Roe overturned

Abortion mills are going to be a growth industry in New Mexico. They will be sprouting up at all the borders with Texas, Arizona, and Oklahoma.
Yesterday, I could have gone out and gotten an abortion of I needed one. As of today, it's now illegal. So much for deeply rooted traditions.

This is a lie. Today's decision on Dobbs does not make abortions illegal. In the absence of federal law, abortion is basically now a state issue, as it should be.

But the real damage here is that there is not one single Supreme Court precedent that means anything anymore. From now on, all past precedents will be subject to the political leanings of the court at that moment in time.

Another blatent lie. Stare decisis is NOT dead, but a prior decision that was unfounded in the Constitution can be overturned. Int he past, other decisions were overturned but Stare decisis still lives. And will continue to live, but it's about God Damned time the courts stopped legislating from the bench as they did in Roe.

The democrats will respond with moves to pack the court.

Ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Maybe they should focus instead on working to overturn laws at the state level that they don't like.

Things will spiral more and more out of control in our country.

That is/was going to happen anyway.

We are supposed to be a nation of laws. That means we should not have 9 unelected people deciding what is a constitutional right without any context therein to support that decision. Abortion is still and will be legal in some states but illegal in others to some degree. In the absence of any federal abortion law, that is the way our system of gov't is supposed to work.
Let’s face it. In your younger days, you would gladly have a woman get an abortion if she was some fling or non serious girlfriend. You idiots don’t have actual principles on this subject. You gladly make exceptions for your own selfishness.
Funny, because I made it through those years being responsible and carrying a condom for those times, instead of acting on animal impulses with no thoughts of consequences.
Some are in red states, but they're virtually ALL run by people just like you. DemoKKKrats LOVE urban violence, especially black urban violence. It's your Hunger Games.

Most Violent Cities In America 2021

Most Violent Cities in America

St. Louis, MO (2,082) - mayor - Democrat

Detroit, MI (2,057) - mayor - Democrat

Baltimore, MD (2,027) - mayor - Democrat

Memphis, TN (2,003) - mayor - Democrat

Little Rock, AR (1,634) - mayor - Democrat

Milwaukee, WI (1,597) - mayor - Democrat

Rockford, IL (1,588) - mayor - Democrat

Cleveland, OH (1,557) - mayor - Democrat

Stockton, CA (1,415) - mayor - Democrat

Albuquerque, NM (1,369) - mayor - Democrat

Springfield, MO (1,339) - mayor - Independent

Indianapolis, IN (1,334) - mayor - Democrat

Oakland, CA (1,299) - mayor - Democrat

San Bernardino, CA (1,291) - mayor - Republican

Anchorage, AK (1,203) - mayor - Independent

Nashville, TN (1,138) - mayor - Democrat

Lansing, MI (1,136) - mayor - Democrat

New Orleans, LA (1,121) - mayor - Democrat

Minneapolis, MN (1,101) - mayor - Democrat

Chicago, IL (1,099) - mayor - Democrat
Yeah pretty much every city is dem. Fun how cities in states with stricter gun laws have lower homicides than cities in weak gun law states.
I am glad this Conservative leaning Court is being proactive in undoing the wrong by previous decisions.

That 1973 Supreme Court was bat shit crazy to rule that a woman had a Constitutional right to use the murder of a child as a birth control method. There was absolutely no legal basis for that stupid decision.

It is a travesty that it stood for 50 years. Millions of American children were murdered for the sake of convenience because of a bad ruling and that is despicable.
And they ain't done yet

Thomas said justices should also reconsider other cases that rest on the right to privacy — specifically cases protecting contraception access and same-sex relationships.

“In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell,” Thomas wrote.

Yep, the court shouod correct fuck ups from the past.
Let’s face it. In your younger days, you would gladly have a woman get an abortion if she was some fling or non serious girlfriend. You idiots don’t have actual principles on this subject. You gladly make exceptions for your own selfishness
I’m 48 years old. I lost my virginity at age 25. I have never had sex with a woman who I wasn’t willing to marry and have a family with.

Now go fuck yourself.
The trained militia was the military. The constitution made the federal government supreme and it protects us from tyranny by citizens whether they are elected or not.
You run with that BS, IM2. The first words of the Constitution is, ' We the People of the United States.'
The Founding Fathers knew what an overbearing government can do, and gave it ENUMERATED RIGHTS.


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