Riley Gains Will be Suing

That's what you should do...sue if you think you've been done wrong.

I have no idea who this person is or what happened to her but you don't resort to violence or vent your spleen on social media.

You have no idea who this woman is because your media bubble safe space won’t allow it.
That's what you should do...sue if you think you've been done wrong.

I have no idea who this person is or what happened to her but you don't resort to violence or vent your spleen on social media.
A biological male that thinks he is a woman, popped her upside the head a couple times.
Shes the one standing next to the six foot chick with a dick who has been stealing all the women's swim records. In fact, Gainey tied the chick with a dick and they gave it the medal.

The dems, the party of women and now replacing women with men.
Where the hell is NOW on this.....silence is golden.
Organizations like NOW are political entities and do not actually defend and support those they claim to support. They have for a long time now, for example, stayed silent about the treatment of women in Muslim countries because it is more politically correct to turn a blind eye to Muslim atrocities than to actually support women.
She deserves a huge payoff.
The police didn't protect her from a violent mob. Neither did the school.

Here is the truth.....the transgenders are just the latest tool of the democrat party as they attack the United States, families, and children.....

For hundreds of years, no one in America bothered or cared about transsexuals and drag queens. Then THEY chose to wage a political war against us normal people. After nearly two-hundred years of peaceful co-existence, leftist transsexuals and drag queens rose up all at once to target our children for grooming and surgical mutilation; cheat in women’s sports; demand access to our daughter’s bathrooms, and bully us to join their anti-science delusion with their stupid pronouns.

Then, because we want no part of that madness, suddenly, the same people who left transsexuals alone for 250 years are the enemy… We’re transphobes… We’re committing “trans genocide,”—which is a hoax

Organizations like NOW are political entities and do not actually defend and support those they claim to support.
Just looked them up.....they are bigly involved in the 'new women' thing.

Oy Vey....

Must be fed cash involved.
Here is the truth.....the transgenders are just the latest tool of the democrat party as they attack the United States, families, and children.....

For hundreds of years, no one in America bothered or cared about transsexuals and drag queens. Then THEY chose to wage a political war against us normal people. After nearly two-hundred years of peaceful co-existence, leftist transsexuals and drag queens rose up all at once to target our children for grooming and surgical mutilation; cheat in women’s sports; demand access to our daughter’s bathrooms, and bully us to join their anti-science delusion with their stupid pronouns.

Then, because we want no part of that madness, suddenly, the same people who left transsexuals alone for 250 years are the enemy… We’re transphobes… We’re committing “trans genocide,”—which is a hoax

And they're upping the ante with each attack. When the gay community decided to come out of the shadows, they largely (with a few exceptions) just wanted to be allowed to live their lives free from fear of persecution. There was some effort expended on moving beyond forcing society to accept open homosexuality to celebrating it, but nothing like what we're seeing now from the trans community. A lot of the gay community looked at the extremists among them and said, "No, not a good idea, bring it down a few notches, flamer".

Now, the trans community is demanding that society be forced to speak affirmatively of them, that science textbooks be re-written to change the definition of man and woman, that an entire field of medicine be changed so their views are no longer considered a disorder that needs treatment, that people be censored and destroyed for merely talking the wrong way about them, that they have unfettered access to children without parental' consent, that girls have to accept the presence of men when they are at their most vulnerable, and so on.

You know, when homosexuals wanted to get married, some of us warned that it was just the camel's nose under the tent flap, that we would see a lot more things being forced on us. They laughed, but here we are...
And they're upping the ante with each attack. When the gay community decided to come out of the shadows, they largely (with a few exceptions) just wanted to be allowed to live their lives free from fear of persecution. There was some effort expended on moving beyond forcing society to accept open homosexuality to celebrating it, but nothing like what we're seeing now from the trans community. A lot of the gay community looked at the extremists among them and said, "No, not a good idea, bring it down a few notches, flamer".

Now, the trans community is demanding that society be forced to speak affirmatively of them, that science textbooks be re-written to change the definition of man and woman, that an entire field of medicine be changed so their views are no longer considered a disorder that needs treatment, that people be censored and destroyed for merely talking the wrong way about them, that they have unfettered access to children without parental' consent, that girls have to accept the presence of men when they are at their most vulnerable, and so on.

