"Rights are special privileges the government gives you."

Some have a government-centric perspective, others have an individual-centric perspective.
The Individual vs The Collective.
It's not an either/or proposition. Most people are libertarian at heart, but realize that in a civil society there must be rules not because we we want or need to be controlled, but because there's a substantial minority that must be for the sake of the rest of us. I applaud those who say they would not do this or that and no regulation is necessary. The problem is with those who would and force us to line with a necessary evil.
what rights do you think you have without government?

All of them. No government, who will restrict my speech, religion, and so on?
anybody who chooses to that you aren't able to stop.

Try making complete sentences and thoughts.
did you really have a problem understanding that?
q: No government, who will restrict my speech, religion, and so on?
a: anybody who chooses to that you aren't able to stop.

or if you like

Without government anybody who chooses to restrict your rights will be able to, unless you are able to stop them.
do people in north korea have the right to vote?
Point? Oh, you have none.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?
And who cares what other countries have this is Amerca? Oh I forgot, America hating libtarded socialists do. Idiots!!!!

I never said anything about allowing voting fer women or men or any other sex 'oglibillm' , I just said that I don't think there is any explicit language giving people in the USA the Right to vote . [xix]
the only rights we have without government are those we can take for ourselves.
I agree. Without a government to ensure them, rights are imaginary. If I'm stronger than you, your only right is to sit meekly by while I eat my fill of your food in hopes that I'll leave you some.
good topic Clementine !! I was taught in school that RIGHTS come from the Creator but I'm 65 and its my thought and assumption that I was one of the last groups of kids to be taught that in [government] public schools . Its just my guess because many people just a few years younger than me believe that their RIGHTS are given by government . Most countries on earth only have PRIVLEDGES granted by government so getting USA citizens [subjects] to have a similar point of view would be good , good for USA government !!! ------------------- Just a comment !!
It was all over when they started calling history, government and geography "Social(manipulation)Studies.
I never said anything about allowing voting fer women or men or any other sex 'oglibillm' , I just said that I don't think there is any explicit language giving the Right to vote . [xix]
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."
you read that and don't see voting as a right?
the only rights we have without government are those we can take for ourselves.
I agree. Without a government to ensure them, rights are imaginary. If I'm stronger than you, your only right is to sit meekly by while I eat my fill of your food in hopes that I'll leave you some.
exactly. how is that a hard concept? rights are something we grant to each other as part of the social contract we call government.
Can you quote the text of the constitution or federal law that grants you the right to free speech?
the first amendment?
Ok... please highlight the text of the 1st amendment where the rights noted therein are granted.
it understand what you're getting at. by saying that the government can't abridge the right, the government is acknowledging the right to exist prior to the creation of the first amendment.
And so, the right to free speech is not granted by the government. Correct?
that could be one interpretation. the other would be that without government there are no rights.
If rights pre-exist government, as you noted above, then rights certainly can exist w/o government.
And so, the other interpretation is, well, unsound.
Clearly, the right to free speech, religion, to arms, etc, were not granted by the government.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?

Wrong. Point is that people are born with inalienable rights. Some oppressive governments take those rights away from people. Our constitution guarantees that our government is not allowed to do that.

We elect leaders, not rulers. No dictators or emperors allowed. The constitution is meant to guarantee that the government works for the people, not the other way around. It's designed that way so wannabe dictators cannot take away our inalienable rights. Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that liberals find this concept too difficult to grasp given their political ideology. Obama gets it, but he has commented many times on how much he doesn't like it. Since he can't change it, he does the next best thing and ignores it while a small percentage cheers him on.

Government does not give us our rights. The job of government is to protect those rights.
Some have a government-centric perspective, others have an individual-centric perspective.
The Individual vs The Collective.
It's not an either/or proposition. Most people are libertarian at heart, but realize that in a civil society there must be rules not because we we want or need to be controlled, but because there's a substantial minority that must be for the sake of the rest of us. I applaud those who say they would not do this or that and no regulation is necessary. The problem is with those who would and force us to line with a necessary evil.

I'd think a majority of people are a mixture of the two. It's the ideologues who embrace a more absolutist perspective.

Unfortunately, they make most of the noise and have most of the political influence.

the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?

Wrong. Point is that people are born with inalienable rights. Some oppressive governments take those rights away from people. Our constitution guarantees that our government is not allowed to do that.

We elect leaders, not rulers. No dictators or emperors allowed. The constitution is meant to guarantee that the government works for the people, not the other way around. It's designed that way so wannabe dictators cannot take away our inalienable rights. Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that liberals find this concept too difficult to grasp given their political ideology. Obama gets it, but he has commented many times on how much he doesn't like it. Since he can't change it, he does the next best thing and ignores it while a small percentage cheers him on.
so you believe that illegal aliens have the right to vote?
thing is that the origin of RIGHTS was taught in school and started in grade school plus parent told their kids about Rights , thing is that Rights were just recognized by every American . Gov would like to remove the concept of God given Rights as that would just make things easier for government !!
Grubercrats believe government rations out our rights, and that the non-productive sector has no duties in regard to getting those rights.
seems to me that most countries of the world and their people are under the thumbs of govs that don't recognize 'God given RIGHTS' like USA founders recognized 'obilim' . Its better for gov to be all powerful and for them to be seen as 'god like' .

I always am amazed by this attitude of complete ignorance... Hey here in Europe we have figured out that we can have more than two viable parties..... I can gamble, drink at 18, and a crap load of right USA doesn't have...
And that all from Social Democratic governments... But the biggest right we have is right to live and excel...
The facts are poor europeans have better chance at becoming wealthy than Americans. Not because of low taxes but because of better education systems, social programs which try and give hands up....

The GOP/Tea Party model is bankruprt. Look at Kansas, the economic policies of idiots...

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