Ron Paul on the 1963 coup d' etat.

You are the proven liar and have never called out anything.

I have proven you a lair and on every failed thread you started and yoiu KNOW it as does everyone else.

You have long since been my bitch and continue to be my bitch
Everyone has proven Allen a liar. That’s easy peasy. Lol.
A mob hit man casually killed Oswald on national tv in a police headquarters that was the most secure and guarded building in the world that day.

Weird no?
Ruby was never a hit man and was not a memebr of any mob.

It was not the most secure or guarded building int he world or eveb close to it.
Ruby was never a hit man and was not a memebr of any mob.

It was not the most secure or guarded building int he world or eveb close to it.
Lol. He was the hit man that day. Did you not see it on TV? Lol.

Is it true Grandpa Dulles set up the hit on Oswald? Maybe he told you in his deathbed confession.
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bullshit, most of the Warren report was sealed for 75 years. Some was released. the rest remains sealed until 2038. Why?
See that is WHY nobody with a brain should reply to Allen Dulles grandson here,everytime he is getting his ass handed to him on a platter he always retreats to the Warren commission as his rebuttal which omits hundreds of facts and then claims he won.

i might as well be talking to a brick wall when I say don’t feed the troll though,to just use ignore as I have and talk about the assassination amongst yourselves. :cuckoo:
See that is WHY nobody with a brain should reply to Allen Dulles grandson here,everytime he is getting his ass handed to him on a plaster he always retreats to the Warren commission as his rebuttal which omits hundreds of facts.i might as well be talking to a brick wall when I say don’t feed the troll though,to just use ignore as I have and talk about the assassination amongst yourselves. :cuckoo:
Thats because you ignore no one you just pretend to.

you respond to every post because all you can do is sling shit in defeat like the semi trained chimp you are
Allen Dulles grandson soupnazi would commit suicide if this next election the two finalists came down to being between democrat rfk jr against ron Paul. :abgg2q.jpg: He was consulting daily enough as it was fir guidance everyday on the hotline when trump was in office bringing jobs back to America.:rofl::laughing0301:
yeah, sure, a mob guy with terminal cancer acted on his own to murder Oswald, sure.
He was not mob guy aand was not diagnosed with cancer until rwo years later.

Having terminal cancer is irrelevant and in fact woould make him more likely to take major risks. He was not bed ridden and easily healthy enough to run his own business.

Yoou faiuled to cast any doubt
He was not mob guy aand was not diagnosed with cancer until rwo years later.

Having terminal cancer is irrelevant and in fact woould make him more likely to take major risks. He was not bed ridden and easily healthy enough to run his own business.

Yoou faiuled to cast any doubt
facts are facts, your refusal do deal with them does not negate them. Kennedy was killed by a mafia hit. whether the CIA was involved we will probably never know. Why did they seal most of the Warren report for 75 years?
facts are facts, your refusal do deal with them does not negate them. Kennedy was killed by a mafia hit. whether the CIA was involved we will probably never know. Why did they seal most of the Warren report for 75 years?
The facts prove you wrong. You failed to present ANY fact reflecting on the mafia or cia or anyone else.

They sealed none of the Warren Commission report. It was publically available in it's entirety since it was publiched in 64. I
Nice supposition but no evidence to support it
They Are Called "Documents" Because They've Been Doctored

Who would reveal that kind of evidence? Oswald being eliminated when he should have immediately been kept under lock and key was far too suspicious.

Russia losing face by backing down must have cost a price to get them to do that. Jack Ruby being the hit man to prevent Oswald from revealing anything was poorly scripted, but Americans were in shock and could fall for any scenario.
They Are Called "Documents" Because They've Been Doctored

Who would reveal that kind of evidence? Oswald being eliminated when he should have immediately been kept under lock and key was far too suspicious.

Russia losing face by backing down must have cost a price to get them to do that. Jack Ruby being the hit man to prevent Oswald from revealing anything was poorly scripted, but Americans were in shock and could fall for any scenario.
Revelation has nothing to do with it. Without evidence it is supposition based on assumptions.

Oswald had to be moved whether he should have been better secured or not is a moot point. It was a local crime not a federal crime. Believe it or not he violated no federal laws at the time and had to be moved to jail.

Collosal fuck ups such as not providing adequate security is far moere plausible than some lame assumption about conspiracies.

Ruby was no hit man he was a simple murderer.
That is NOT why they called them documents.

If your silly theory was true than a price would have to be paid by any national leader who got one over on the Russians or made them lose face and none were killed.

Oswald was not prevented from doing anything as he was killed two days after he shot Kennedy. During those two days he talked to family and made phone calls to lawyers and even spoke to the media. If they needed him silenced he would have been killed before being arrested. But there wss simply no THEY
So you believe the CIA is not capable of this?
JFK and Bobby Were No Martyrs, Even Though They've Been Elevated to Sainthood

If the only alternative was thermonuclear war and they had help from the KGB, which provided Oswald, even the incompetent CIA could have created a mass of confusion to cover up what was really going on.

Khrushchev was taken down, too, and the American nukes were removed from Turkey. After bribing some Dallas policemen, the Mafia provided Jack Ruby, who was in debt and dying of cancer. The Mafia demanded a price for that hit.
The truth always wins. Don't let appearances
fool you.
Camelot Calamity

Everybody has been fooled by the media narrative that JFK was a great American and would have set things straight if he had lived. Everything he and Bobby did was a disaster for America, especially his spoiled-brat tough-guy act that almost caused World War III over what the Russians did, which was Khruschev's understandable response to our nukes across from the Crimea in Turkey.
facts are facts, your refusal do deal with them does not negate them. Kennedy was killed by a mafia hit. whether the CIA was involved we will probably never know. Why did they seal most of the Warren report for 75 years?
Redfish You got it partially right.kennedy was killed by a cia hit,the mob was involved at a lower level,the mob did not have the power or resources to pull off something of this magnitude ,only the cia could have as demonstrated in such excellent fashion in post # 25 page two by frank. :thup:

Do yourself a favor,don’t feed the troll,he is just seeking attention,the more and more you feed him,the happier he becomes.:trolls:the more you take his bait,the more he wins.let him make a jackass out of himself talking to himself as he always does with me addressing me in the first person when I have him on ignore proving he is desperate for attention.

E Howard hunt on his deathbed confession finally admitted he was in Dallas that day as part of a cia operation to kill kennedy mentioning some major players.
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