RNC convention open thread

I watched some of it on PBS and they were interviewing the Govs of Iowa and Puerto Rico.

The black PBS mouth-piece tried to give Obamination credit for good economies in Iowa and Puerto Rico and the Govs pointed out states like California and Illinois are going down the tubes with the same Federal Govt as their states.....the idiot couldn't figure out what they meant.
Santorum must not have gotten the "you didn't build that" memo from his party. He said his dad was thankful that America gave him opportunity. Well, who is America? It's a comination of government and the people. So in essence his dad didn't do it on his own. He had halp! Oops!

How dumb can you be that you think the "Land of Opportunity" and Big Government are the same thing.

That is what is so disgusting about you libs.

You really DO think it's the same thing.


Help is help, no matter who it comes from. Mitt Romney didn't have to pay for his education. He didn't graduate with any loans. His father had business connections that helped his son.

He didn't do it on his own.
Santorum must not have gotten the "you didn't build that" memo from his party. He said his dad was thankful that America gave him opportunity. Well, who is America? It's a comination of government and the people. So in essence his dad didn't do it on his own. He had halp! Oops!

How dumb can you be that you think the "Land of Opportunity" and Big Government are the same thing.

That is what is so disgusting about you libs.

You really DO think it's the same thing.


Help is help, no matter who it comes from. Mitt Romney didn't have to pay for his education. He didn't graduate with any loans. His father had business connections that helped his son.

He didn't do it on his own.

And my Dad paid for a student loan for me. BIG DAMN DEAL.

That ain't the government dude, and it isn't Obama!

Anything else my husband and I did WE DID OURSELVES.
Santorum said cutting taxes makes more marriages.

People need to work more.

He keeps pushing "education" which Republicans cut.

Oops, Santorum just lied about Obama and welfare.

Santorum said he held the hands of the disabled and clearly, you could hear people laughing in the background.

Republicans cut education???????????????


Good grief, you are such a liar.

As for holding the hands of the disabled.


Do you just try to sound stupid?

Of course I know about his daughter. When asked why he gives almost nothing to charity, he said the health care costs for his daughter are enormous. Even with his million dollar a year salary. Who doesn't know that?

Still, when he said he held the hands of the disable, you could clearly hear people in the background laughing. What else can I say. I just watched it on TV.

I'm really shocked at how little teapartysamurai knows. It doesn't even know that Republicans want to cut education. Didn't know that Reagan raised taxes 11 times.

How do these "ignernt" people get so confident?
Republicans cut education???????????????


Good grief, you are such a liar.

As for holding the hands of the disabled.


Do you just try to sound stupid?

Of course I know about his daughter. When asked why he gives almost nothing to charity, he said the health care costs for his daughter are enormous. Even with his million dollar a year salary. Who doesn't know that?

Still, when he said he held the hands of the disable, you could clearly hear people in the background laughing. What else can I say. I just watched it on TV.

I'm really shocked at how little teapartysamurai knows. It doesn't even know that Republicans want to cut education. Didn't know that Reagan raised taxes 11 times.

How do these "ignernt" people get so confident?

I laugh at rdean's transparent pathetic lies.

When you have EVIDENCE let us know. Until then, what you claim, is now discredited by FOUR PATHETIC LIES.

How dumb can you be that you think the "Land of Opportunity" and Big Government are the same thing.

That is what is so disgusting about you libs.

You really DO think it's the same thing.


Help is help, no matter who it comes from. Mitt Romney didn't have to pay for his education. He didn't graduate with any loans. His father had business connections that helped his son.

He didn't do it on his own.

And my Dad paid for a student loan for me. BIG DAMN DEAL.

That ain't the government dude, and it isn't Obama!

Anything else my husband and I did WE DID OURSELVES.

You just said you didn't do it yourself then you said you did. Who are you? Mitt Romney???

And I had help. I had the GI bill, which I earned.

This is you:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwpBLzxe4U]Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid - YouTube[/ame]
Santorum is hitting it out of the park.

That line about life was incredible..

What a guy!

Sure! Life is precious born and unborn except after you're born, you're on your own. We don't believe in help or assistance in any way if you are born into a life that includes poverty and depravation. The response from most republicans is that people should take personal responsiblility and work, blah, blah, blah but in the meantime the child who can't take personal responsiblity and work pays the price. It is a hypocritical message! http://www.usmessageboard.com/images/icons/icon9.gif

You are on your own???????

Prove that!

Are you saying conservatives don't adopt? Don't donate to charity?

You know nothing but a bunch of meaningless memes that you can't back up if you tried.

People of all persuasions adopt children but some children are considered more desirable than others unfortunately and left to foster care or in their homes of porverty. It isn't enough to adopt and give to charity. There are still many thousands of impoverised children out there.

Adoption can created lifetime psychological struggles for the child and even for the family who has to give up the child.

The point is that republicans want to cut welfare and other programs that help these children they SAY are so precious.
A “Rom-ney” chant was drowned out by a “Ron Paul” chant moments before the convention was gaveled to order early this afternoon. Petitions were circulating in Tampa to force Paul’s name to be entered into nomination today.

RNC Rules Committee members reached a compromise Monday that walked back that provision, but some RNC members—in addition to former VP nominee Sarah Palin—still pushed back against the new rules provisions, which would also make it impossible for future candidates to pursue Ron Paul’s strategy of amassing delegates at state conventions.

The frustrations came to a head when Republican House Speaker John Boehner introduced the new rules. There was a voice vote and to some on the convention floor it sounded like the “nos” were louder than the “ayes.” Boehner said the ayes had it. And then the Republican House speaker was booed on the floor of the Republican National Convention.

This is not a happy family, at least not in the hours before the program gets serious.

Mitt Romney’s Rules Met by Boos in Tampa - ABC News

Poor John Bonehead!!! :D
Republicans cut education???????????????


Good grief, you are such a liar.

As for holding the hands of the disabled.


Do you just try to sound stupid?

Of course I know about his daughter. When asked why he gives almost nothing to charity, he said the health care costs for his daughter are enormous. Even with his million dollar a year salary. Who doesn't know that?

Still, when he said he held the hands of the disable, you could clearly hear people in the background laughing. What else can I say. I just watched it on TV.

I'm really shocked at how little teapartysamurai knows. It doesn't even know that Republicans want to cut education. Didn't know that Reagan raised taxes 11 times.

How do these "ignernt" people get so confident?
he only needs to know that everything you post is an outright lie.
Help is help, no matter who it comes from. Mitt Romney didn't have to pay for his education. He didn't graduate with any loans. His father had business connections that helped his son.

He didn't do it on his own.

And my Dad paid for a student loan for me. BIG DAMN DEAL.

That ain't the government dude, and it isn't Obama!

Anything else my husband and I did WE DID OURSELVES.

You just said you didn't do it yourself then you said you did. Who are you? Mitt Romney???

And I had help. I had the GI bill, which I earned.

This is you:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwpBLzxe4U"]Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid - YouTube[/ame]

Show me where that's government dumbass.

Government didn't own all the student loans back when I went to school.

That was Obama that did that!

Santorum scared the shit out of me. Last damn thing we need is a theocracy in this country and that's what he wanted...dude is class a fucking nuts.

When a lib says "theocracy" what they really mean is RELIGIOUS FREEDOM scares them and the only way to have a country they prefer is to ban all religious freedom.

Thank you little Stalin, you tell more about yourself than you do Santorum.

ROFL...you are a fucking idiot...go ahead have religious freedom all you want but it has no place in government. Here I will show you why Santorum is a nut job other than the fact he was obsessed with homosexuality and wanting to bomb Iran..



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