Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Progressive western nations respect women no matter what choice they make regarding abortion.
True. Authoritarian nations arrogate power over their wombs.

Iran, Egypt, Honduras, El Salvador, and China are prime examples of such rabid, intrusive statism.
You see it as a life, obviously the women who have abortions do not see it that way if they are lucky. You seem to think this is a real choice, it isn't for some. I'm sure there are many, many married women who have to have abortions that wanted a child instead. We are only human, we can't control everything. Beliefs are a lot more powerful than you think. When beliefs conflict with reality, you must question the beliefs.

That is literally the first time, in all these pages, that you've even acknowledged the smallest part of what we believe, and the fact that we believe it.

What does it say about you and your argument that it's taken you this long to even notice that?
You're the one posting about what liberals say to and about women...if you can't actually say what that is, your posts mean nothing.

I'm not interested in what liberals say, because 1) I'm not a liberal, and 2) because they are almost always wrong on a plethora of issues. Including this one. I only pay attention to them because of how trivial it is sometimes to prove them wrong or catch them in their own lies and hypocrisy.

Do you honestly not see me railing on abortion in this thread? Or any other abortion thread that's been posted ad nauseam for the 9 years I've been here?
You mean respect women who agree with progressivism. Otherwise, as evidenced in this thread, they call them losers, bitches, and so forth. And if that isn’t enough, they will allow a boy to compete in a high school girls’ sporting event, and kill the girl’s’ hopes for college scholarships.

Oh, yeah, let's not forget that many of the same people currently telling us they're "champions" and "voices" for women were also telling us a month ago that "woman" couldn't possibly be defined, that men could BE women, that concerns about safety and privacy and fair competition were all just "transphobia" and far less important than "fairness" and the hurt feelings of those who wanted to be women (whatever that is).

I think it's pretty obvious that the only "right" these people want women to have is to be handy, disposable masturbatory tools for men, with no messy complications when those men get what they want and are ready to vanish. I don't respect that, and I'm not going to playact that it's some serious, noble cause.

I won't pretend that I don't want to live in a society where unborn babies aren't viewed as the enemies of their own mothers, where women feel entrapped and enslaved by their own femaleness and desperately try to be smaller, weaker versions of men. But I'm willing to achieve that by arguing and debating and convincing other people to agree with me, and I'm happy that we're getting back to a place where people decide what their society is, instead of being told by their "betters".
Have you ever looked at a graph on abortion. 34% of them occur between the first and sixth week of pregnancy. There is no brain in an embryo at that time just a brain stem. Another 18% have it done during the 7th week, there is a heartbeat at that point from a primitive heart and the brain is beginning to form. Now we got more than half of them done,52%. Most all the rest are done before the first trimester screening occurs or while it's occurring. We have entered the fetal stage at that time. About 85% of all abortions are completed by this time. The number of abortions gets less and less and ends up with ,005 % of them being late term abortions. Decent folks also have problems forcing other people to live by their rules. Received for the most part most of these people do live by the rules. Maybe they're not very smart, maybe they're very poor, maybe,maybe, maybe, it doesn't matter,it's their life. Only they should have the right to decide what to do and I'm sorry if that's it's badly with you. You definitely got a problem then. I'm just hope these women are mature enough to compartmentalize this aspect of their life and move on and learn from it all. That would be a success for everyone.

Decent folks DO have problems forcing other people to live by their rules. And then there are pro-aborts, who have forced the entire country to live by their rules for 50+ years, and now want to whine about the "fascism" of the people voting on the issue, instead of just letting a bunch of lawyers in robes tell them how it's going to be, and that it's "much too important an issue" for the people to weigh in.
I find the irony between celebrating Mother's Day and the hysteria over overturning Roe vs. Wade mind boggling.

CNN starts every "newscast" with a warm Happy Mother's Day to all Moms, then they dig into their lead story driving home their narrative that 66% of Americans believe that women have the right to terminate pregnancies.

Men and women have the right and responsibility to use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies. You don't have to kill the child.

Happy Mother's Day!
Speak, Fifi, speak! Good girl! Now roll over!

I just heard, "Why can't these damned broads shut up and do as I want? Do they think they're people, or something?"

I'm laughing at you, Dickless. And you're still not going to wave your "Gotcha!" line at anyone else until you either deal with the answer you thought you wouldn't get, or admit that you're a lying, cowardly weasel.

Insult me all you want. I'm used to that from impotent losers who resent strong women.
We should let states set their own gun laws then.

Except for that pesky Constitution thingy that you so conveniently ignore in your rush to dismiss anything you don't like.

It continues to amaze me that some people will hysterically defend the "Constitutional right" of something that appears nowhere in the Constitution, but then turn around and demand that something that ACTUALLY APPEARS IN THE CONSTITUTION be done away with.
Why are you making that up?

Senators Collins and Murkowski are conspicuous examples of Republican women who support a woman's freedom.

Authoritarian, repressive laws are unpopular.

Also, imagine how authoritarian and repressive it would be if I had the power to strip you of your right to vote on this particular issue, one way or the other?

That's what the liberal argument is. Let Roe stand so people nationwide are forbidden to vote on it, one way or another.

They are scared of the ones who vote against it, as are you.
Reproductive health is an oxymoron as used by pro-murdering Leftists.

They deny reproduction and champion killing helpless infants any time.
There is NOTHING "healthy" about murdering the baby while conferring a lifetime of guilt to the woman who decide to kill it.

Men are doing life in prison for killing unborn babies. Scott Peterson is one example but there are many others.

NO WOMAN, whatever brain dead "progressives" say they are, is in prison for killing an unborn baby she carried.

This is as sick as it is unjust and evil.
Reproductive health is an oxymoron as used by pro-murdering Leftists.

They deny reproduction and champion killing helpless infants any time.
There is NOTHING "healthy" about murdering the baby while conferring a lifetime of guilt to the woman who decide to kill it.

Men are doing life in prison for killing unborn babies. Scott Peterson is one example but there are many others.

NO WOMAN, whatever brain dead "progressives" say they are, is in prison for killing an unborn baby she carried.

This is as sick as it is unjust and evil.
And at the same time, they argue against the death penalty for even a pedophile who murders a child because “it’s not up to us to take a life.”

Democrats always defend the wrong people.
Even if authoritarians institute draconian measures against women, medical reality and the woman's vastly superior awareness of her own personal circumstances mean that her exercising her freedom to make personal decisions in consultation with loved ones, spiritual advisers and health care professionals whom she trusts is vastly preferable to anonymous bureaucrats dictating their impersonal blanket edicts to her.
I agree. Meant as a joke, when one develops cancer should we also go to the bureaucrats or go to our doctor. Abortion laws have no place in our society. Women should not be second class citizens, that doesn't happen in first class ( free ) Nations.

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