You know, when homosexuals wanted to get married, some of us warned that it was just the camel's nose under the tent flap, that we would see a lot more things being forced on us. They laughed, but here we are...

This was one of the warnings that people gave with the gay marriage movement. Remember, it used to be, they just want to be able to inherit, see their partners in the hospital.......and that was it......

Now, they want to have men dressed as women dancing in front of children, men playing womens sports, in women's bathrooms and locker rooms.............

The problem with the left is they have no sense of being normal.....had it truly been about the original desires to have Civil Unions, things would have been fine...but that was never the goal of the left, they wanted to use gay marriage as the opening salvo against normal marriage, and families....
Just looked them up.....they are bigly involved in the 'new women' thing.

Oy Vey....

Must be fed cash involved.
It has to be. A true women's organization would fight these attacks on women tooth and nail. They're allowing and celebrating the redefinition of women to include men, and in the process once again set biological women back centuries. Think of how long it's taken them to achieve the level of equality they have, only to be knocked back into second-class status and see things like their beauty contests and woman of the year awards going to men.

Once again, like in centuries past, we're telling them in not-so-subtle ways that men will always dominate.
This was one of the warnings that people gave with the gay marriage movement. Remember, it used to be, they just want to be able to inherit, see their partners in the hospital.......and that was it......

Now, they want to have men dressed as women dancing in front of children, men playing womens sports, in women's bathrooms and locker rooms.............

The problem with the left is they have no sense of being normal.....had it truly been about the original desires to have Civil Unions, things would have been fine...but that was never the goal of the left, they wanted to use gay marriage as the opening salvo against normal marriage, and families....
They are no longer trying to hide the real agenda behind nice sounding rhetoric. Now, it's get on board and celebrate whatever fad we put in front of you or face condemnation and cancellation. It will not be long before we will see serious efforts to encode that in law, and violence will meet anyone in power that opposes it.
They are no longer trying to hide the real agenda behind nice sounding rhetoric. Now, it's get on board and celebrate whatever fad we put in front of you or face condemnation and cancellation. It will not be long before we will see serious efforts to encode that in law, and violence will meet anyone in power that opposes it.

Yep.....that is the next of the reasons for their gun control push....

Blm and antifa are their brown shirts....but the democrats can only really send them into the areas in democrat party controlled cities...where guns are already almost non-existent in the hands of innocent people......the crimnals have them, just not the normal they can send blm and antifa into black neighborhoods to burn, loot and murder......


When they think about sending them to burn, loot and kill in the suburbs, they know that that is where the guns are....and their blm/antifa brownshirts will get shot Rittenhouse and the Missouri couple demonstrated.......

So gun control is a big issue for them and their quest for political control.
What happened, did a cop put a knee on her neck and she lived? She wasn't back shot, was she?

And who is she?

Basically a nobody that no one cared for, but she is now the avatar of the moment. She a rallying cry the those in desperate need of a rallying cry. She is your basic throw away person that the MAGA MAGGOTS love to use.
The left hate women....I don't know why, but left wing feminism is based on the notion that men are better, so women should be more like is insane, but the left is insane....
Because most leftist males are gay. They think destroying women will make men more assessable to them.
Basically a nobody that no one cared for, but she is now the avatar of the moment. She a rallying cry the those in desperate need of a rallying cry. She is your basic throw away person that the MAGA MAGGOTS love to use.

No, she lost her all American status because a man was allowed to compete in her sport. He was also allowed in her locker room exposing his junk to her.

Never mind, she’s a woman and democrat males have no use for them.
Schools.... you had better get your shit together and teach these kids how the 1st amendment works and what it would mean if we didn't have it....
You have no idea who this woman is because your media bubble safe space won’t allow it.
Ok...I thought it was because I don't care that much about a girl's swimming event. Neither do you by the way. But you're fixated on transvestites because it's a way of looking manly without disparaging a ethnic minority which is what you guys usually do.

It's the new conservative whipping boy/girl... They are preaching're singing it.... you're a sheep.
Shes the one standing next to the six foot chick with a dick who has been stealing all the women's swim records. In fact, Gainey tied the chick with a dick and they gave it the medal.

The dems, the party of women and now replacing women with men.
Where the hell is NOW on this.....silence is golden.
They gave a dick a medal.

I bet yours never got one. The ribbon that holds it up would injure you.

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