Ron Paul: Paris Attack 'Obscene,' But Blowback For French Interventionism...

Permanent War ain't the answer people. More Interventions/Wars will only make you less safe and lose more of your rights at home. Time for change. Time to come home and focus on our own country.
IOW, abject defeat.
You dont get it that Muslims arent interested in being left alone. They want hegemony. They want the West to become Muslim too.

Branch Paulinians don't get this. They have this fantasy that Muslims just want to be left alone in their own corner of the world and we keep harassing them and forcing them into acts of terror. Then they wonder why Ron Paul and his stupid lemming followers were set aside during the Republican primaries.
angd if we dont........then willy nilly immigration just to feel good about yourself is nothing more than russian roulette
It is .....see they all can claim to be moderates....but then a building blows up that they live in and DHS shows up and bulldozes it without an investigation.........makes ya go hhhmmmmmmmmm....... and how many on your list there .....and who compiles em...... you taking their word.......
It is .....see they all can claim to be moderates....but then a building blows up that they live in and DHS shows up and bulldozes it without an investigation.........makes ya go hhhmmmmmmmmm....... and how many on your list there .....and who compiles em...... you taking their word.......

Back to the simple minded view.

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