Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

It was settled. That doesn’t mean it can’t be reconsidered. Dred Scott was settled too. So was Plessy v. Ferguson. And the settled last in the case of Roe v. Wade was horribly decided and was very much overdue for the trash pile of judicial history.

All three were egregious over-reaches by the court.

Next they can fix 2nd amendment end runs, Chevron deference, and the idiotic concept of qualified immunity.
Alito is the new Roger Taney.
Actually, he finally stepped-up and established that it’s ok for the SCOTUS to confess that a prior decision was baseless and wrong. Almost worthy of a new chapter in JFK’s Profiles in Courage.
Unfortunately, the news is covering this more as a crime of the leak itself than what the leak says.

We all know it was a democrat that leaked it so dems in congress could push packing the courts to save RVW. Here we go. Be prepared for endless hearings and speeches.
I don't think that's what happened here.
Perhaps---McConnel just gave his little speech talking about CRIMINALLY going after whoever ( a clerk is what the dems are claiming) leaked the dicussions?

Did McConnel do something intelligent for once? Did he set a trap for our idiotic (Gainsburg was intelligent--two of the three other dem justices are just stupid stupid people) Supreme Court Justices? Did one of them, Jackson (I am not naming names), leak secret information putting the other justices in DANGER as McConnel put it-----A CRIME that would have even our corrupt Justice removed from office?
I realize you regret it, but the states you falsely accuse of simply being “authoritarian” will err on the side of life. I know how that must hurt a person of your natural moral infirmities.
Authoritarians alway contrive excuses for suppressing personal freedom and ramming their statism down the throats of everyone else.

The practical impact of legislating from the bench an unpopular ruling will be that the authoritarians will only seize control in regressive states.
Yes they have. Trump was gifted with 3 appointments by virtue of Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider Merrick Garland, and by ramming through the ACB appointment days before the election. That gave a twice impeached criminal President, who failed to ever win the popular vote, three SC picks.

That's the very definition of "packing the court".
Only if you change the actual accepted definition of packing the court. You're definition of "guy I dont like getting to appoint justices I also dont like" isnt packing the court.
Authoritarians alway contrive excuses for suppressing personal freedom and ramming their statism down the throats of everyone else.

The practical impact of legislating from the bench an unpopular ruling will be that the authoritarians will only seize control in regressive states.
Yeah. You “enlightened” progressive types always find a way to dismiss defending human life of the innocent preborn.

SCOTUS did legislate from the bench in 1973 and it took almost 50 years to repair that horrific mistake.
These is a moment of intersectionality opportunity. Do not allow the left the luxury of the word “woman” in the context of this nearly erupted debate wherever it arises. Correct them at every turn. Remind them they are not biologists. Shove their preferred pronouns back down their throats until they gag.
Authoritarians alway contrive excuses for suppressing personal freedom and ramming their statism down the throats of everyone else.

The practical impact of legislating from the bench an unpopular ruling will be that the authoritarians will only seize control in regressive states.
So in your head it's less authoritarian for the SCOTUS dictate to the states whether abortion is murder than individual state electorates deciding that for themselves? Regardless of your stance on abortion or any other issue for that matter I dont see how state legislatures which are infinitely more answerable to constituencies than Federal ones and certainly the USSC could be seen as more authoritarian. They just dont have the power to be certainly not for any lengthy period of time unlike at the Federal level.
Authoritarians alway contrive excuses for suppressing personal freedom and ramming their statism down the throats of everyone else.

The practical impact of legislating from the bench an unpopular ruling will be that the authoritarians will only seize control in regressive states.

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