"Rights are special privileges the government gives you."

According to the Founders, unalienable rights belong to each person by virtue of the fact that man is made in God’s image, and is therefore endowed with certain attributes, powers, freedoms, and legal protections as part of his essence. These rights are thus inseparable -- or unalienable -- from each person individually and from the human race in general. They are a gift from the Creator and it is impossible for government to alter or nullify mankind’s divine inheritance. Except in extremely rare and limited circumstances, the unalienable rights of a particular individual, or the population at large, cannot be suspended, abrogated, or diminished by government. When government does take action against a particular right, it may only do so to the extent necessary to address a genuine concern for public safety. (See "Legitimate Exceptions" below.) Unalienable rights automatically belong to each individual at the moment his or her life begins and continue throughout that person’s time on earth.

An exhaustive list of the unalienable rights possessed by man would probably fill several volumes which is why the Founding Fathersincluded the Ninth Amendment in the Bill of Rights. The Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution states:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
However, at a minimum they include the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The following items, derived from the American Bill of Rights, expand on these themes:

  1. To act in self-defense (personal, family, innocents, nation). (Second Amendment)
  2. To own and carry weapons (firearms) for self-defense and for ensuring that the nation remains free. (Second Amendment)
  3. To own and control private property (land, money, personal items, intellectual property, etc.)
  4. To earn a living and keep the fruit of one’s labor.
  5. To freely migrate within the country or to leave the country.
  6. To worship -- or not worship -- God in the manner one chooses. (First Amendment)
  7. To associate with -- or disassociate from -- any person or group. (First Amendment)
  8. To express any idea through print, voice, banner, or other media. (First Amendment)
  9. To be secure in one’s home, papers, and person against unwarranted searches and seizures (privacy). (Fourth Amendment)
  10. To be advised of the charges, in the event of arrest.
  11. To have a judge determine if the accused should be held for trial or for punishment.
  12. To be tried by a jury of one's peers and face one's accuser, in the event of being charged with a crime.
  13. To be tried by a jury of one's peers, in the event of a suit in which the disputed amount is substantive.
  14. To suffer no cruel or unusual punishment.
  15. To establish, monitor, control, and petition our servant government to help secure the above rights.
  16. To abolish said government, when it becomes destructive of these rights.
not much of a gift if we can just go around taking them from each other.
If someone tries....kill him.
and then when i'm charged with killing that person?
In texas you get a dinner.
seems to me that most countries of the world and their people are under the thumbs of govs that don't recognize 'God given RIGHTS' like USA founders recognized 'obilim' . Its better for gov to be all powerful and for them to be seen as 'god like' .

I always am amazed by this attitude of complete ignorance... Hey here in Europe we have figured out that we can have more than two viable parties..... I can gamble, drink at 18, and a crap load of right USA doesn't have...
And that all from Social Democratic governments... But the biggest right we have is right to live and excel...
The facts are poor europeans have better chance at becoming wealthy than Americans. Not because of low taxes but because of better education systems, social programs which try and give hands up....

The GOP/Tea Party model is bankruprt. Look at Kansas, the economic policies of idiots...
Because you don't have American Negros dependent on the federal government since the days of the Freedmen's Bureau.

If we sent 150,000 New Orleans blacks to Norway, Denmark, Sweden, or Finland, they'd ruin society quicker than they destroyed Detroit and the other Rust Belt cities.

Now you can argue forever why they are as they are, but, fact is, you cannot compare Europe to the US until you have a perpetually dependent class relieved of all responsibility by cheap pols who want their votes, not their prosperity.

W.E.B. DuBois wrote of this over 100 years ago.

You see what they did to him for speaking truth to power.
Europe pretty much sucks COWBOY , no way to protect your life in an appropriate manner in England if yer not the king or tony blair [ 2 examples ] . Go ahead and get rich , big deal , lots of rich Americans and if rich is the most important thing , well go for it !!
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A state that has a Republican Governor and a Republican House and a Republican Senate is teaching their children, "Rights are special privileges the government gives you."


Ain't that a kick in the pants?
and Cowboy can get drunk and sh1tfaced in England or Europe of wherever he is from , WOW . I've seen all the blokes and lasses lying in the gutters of London on a Friday night and it doesn't look good to me Cowboy !!
do people in north korea have the right to vote?
Point? Oh, you have none.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?

