Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

That's not a decision for you to make.

Whether to terminate a pregnancy within her own body up to the point of viability is a personal decision that has been respected under law for the past half century in America, as is the case in most advanced nations (not in Iran, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras where the State imposes its edicts.) If politicians and bureaucrats suddenly seize that control away from an American, it is a statist arrogation of personal freedom.

Authoritarians can lash out and spew their childish ad hominems when that truth is honestly stated, but that's the way it is.
Shitlap is spewing shit. If a woman wishes to have the size of her breasts augmented or reduced, she is dealing with her own body. But once she starts trying to exterminate a separate and distinct human being inside her, it is no longer necessarily a “personal” matter. The preborn child gets no voice but society may speak on behalf of the helpless.

Dishonest hacks like Shitlap try to make it sound like the State is imposing a requirement that conception-capable women have a duty to meet a quota. Shitlap is basically a liar. The State has no authority to require a woman to get pregnant. But the State does have several reasons for its own existence and one of the big reasons is to protect life.
No, "we people" didn't "invent" anything. The term "unborn child" has been used for as long as people have known that that growing bulge in a woman's abdomen resulted in birth. Even more commonly, the unborn child was simply referred to as "the baby".

In fact, the preferred terms "embryo" and "fetus" that ignorant pro-aborts use in the mistaken belief that they denote something different from an unborn child ACTUALLY MEAN "unborn child".
To add, our fearless leader, Joe O'Biden actually referred to those who are killed through abortion as Children on Tuesday.

I think that the truth may be sneaking out due to the senility.
Nice attempt at a dodge, but it doesn't skate you past the fact that the topic of my post was you trying to define what my position is. So don't come at me telling me what I believe, and then when you're called on it think you can change the subject to "generously" offering your permission to believe what I want, as though you have any authority to give me permission for shit.
If you’re anti abortion because you think it’s killing babies and you aren’t doing something drastic about it you’re lying. You can’t have those two viewpoints. They are inconsistent.
If you’re anti abortion because you think it’s killing babies and you aren’t doing something drastic about it you’re lying. You can’t have those two viewpoints. They are inconsistent.

If you're pro-abortion, you have no instructions to give me on how to behave whatsoever. If you imagine that I need your approval of my viewpoints, you're delusional. Save your "rulings" for someone who gives a shit.
Many people do mourn the loss of a pre-born baby. Miscarriage and Abortion are 2 distinctly different things ethically. one has intent, the other doesnt.
So I’m the father of dead children? It was an amazing 6 weeks that we knew each other. Can I answer that I have 4 kids, 2 deceased, on forms and surveys and what not?
If you're pro-abortion, you have no instructions to give me on how to behave whatsoever. If you imagine that I need your approval of my viewpoints, you're delusional. Save your "rulings" for someone who gives a shit.
Like I thought. I don’t believe abortion is murder so I’m not sitting around the house thinking babies are being murdered. YOU are. How do you live with yourself?
If you’re anti abortion because you think it’s killing babies and you aren’t doing something drastic about it you’re lying. You can’t have those two viewpoints. They are inconsistent.
Just because huh. Depends on how long the baby has been cooking. When dies life begin. Our rights dont begin where yours end.

BTW. Your side is losing. Red States are done with your insanity. Doesnt make abortion illegal in this country. Just means you cant do it here.

50 states decide their laws. Cali no longer to tell other states what they can and can not do.
that is such a juvenile argument. pre born babies are no more a part of the mothers body than the shoes i am wearing are a part of mine. they live in the mothers body for 7-9 months, but they are certainly not a part of that mothers body.

that pre born person has an individually unique genetic code that is in every case different than that of the mothers.

to put another way, am I a "part" of the apartment I used to live in? of course not. it was just a place i lived for a short period of time.
28% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage. Wow. That’s a lot of dead humans. Are they all in heaven? If a woman is unhealthy and miscarries is it child abuse? Manslaughter? Pre born. Lol. What a crock of shit.
Like I thought. I don’t believe abortion is murder so I’m not sitting around the house thinking babies are being murdered. YOU are. How do you live with yourself?
Once the baby is 3rd or better I believe it is a baby.

Riddle me this. Why is a pregnant mother murdered called a double homocide??

I sleep just fine knowing I dont preach standing on a pulpit built on dead babies.
Just because huh. Depends on how long the baby has been cooking. When dies life begin. Our rights dont begin where yours end.

BTW. Your side is losing. Red States are done with your insanity. Doesnt make abortion illegal in this country. Just means you cant do it here.

50 states decide their laws. Cali no longer to tell other states what they can and can not do.
The law is viable except when deemed necessary by a doctor. Then you should be happy with roe wade.
If you're pro-abortion, you have no instructions to give me on how to behave whatsoever. If you imagine that I need your approval of my viewpoints, you're delusional. Save your "rulings" for someone who gives a shit.
You have spunk! I like spunk! (Are you old enough to get the reference?)

And of course I agree with you.
28% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage. Wow. That’s a lot of dead humans. Are they all in heaven? If a woman is unhealthy and miscarries is it child abuse? Manslaughter? Pre born. Lol. What a crock of shit.
ShittyCrock confuses “natural causes” with “intentional killing.” What a moron he is.
28% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage. Wow. That’s a lot of dead humans. Are they all in heaven? If a woman is unhealthy and miscarries is it child abuse? Manslaughter? Pre born. Lol. What a crock of shit.
So that is excuse to abort them even at the time of birth.

You are twisted.
The law is viable except when deemed necessary by a doctor. Then you should be happy with roe wade.
Roe Wade is dying . We dont agree. Go live with the barbarians in California and stop telling other states what to believe.

It is Not your decision.
I will summarize the ruling (not final, but likely):

It is simply allowing the citizens of each state to decide whether or not to allow abortion, and if so, under what terms. Why should some leftist in Vermont or New York get to tell Ohio residents what their laws must be?

And this is how the Constitution intended things to be. The SCOTUS is correcting the incorrect ruling from 50 years ago.
So I’m the father of dead children? It was an amazing 6 weeks that we knew each other. Can I answer that I have 4 kids, 2 deceased, on forms and surveys and what not?

You can if you want. Or don't. Forms have not a damned thing to do with it.

My mother had a baby between my older sister and older brother. She was in her eighth month, and fell down a flight of ice-covered stairs. The fall sent her into premature labor, and the baby lived in the hospital for about a week before he died. In all the almost-60 years since then, I can't recall her ever having to fill out a form that asked her the total number of babies she'd had; the only questions she was ever asked on forms was along the lines of, "How many children do you have living in your home?"

By the way, she only "knew" my brother for eight months. She's mourned him for 60 years.
If you’re anti abortion because you think it’s killing babies and you aren’t doing something drastic about it you’re lying. You can’t have those two viewpoints. They are inconsistent.

Lol, she gave birth to her children instead of killing them in utero. That's about as drastic an action as she could take, given that she carried the children and went through the terrible pain of giving birth.

That's called consistently acting on one's beliefs.

Now, where do you get off telling her what her (a woman) views on abortion should be? Hmm?
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Like I thought. I don’t believe abortion is murder so I’m not sitting around the house thinking babies are being murdered. YOU are. How do you live with yourself?

It's not myself I have to live with. I'M not the sociopath writing off human life like it's a large bowel movement. I think it's obvious how I live with you: with great impatience.

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