day Massacre.

That was a drive by?

I seem to remember it being 7 men facing a wall in a garage, and being filled with holes.

I will give you that gang wars in the 20s-30s had a lot of drive bys.
Nah, its super easy to get your racist black community to vote when we put in a black guy. Your community has always been easily manipulated your own racism.
Oh yes, we can see throughout USA history how the black community created the racism which plagues the nation still... chaining themselves up, whipping themselves, picking cotton endlessly, all to antagonize that damned devil white man!

The black community is very sensitive to racism, since they've been victimized by it so extensively. It would be possible for a politician to manipulate them on that basis, as politicians manipulate people on every basis from Christianity to fear of gay people. However, overall the black community as I observe their political participation, is simply acting in their own interests in supporting the Party which is very overtly and rhetorically anti-racist though of course even the Democrats aren't perfect. The GOP, and much more the Orange Thing himself, seems to enjoy antagonizing ethnic minorities, especially blacks and latinos. I'm white and I see that clearly, so I cannot believe the white-right assertion that blacks are duped by the Democrats. Blacks voting Democratic are simply being intelligent. Whites voting for the corporate-shill RepubliQan Party are not.
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Think the Nazis will reverse the "one drop rule" where one drop of white blood gets you sent to the camps?
Nazis are sending white people to camps? Where is this happening? And of course now we have genome analysis, so nobody will speak of "blood", but rather genes, DNA.

Given my NW European ancestry I likely have Yamnaya DNA, so I suppose that qualifies me as an Aryan Superman, Übermensch, a superior whitey ready to rule the world to create the white utopia called Whiteland, where everything will be white white white, and our asses will glow at night!

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Because there was a honky in the woodpile.
Honky, that's a funny word. At least ethnic slurs by black people are amusing. Cracker of course was invented by whites in the first place. Nobody says honky any more, I don't think. Now I hear cracker sometimes. To me, cracker means a racist white, like the ones who marched in Charlottesville, or Donald Trump. Whites who are decent, Democratic, non-racist, etc., it doesn't even make sense to call them crackers.

Redneck is another term used for whites, sometimes in a derogatory way. Actually it refers to culture, that of the country, the ability to fix a pickup truck alongside the road, and so on. I knew a guy who was fullblood Navajo and he was one of the biggest rednecks I've known. Me, hippies think I'm a redneck and rednecks think I'm a hippie. White people culture in the USA is strange in nearly all its varieties, a rational person must admit. To us educated folks, especially educated in social science, all this culture is interesting, white black or other. There's no good or bad, superior or inferior, it's all just interesting manifestations of human potential from which we learn about humans.

The combination of whites---mostly Appalachians of course---and blacks in creating music in this country must have been divinely ordained, because from both groups has come some great material. Ray Charles started singing country music and it was great! I don't get the perpetuation of racial hostility by whites in this country. Any fool can see it's dysfunctional and counter-productive. We naturally would just get along.

I once drove a Loadstar delivery truck in St. Louis, and they'd always send me to N and East St. Louis, because as they put it, "He comes back alive," despite being white, get it? So I'll be in N St. Louis talking to an old black guy from Mississippi about his garden, then I get back to the garage and they're hooting about, "Oh hell he got away again! They just can't catch him!"

Seriously, some crackers need to grow up.
Did you support the Braves moving their stadium out of Atlanta and into Cobb County?
Sure, it was a smart business decision. Black people don't go to Baseball games. That's why The Griffith family moved the Washington Senators from Washington DC to Minneapolis in 1961. Attendance doubled.
Nazis are sending white people to camps?

That appears to be your agenda.

Where is this happening? And of course now we have genome analysis, so nobody will speak of "blood", but rather genes, DNA.

Hatred of Whites is the foundation of your Reich, You need a scapegoat to hate, to distract from the evil that defines you.

Given my NW European ancestry I likely have Yamnaya DNA, so I suppose that qualifies me as an Aryan Superman, Übermensch, a superior whitey ready to rule the world to create the white utopia called Whiteland, where everything will be white white white, and our asses will glow at night!


No one gives a fuck. You're a Nazi spewing vile racist hatred of whites, 24/7.

Just like Hitler, you use your vile racism as your path to power.
Oh yes, we can see throughout USA history how the black community created the racism which plagues the nation still... chaining themselves up, whipping themselves, picking cotton endlessly, all to antagonize that damned devil white man!

The black community is very sensitive to racism, since they've been victimized by it so extensively. It would be possible for a politician to manipulate them on that basis, as politicians manipulate people on every basis from Christianity to fear of gay people. However, overall the black community as I observe their political participation, is simply acting in their own interests in supporting the Party which is very overtly and rhetorically anti-racist though of course even the Democrats aren't perfect. The GOP, and much more the Orange Thing himself, seems to enjoy antagonizing ethnic minorities, especially blacks and latinos. I'm white and I see that clearly, so I cannot believe the white-right assertion that blacks are duped by the Democrats. Blacks voting Democratic are simply being intelligent. Whites voting for the corporate-shill RepubliQan Party are not.
Slavery ended a LONG time ago, so anyone who points to that as an excuse for bad behavior isnt "intelligent". As for racism, there is no community in this nation more racist than the black community in 2021. Black racism isnt limited to some "Karen" (the new racist term for white women) saying the N word. In fact, its extremely violent and deadly, as we have seen in COUNTLESS videos, particularly now that everyone has a cell phone.

We see large groups of black lynch mobs attacking random people based on their race. They come out of nowhere and start things off with a sucker punch, then they all giggle as they stomp their victims head into the pavement. They seem to particularly seem to enjoy jumping on the head of their knocked out victims. It doesnt matter if its a woman, or even an old person; they dont give a fuck as long as its a white person, a jew or an asian. Can you point to a single video of a white mob or an asian mob doing this to a black person? Lynch mobs are exclusively a black phenomenon in the modern age.

Black people will murder thousands of people this year, and rob 10s of thousands, but fortunately they have democrats out there to make excuses for them. Its how democrats get their votes. Republicans refuse to give up their principles for votes. Crime is wrong and violent communities need to be held accountable. We didnt get rid of the KKK by making excuses for them; we got rid of them by condemning them everywhere they popped their heads up.

You want to help the black community? Then you need to start shaming their bad behavior. This sweeping it under the rug shit isnt going to fix the black communities awful culture.
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He who answers a question with a question is the loser.

Enjoy being a loser, loser...
You are a loser who can't answer a question. Because you know that answering that question destroys your argument.
Sure, it was a smart business decision. Black people don't go to Baseball games. That's why The Griffith family moved the Washington Senators from Washington DC to Minneapolis in 1961. Attendance doubled.
Really? The you right wing maggots have nothing to say about the All Star game being moved.
You say blacks don't watch baseball? LOL! Another white boy who thinks he's an expert on blacks.

Apparently all the blacks I saw last weekend at the ballpark didn't exist.
No, you did not. You avoided and dodged the question. You're not willing to engage in honest, give-and-take, discussion. You didn't answer the question because you dislike the answer. You're hiding under your bed.
I answered the question the way I wanted to. Because that question had nothing to do with the topic and you are avoiding that. The argument used by racists about moving the all star game is disingeuous.

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