No, we had those rights before govt inserted its ass into the equation.
A state that has a Republican Governor and a Republican House and a Republican Senate is teaching their children, "Rights are special privileges the government gives you."


Ain't that a kick in the pants?

Do they control curriculum in schools? There have been teachers who took it upon themselves to teach this shit. We also have Common Core changing some rules.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?

Wrong. Point is that people are born with inalienable rights. Some oppressive governments take those rights away from people. Our constitution guarantees that our government is not allowed to do that.

We elect leaders, not rulers. No dictators or emperors allowed. The constitution is meant to guarantee that the government works for the people, not the other way around. It's designed that way so wannabe dictators cannot take away our inalienable rights. Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that liberals find this concept too difficult to grasp given their political ideology. Obama gets it, but he has commented many times on how much he doesn't like it. Since he can't change it, he does the next best thing and ignores it while a small percentage cheers him on.
so you believe that illegal aliens have the right to vote?

In their own country, of course. If their government is denying them rights, they really should fight for change.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?

Wrong. Point is that people are born with inalienable rights. Some oppressive governments take those rights away from people. Our constitution guarantees that our government is not allowed to do that.

We elect leaders, not rulers. No dictators or emperors allowed. The constitution is meant to guarantee that the government works for the people, not the other way around. It's designed that way so wannabe dictators cannot take away our inalienable rights. Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that liberals find this concept too difficult to grasp given their political ideology. Obama gets it, but he has commented many times on how much he doesn't like it. Since he can't change it, he does the next best thing and ignores it while a small percentage cheers him on.
so you believe that illegal aliens have the right to vote?

In their own country, of course. If their government is denying them rights, they really should fight for change.
Oh. So god fave the right to vote, but only in certain countries
do people in north korea have the right to vote?
Point? Oh, you have none.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?
That's actually not quite correct. We are all born with said rights...the job of government is to protect those rights. BUT, in most cases, the governments take those rights away.
The next generation might have an entirely different idea of what rights are all about. They are being taught the liberal way, which means students are taught that everything you have, including rights, are merely gifts from government. This has nothing to do with education and everything to do with political ideology being crammed down the throats of our youth.

From the link:

"Rights are special privileges the government gives you."

"Because the government gives us rights, we have a duty to be good citizens."

"Someday, you will be given the right to vote."

All of the above are on worksheets and taught to students.

Whoever wrote this believes that our rights are not inalienable, as it states in the constitution, rather that government "gives" us rights. If government can give you something, it can take it back. It infers that we must be good citizens to keep the rights that government allows us to have.

This is crap and it gives students the impression that we only have rights and freedom because government generously allowed us to. It's backwards. We have rights that government is not allowed to infringe upon and those rights and liberties guaranteed by our constitution are supposed to keep government in check. How many students now believe that government allows those rights as long as you obey them and behave like their definition of a good citizen? Some apparently believe that rights are how government keeps the people in check.


You are wrong.

The Declaration of Independence says:

"to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men"

That is clearly an acknowledgment that your rights come from government.
I still don't see a RIGHT to vote , I just won't argue , the 19th clearly says , voting can't be denied due to SEX .
do people in north korea have the right to vote?
Point? Oh, you have none.
the point is that rights are given by governments. we have a right to free speech. not everyone country has that. freedom of religion/press/assembly? that's not universal. right to bear arms? nope. equal protection? please.

so what's the problem again?
Nope. The founding Fathers said it, our rights are given by God. Whether or not libtards socialists say otherwise makes no difference.
How come God says nothing when rights are violated or taken away?
I still don't see a RIGHT to vote , I just won't argue , the 19th clearly says , voting can't be denied due to SEX .
I still don't see a RIGHT to vote , I just won't argue , the 19th clearly says , voting can't be denied due to SEX .
The colonial army guys were charged money for getting VD and missing duty...
A state that has a Republican Governor and a Republican House and a Republican Senate is teaching their children, "Rights are special privileges the government gives you."


Ain't that a kick in the pants?

Do they control curriculum in schools? There have been teachers who took it upon themselves to teach this shit. We also have Common Core changing some rules.
Common Core was accepted by 46 states, with no federal input or money at all.

"Common Core changing some rules". WTF does that even mean? If you are going to manufacture bullshit, you need to be more subtle than that!

Nice try.
So with no government we'd still hav= the right to vote?
Not sure why you're so set on on the idea that the government grants rights when you freely admit that there is no text to that effect in the constitution and/or federal law.

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