Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I don't know a lot about the internal workings of the Supreme Court - I doubt anyone who doesn't actually work there does - but I don't think Alito would have written up the draft opinion unless there was a reasonable idea of how the vote was going to go.

From what I can understand from people who are lawyers (as I am not), the draft was written to circulate to the other Justices to allow them to see what he had in mind, discuss and debate it, and possibly even change their votes before the whole thing becomes official. For him to be writing it at all, they had to have taken a vote with him in the majority. However, the votes remain fluid until the decision is officially handed down, and the majority opinion can go through multiple drafts.
When a case comes before the Supreme Court the basis of the case comes up for discussion among the justices. They decide whether to accept it or reject the case. Once a case has been accepted the Chief Justice assigns it to an associate justice to write an opinion. The draft opinion is circulated among the justices and gets returned with comments from justices and their clerks. The draft opinion gets rewritten. It might go through this process several times. Every justice may write either a concurring or dissenting opinion. Sometimes dissenting opinions get cited more than the majority opinion. I don't understand where you think a vote comes in.
At the end of the day....

WOMEN should be the ones to decide what happens with their bodies. If they don't want to carry a baby to term, that should be their decision and no one else's. 70% of Americans agree with me. #Shrugs to those who don't.

1. A growing baby is NOT "their body." Stop your malicious lying.
2. Fathers have no rights according to your Left Wing Dogma. Then why can they be ordered to pay child support for 18 years when "her body" is born?
3. Most people throughout history had no problem with slavery either. You approve of that do you?
Harvesting unborn baby organs.png
You didn't read my comment.
I am saying it's wrong to overturn abortion. The Republicans are not going to pay for these children's lifelong care.
So this overturning makes no sense. That was my point.

I think you're ASSuming he didn't read your comment because you don't like hearing what you actually said.

First of all, your apparent idea that people's behavior is in no way affected or changed by changing circumstances is naive. So "these children" will be a smaller number than you're expecting. Second, we're not obligated to "pay for lifelong care" in order to oppose killing someone. That's nonsensical. Third, unwanted children have always been taken care of, and will continue to be. Fourth, pro-lifers already put out money, time, and effort to help mothers and children, thank you very much.
1. A growing baby is NOT "their body." Stop your malicious lying.
2. Fathers have no rights according to your Left Wing Dogma. Then why can they be ordered to pay child support for 18 years when "her body" is born?
3. Most people throughout history had no problem with slavery either. You approve of that do you?View attachment 640196
Interesting post and a nice Ben Carson quote.
Yes but you're missing the point. The real reason this opinion was leaked to the public when it was, was to put abortion on the front page of every paper and discussion so that when the 2000 Mules movie came out the following day, all attention once again would be elsewhere.

I'm not "missing" any point, thank you. I answered the question asked, so please don't try to make it about "missing the point" because I didn't talk about what YOU wanted to talk about.
At the end of the day....

WOMEN should be the ones to decide what happens with their bodies. If they don't want to carry a baby to term, that should be their decision and no one else's. 70% of Americans agree with me. #Shrugs to those who don't.

At the end of the day, women should decide what happens with their bodies while it's still just their bodies, and not involving separate bodies of other people. If they don't want to carry the baby to term, that should be their decision BEFORE THEY MAKE A BABY. 70% of Americans do NOT agree with you, as can be seen by the way you want to impose your worldview on people without letting them have a say. If you really believed that everyone thinks your position is great, you'd put it on the ballot.
I'm not "missing" any point, thank you. I answered the question asked, so please don't try to make it about "missing the point" because I didn't talk about what YOU wanted to talk about.

Geez, what a crab, and still missing the point. Get your head out of your ass and try to realize I wasn't talking about YOUR point but was making an entirely NEW ONE about the real reason why this decision was leaked and now!

Not that you'd care anything about that, right?
All of those things are currently happening.

