Romney was not a good governor, so why would he be a good president?

Romney was not a good governor, so why would he be a good president?

He's white.
I feel like I did in fifth grade when I tried to convince my friends that pro-wrestling was fake.
I don't see anything in Romney's past that qualifies him to be president - neither in his poor record as governor nor his record as a vulture capitalist.

Obama has not been a good President, so why do you think he will be better? 4 more years of nothing and blaming republicans and Bush.....yeah that's what intelligent people are a dunderhead

But poor old Rom., is starting to become a bit of a flip-flog,changing his mind!!!!! to suit the media polls......he reckons he can empathise(or empathize) with the poor,??????whilst taking his morning breakfast of Russian Caviar......What a man.

Gotta hand it to him,he feels great pain and empathy....NOT:eusa_hand:

just sayin steve
I don't see anything in Romney's past that qualifies him to be president - neither in his poor record as governor nor his record as a vulture capitalist.

Obama has not been a good President, so why do you think he will be better? 4 more years of nothing and blaming republicans and Bush.....yeah that's what intelligent people are a dunderhead

Trouble was Bush was pathetic and shit if a Repub had got in,you would now be living in mud huts.

What on earth makes you think Romo will be unlike Bush????????? just ain't thinking are you.
If he is like the last businessman we had as president the will complete the destruction of america as we know it. And it will lead to seniors, poor and disabled placed in government run poor farms.
Federal, State or Local government cannot be run like a business with the american people as stock holders.

There are two problems here. The first is that history has already shown that successful businessmen are terrible for the free market whenever they get anywhere near government power. The second is that government cannot be run like a business. Its very nature makes that utterly impossible.

Government cannot be run like a business | The Daily Caller
It seems to me that Romney would run the United States like he ran Bain. But despite all the bluster and misdirection from the right, the United States government cannot and should not be run like a business.

The United States has a responsibility to deliver more than profits. It has an obligation to protect its citizens and promote the general welfare. It must think strategically in the long term to guarantee these things, even if the decisions it makes do not offer an immediate return of investment of the size you can stash in an offshore account.
Why Obama's Bain attacks are working against Romney -
It seems to me that Romney would run the United States like he ran Bain. But despite all the bluster and misdirection from the right, the United States government cannot and should not be run like a business.

The United States has a responsibility to deliver more than profits. It has an obligation to protect its citizens and promote the general welfare. It must think strategically in the long term to guarantee these things, even if the decisions it makes do not offer an immediate return of investment of the size you can stash in an offshore account.
Why Obama's Bain attacks are working against Romney -

One of the most sensible posts on USMB for a while....Lilo RESPECT.steve:clap2:
I don't see anything in Romney's past that qualifies him to be president - neither in his poor record as governor nor his record as a vulture capitalist.

Obama has not been a good President, so why do you think he will be better? 4 more years of nothing and blaming republicans and Bush.....yeah that's what intelligent people are a dunderhead

Blaming Bush just because he left Obama a recession. Unemployment rising, two wars and a debt. When he left office he did not take the debt or the over drown governmet check book with him. #*@%ing yeah he is the blame and the effect of his 8 years continues. They did not suddenly disappear when Bush disappeared. No wonder he want show is ugly face in public. He knows what he did and the continuing effect. Obama is paying Bush's screwing up the country which is costing trillions. NONE of the 5 trillion is Obama's:eusa_hand:
Plus the ignored the warning that Al Quade was going to attack the world trade center and cause two unnecessary wars Obama is paying for. It took Bush 8 years to break it and you except Obama to fix it in 4 years? )@#$%ing idiots.
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Obama's accomplishments in 4 years, Killed Bin Laden, Save a Country from a Psychotic Dictator, Past Obamacare to make Health Care Affordable, pulled the country out of a recession, visited every tragedy that hit the country, ended the War in Iraq, and brought back the auto industries, anything else he didn't accomplish like cutting taxes for the poor it's simply because the Republican's absolute refusal to allow him to accomplish so they can bully their way into office well I'm sick and tired off being treaded on by the Republican opposition and people it's time we stand up for whats right and fight for Obama to stay in office because he cares about us the people.

Bush's Accomplishments: Started the War in Iraq, attacking the Wrong Country, allowing Bin Laden to live, Raising taxes on the poor, stayed away from Louisiana after Katrina hit, out sourcing over 600,000 jobs over seas making alot of Americans unemployed picking fights with other Countries, bringing the country debt and a rescission allowed 9/11 to happen when he was given the opportunity to prevent it from happening.

my take on this Obama is working his ass off to finish 8 years of fucking up, it's not his fault but he manned up to do something about it, it's gonna take at least four more years to finish saving this country, allowing Romney to win is unpatriotic and lead us back to square one which too more than 50 years to get to where we are now, Obama will be responsible as president while Romney only wants to be President to parade around to his rich buddies about, Romney don't give a damn about the people all he cares about is how to get his pockets fatter than they already are.
It seems to me that Romney would run the United States like he ran Bain. But despite all the bluster and misdirection from the right, the United States government cannot and should not be run like a business.

The United States has a responsibility to deliver more than profits. It has an obligation to protect its citizens and promote the general welfare. It must think strategically in the long term to guarantee these things, even if the decisions it makes do not offer an immediate return of investment of the size you can stash in an offshore account.
Why Obama's Bain attacks are working against Romney -

I definitely agree with this point of view. It's not the job of government to "run" society like a business. It's not there to make us money. It's not there to tell what to do or how to live. We create government to make it possible for us to live together peacefully and pursue our own individual visions of 'the good life' - not as a means of democratically defining the good life and mandating everyone follow along.

The problem with the current debate is that neither major party, neither major party candidate for president, shares this conviction. Each of them, albeit in different ways, wants to "run" society and our lives as though we were employees rather than citizens and taxpayers.

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