Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Then, child labor laws, women's suffrage, and emancipation. The authoritarians are on a retrogressive roll!

No, you're deceived. America corrected it's wrongs with the emancipation proclamation and will do the same when it overturns abortion.....a practice that kills innocent unborn lives. Same with gay marriage. You need to adjust your moral compass 180 degrees.
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Is anyone else noticing a huge increase in the amount of useless thread pollution in here? It's like the written version of LA smog.


Probably a dozen unmerged threads on the same topic, too.

A thinkin feller might wonder if the reason for leaving it all so fragmented that is to quickly bury discussion with regard to all of the other failures of the administration. The economy. Inflation. All of the crime. The Biden administration's efforts to work in synergy with the cartels to bring all of the illegals and drugs into the country, etc...

If it were anything else, it'd probably be the old line about we're plum tarda mergin threads around here....
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No, you're deceived. America corrected it's wrongs with the emancipation proclamation and will do the same when it overturns abortion.....a practice that kills innocent unborn lives. Same with gay marriage.
Your support of authoritarianism dictating your personal opinions to everyone is noted.
Your support of authoritarianism dictating your personal opinions to everyone is noted.

Nope, those are natural laws. You misunderstand. The fed state has no business approving murder of the unborn. Ill always stand against this abhorrent practice. Always. Authoritarianism embraces such abominations as abortion, gay marriage, slavery etc.
So you are saying that a state can decide if a fetus has protection under the Constitution of the United States?

What I am saying is that IMHO the US Constitution does not have any basis for making that determination, and neither does any federal statute. Therefore, it ought to be up to the individual states to make that call but it has to be under that state's Constitution or laws.
That's true. Very true. Many fathers suffer because they watch as their children are aborted on a whim, on top of their economic struggles.

When I discuss sex with either of my sons, right after I say, "You make a baby, you WILL take responsibility and be a father", I say, "And remember that once you have sex, you're giving control of your child to the woman you had sex with, so don't stick your dick in crazy OR evil."
So what is your point?
You think if women want it, they will not find somebody to meet the demand, even on the underground economy?
They made liquor illegal, but illegal outlets abounded and there are still moonshiners and bootleggers today. They made drugs illegal. Still sold every day to meet the demand.
Surely you didn't think they stopped it or will stop it when the decision actually comes out.
Watch that stock price. It might move on expectation of higher profits on increased product demand.
I gave no opinion anybody could object to, just stating the facts of the new legal situation.

The Right to Choose isn't just on the ballot - it's the whole ballgame this November.
you seem to have great confidence that living conditions for average Americans arent going to be worse in nov ...
war , inflation, skyrocketing fuel prices and crime and maybe a recession are what Americans are facing !
Why do republicans play the abortion games and right before elections that they should be winning a bunch of seats. This is a stupid political move----you wanna make a bunch of women remember why they hate republicans right before an election---going after abortion is the way to do it.

Why do squishes insist on believing that any issue other than, "Let's cut taxes" MUST automatically be a loser for Republicans?

Sack up, dude.

Also, as a woman, may I just say, "Fuck you" for your assumption that women are all fanatically in favor of killing our children?
I share with all my pals here on this board an image from Truth which was provided by my old friend, the infamous Catturd:


To be clear; I doubt thatCatturd actually knows of my existence. But I don’t care. I consider him a friend all the same.
Do any of these yahoos realize it just returns the decision back to the states?

No one "outlawed" abortions. My goodness. THE DRAMA

I think a lot of them DO realize that, and that's actually what they're freaked out about. Leftists are not in favor of democracy, no matter how much they gas about it.
the rights of 100 million women are on the ballot. look for a blue tsunami in November
One in four women in the USA have abortions before the age of 40. Women will continue to have abortions, but instead of medically safe abortions, you're going back to women bleeding out in emergency rooms from botched attempts.

Those of us who remember what it was like before abortion was legal, will not go back to these days. There is simply no excuse for this. I'm grateful I live in a country where women's rights are respected.

"Look at all these talking points I insist you believe! So THERE!"

Whatever, LizardBitch.

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