Gay marriage is next on the extreme right agenda. The leaked decision laws the groundwork for overturning gay rights as well. There are a lot of privacy related laws which are tied to Roe, beyond abortion. Trump's Supreme Court is poised to wipe out civil rights the American people have fought for 50 years to obtain.
Are you ever not a stupid dumbfuck? In this leaked opinion (an illegal act in itself) it specifically states that this applies to abortion only. As in you don’t have a constitutional right to one. So take your dictator loving lying ass and hit the bricks. agree to late term abortions......even at birth.......

BLM.............BABIES LIVES MATTER.............HUH
NO. I do not agree with late term abortions. But in the normal reasonable time that women have traditionally had abortions I think it is their business. And I (BEING A GUY) don't want to have a baby with every chick that has an accident. It happens & sometimes I would rather not bring a child in the world that neither of us wants. Just being honest with you.
NO. I do not agree with late term abortions. But in the normal reasonable time that women have traditionally had abortions I think it is their business. And I (BEING A GUY) don't want to have a baby with every chick that has an accident. It happens & sometimes I would rather not bring a child in the world that neither of us wants. Just being honest with you.
Too drunk for the rubber huh............Most states allow abortion into a few months...........If she can't figure out by then she is an idiot.

Why Should California be able to allow their views in Alabama.................They are down with late term..........which is barbarism..........I do not live there and can flip them off from afar.......but we don't allow that shit here....

State's rights.
1. A growing baby is NOT "their body." Stop your malicious lying.
2. Fathers have no rights according to your Left Wing Dogma. Then why can they be ordered to pay child support for 18 years when "her body" is born?
3. Most people throughout history had no problem with slavery either. You approve of that do you?View attachment 640196

I'm a WHITE JEWISH GUY here. So I don't know why you keep bringing up Black issues.

A lot of these babies are better off if they stay in heaven.

ABORTION IS NOT MURDER -- the fetus is not a fully human being right away.

We have enough unwanted children on this planet that nobody takes care of. Nobody wants to pay taxes for.

Children should be planned & wanted. Let these WOMEN decide what they will do with their bodies.
When a case comes before the Supreme Court the basis of the case comes up for discussion among the justices. They decide whether to accept it or reject the case. Once a case has been accepted the Chief Justice assigns it to an associate justice to write an opinion. The draft opinion is circulated among the justices and gets returned with comments from justices and their clerks. The draft opinion gets rewritten. It might go through this process several times. Every justice may write either a concurring or dissenting opinion. Sometimes dissenting opinions get cited more than the majority opinion. I don't understand where you think a vote comes in.

I don't think they write an "Opinion of the Court" prior to the vote. Only the Justice assigned to write the majority opinion does that.

Here's how it works, so far as I can determine. The Justices read the briefs submitted by the attorneys and hear oral arguments. After the oral arguments, the Justices meet and hold a preliminary vote. The opinion of the court is then assigned to a member of the majority in that vote to write; the senior Justice of the minority, if there is one, assigns the dissenting opinion to one of the group to write. The other judges can write out their own individual opinions to clarify their own positions, and they can change their minds about their votes up to the point that the official decision is handed down. But those opinions aren't marked "Opinion of the Court".

We know Chief Justice Roberts assigned Alito to write what he wrote, which means that at least five of the Justices voted in accordance with Alito in that preliminary vote.
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Yes they have. Trump was gifted with 3 appointments by virtue of Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider Merrick Garland, and by ramming through the ACB appointment days before the election. That gave a twice impeached criminal President, who failed to ever win the popular vote, three SC picks.

That's the very definition of "packing the court".
Legal appointments you stupid piece of shit. Nothing illegal about it and not “packing the court”. Now STFU about this country you Nazi loving asshole.
I'm a WHITE JEWISH GUY here. So I don't know why you keep bringing up Black issues.

A lot of these babies are better off if they stay in heaven.

ABORTION IS NOT MURDER -- the fetus is not a fully human being right away.

We have enough unwanted children on this planet that nobody takes care of. Nobody wants to pay taxes for.

Children should be planned & wanted. Let these WOMEN decide what they will do with their bodies.
So in the 3rd trimester it's ok to MURDER THEM OVER MONEY.. then they are forming......Do they have a soul you know.

How about the women make up their damn mind early on..........And there are plenty of great people who grew up in foster homes .

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